Only two types of people exists

The world consists of two kinds of people; Psychos and Schizos, the rest are NPCs.

Schizos are Truth seekers. They value Truth over anything else. Their pattern recognition is more sharp and they see connections where others don’t.
The Psychos are Power seekers. They value Power over anything else. They lack empathy, because they realized most people are nothing more than mindless drones.

Psychos are the ones in power and command. Politicans, bankers, CEOs - all psychos. Psychos are the common enemy of mankind.

Some schizos try to break the conditioning and programming of NPCs, but rarely succeed.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Pretty much

so...three types of people. You fall into the NPC zone. You're a Dab Forums NPC

What if you are a schizo who taught himself how to be a psycho?..
D-does that make me t-the Ubermensch?..

NPCs can't be regarded as people. They're empty husks who do as they are told.

you mean autists and schizos how the good Prof. Dutton theorizes
In this world there are only
- Schizos
- Autists
- NPC's
Autistics are the master race

I'm not familiar with good Prof. Dutton. I prefer to form my own thoughts and ideas, rather than having them fed to me by some authority figure.

yeah but you know... there are some schizos that are also psycho but there are no schizos that are autistic.
That's why it makes sense to put them at the opposite sides of this autism / schizophrenia axis

You theory is old as time itself
in Gnosticism there are 3 types of people

Npcs - Hylics
Psychos - Psychics
Shizos - Pneumatics

Hylics tend to be the most stable and functioning people, they are essential for a functioning society to exist. They are materialistic and don't see beyond the flesh.
Psychics try to guide the hylics and to enforce the system. They can comprehend concepts which are passed down the generations and use those concepts to structure the society.
Pneumatics are parasitic people who reject reality and try to break the already established rules within the system. They are the shizos which think that there is something wrong with everything and that they need to break free. They are cancer cells which actively work against the organism.

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I nigger punched a jannie in the side wall the other day and up jumped the boogey

Based and nigger punch pilled

fuck psychos

Yep. You are following orders like you should. Good NPC. keep at it.

Schizophrenia is defined by similar social deficits to autism. Theyre basically the same thing,its just that schizos have hallucinations and delusons on top of being repetitive,asocial and having a monotone vocal tone. Theyre both oblivious to social cues as well

Rent free

Can someone send a vocaroo and say "Wopke Hoekstra" I want to know how foreigners pronounce it

>is defined by similar social deficits
this doesn't mean anything though, because two different mind structures coming from genetics can produce partially overlapping output (symptoms like asociality or flattened emotions, for different reasons) that can be interpreted by psychological theories as the same thing when in reality it's not.

based schizo is based and schizo pilled

And you can say "Aidrin Xper Mees"

This is the final redpill

Yea i agree with you
>there are no schizos that are autistic
Is a stupid take
>t. Autist who struggles with not go full blown schizo

checked for uncle Adolf

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Where the fuck to sociopaths factor into your calculation?

I disagree, an autist that is very good at rationally weed out inconsistent patterns would immediately abandon any schizo theory that has not enough evidence.
The soul of the schizo seeks to transform his theories into emotional experiences detached from logic.
Maybe it's possible to be both to a certain degree but completely? I don't think so.

This is literally the plot of the Matrix.

also according to the DSM-IV autism and schizophrenia are mutually exclusive diagnoses, maybe someone can confirm with his experience?

>Psychos are the common enemy of mankind.
Not always true, like I see the people around me as objects but like everything else it doesn't make sense to vandalize and destroy all the tools and equipment around you that you need to use to complete your goals, that would be retarded. It's beneficial if people are living prosperous lives which is why you can have psychopath types still help the aggregate despite not actually caring about you the individual.

NPCs who, overcome their programming and are unable to handle seeing the real world, are the ones who become a schizo you are describing. I'm talking about the ones who think reptilians rule the world and hide the true shape of the earth we live in.

Schizos literally believe animals can talk to them

Their pattern recognition is shot, it's why they're schizos in the first place

No youre just a stupid meth head projecting your insecurities online. None of that shit is real. It was made up to give ex drug addicts like crack and meth smokers jobs

It's a seven, not a one, you absolute spastic burger

Its called METH stop making up excuses for them

There is only good and evil.

And not enough souls for all the flesh on earth.

>the ones who think reptilians rule the world and hide the true shape of the earth we live in
these are the true schizos.
no actual autist would believe this crap without more evidence. there has been some weird shit happening around Antarctica tho... but probably only for military reasons

I wouldn't call em "schizos". Schizophrenia implies a dissociation from reality. That's NPC behavior -- they believe in a false reality created by the Psychos.

