Our supreme court in the UK has come to the conclusion that Uber drivers are workers and not a third party...

Our supreme court in the UK has come to the conclusion that Uber drivers are workers and not a third party. Fucking ridiculous nobody 'works for' Uber, they're freelancers.
Now they get a minimum wage. Wasn't Uber already doing bad?
If so we can kiss Uber goodbye.

Even if they were 'workers', the minimum wage should be abolished as it's just a stupid cap. Why don't we fix the root cause of the problem such as the situation of the market rather than gibs.

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck uber fuck amazon and fuck all you stupid zoomers who enable this shit.

> BBC - Uber drivers are workers not self employed, Supreme Court rules
From BBC
> This is a win-win-win for drivers, passengers and cities. It means Uber now has the correct economic incentives not to oversupply the market with too many vehicles and too many drivers," said James Farrar, ADCU's general secretary.
How paying more is a win for passengers. And what the fuck is "oversupply". Fucking mafia, bring Thatcher back. The a u d a c i y of these faggots to say that it would benefit anyone except those drivers who will keep their jobs after "oversupply" is cut.

Uber is too centralised for technical and legal reasons but giving cab union mafia privileges is not a win for society

>one-day delivery
>fuck zoomers

Take a trip to Cuba if you hate capitalism so much

I'm gone make a ride share app with blockchain and tor and I won't even know who's "working" for me. But I will take a 10% cut.

yes i would rather have a global monopoly of all market activity than have to wait 3 days for my product to arrive, or god forbid go outside and go to a store and buy something in person
stay where you are if you love dystopian hellholes so much

> I'm gone make a ride share app with blockchain and tor and I won't even know who's "working" for me. But I will take a 10% cut.
I already figured out the coin's abbreviation will be CAB, can someone else pitch in and maybe write some code?

You don't need to take it but no you're right lets use the state to just end this exploitation

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Alright I'll take no cut but before the ICO I will take a lot of worthless CAB coins

>global monopoly
enjoyed the bait

> yes i would rather have a global monopoly
That's what you get from big gov interference

Imagine that. The app is free but you have to buy or exchange other crypto for CAB coins to ride. The coins value is purely based on the value of the ride share industry.

did you? you seem like you are probably sephardic

And obviously you use them to pay the driver. It's like corporate scrip but crypto therefore cool.

You don't have the grit to actually build shit and will never produce anything in your life.


>current year +10

lol I don't have to build it, you can launch a coin with an app then get some booking app, rebrand it to be for ride shares, dot you Ts and cross your Is and I'll be laughing all the way to the bank.


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I should pitch this idea to Jeremy Kaufman I know him IRL. Better idea then LBRY desu.

That's not me stop confusing me

Das right mf Fpbp

That's gonna cost you 6-12 months of your life in dev time or like 50-100k in contract development wages to get a dogshit prototype running, at which point you will realize nobody wants to use your half assed app with garbage UX. At this point, you will give up and fail.

do it then

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I've already spent 11 years doing dev work for others, 6 months is nothing.

Now the only question is which coin to fork into CAB. I'll need to research that for a while.

Without Uber you wouldn’t have a job you are not a freelancer you are a dumb fuck

Who the fuck expects to make a 'living wage' being an uberfag?
I'd be surprised if this was the case

Never used an uber in my life because I'm not a fucking poorfag and have a car

Then if you actually have the guts, do it. However, most development monkeys just have a panic attack 3 months into being self employed and run back to the warm embrace of the bossman.

Probably would be a smart contract

Nobody said anything about a living wage but you’re not independent if you’re relying on their platform

You want to use an ERC20 coin on Ethereum, by the way, it takes like half a day to create one bespoke even if you're retarded.

>Who the fuck expects to make a 'living wage' being an uberfag
people that used to make a living wage driving taxis

thats true about the living wage bit, useless point
but isn't there lyft or some other zoomer shit?
Yes uber has a monopoly over uber

The trick is to do your side projects during work when you're still getting paid. But that means less posting on Dab Forums so we'll see.

If you can't make money driving a taxi, that's just natural selection. With such prices and their 'iconic' status they should be getting by.

>situation of the market
you're not allowed to do that that's discrimination

Once this happens it’s going to change the world, it’s coming and nothing can stop it.

>everyone is a mafia except the corporations that somehow receive the same legal protections as people, but can't be prosecuted as them because then responsibility would exist.
You must be at least 18 to post on this board. Maybe walk for a change you fucking coward?

Centralisation is a problem and it exists for various reasons, but centralising everything within the state under these union rules is worse

Only advisable if you can free up 20-30 hours a week consistently. If you can, go for it - any less than that and you'll have to quit eventually.

A Dapp can be made and it wouldn’t take 50% of the fare

> using state thugs to make uncontestable rules for your benefit is not mafia behaviour, it is actually caring and loving
> muh evil corporations

Theoretically yes, but practically ?

Well, see, now that's your problem right there. UK is communist territory.

It’s all up to the users and drivers. We just would need to use it. As a driver I know I would.

If I was getting paid in Bitcoin the last 5 years I would be better off right now.

Fuck uber zoomer cancer order a cab you stupid pos

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Expensive cabs will surely fix anti-white society yeah retard

Just like how DoorDash donates $1 million to charity and spend 5 million advertising it. these companies don’t give a flying fuck.

Shut up autist I never said that. Uber is still cancer though and you should throw yourself off a bridge for being an unironic corporate shill

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you entirely missed the point.
taxicab drivers used to be able to make a living wage, until uber.

