Orcposting thread

Can we get a good old fashioned Orcposting/Lord of the rings political memes thread going

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bump for interest

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Lol, someone post the one about banks

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>The name is borowmir
>He constantly tries to borow the ring
Does tolkien think im fucking stupid or something!?!?!? he cant keep fucking us over like that !!!

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>only few posts
I feel threads like these prove that it really is me, Jack, that femboy-Sven and the ancient Aussie that are the only real people posting here while the rest are bots and shills.

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im real

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No just most Americans are asleep

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part and parcel m8

Im not a bot you cunt

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Tolkien was based. Read on how he originally explained Orcs reproduction.

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We're living in the age of orcs

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>Im not a bot you cunt
That’s exactly what a bot would say.

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> 'As a fellow elf', stated Annatar
My sides

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i remember one with borin goldbags as the author

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Excellent thread, enjoyed these images


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Depending on how you interpret the lore, the Orcs represent NatSocs as Saruman encouraged a eugenics policy to breed the perfect warrior. This was a representation of Hitler, as Saruman had noteworthy speaking ability.

On the other hand, one can say the Elves and dwarves are the real Jews, the humans and Hobbits the gentiles.

Either way, the One Ring and Mordor represent the evil power of Communism.


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LoTR is a true story.
The hard part is telling whether it was our past or is going to be our future.

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I remember when these were exaggerated

Some OC

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The scary part is that the memes aren't what's changed

And again, I am reminding you of my prophet Doyle Davidson of the tribe of Joseph. He could look Dwarven. I'm not joking. His main topic was Jezebel

>Notwithstanding, I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, who calleth herself a prophetess,to teach and to seduce My servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

He got corrupted by other women going on the attack against his Church

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I was about to say that these are being surpassed with the actual propaganda that gets churned out these days

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Bump for comfy thread

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Bill Gates is a Hobbit. A very extravagant hobbit. He lives in the side of a hill

He's Smeagol

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Good thread

No that's just a shitty MMO

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Actual orcposting

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More OC

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these are brilliant, I have to watch the trilogy again soon. are the hobbit movies worth watching?

Hobbit movies suck desu
Even the LotR movies don't match the book; you lose many things, many different subtleties, from watching the movies

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>are the hobbit movies worth watching?
Yes, if you're a fanboy. There are some good parts in it

I dread the day the TV show will come out though, it's probably going to be pozzed as hell

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Not as good as the LOTR ones but still pretty good

yeah I read the books when I was like 10 but haven't touched them since, maybe I'll read and watch

yeah that's probably the whole reason they're making the show, they know the movies are beloved by right-wingers

cool thanks

Just tell us

Lol this one was always the best

They said that not only it had sex scenes, but most likely rape scenes too.

Moar lads. Only good thread

isn't mordor in middle earth tho

Who will they cast the orcs
>black people
>white people using orc-face

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why do (((they))) hate everything good

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Because they worship Morgoth, Melkor, also known as (Molech)

Does it involve elves being raped by goblins?

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my sides
melania and clinton

Lmao, underrated, saved

Because it's gonna leave you a bad taste in your mouth and it's gonna discourage you to even think about watching the original trilogy.
Of course they hate LOTR tho. Arguably the trilogy is about the unity of the European people against the foreign ugly shitskin invader.

Read the books, they are better.
Hobbit trilogy is OK, but LOTR trilogy is better

Thnx for this thread hobbits

Orcs are literal niggers you retard. Saruman is a Jew who endorsed racemixing & the Uruh-kais are mutts. The Elves are whites based off of Scandinavians, the Hobbits are Irish farm people, & the Humans are Italians, & the Wizards are Anglos. JRR Tolkien was a realist when it came towards racemixing. None of what you typed made any fucking sense. Lurk more or read the damn books

Your welcome

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This. It's scary how many parallels the LOTR trilogy has to today's (((multicultural))) society.

No, spastic cunt

I've seen a few of these before but this is genius. Don't push it too far though or you will get LOTR turned into a hate symbol.

Yeah. At least it will be shit and nobody will remember it in a few years

funniest part is the actor is a Black man
He did a great act
>Baby Huruk-Hai kills Intendant's son Boromir


Maybe that should be a goal, it would wake a lot of people up.

Norf Orc anyone?

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You're going to have to post a better resolution user, I can barely see it

..which one?

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Who's Jack?



LotR is Harry Potter for people with IQs one standard deviation to the right.

watch the scene from Two Towers

If Obama had a son

Show flag

that orc in the middle looks similar to that tranny Richard Levine, just less fat and abominable

Imagine being such a braindead mutt you think this.

LotR and Tolkien's broader works are a capsule of pure English idealism, with rich prose and a detailed world he spent his life creating. Harry Potter is not particularly good children's literature that borrows every single one of its major characters and plot devices from Tolkien.

Shut up you fucking paki.

I'm an honest to goodness Anglo Saxon. White skin, blue eyes, freckles, slightly ginger-brown hair, and most importantly the ability to fucking read you grand high mong from the abyss.

>Harry Potter is not particularly good children's literature that borrows every single one of its major characters and plot devices from Tolkien.