Call em Truthers. Or Christians. (I think Christianity originally revolved around the worship of Truth and Logos -- not some imaginary dude in another dimension. If you worship a god other than Truth, than you by-definition are worshipping a false god.)

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The fuck are you even talking about?

>Which actively work against the organism
And that’s a good thing.

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What do you know nigger? You aren’t autistic.

A red ball and a blue ball are both still balls, inconsistency be damned. Normies like you get so hung up on the fact that the color is different you can’t even recognize something as familiar as balls in your face.

I simultaneously inhabit no fewer than two dozen incompatible world views and seek to act in a manner that would navigate me towards good results across the maximum amount of my own personal multiverses. These aren’t mere probability branches within your mundane world, but a variety of universes each operating under different conditions with different masters and different win conditions.

he's probably an actual schizo lmao

dare I say... based?
even if I disagree that pneumatic == schizo

in Gnosticism, the Pneumatics are generally praised as the highest form of human. But i don't really agree with Gnosticism since i don't know a functioning gnostic society

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that would make 4188 which is wrong it's 1488 you absolute spastic burger, he's checking the Heil Hitler part

There are cults in the u.s. they talk in code to each other. This gets mistaken for drunks, mental probs, etc. But either way the cults are there communicating in the open

I think i am both a schizo and a psycho then. I see connections where others don't often. but i also desire power to control others.

just shut the fuck up

Every hylic-compatible reality tunnel is literally the plot of the matrix, newfag

You are wrong putting autist in psycho category they are basically schizos.
I agree that autists are "master race" tho.


NPCs aren't people.

>hey man, it’s not like I beat my slaves or anything, I’m not their enemy.

>The world consists of two kinds of people; Psychos and Schizos, the rest are NPCs.
That’s 3.

>all the world’s militaries are cooperating in Antarctica for military reasons.
The only way that would be valid is in a flat-earth scenario, schizo.

You passed the test.
You are the fourth kind of person.

Or maybe the elite is building bunkers down there for shelter when they initiate global purge.

How does that qualify as “military reasons”?

Also the elite won’t initiate the global purge nor will they likely ever leave Antarctica once it starts. At least not for another cycle.

Just enjoy your cheap electronics and digital distractions and stop complaining. An NPC person is never going to accomplish anything of value left to their own devices so it's better that an overlord capable of vision and thought organizes them into something useful, the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts and everyone is better off.

Military is on the payroll and under the command of that elite. And purge by use of nuclear ordinance in not out of the question either.

One schizo shakes the earth, ten change it forever. Psychos are just parasites.

And what have you accomplished in your life so far, supremely capable overlord?

You are an idiot if you think the elite are going to Antarctica to nuke everyone else.
They can kill 90% of humanity simply by removing a single block in our retarded jenga-tower of a society without ruining the planet.

>You aren’t autistic.
I am
and (You)
are a full blown, 100% batshit crazy schizophrenic
take your fucking meds

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t. schizo

I'm just throwing ideas at you because you said that involvement of military in the Antarctica would only be valid in a flat-earth scenario.

Pretty legit take desu. All people are bad at the top.

Christianity is NPC tier. It is based on believing on something for the good of mankind, or for purity not for the sake of truth itself. Christianity is comparable to wokeness.

Don't take it so personally, an overlord can be anyone like a president of a company for instance that delegates power to managers who oversee the underling workers. I can write some accomplishments here but this is Dab Forums where anyone can lie so you'll just take it for a grain of salt. Anyway here are some accomplishments that I think are worthy of merit, I have a PhD in chemical engineering science, I run a business from home designing and building custom electronics mostly for the HVAC industry, I have a stake in another company currently working to take advantage of the wuflu manufacturing sterilization equipment, when I have free time I've been pulling together a sizable amount of equipment to put together my own sort of evil lab that I just go with gut instinct on what feels right.

before Darwin christianity was a pretty reasonable take on reality... but now?

Lmao. This looks like a Jewish plot to normalize schizophrenia posting to lure us down paths thay we think are real.

op must be an NPC or a jew.

sure, fine.
but can't you come up with a better word than schizo.
schizos think everyone is out to get them and that the walls are bugged by extraterrestrials
maybe you mean autists
and the 4th category are the crazies (schizos are one type)
crazies are basically former autists/psychos who are now broken for whatever reason

There are actually 10 types of people. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

what about the 16 types who understand hex?

Psychos are merely a form of retard, except their affects on society are many times more damaging.


Shizo vision became strong in 2016 when i had daily syncronicitys and repeating numbers were following me

>Psychos are merely a form of retard
t. sandwich artist with an overbearing level of delusional self value and importance

Or the 16 types who understand Myers and Briggs:


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same as psychos but conditioned. basically npcs conditioned to be psychos

Thanks for the schizophrenic diagnosis. It will pair greatly with my medical diagnosis of autism, proving you wrong.

