The Far right has a homosexuality problem, in this thread we discuss how to get rid of it.
The Far right has a homosexuality problem, in this thread we discuss how to get rid of it
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Not true
Come back when you get the swastika right retard.
Kill yourself
You have.
Official thread theme
Garbage song kill yourself
no UwU
enjoying a femcock is not homossexual
consider suicide tranny
While both are degenerates who ought to face the wall, there's something that clearly separates them.
Difference is a tranny is so delusional that he sincerely thinks he's a woman born in wrong body, will shit pants if told otherwise. A transvestite or a femboy what have you, is fully aware of his cock and shoulder to hip ratio and dresses up like a woman because he knows that it's just a fetish.
This problem solves itself by suicide
Kill yourself freak
get the fuck out of Dab Forums nigger
make me nyaa~
Post twitter account
i actually just like masculine men
By killing all faggots and faggot enablers.
Der Groomer: The Musical
Kill yourself and we'll have one less homosexual problem.
Easy. Get rid of faggots.
choose one
Future is now, old man.
Gut all anime to get rid of that fag/tranny menace
You forgot to change ips faggot.
you can start by not posting these slide threads every day, abdul
You do not have patrician taste.
Fuck you i love being a faggot. Hedonism is fun.
Transgirls and femboys are hot. I have only fucked people with penises.
Who actually gives a shit, in general your average std-riddled homosexual (not me, i identify as straight) is less degenerate than your average sperg 4channer that refuses to realize his potential.
Not that I'm any better. I just realize that nobody here has much room to judge. Idealistic people do not exist.
The left can't meme
This is now a Hitler thread
>spam degenerate porn everywhere
Would you look at that, "far right" has a homo problem.
>anime pic
Every time
Doesnt take idealistic people to avoid fuvking a shitty std hole. It should be a common sense. And just because an average 4channer is also a degenerate, doesnt mean that both aren’t bad. Your shitty questionable hedonism comes at the price of horrible suffering brought to you by std and loss of money used to treat them
>Censors the word tranny
How can leftists reach new lows so quickly, over and over?
Nazis aren't far right, they are just less leftist than commies
You say that like it's a problem.
Real girls are never nerdy like me. I'm a social reject autist but I'm good enough at being social when I need to. I have enough confidence to say i could get a girl. But i need a nerdy social reject like me, and I'm degenerate enough to love transniggers.
Suck my dick newfag niggerpants. Of course anime niggers are more likely to be degenerate, don't act like you discovered some new revelation.
Anime does not belong on Dab Forums nigger
Anyone who praises Hitler unironically, identifies as a "neo nazi" is GAY
Also anime avis. I love anime but you people are coomers.
Coomers are also gay.
its not uh bug, its uh feature
Pic so old, user
Post femboy feet instead
You can be friends with trannies/traps but what does it have to do with degenerate sex? Maybe i don’t understand lgbt dynamics and you need to fuck everyone in order to keep any relationships?
you will never be a woman
But which is actually more gay? Don't get me wrong, both are very certainly big gay, but one MUST be more than the other. You would think offhand the awareness of the femboy would constitute a greater homosexuality, but the actual damage of sodomites is in their damage to other people and society at large. The femboy does not go about demanding prestigious (At one time anyway) universities address him as her, or that femboys must be allowed to play on women's sports team where they have no hope of defeating him. Indeed, the femboy will not even undertake permanent surgical mutilation, for he knows that should he lose the feminine penis he will lose all appeal to the sort of people that are attracted to his antics because it's just a kink, bro. He recognizes the eyes of man lusting after a woman when that fateful gaze falls on him and revels in the deceit, rather than a false belief of being actually naturally attractive to a man. The femboy will only garb itself in potentially attractive outfits that effectively conceal the obvious male physique.
Meanwhile, the transsexual will do the opposite of all these things. He will demand the rules of the world must change, he shall play on the women's team, he must wear the exact same clothes as women without regard to his own personal body shape, he shall be angry when men look at him and shudder. For the tranny who finds no place in this world there is no hope, and he will destroy the world to make everyone as distressed and confused as him. The new fall of man. Finally, he will, in the consummate act of actual insanity, not only cut off his own penis but delibritely produce an open injury to his groin area that is to be kept open by force. He will lose the only male sexual attention that could come his way (for he does not and will not pass) from the chasers who now will lose interest at the rotting gash.
Yes, it's clear. Paradoxically, the femboy is actually less harmful, and thus, less gay.
What the fuck is wrong with his penis? There’s some sort of growth on the head.
And this is why nobody fucking likes leafs. You come into a thread and have a thought that clearly should have been left to a proud Amerimutt like myself, and worse have the audacity to make this shameful theft public. I don't go into Dab Forums humor threads and post the "lmao face it poc" copypasta.
Day of the rake best day of my life
It's precum retards
>be me
>see a leaf post
>open photoshop
>turn it into a muttpost
Shill propaganda. OP is a faggot.
Everyone knows what precum looks like you fag. What’s with the skin on the head? Is it cancer? Mine dies the look like that.
unfortunately your parents chose to let a rabbi suck your dick and bite off the skin when you were a baby
Homosexuality has been a feature of western culture since the greeks.
Must be why im gay and enjoy being used by men
>a tranny is so delusional that he sincerely thinks he's a woman
Who tells you this horseshit? /lgbt/ is right around the corner, and those bitches (male) certainly don't think they're literally women.