>LotR is Harry Potter for people with IQs one standard deviation to the right.

You fucking said it yourself.

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just open it and delete the “m” from the url mr. phoneposter

Borrowind major themes from a source material and making a pig's ear of it doesn't devalue the source material you absolute troglodyte.

>"all of Mordor"
Ahhh. The cuck out qualification.
I want to hang, torture every BITCH NIGGER that only disagrees with 0.00001% of Leftist acts but has a fit over those minor quibbles!

The Typo Scrolls III: Borrowind.

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Morrowind has a better plot than LotR, and I don't remember any of it except the guy that drops from the sky and gives you jumping scrolls or whatever.

The actual plot of Morrowind is quite simple, fulfil an abbo prophecy then kill Dagoth Ur because the jew Tribunal don't like having their power contended. It's all the lore surrounding it that's interesting. All the lore that will never be in any future TES games because it's too interesting and fairly high concept.


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my keks

JRR Tolkien publicly rebuked Hitler when he praised his work dumbass.

At least Tolkien's children didn't have to speak German

Why are orcposts always so hamfisted and sloppy? This one is an exception. the author understands the enemy and doesn't bend over backwards to be understood, or make too many points at once. More like this.

They did have to watch the masses rape his vision. McDonald's promotions and TV shows.
Tolkien hated "hobbit chasers" and with good reason.
Glad Christopher died before seeing the amazon abortion.

Who are slavs?
werent humans divided between rohan and gondor?
imo rohan is slavs while gondor is west

I always enjoy this one.
All the LOTR shit is good though.

Goldforge lolololol

Is there an edition of books I should look for? I want to buy them but worried they've been pozzed. Is this a baseless worry?

>Mfw they cgi him in as Sauroman to give a speech about inclusiveness and how the valar approve of gay marriage.

Just you wait, I bet they're going to make Orcs seem like "right wing Nazis"

They may try to ruin it, but I will always remember when it was good and there's nothing they can do about it

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Yeah baseless worry, almost all versions of LOTR out there are just reprints with no revisions.

Orcposts cover a variety of topics, from terrorist attacks to the JQ. They're bound to be quite different in terms of subtlety.

Its just the new Amazon stuff that is pozzed.
The books are fine. Even the LOTR movies are 20 years ago before they forced black actors in to every role.

Actual news article

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Thanks niggers, I've seen the movies many times, it's time I really delve in

You're in for a treat, the books are fantastic and there's a lot of cool characters in them that the movies plain left out for ... I guess brevity but that seems like a stupid term to describe 3 x 3+ hour films.

>hobbit chasers
Wtf is a hobbit chaser?

Should I be reading The Hobbit then LOTR?

It's not imperative but The Hobbit is a really short read anyway so I'd say go for it

Pervs who are into south east asians

Funniest fucking thread I’ve seen in ages.

Cheers, lads.

I used to love this shit, I lost my folder full of orcposts though. Perfect for normie social media and it will help some connect the dots. It takes away the real world postmodern context where protecting one's race is evil and also makes Leftists and minorities seethe because many of them see themselves as orcs

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Someone needs to be arse raped for those hobbit flicks.

Me too user, me too.
It's going to be hard to ignore it, actively hoping it fails hard and fast.
Almost feel envious user. Would love to go in blind again. There is so much more to discover than the films (which are as good as they could be but I still wish they were never made).


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Prove it.

The films have already been made. Let them try and turn them into a hate symbol.


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That's why I'm asking, there are a couple.

> tfw orc posting is actually real

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One of the things that makes Morrowind so interesting is that the world is rather grounded. So you're always seeing the main events in the story through interpretations that others have put on them. Which is all the more interesting because the main plot is rooted in ancient history, quite literally as old as the people it all concerns itself with. A big component to the central prophecy in Morrowind is how people actively strive to fulfill it.

In contrast, Oblivion and Skyrim dumbed it down considerably and present most of the history of the setting as irrefutable facts, a flaw most mainstream Fantasy has. Much less of the setting was open to interpretation, to the point where Skyrim straight up tells you that the old friendly dragon did some war crimes waaaaaaaay back in the past, and the question is whether you give a shit when it should have been how anyone can even say that with any degree of veracity.


Good comparison really.
Compare the shit with Paarthunax in Skyrim where it just outright says Mario killed people lol to Vivec's supposed part in the killing of Nerevar and his constant denial of that vs his words in the 36 (37) Lessons of Vivec then his refusal to admit that in conversation while also lamenting Nerevar's death and expressing feelings of guilt, the drop in quality of the story telling is really stark.

Not the same but....

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bump for good ol' Dab Forums
I hate nu/pol/ so much, bros.

These are gold

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late reminder that in canon sauron did nothing wrong.

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2016 was a mistake. Hell, I'd argue anything pist-/new/ was a mistake.

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This one is fucking brilliant
civnat and migatards, ethots and ecelebs, all together

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killed me lmao

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Looking back, do you think moot should have just kept the plug pulled?

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Hail Satan.

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>the original:

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Orc slavery is literally the only reason I played that game.