I think its more like making fun of their discrediting tactic. ie we call all people who are out of touch with reality a boomer. like wise we call all the people who have original ideas or ideas that go against normie culture schizos perhaps we should call ourselves Schismos instead

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oh thanks I lacked a string of text including all of these... gonna save it for later use

Sounds an awful lot like a painfully average boomer to me, supreme overlord.

post pic of the diagnosis or gtfo, schizo

We are all from different timelines compressed now together in that one

I'm 32, not sure if that counts as boomer since the definition is used so loosely here.

Do people really believe that though.
I thought it was just a story they tell midwits.
Maybe I am wrong, perhaps there are people who believe it.

We can't know for sure 100% that its not real, just unlikely.

The world consists of two kinds of people; Me and Not Me.

Me are Truth seeker I value Truth over anything else. My pattern recognition is more sharp and they see connections where others don’t.
I also is Power seeker. I value Power over anything else. I lack empathy, because i realized most people are nothing more than mindless drones.

I si the one in power and command. Politican, banker, CEO - all is Me. I is the common enemy of mankind.

Sometimes i try to break the conditioning and programming of NPCs, but rarely succeed.

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It’s framed in my office, don’t have it with me sorry.
I assume you have yours handy?

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Point being you sound like middle class LARPing as elite, and even describing yourself as an overlord.

yea because zoomer tranny generation invaded.

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It's true.
They're literally inept. They're too stupid to see or relate to the suffering they cause around them.
The root of all evil is lack of empathy, which is essentially just stupidity (they can't see it cuz they're dumbasses).
Psychos are literal tards.
Except tards are cute and harmless so they deserve pity. Psychos need to be ruthlessly rooted out and destroyed.

If you ask me, Parannoics are the true anti jews and anti NPC's, they question absolutely everything, and they are natural 'conspriacy theorists', aka they don't believe things just because the govt tells them too.

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If what you say is true, gnostics were heretics indeed. erratic erretics
Because those 3 types are

and only christcuck shudras would call Brahmins parasitic, so gnostic or not, christcucks are christcucks.

I wasn't describing myself as an overlord per se, it's just a metric to describe how incredibly bottom tier the average person is when they can't comprehend it from their vantage point. I don't know how I'd describe myself as like middle class or whatever because I think it sort of describes a lifestyle along with how much you make, I'm not really interested in some keeping up with the Joneses game.

You are the archetype of the lowest form of pawn (if that) to the actual elite. The people you describe being above aren’t even game pieces to them, they are more like a bothersome rule in the instructions.

The gap between the elite and you is far greater than between you and a homeless person in far more ways than financial.

i think the hindu system is totally different. The Brahmin serves the society and plays the role of a Psychic, He enforces the official religion and it's teachings.
Meanwhile a gnostic Pneumatic will try to go against the main religious establishment and will try to subvert it or to replace it.

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I never received a written one but my doc said that I was at least an Asperger
I have no real friends and pass almost all my time researching science and tech

based pic

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.

>they question absolutely everything

>aka they don't believe things just because the govt tells them too
I'm sure if you told them the government was trying to get money from them they'd believe it.

Cold callousness isn't the same as malice even though they can sometimes appear the same. A psychopath person isn't some automaton that can't comprehend human suffering, it's just that who cares if someone else is having a hard time, it isn't important in the greater picture. The suffering of some NPC is like when I watched my cat end the life of a bird in the garden, it's just nature.

>The world consists of two kinds of people; Psychos and Schizos, the rest are NPCs.
that's three kinds of people dummy

I’m sorry, we are at an impasse. We are going to have to agree either both of us are autistic or neither of us.

I’m sure you’ve noticed both help make my case.

>psychos are the good guys
The Christcuck reveals yet another final form

>There are two kinds of people
> A and B, the rest are C
This is what happens when siblings fuck.

do psychos care for the wellbeing of their children? if claim to, then their actions undermining the wellbeing of society for their own benefit are illogical. therefore they are just a form of autistic retard who has taken to greed like some sort of savant.
i don't think you're psycho. stop larping as one.

schizos are unable to see truth, because they think everything has meaning,
it's the autists which are more or less a type of psycho with low social skills whoa re the truth seekers,
but the truth nobody seemingly wants to accept that truth does not matter if it doesn't give you any leverage to affect the world.
a political view is not valuable if it is true, but if it is able to affect the world in a way that leads to favorable outcomes for the user of it,
in this way
religion is truth itself because it is the truth that a system doesn't need truth, if it is able to function, power is truth in a way

Yet you live in Canada.

You seem like the kind of person who will also screech at flat earthers. But by your logic those that questioned it and made it the globe you believe today were the parasites on society.

