HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Never make fun of California again conservacucks.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>could have
LOL ok

Lol. Nobodies going to stop making fun of California. It's new laughs every week.

>America BTFO by snow storm
Do they really? Unironic thirdies.

Is texas good now?

This is what happens when you delegate what should be the responsibility of the state to private companies

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meanwhile uk closes their airports when there's 1cm of snow

“Seconds and minutes” Seems an odd way to say either less than a minute, or X minutes

This is how the deep state is punishing texas for too much push back during the election fraud
Fall in line or it will be worse next time
This is why trump backed down
Their plan to kill mass amounts of americans was revealed to him if he won the election
Trump's a patriot
He stepped back for the good of all

The entire country is a third world shithole now cuz of the third world immigrants we’ve imported since 1965.

Wasted trips. Trump is even more of a pussy than I thought he was if that's true. Never negotiate with terrorists, just kill them regardless of casualties.

Well, the “scientists” told them global warming was coming, so why winter-proof your shit when it’s always gonna be a million degrees out from now on cuz of cow farts?

How many steins lead those specific companies? Only a Jew or a woman could be this negligent.

This would never happen in Europe because we don't have third world tier power grids.

Do Texas and California really hate each other, or is it just a meme?

Not yet. Keep importing niggers (who don't even speak Gaelic, lmao) and see what happens.

So the government shity green energy fails, so the grid starts pulling extra resources feom the private grid, then the private grid goes down. So its the private sectors fault they can hold up the government when they fuck up?
Makes sense if youre a shill/libtard

California loses power without a natural disaster.


It's a false narrative, since when does Texas have below zero winter conditions?
It's like saying Barrow, Alaska should prepare for 130 degree weather.

texas has it's own grid just fyi

>power outage
>water rations
>high taxes
Still a long way to go before Texas is as bad as California

>mexico making fun of mexico
kek this is great entertainment

Witnessed. Bless Trump.

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t. country that literally considers ritual suicide if the temp goes anywhere near 30c

meme Green Energy fails under inclement weather
California can't even keep the lights on during good weather
>we should all follow California's example! it proves that we need more Jewish scam green deals!
libtards are cultists who wage war against objective reality. no wonder they think a lifelong self-serving pedophile criminal like Biden is "good man"

And you wonder why the grid went down.

Is the electricity back on yet?

You're a fucking fag idiot sites sources close to the entity that op sucks dicks

>trusting jewCOT

for rich people its always been on 24/7

This is such a retarded post I don't even know where to start.

>It is possible to “winterize” natural gas power plants, natural gas production and wind turbines, experts said, which prevents such major interruptions in other states with more regular extreme winter weather. But even after upgrades were made after the 2011 winter storm, many Texas power generators have still not made all the investments necessary to prevent these sorts of disruptions happening to the equipment, experts said.

Wow imagine that, a private equity group buys out your power generation and then refuses to make necessary investments

yeah because every state run industry is all sunshine and rainbows

Everyone. Electricity creates heat. If the power lines didn't hit the dirt then everything runs better in colder weather. We get transmission outages to work the lines in the winter months when everything is less loaded and existing lines can handle more load to swap around. They are lieing about what is going on. There are 3 power grids. East, west, and Texas. Texas always had a surplus of energy to sell to the other two. Not even a month after Biden signs an EO allowing china into our power grid we get this. Was Texas grid attacked. Did the corporations decide that profits were more important than people. People have frozen to death in their homes. That's murder. Call your Public Utilities Commission. You pay for this the government has these commisions set up to monitor these utilities. Demand answers and accountability and start sueing

California has San Franscisco and Castro district. Eat shit off the shit memeflaggot

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Slip and Slide in San Hambonio

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You realize Austin is full of leftist faggots just like you, right?

oy vey that would be communism

Trump doesn’t give a fuck about americans he just wants to slurp Jew semen and play golf

Yes, a 1 in a century storm hit Texas and its Bidens fault.
80IQ mf

It happened under his watch. This is Biden's America so it's his fault.

to be fair, this is the green energy fanatics fault so...