They're jealous they can't be this cute.
No it doesn't. The tranny threads are obvious shills
I'm not a whore I've only had 3 sexual partners and I don't have an STD. I emotionally attach to social rejects like myself, and every trans person is a social reject with low standards, even the sane and good looking ones.
Dab Forums is an anime safe space.
The face doesn’t sell me.
Go back to lgbt faggot
>far right has a homosexuality problem
If true, you're overthinking it. The root of the problem is jews, once they're eradicated we can see if there truly is a homosexuality problem. Personally I don't give a shit if two adults want to suckle on each other's peepees as long as they aren't parading it in public, especially in view of children. But if they continue to be a cancer to society after the Jews have been eliminated then we just go old school and fuck them up, public floggings, lynchings, etc.
>le think of the children meme
If you really cared you’d do something about it.
See, this is the shit I'm talking about. Flaming disgusting faggots.
People think femboys and traps are the epitome of gay perfection but don’t realize that femboys and traps are basement dwellers just like you. They dress up pretty and take a lot of pics but don’t understand how to clean up for sex.
I drink a glass of metamucil every day so that all my poops come out solid so if i want to use a dildo or buttplug I don’t have to uncork over the toilet in case my butt play bonanza was actually a poopoo plunger.
You sound like a fucking mother when I visit and try to just discuss anything. “Why don’t you do something about it” nigger we’re having a conversation which is how “doing anything” other than nigger tier impulses is typically done. Fuck off retard.
Ohh that's funny, a dysgeneic mentally ill degenerate calling me a basement dweller. You truly are subhuman.
>in this thread we discuss how to get rid of it
Why? Traps are based.
>my entire post
>ur a boomer
Get out of your basement and your gay tranny forum and do something about it. Spread awareness.
Oh wait you wont because le cancel culture and white victimization
Do you even know what that means? You do realise homos are just slightly less autistic and disgusting than trannies. You are the same.
As to the rest of your post, you wrote about riding dildos and cleaning out your ass. Which is a huge cope, the bum is a only way street. I hope you carry on being a homosexual, I take great pleasure In knowing the fact that you're a pathetic mentally ill degenerate that will contract HIV and die.
Your boipucci smells
It's really easy to dismiss entire groups of people away based on anecdotal Dab Forums greentexts when you yourself are not apart of said group.
I'm a bisexual with interest in twinks/trannies and everybody i know in the "gay sphere" are decent people.
Go to an easy whore and disgusting shit because whores are whores.
Fucking nasty, jesus, how the fuck do you get ass worms?
Cope, I have a deep disgust reaction against homos. In fact most people do, this tells me faggotry is abnormal and humans have been selected to be homophobic.
you are a buttfucking faggot and your wordplay will never make you above the cocks you suck because you've embedded it into your ideology of self and weltanschauung
kill yourself, publicly and immediately, it's your only hope at redemption in this life
Also, you are only bi because you have consumed too much porn.
>get aids and die
It’s called PrEP
I have little to worry about.
Have fun getting divorce raped over a nig baby
You have hordes of foids and trannies screaming "TRANSWOMEN ARE WOMEN", wtf are you talking about.
not reading all that shit nigga
also if i :
shit on you or diarrhea on you
which is worse?
if you have to think about it your disgusting.
the answer will always be.
"shut the fuck up & stop asking me stupid questions you faggot"
>being a fag is just slightly more acceptable than being a tranny that cuts their dick off
It is a gigantic improvement over trannies. I'd rather have a hundred gays than one tranny. At least fags are not all mentally ill.
Wash your ass and eat healthy.
The butthole is for pleasure
>gays aren’t mentally ill
Okay retard
Little kids get them because they don't wash their hands and are overall disgusting little kids.
Contrary to the faggots, being a leaf is classified as a mental illness in the Book of based.
It isn't going away the right wing is in the closet
So user in the story fucked a little kid? Always knew tranny enthusiasts were pedos
>decent people
majority of people think you're a fucking abomination.
we just don't speak up
out of fear of losing our jobs.
you are living garbage because of the life choices you made and continue to make.
we hate you.
Sounds like undiagnosed depression to me.
You’d be happier if you admitted you need help
Why does this happen? This is no different from the commies.
>fags arent mentally I'll
They are.
Just get rid of homosexuality. Done!
They are attracted to the edginess, I doubt they have any understanding of the ideology. This goes for the vast majority of far right discord types.
life isn't only about happiness you fucking retarded leaf. maybe you would know that if you stopped sticking things up your butt.
You are on a website that is literally a copy of a japanese anime forum. What the fuck are you talking about.
>Dab Forums is an anime safe space.
commit suicide trannime faggot
You will never be Tomoko
adults can get them too. It's just a bit more rare since adults usually do wash their hands
The audacity of that is based but the deceptive nature of that practice stains it so very jewish
How do you fix them?
You guys never practice what you preach. Just deal with it, fags.
Stupid shill, not knowing the difference between a homosexual and a massive faggot.
>in this thread we discuss how to get rid of it.
If you stopped posting I'm sure it would disappear.
show flag
It makes me sad every night thinking about how social rejects like you weren't bullied to suicide
lol dumbass nibba
Anime makes you fat, Fact!
Yea they're all gay. You can't get rid if it, they ARE the far right. That's what it IS.
There's nothing masculine about that faggot. Masculine =/= big righty faggot porno fag
So get rid of the entire right wing includes closet fags like you. Sounds good.