Make your mind up retard.

You sound like you've been hurt by our conversation here. Out of curiosity, tell me about yourself and be honest.

>religion is truth itself because it is the truth that a system doesn't need truth, if it is able to function, power is truth in a way

Psychos are control freaks and can comprehend concepts on the same level as shizos do. The difference is that they see the importance of those concepts and want to apply them in real life by subjecting others to them.

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And you don't think NPCs can become schizos? Isnt that the purpose of red pilling,?

If you ever need more strings of text just ask. I would be thrilled to help fill your gap.

Would you rather have a schizo surgeon or a psycho surgeon?

here's a tip
mutts short circuit when Canadians talk about their success in a non-confrontational manner

That you even have to ask betrays you are not actually a psycho

the gnostics didn't discover that the earth is a globe, did they? It was scientifically proven a few centuries later by some random christcucks

>The Brahmin serves the society and plays the role of a Psychic, He enforces the official religion and it's teachings.
Not necessarily. Brahmin is he who doesn't want neither sensory pleasures nor power, but truth.

They’re mostly subhuman kikes who belong in a death camp. The only good psychos are nazis

weird i thought he would be more popular in finland since he lives there. he does research in taboo areas like race and intelligence because in his words, taboo subjects are where new discoveries are made.

The eternal war between the star children and the vampires.

Schizos vs Psychos, a war for the mind of the NPC. Its a battle as old as time.

Great post finbro.

My point is putting people who question shit down as cancer is short sighted.

A psychopath generally sees their children as extensions of their own existence so will give them preferential treatment of course, sorry about the nepotism and such but again who cares if an NPC wants for more but doesn't get it. When you give more to an individual NPC they only seek out greater amounts of hedonism, it's a waste of resources. An NPC not getting their dick wet on demand does not constitute actions undermining the wellbeing of society.

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Are you implying I'd want to live somewhere else like groidland USA? The standard of living here is very good, I have no desire to move elsewhere.

quite accurate.
I'm 100% schizo tier while trying to get into the psycho tier (in order to manipulate more easily the NPCs)


this post is pretty retarded
maybe you're a "psycho" afterall

interesting theory/perspective.

>Not necessarily. Brahmin is he who doesn't want neither sensory pleasures nor power, but truth.
im not gonna get into hinduism since every religion has it's differences, wikipedia still said that the Brahmin act as the priest class of hinduism so i think its not fair to equate them to Pneumatics

>They’re mostly subhuman kikes who belong in a death camp. The only good psychos are nazis
that's subjective from culture to culture. Some concepts work better for certain races tho, i agree.

>My point is putting people who question shit down as cancer is short sighted.
questioning is fine, trying to overrule the laws by which a society is govern is not. The Truth is not always important and its sometimes dangerous, it can cost the lives of many therefor keeping most people in ignorance and ensuring them a happy life is a much better approach.

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The problem I suppose is that pneumatics neither wish to subjugate the hylics, nor wish to be ruled over by the psychics. They're caught between a rock and a hard place, if you will.

>y-yeah well your post is stupid
If you're going to respond at least try to elaborate on an actual thought like a human somewhere in your post instead of pounding on your keyboard some bestial anger in barely literate written form.

some Pneumatics wish to subjugate the hylics by turning them into Pneumatics as well. They are like a replicating cancer cells. They want the Pneumatics to disobey the elders( psychics ) and to destroy the known society.

>The Truth is not always important and its sometimes dangerous
>keeping most people in ignorance and ensuring them a happy life is a much better approach
This sounds like how to raise a pathetic society 101, did the spartans have such outlooks? Only weak people need a false reality created for them, society should not cater to false realities for weak people that's insane.

The world consists of two kinds of people; jews and gentiles.

jews are both Psychos and Schizos.

Here is the corrected version for you, bud.

>pathetic society
The Islamic and Catholic societies proved to be glorious
They achieved far more than sparta ever did.
The catholics/protestants expanded to the new world and created new life there.
The Muslims kept their societies homogenous and law and order ruled.
The feats of sparta are nothing when compared to those monsters.

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There are two kinds of people
>dead people

that's a really smart way of calling pretty much everybody here an schizo and trying to make they take in that identity

You are (just now) starting to sound hurt by the conversation, I can’t otherwise explain this response.

As for me, I live under a bridge near a Burger King so I can get the trendies out of the dumpster at the end of the day.

so what?
so fucking what? is that an argument against it?
it is still how it is.

I really don’t care about his success, it was the fact this hallmark of mediocrity described himself as an overlord shepherding the plebs when in reality he works from home and doesn’t talk to people (from his own admission)

Watch "I am fish head" should still be on youtube

the main difference between Psychics and Pneumatics
is that the Psychics fight for hierarchy and the traditions men while the Pneumatics do the opposite.