Based and checked. We need to surrender and embrace our enslavement, otherwise we will never have peace and unity. It is for our own good

>power companies don't winterize because it would cost them money
>power companies also see energy value skyrocket as people need it to stay warm and not die
>power companies don't want to keep prices low, refuse power
>state eventually caves and says they can jack up the prices if it means the power comes back
>it starts snowing shekels for power companies

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free market working as intended

>Hehehe nice 3rd world you built, whitey
>Pointing to a place on the map with a rising concentration of niggers

Many such cases.

We don't import niggers.

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I will stop making fun of California when it stops being fun to do so.

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The federal government would have cut costs too. How old are the USPS trucks that deliver your mail?

Texas has had peak energy demands many times. Then China is allowed access to our power grid. People are talking about this here in Texas. Everything went wrong during this storm. It looks like problems came up so government could rush in and fix things.

Sound familiar? They say never let a crisis go to waste. Always come up with massive government intervention. Private companies always do better. All the smaller power companies were fine. I live in Texas. Power was never out, but I don't live in a big city where power delivery is controlled by some multistate entity headquartered in Michigan or farmed out to Chinese companies.

You don't understand the meaning of global warming
That's why they changed the name to climate change, so it would be easier for brainlets like you to grasp it

That is literal hell on earth temperatures though

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>be in california
>fires every year
>even their antifa allies have to start fires for them because they love their hometown so much
>niggers raging in the streets
>police protecting criminals actively
id rather die in the snow to be honest

I have a feeling this was all planned, and the storm is just a cover for it.

Wasn't california on fire for half a year?

Critical infrastructure should be proofed against improbable events. And its not even that bad of a weather. Some late fall chilly morning kills powergrid lmao.

30c is nothing, try 40c+ in california during summer.

Well yeah, watch how many ERCOT people retire now with golden paracutes
This is the crash part as they leave the US

Sure retard, sure, thats how you cope with everything, and how you feel smarter than everybody in the room
>hmm this obviously unplanned real thing is....INFACT PLANNED AND FAKE!

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Shut up Bhuthead

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Yes it is

>...officials with the entity that operates the grid said
ERCOT is in deep shit if the media is trying not to even name the jews.

So your end of times story changed to "sometimes its hot sometimes its cold, but now more extreme!"



Been under a rock? Texas is Nu-California. They are getting swelled up like an infection with loony liberals straight out of cali. Almost went blue under Trump. Just a matter of time at this point, those relaxed tax laws will flutter away into the wind and the rest is history.

>california's grid goes down every week
>texas' grid goes down during a once in a hundred year winter storm
yeah no, california needs to shup up and leave

If every single Texan started fucking dudes in the ass and eating cum, California would still be more gay

You misspelled commiefornia.

yes, we're fine and have been. all the bitching was people stuck in apartments with 100% electric appliances.


You think that this is just going to happen in Texas? The entire set of infrastructure holding up the United States of America is all old as fuck and all of it's going to blow. Trump should've started something to fix it all, like a massive job program to get shit fixed. But he never did, and now that we know Biden is a controlled ChiCom asset, none of America's old as fuck infrastructure will get fixed or replaced or upgraded. The bridges are going to fall. The power grid will go out. The water supplies will be third world.

Snowstorms don't happen often in texas, meng. You niggers got fucked up because of heat, which is far more common.

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Nigga charge your phone

>believing Ercot execs as they try to save face for price gouging, money laundering, and corruption

Californians truly are retarded. Sad.

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Why the state?

climate change means harsher winters and harsher summers with an average increase in temperature year round retard

>be Texas 1982
>build their own nuclear reactors
>1989 deep frost
>nothing happens
>democrats from california move to texas
>force vote to force green energy (texan towns cannot buy electricity from the nuclear reactors they built themselves)
>no more nuclear power
>tell texans they are weak and stupid even though those same rednecks built 4 nuclear power plants over the last 40 years and it's literally directly your fault that they cannot legally use them
>blame coal
Democrats from california should go back where they came from and wreck their own power grid. Why are democrats liars?