The irony here is that Tolkien based Rohan off the Anglo-Saxons. Gondor/Arnor are Byzantine.


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LOTR is dead because Disney is going to remake it or some POZ like that is going to infect it.

So, better realize none have ever made a Silmarillion live action film or series and we should promote some ingenuity in that direction.


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Thanks for the thread. I'm keeping these.

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Fuck you nigger. Post tits or gtfo

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OP, this is the best thread that I have seen in a very long time on Dab Forums. I literally saved every one of these and have been sending them to my girl who is a HUGE fan of LOTR, and ironically is super liberal. I started off sending her the less racially charged ones, and slowly started throwing the more orcish ones in there. Her response? “OMG I can’t live without these now.”
>it is working

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She cant be THAT liberal if she likes LOTR?
She must only be liberal in a very superficial sense. Or maybe she doesnt understand LOTR when she is reading it...

Nah I've been trying to post quality shit content for a while, like last night see It's just no one does it with me and i feel alone. :*(

Well she WAS very liberal I should say, wanted to go to BLM protests and all that crap (this is before I got with her), but since reconnecting and getting together I’ve been slowly poisoning her world view. Just because you don’t actively browse Dab Forums doesn’t mean that your safe from its truths. ;)

Good job lad

If you've seen the cast for TLOR Amazon show, you'll find this very sad.

This is what treebeard actually looked like. Fucking racists turned him more treeish

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Sounds good. It is natural for women to assume the political beliefs of their men over time.
Some people get mad when women get a left wing boyfriend and become more left wing, But I actually agree with that because its normal and healthy.

I was even put off by the computer game cos it had niggers in it.
It just pulls you out of the story and reminds you that its something created in a board room based on surveys of 'what sells the best'.

>be walking through the forest
>See that cunt
>do a 360 and walk away

Nice user, that's pretty funny, I'll make a new one as soon as this one reaches it's limit

Saruman the white becomes Saruman of ((((many colours)))) when he becomes evil. That tells you enough.

Lawd'a duh rangs

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Liberalism is a complete and utter failure. It's clear that some people are just unable to live their lives without being kept in line. It is shit like this that will be the cause of a Civil War.

> I have in this War a burning private grudge—which would probably make me a better soldier at 49 than I was at 22: against that ruddy little ignoramus Adolf Hitler (for the odd thing about demonic inspiration and impetus is that it in no way enhances the purely intellectual stature: it chiefly affects the mere will). Ruining, perverting, misapplying, and making for ever accursed, that noble northern spirit, a supreme contribution to Europe, which I have ever loved, and tried to present in its true light.
He didn't like Hitler, but because of Hitler his country was at war with Germany. Again. It's not clear what he would think now.

That's when phoneniggers started to swarm the net en masse. I am currently forced to phonepost and I am experiencing a serious plunge in my posting, memecrafting and shitposting abilities. It turns you into a passive whore that's only able to passively receive, unable to create. The world & the Internet has become worse because of mobile phones and their users.

Back when they were the hot new shit I considered the another tech meme to die out. While I was wrong, I don't regret never getting one.

Yesterday, i took my LOTR book out of storage to reread it. Fun coincidence, and I laughed my ass off when I saw what Tolkien said in the foreword about people not liking his work

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Orcs are niggers

Lucky man. When i get my new battlestation, the first thing I am throwing out is this device from hell.
Everything about smartphones is shit; all the creators are Big Tech, Google owns Android (and made it semi closed source), new smartphones track EVERYTHING about their users, people who use it become agents for the global communism by being constantly tracked and sending back that info to the machine, it introduced 5G towers, it kills braincells and your body, its design is the black cube of saturn.. i could go on and on.

We don't need these things. Life was objectively better before 'smart' phones. These things are the mark of the beast and will be vital instruments in ushering in the shit period we are entering.

Reviewers have always been wrong, commies, and enemies of anything that aspires to greater values.

If you are just starting, read The Hobbit, then LotR, and finally The Simalrillion.

The world wars were psy ops Tolkein has a lot of secret knowledge hidden in his books I have only come to recognize as such having aged and become wisened. I'm not talking about this thread either there is yet more...

Take your meds

hello bot

Fucking kek, saved

Yes I’m a bit for calling you a schizo after you stated Tolkien work revealed to you that the world wars were psyops.

Tolkien is king but you’re a schizo.

No I'm right you are misinformed and cannot spell.


Kek'd, but really, white Americans are very white, and this is anathema to the jew

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I'm so tired of this shit.

checked trips mate

Real-world White Positive Activist present

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This is true... or at least they’re not on Dab Forums at 10:30 am like some of us

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>cucked by sauron
>can’t hit two guns against a rock to make a bigger gun
let me know when you’re ready for a real WAAAAGH

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Samoan, not black.

Guys pls stop. With every orcpost the portal between dimensions grows by a hair's width Already the memes are supplanting reality like in . You don't know what you're doing.

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Lord of the rings is cringe.

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This is actually a solid argument though.

What? Yeah, if the prime concern is consumption and the continued excessive income of globalist executives, then, sure, that’s the argument that use to justify the genocide of Whites and the destruction of cultures and ways of life.