Nah, you are retarded.
It’s one thing to think truth is unimportant or secondary; it’s entirely different to claim truth is a malleable extension of power. That is perfectly Orwellian.

The whole world believing a lie doesn’t make it true.

You sound pretty bootyblasted to me, nice trips though.

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Well, they'll definetly investigate pretty obsessively unless they don't trust you, but whether or not they come to an accurate conclusion depends on their intelligence.

If a schizo becomes powerful everyone prospers

Or, at the very least, shit gets interesting.

Gnosticism is just two steps removed from luciferianism/satanism, so of course they're going to legitimize themselves in their hoarding of esoteric knowledge and continuation of mystery schools, while trying to paint enslaving mankind as being for the "greater good".

>The world consists of two kinds of people; Psychos and Schizos, the rest are NPCs.
>Schizos are Truth seekers. They value Truth over anything else. Their pattern recognition is more sharp and they see connections where others don’t.
>The Psychos are Power seekers. They value Power over anything else.
can we get some classes too? like schizos evolving to paladins or something and psychos evolving to dark wizards?

>They lack empathy, because they realized most people are nothing more than mindless drones.
But aren't people mindless drones because of that they did to destroy the population intelligence? Isn't that hypocritical?

Well to be fair, the psychists are a representation of the Christians. The Christians are the ones who enslaved the world for the greater good and kept the esoteric knowledge hidden. Can't say that its a bad thing but don't confuse christianity with gnosticism. The Gnostics fight for a spiritual liberation from the system which the demiurge created, the demiurge being yahweh, the christian God. Gnostics are a representation of the Pneumatics.

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what if you're a psycho turned schizo that then realized by searching the truth that faith is the ultimate truth which contradicts the schizo way of life because faith requires to cease rationality and truth seeking (but not in a npc way, you're choosing your own actions) to do the leap of faith?

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I honestly can’t decipher what would lead you to that conclusion.

They can, just not vocally.
And it's a weak telepathy type of communication, where you're not using words, it's more along the lines of concepts and feelings.
Most chordates are able to do it with one another, due to similar nervous systems and primitive brain structures that create the fields that allow for such communication; but you have a better time with animals that have been selected for and alongside with humanities own evolution, as those that were able to understand one another had a better chance of survival and were cared for better than the rest, i.e. they were selected for and more likely to pass on the genes that made them better telepaths with humans.

>It was scientifically proven a few centuries later
or was it?

It’s an eternal struggle, but the psychopaths are scared. The internet and in particular social media has changed our ability to communicate laterally. For the first time in at least 6000 years schizophrenics have the advantage.

Wow, it's fucking nothing.

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even if you claim that its a lie, matters little since its the general accepted truth and the society is based around this fact. Whether its the truth or not doesn't matter to a psychist like me.

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Christianity is Truth itself, you brainlet. Think more

>no actual autist would believe this crap without more evidence
the issue is that the only evidence we can get on the internet is circumstantial evidence

>all the world’s militaries are cooperating in Antarctica for military reasons.
>The only way that would be valid is in a flat-earth scenario, schizo.
yes that's correct

They signed it first at the middle of the cold war too

>I honestly can’t decipher what would lead you to that conclusion.
You've gone off on some spiel of posts about how mediocre I am and talked about how there's elite people above me in some effort to knock me down to your level as if we're even close in comparison. You sound upset about being used an object under the agency of another.

Why would a psychopath be scared? They know how to adapt, and you wouldn't even see it coming

Your accomplishments aren’t really more than the handful of other small businesses owners I know. Kek some “Overlord” your just a neoboomer with no self reflection.

Okay, so what kind of accomplishments have you yourself achieved through life? Oh, actually nothing. Well thanks for taking the time to post.

That's so small-scale; I don't know why you'd be proud of yourself for so boring


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>matters little since its the general accepted truth and the society is based around this fact
what if i can change that?

If you're so boring*

This is correct, although arguably there is a 3rd kind, which is empaths. These people are often thoughtful and soulful and caring, and are awake to some degree. Common jobs include teachers, doctors, nurses, musicians, artists, etc. These kind aren't as pattern heavy as schizos, but are often fairly awake (think many Qanon/truth seeker types), if somewhat naive. There is also, arguably, autists who don't have the true pattern recognition ability of schizos, but have some kind of extreme hyperfocused logical abilities and often end up as engineers, etc (think Woz, Torvalds, etc). They are often close to being based, but are easily swayed by the crowd.

Finally, there are those who are able to combine elements of all the above, and often end up in extremely powerful positions (e.g. Musk, Trump, etc.)