>Minutes away
>For months

That's not how time works you stupid fucking mongoloids.

>2 hurricanes hitting at once
>west coast on fire
>australia on fire
>massive winter storm across the entire US
all of this within 2 years

The next time your state is burning after how you've treated texas you're getting shit on your fairy nigger faggot

Both. Sally Talbert was named chairwoman of the Ercot board only a few weeks before the storm.

Would you agree your shit state would look better if you banished the jews from it?

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Bullshit lol, I remember when they described us as first freezing to death in the new ice age, then baking to death cause of runaway greenhouse effect. Climate change is what they settled on for now cause they don't actually fucking know what's going on.

>random literal who says people we don't like are stupid
This is why I get on people who worship ecelebs. They turn into you.

>t. seething texas fag
better save your energy and phone battery for the storm, it isnt over yet kek

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>California fucked
>Texas fucked
>New York fucked
>The next exodus will be to the flyover states that these people have mocked for decades

All those things are common occurances.


I'm a latino from California and fuck this commie state. Being run to the ground, unchecked crime, unchecked immigration, and gub gibs. Fuck this state.

i know isnt it fucking great

>all the bitching was people stuck in apartments with 100% electric appliances
In other words, Californian libshits, illegal aliens and niggers. Sounds like this storm is ultra based.

Nuclear power is the safest, most reliable green technology we have.
So either you're full of shit, or American Dems are more far gone than I thought

>Never make fun of California again
You dumb niggers import water. Without a constant supply from other states your entire state dries up and dies. Watch your mouth or you'll figure this out the hard way. This Summer will bring a drought.

>could have
This isba conditional-perfect phrase meaning a conditional statement of something in the past that affects the present. Meaning; they are presuming a situation in the past.

Based if it punishes the fresh Californians and beaners

Hopefully the based whites can handle a bit of Mother Nature
The jews are vulnerable! Listen to Dr Pierce:

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If you cant tell NeoLibs from commies, you belong in California

It will still be an upgrade from Mexico, so 90% of “””American””” posters won’t even notice

They are far gone
>Nuclear bad because Chernobyl

>global warming means everything that's bad is global warming
Professional goal post movers.

He's completely correct. Not sure how it is in other countries, but here in America, nuclear power is vilified by the left. Both big oil/coal/gas companies, and the green left, attack nuclear power from both sides so that it doesn't gain too much popular support. It is by far our best solution to energy needs, and it's reliable and green too. But most don't recognize it.

Nothing was wasted you fucking faggot. Gets are bestowed to those who speak the word of kek. Lurk more.

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I will ALWAYS make fun of California, and I was born in Riverside.

Is Ted Cruz ever going to recover from this politically?

Where the fuck are you, ghost? starts streaming again, faggot!

>not being a floridachad
ngmi, to be completely honest

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They still deliver the mail
costs less than the competition in many areas of the US
pay more wages than the competition

Please educate yourself nigger

Only below the Mason Dixon Line.

Wasted trips.
Obama and Trump were grifters, biden is a stooge.
The best possible"reset" is for us to get nuked.

>Texas has worst winter storm ever
>power out for a few days
>California has black outs every summer just because

what are they covering up?
this power grid is a destraction from it

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Everyone hates Commiefornia and their expat swarm of locusts.

Catholic Marxists and New Age Marxists are all still Marxists at the end of the day, who cares which sect of the cult you cockroaches subscribe to?

texas seems to be good about a lot of things so why did their power grid fail? is it obama's fault ?

My province is powered largely by hydro and nuclear. But we still have some political apprehension in the Land of the Leaf.
If I had to guess, I'd say anti-nuclear propaganda was most likely started by big oil, and, neolibs being the corporate stooges they are, happily follow their lead.