Flat earth believers will never reach the 10%. Even if they do and somehow overrule the majority then i will change my teachings in order to fit the new narrative.

>y-you're not so important
You're completely missing the point here. Some of us have freewill and carry out a personal mission. Others like yourself are used by the people with a personal mission in life and your job is to carry out some not very interesting task for money so you can spend it on staying alive to go back to serving and if you're lucky have some money left over to throw away on meaningless frivolities. It's not that I see myself as some elevated demigod person, it's just that I acknowledge a great number of people are as valuable as the worms in a compost heap performing their digestive duties with nothing special or interesting to show for their time on this Earth.

>That's so small-scale
That's well within the accomplishments of the top 1% of people. The average number for a randomly selected person is 0 significant accomplishments of any kind.

A true psychopath does not kids for this very reason. Kids are only roadblocks who subvert your ability to get far

in a funny way autists/schizos get a lot of female attention just by being so socially retarded. i was able to make this girl obsessed with me only because i was so retarded to be social with her.

Not true at all, everyone is different, psychopathy is an attribute to a person's overall personality, it's not a predictable cookie cutter mind set.

It doesn't mean that whatever you've done is truly meaningful. As soon as I saw your description, I couldn't help but think how uninteresting you are

You did not train yourself to be a psycho, you allowed yourself to be deceived and become evil. You made a deal with the devil for money and fame. The good news is that you can repent and come back to your natural schizo ways by confessing your sins to Jesus, ask for forgiveness and change your ways.

That's a classic reaction from someone that has nothing of merit in life to assert, gets offended by this realization, and then lashes out and plays mental gymnastics to soothe themselves.

If that's how you interpret it; I could say the same about you if I wanted to

It's just that you're not a key person in a key position, and that means you're not exactly special, but instead just part of the masses. What else should I think of you?

I don't care at all, you showed up to the thread, read my posts, and got ornery after you read them.

All I did was expressed my opinion. No need to take it personally in any way

>more sharp

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i basically believe this too. except there are simply those who are awake, and those who are not. i guess those who are not awake could be called NPCs. its basically being aware of consciousness

>Flat earth believers will never reach the 10%.
7% of the brazilians already do

millions of brazilians say they are flat earthers

i believe this is mostly due to a brazilian geophysicist doctor that is a flat earther and has youtube videos about it

>a position
Spoken like a true NPC wagie. Imagine living a life of competing with other wagies on the wagie job ladder to prove your superiority in the wagie system. People with free agency don't give a shit about that kind of mindset or appearing special, I don't need you to think anything of me, some user asked me to list some accomplishments so I did so truthfully.

false dichotomy, simple minded retarded schizo faggot take ur meds

absolute cringe-tier

>Even if they do and somehow overrule the majority then i will change my teachings in order to fit the new narrative.
you can't, it's impossible
all the lies of this world (evolution, earth age of 4.5 billion years, relativity, space, aliens, etc.) were invented for the sole purpose of people not knowing the earth is flat and all its consequences (that the Bible is right and is more scientifically accurate than the entire atheistic scientific community, that there is a Creator, that there are objective moral standards given by the Creator, etc.)

the flat earth demolishes almost all the lies and would put such a distrust of "science" that people would start questioning what else is viewed as an absolute truth (vaccines, meat is bad, climate change, etc.) and question it all

at best you could try to invent a pagan world religion

A position could be anything, you have a position as well; it doesn't necessarily equate to being a wage slave. Do you really want to argue over semantics? Because I am certain you understood what I meant

this single post represents the history of religion just in 2 sentences

>the flat earth demolishes almost all the lies and would put such a distrust of "science" that people would start questioning what else is viewed as an absolute truth (vaccines, meat is bad, climate change, etc.) and question it all
yes i agree that this is a good tactic to change the worldview of someone, but most christians already accept that we live on a globe because the Teachers of the religion subscribe to the main narrative. There are already like 1,5 billion catholics so you wont see a huge influx of new christians.

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>implying we don't see everything coming

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Everything you're saying is just open to interpretation though. What even is a key person in a key position, it could be anything, completely subjective to the individual. In any case what I've been talking about in this thread was never supposed to be about me but the difference between those with free agency and those without. Getting back to my original point, there is a subset of people in society who are mostly psychopathic in nature that occupy all positions of power big and small that are choosing your destiny for you as a consequence of their own goal seeking and this needs to just be accepted by NPC types.

i like how the swiss flag is a square. it is funny.

Nigger you will never be on my level until you fight a crackhead over the good cardboard boxes.

To me it sounds like what I said hit home, and you are scrambling to climb up any high-horse you can find.
Your dumbass thought you were special.