Don't you all worry. China will buy out all the powergrid companies and upgrade the grids to a modern standard.

Mr. Albin, when will you be gracing us with your presence again? You've missed so many happenings. I need to hear takes from the internet's greatest webcomic.

Fuck you and california. I hope you all sink into pits of nothingness.

>could have this one time probably ever
>California DOES have rolling blackouts, uncontrollable forest fires and regular power outages EVERY FUCKING YEAR
fuck off

Half of these were criminal occurences, tardo.

This. We'll have forgotten about Texas by ----

when do the Santa Ana's start up again?

Government is somehow magically competent and non-corrupt? Since when?

First California is too hot, now Texas is too cold.

Massive emergency and rescue effort sent to commie land from conservative government.

Almost nothing from Libbies to help Texas.

They should have just let Cali burn.

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Usps trucks get like 12 gallonsnto the mile, wasteful idiocy.

What percentage of your capital is foreign, again?
Especially in zone 1-2?

Oldfag here.
They renamed it climate change when their global warming predictions turned out false.

Now no matter what the weather does they can claim their models were correct. Same with all these bullshit covid waves.

They aren't liars, they just make up their own reality as they go along.

Funny how transport is never considered a factor in all the greenie hysteria. Or electronics that are made to be obsolete within a year or two.

America is 3.8 million square miles of land, so you're going to have to specify which climate zone, bong.
The occupied CSA, where this has not happened in decades? Yeah. They don't have the infrastructure in place to deal with this.

The wildfires are made by targeted laser strikes and the hurricanes are caused by HAARP

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>You're too dumb to understand anything. Just trust the Satanic pedo elites, you stupid cattle.

Unironically take your meds.

That's quite the headline.
Should I be worried?
Are the big fans on the range gonna stop spinning forever?
Will the sun and heat not come to warm up our little swimming pools?
Will our houses rot in the heat of an airconditioningless Summer?
On no!
How will I survive?

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california loses power due to "high winds" every year in the bay area

That's a lie.


you would go back in time and let the commies burn your country to ash before you could survive one of our summers you polarnigger

Why did he not prepare for this eventuality? Utter incompetence, it's a good thing nobody voted for him really.

you are homeless and literally live in your vehicle. get job. stop being a bum. stop blaming "conservatives" for your failures.

>But even after upgrades were made after the 2011 winter storm, many Texas power generators have still not made all the investments necessary to prevent these sorts of disruptions happening to the equipment, experts said.
Get a load of this kike double speak.
The "experts" acknowledge that winterizing upgrades were made, but spins at is if they weren't.


Turn off the proxy.

explain how this happens then
and we already heard the "truck blowouts cause forest fires along highways and naturally occur at exact half mile intervals" bullshit, so think of something else

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You’re importing niggers

they could have no grid at all and still be better than commiefornia you stupid shitter licking disease vector faggot

>seconds to minutes away
yeah, thats how circuit protection works.

Texas has a temporary problem.
CA's problems are chronic.

Dark winter

California has rolling blackouts because of predictable weather you fucking mong. Texas just experienced a once in a lifetime winter storm. Fuck off already

Literally every power grid on the planet is minutes away from catastrophic failure. You'll see once the grid operators are all diversity hires.

California moved to Texas.

Most of them are EU citizens through decent and of Portuguese, Italian and German decent but there are macacos too. I fucking hate Brazilians and they seem to be largely disliked here. A lot of Brazilian faggots here too.

neither america nor canada have the high ground in relation to that

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>They still deliver the mail
No they don't.
Maybe everyone else forgot about the huge mail delays a few months ago, but I didn't.

>once in a lifetime freak blizzard occurs in a state prepped for tornados and 100+ degree heat
>Cali suffers rolling blackouts literally every summer

Yes we do. Best Mexican food will always be California not Tex mex.

We already know about the commie faggot arsonists but how does that translate into fucking space lasers? You fucking nigger

Tell me how I know you majored in women's studies

>officials say...