The common term for those people is Mason

So that would be a fourth type after you just said theres only 3, you fucking idiot.

I’m not sure why everyone is missing my point:
>what are “military reasons”?
>how can you have “military reasons” to cooperate with every military in the world?

I’m not saying anything at all about Antarctica there except that “for military reasons” is fucking stupid.

Maybe my earth joke fell flat, what I meant was the only reason for every military to cooperate in Antarctica was if there was a threat “on the other side” of Antarctica.

Because user quickly rejected flat earth then immediately assigned a military function to being in Antarctica I found it funny. It wasn’t a comment about the shape of the earth or what’s happening in Antarctica, just pointing out they silly directions his thoughts were pointing.

End of joke explanation.

The golden rule of pol
> If things look fishy, see if jews are involved
The Truth of the World.

>yes i agree that this is a good tactic to change the worldview of someone, but most christians already accept that we live on a globe because the Teachers of the religion subscribe to the main narrative. There are already like 1,5 billion catholics so you wont see a huge influx of new christians.
I think it's the opposite
I can convince any bible believing christian that the earth if flat
I just need one verse as a matter of fact, Matthew 4:8 (most christian think all the old testament is bullshit so using the new testament is better)
>Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory

All the kingdoms of the world means all the kingdoms that existed in that world, since of course Jesus told this happened after he went back, so it is not limited by the "time knowledge and culture" as Jesus is God to christians, if he went up to a high mountain and was able to see all kingdoms (including ones that should be hidden by the globe curvature, all means all after all), the earth must be flat

>pointing out they silly directions his thoughts were pointing
Whole planet is a stage for a Circus ran by the elite. They control every government on this globe. That's where the military cooperation in Antarctica from various countries comes from. Private Pyle is too short-sighted to know the true reason why he's digging in and freezing his balls in Antarctica and he is only informed about his duties he must perform. Clan of Lizzards have Private Pyle under their spell and he is nothing but a tool and a puppet for them. Private Pyle is a NPC they throw tokens at to complete their mission.

Well played, have a (You)

fun fact, when i was a Hylic i met flat earther. He tried to convince me that the earth is flat and i believed him at the time, so i was more open to new ideas. Afterwards he converted me that christianity is the way so i understand where you are going with this.
But later on i realized that half of his proofs were bullshit and he didn't know what he was talking about. This only harmed my opinion on christianity. After a while i realized the importance of christianity without having to literally believe in it. My transformation in a Psychic was complete.

i know that scripture claims that the earth is flat, but its terrible optics for the modern era. This is why the catholics go with a globe earth narrative. The book itself is filled with ancient dogmas which are slowly becoming less applicable to reality.

if you think you can prove flat earth to me, explain the cycles of the moon without involving magic.

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>converted me that christianity

Yeah but I prefer

>if you think you can prove flat earth to me, explain the cycles of the moon without involving magic.
I'm not into the minutia of flat earth because i don't think it's important for me right now, but from what i seen from flat earthers they say the moon is a hologram (and a very hard subject on the flat earth, they don't deny it), or like a mirror image of something

That's why the moon never gets "out of orbit" and never shows "the dark side", because what we see is basically a optic object

If Moon is just a hologram than what causes the tide?

found the jew worshiping npc

and how exactly do they keep that hologram floating in the sky, or how do they make the mirror image?

here are some crack theories about Antarctica
>earth is flat but much larger then official maps show. the southpole is basically just an "ice wall" so they just stop people from getting out
>inner earth is real, but you can only enter from the northpole, and only exist from the southpole. some old world society (giants?) might have went inside during the last flood (~250 years ago) and are now trying to get back out. BUT some people build a freezer on the southpole to keep the exit frozen. military is there to make sure the freezer stays on.
>nazis build a society under the ice and will some day return
>there are remains of old world structures which hold technology that surpasses all modern. having the public know about such tech would invalidate all history they put so much effort into building over the years.

This is true. OP was not gay today. Very redpilled

also the bible says that God created the moon and the sun. Why would God try to make a hologram in order to fool us?

Problem: all the kingdoms of the world can’t be seen from the highest mountain. Even on a flat earth.

This doesn’t mean the Bible is lying, but it is describing a vision or something non-literal.

not him but
>water above and below
so there could be deep sea tunnels that open and close to suck in/push out water

Lots and lots of fish fucking. The moon-tide thing was always just astrophysicist cope because all the other scientists made fun of them for being useless.

sea tunnels/water would be observable if it was hiding sides of the moon


"i'm not a mentally ill lunatic guys, i'm a truth seeker! it's everybody elses fault i lack empathy! if only everyone was as smart but also have this cool darkside like me"

You NPCs in denial really begin to sound like those astrology people.

how would it be observable if the tunnels are so deep no camera could ever reach them?

and I don't get this part
>if it was hiding sides of the moon

I prefer the last one. I firmly believe that IF Atlantis was actually a physical place on earth, it was in Antarctica. It checks all the boxes and explains a lot of our bizarre quest for specific land south of the equator last millennium that didn’t end until Antarctica was found... which promptly led to Something resembling “world peace” Cooperating down there and a serious jump in technology.

Simplistic, yet surprisingly accurate synopsis.

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I'm a schizophrenic, I hate niggers and Jews, there was massive voter fraud and Canada is run by a bunch of evil commies. Ama.

i was thinking that you were talking about the cycles of the moon. nvm

>Problem: all the kingdoms of the world can’t be seen from the highest mountain. Even on a flat earth.
Good point
But if the devil could show Jesus all the kingdoms, why the need to climb to a high mountain? Couldn't he show on the ground?
The necessity of climbing the mountain infers that it was to see further on the horizon, which means it would be possible but only on a flat earth

Sauce? I believe you, but I haven't seen that video from him. I know he's talked about how autists are more likely to be conservative because they systematize better

>but it is describing a vision or something non-literal
That's the problem though, only Jesus could have told this because there were no witnesses nearby, and it wasn't a vision or something non-literal because Jesus has a very clear way to show when he is talking in parables or non literally ("He who has ears, let him hear")

I just want to be happy

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if you keep addressing only scriptural interpretations you won't convince many people in your biblical science

oh ok. just to clarify, I was talking about the tides

Nice observation user. Yes... you are correct. It's all about psycho vs schitzo.

The NPC's are just canon fodder... useful idiots.

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kys relativist filth

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Oh really? Is this mofo in pic related a Jew?

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What about this fucker?

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>oh ok. just to clarify, I was talking about the tides
yeah i get it. just there are flat earthers who claim that the firmament is causing tides which hide sides of the moon during its cycles, and this is literally impossible.

And this one?

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How about this shithead?

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I prefer the term Shaman

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God I hate skin bandits

Or our recent favorite?

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this is some retarded reductionist bullshit, OP. it doesn't even make a very good analogy by proxy, either. its just shit, its just retarded.

He's a jew moron.

I consider myself a good psycho rather than a schizo. I understand them because in another world perhaps I would have been one of them not because I am paranoid or afraid.
Further, I don't even think "psycho: is the correct way to describe them. It is just that they are not npcs.
Anti-social may be the better way of putting it, and like I said, I wager that most here on Dab Forums are anti-social as well (hence why they understand the truth).

Pure blood ashkenazi Jew

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Where's proof?


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>only Jesus and satan around
>not told from one of their perspectives
You are making my point. If you are keeping with the Bible as true, this must be a story Jesus told someone.

>Only two types
god damn, there might be something to this.

Your horizon broadens with elevation on a round earth too, user.


This is Robert Fudd`s Microcosm diagram of the mind, 1617. NPC`s have no this connection to Eternal Principle, their crown chakra is just blocked. They`re BIBLICAL GOLEMS made entirely of RED CLAY, i.e. flesh. Also read about naturalistic dualism and "chinese room" argument

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OP is an idiot

NPC = Normal Penis Cancer

This is bullshit, note the memeflag.
Hylics absolutely have a soul AND spirit. They have been hijacked by malevolent thoughtforms and rewired to make expelling the thoughtforms more difficult

here fren, my definitions are more accurate

No they aren’t, you are trying to use gnostic terms you don’t even understand

>Schizos are Truth seekers

this guy drops massive schizo pills that prove your point, NPCs just can't compete

i do, the gnostics think that they are illuminated while they serve their ego rather than the greater good

>all this cope over one canadian attesting to his life accomplishments
post less on Dab Forums, faggots

A philosophical zombie or p-zombie is a hypothetical being that is physically identical to and indistinguishable from a normal person but does not have conscious experience, qualia, or sentience.[1] For example, if a philosophical zombie were poked with a sharp object it would not inwardly feel any pain, yet it would outwardly behave exactly as if it did feel pain. Relatedly, a zombie world is a hypothetical world indistinguishable from our world but in which all beings lack conscious experience.

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Drive System Instinct, Emotion, Reason

Gnosticism - Soma, Pcyche, Pnuma
Hermeticism - Salt, Sulphur, Mercury
Christianity - Body, Mind/Soul ,Spirit
Freudian - Id, Ego, Super-Ego
Triune brain - Reptilian, Paleomammalian, Neomammalian

Light is reason, awareness, truth. The Mystery religions were truth seekers. Truth is attacked and corrupted by those that hate it.

We are the Mysteries now.

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Hey kike those freemasons are just lieutenants for the big kikes.