You can't gaslight us, glownigger.
yeah. right.
You're here every day glowing like the Sun, you retarded nigger.
Go play.

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Why didn't they have built in adjustable rates in a clause that covered acts of nature 'n' sheeyit?

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I appreciate your paranoia.

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Could ov
Not did.

I'm californian. We had brown-outs this summer due to failed solar and wind power, along with non-stop wildfires that kill people and destroy the enviorment.
Please feel free to make fun of California non-stop for being a hivemind cooperate dystopia.
Also sage.

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>when do the Santa Ana's start up again?

as soon as those windy tornadoes rain hell on your shit town

Costly upgrades means more costly power which is a tough sell to customers who have never seen snow in their lives

you watch too much tv

get outside

>late Spring, early Summer...

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NatSoc is looking better and better every day.
Hitler would have lined these crooks up, and shot them all.

Your country is worse than jail.

You are fucking retarded

yeah when you let 3rd worlders manage your forests this is what happens

and there is not an increase in hurricanes compared to previous years (you realize this is easily measurable data?)

>Capitol was seconds away from catastrophic failure with the "insurrection"
>Financial system was seconds away from catastrophic failure with gamestop
>power grid was seconds away from catastrophic failure with winter storm

Anyone else noticing a pattern here? Also after the "catastrophe" is averted they pat themselves on the back and say it was no big issue the entire time. What's wrong with these people?

I've been to the US during the summer and you all exaggerate like fuck about the heat. It's also 100x easier when everywhere has AC, you cheating retards.

>beaner state
>beaner state
Conservative and liberal doesn't matter here as much as race, especially since conservatives basically are liberals

Imagine believing everything you read

Journalism 2021 edition:
>But it didn't!
>But imagine if it had
>It would have been really bad

They're all doom and gloom. The catastrophe they hypothesize of was entirely improbable. They just want the clicks. The grid was overloaded, it wasn't about to 100% fail.

I just make fun of americans as a whole.
You have huge percent of retards that are beyond saving.

>that time, of the year when the state of CommieFagnia guaranteed burns again.

>Seems an odd way to say either less than a minute, or X minutes
Weeks and months is common parlance.

as the planet warms the climate undergoing more severe swings in both directions while still trending upward in average temperatures, retard

Clarify something for me please.
The wind turbines froze
We had blackouts
Lefties say that's not the turbine's fault, don't blame them
So they weren't working, and it wasn't their fault
So why do we have them again if they don't even make a difference?

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I will never make fun of California leftists, I just want you all dead.

Texas here, this is 100% true.


Only queers and steers

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>They aren't liars, they just make up their own reality as they go along.
That's called lying user.

>.01 C°
Oh the horror! We are truly fucked. I'm DOOOOOMING

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the two are not mutually exclusive.

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the story never changed. people just didn't understand that global warming means an average rise in WORLDWIDE temperaures. hence the word global. the result is drastic changes in climate (i.e. local weather systems).

You didn't understand warming meant getting colder
>You thought that when they said there would never be snow again it meant there wouldn't be snow instead of more snow than there has ever been
Fuck off mongrel ape


CA has brown outs constantly. They steal huge amounts of energy from WA state as well.

You can ALWAYS make fun of Cali, look at it's dictatorship and the Recall Gavin Newsom bullshit.

>we chose to be slaves
what the fuck is wrong with you niggers

People talk about how they
>Follow the science
But know fuck all about it.


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>seconds and minutes
>We know x will happen in a few seconds
>or maybe it will take a few minutes
You really can't smell the bullshit in this hyperbolic statement?

these last few days have been epic given all the shitposting texans did over a few hours of power being down in northern california

fuck the south

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Imagine needing electricity to survive kek

>California power grid shuts down due to a yearly event called summer that everyone knew was coming
>Texas power grid shuts down due to a freak storm no one predicted
>these are the same

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>Seconds and minutes.
How to make people scared.