Those drivers should lose their jobs for the betterment of the masses as the free market would allow.
And it is natural selection still as there is no outside collusion to kill the taxis.

Guess that medallion was a good investment eh?

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Why would I, as a racist, give a fuck about this exploitative company anyway?

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Old people couldn't afford rides to the grocery store - until uber.

The same Uber that told us to uninstall their app if we hate niggers is going to face serious economic consequences? Good.

Pretty much every trade or profession is cartel. The free market is a total lie. I wouldn't be surprised if all of them were trannies.

>gives an opportunity to someone
So uber not should exist at all as opposed to someone having the opportunity to take it?

Get fucked Uber

perhaps there should be a counter mob to the vocal minority of the current outrage mob
Let's de-gay the corporate west

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Fuck big tech. I hope you're all publicly castrated and hung out for the crows for your crimes against humanity.

what crimes, faggot?
You chose to use their services
>crimes against humanity
the definition has changed a bit since ww2 hasn't it?

I'm confused. Are they trying to get money from the government or Uber?

>use the local cab company I know and trust
>use some paki in a random car because he's cheaper
Lolbergs really are utter kikes

Uber, basically.

I'll take the lower rate. The pakis in cabs are fucking thieves.

How about having the option to do that, instead of the State attempting to reduce the value of what choice remains?

Where I work, we have contract workers and there is a contract for X dollars for Y time period to be paid at Z intervals. The contractor is responsible for the billing. I'm guessing, but I don't know, that there some of contract or work agreement with the drivers, but I am also guessing that the paycheck is dependent on the number of trips, etc. Furthermore, I am pretty sure the drivers do not "bill" Uber, but that Uber metes out the pay based on trips, mileage, etc. While drivers may seem like independent contractors, the method of payment may be the trip wire. If Uber takes out taxes, etc. then there is a stronger case for Uber to be the "employer."

>the option to do that
There's literally nowhere in the UK Uber services that isn't already serviced by at least one cab company along with public transport. I live in a semi rural suburb and there's two local cab firms to choose from. Uber was just allowing any old faggot musser with a car to drive fares, the majority of whom were drunk slags from city centres.

Also why should the state allow a clearly inferior service to dodge costs normal firms face and in essence condone eventual monopolosation?

All my local lads are white. Support your local cab driver the same way you'd support your local shop over some megacorp tax dodge run by a jew

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Have you considered that the minimum wage exists because if it didn't people would quickly become criminals as even petty crime would be more worth it than working for 10c an hour? But dw the government can introduce harsh new penalties to stop petty crime! Oh wait you're ancap that's against the NAP nevermind.

> Also why should the state allow
Imagine being so conditioned for the servitude of the state, that you need a reason for a state to allow you something

> But dw the government can introduce harsh new penalties to stop petty crime! Oh wait you're ancap that's against the NAP
No it's not dumb commie

As far as I can tell there isn't any real way to launch a coin except on Ethereum, where gas prices make doing anything pointless. I don't know now dLive and Brave run their coins but they probably run a miner for their own proprietary chain in their users' browsers or something. There is currently no ready made and affordable chain to launch a coin on, I believe.
And anyway nobody's gonna use your mobile rape app. All the more true for delivery apps. A lot of food gets messed up/lost/misdelivered which is where a lot of the app revenue goes. These apps are barely profitable, if at all, and his people underestimate how much labor it takes to keep going. You need thousands of pajeets in a call center round the clock to even hope to keep all your clients happy.

I drive for a couple apps and love it compared to other jobs that would hire me. I wish government would leave it alone. At least ask drivers what we want. Transparency for the fees and conditions of each mission and a UX streamlined for safety. My biggest gripe is these apps seem designed to get you to hit accept while driving. I.e. doordash requires three clicks to reject a mission and the buttons are small and notification badges make it difficult but 'ACCEPT' is a big beautiful banner on the bottom third of the screen.

of course a glorified racist does not understand the market fundamentals that increase wages and profit margins
Oh well, what can you expect from a 'nazi'

>still pondering that faggot political compass question Is the market free if it allows for monpolies

>the state allow a clearly inferior service
Its for the customers to decide which service they prefer, don't you think? If uber drivers are that bad, then fewer people will chose them. Clearly that is not the case, or the State wouldn't be acting as they are in this case.

>eventual monopolosation?
No. Every monopoly i've ever dealt with in real like (and in Canada we have a lot) is one made so by the State enforcing it. It's not always terrible, but they know damn well you have no choice but to use them and often behave accordingly.

monopolies or even situations coming close to monopolies are the result of collusion, even if there is no reason to think for it to have happen

based leaf

True but it'll cost you hundreds of dollars to deploy and tens per interaction. The cost of gas on Ethereum is sky high and nobody will consider it for a serious ERC20. Only non retarded reason to do so would be because for now there's no alternative really, but you'd plan to migrate to a next gen chain when it becomes available.

Petty thieves used to be regularly beaten and hanged to help cull the lowest caste of society. Now we have the minimum wage and welfare to make sure they’re able to breed. Getting food stamps for a few weeks because you lose your job is a compassionate state. Existing in a bloodline that has been a cost-center and burden on society for 200 years is reverse-evolution.

If the fare prices go up then the authorities are to blame. If Uber "workers" are laid off then the authorities are to blame. If Uber packs up and leaves the UK then the authorities are to blame. Not that they will take the blame. The authorities probably have a load of politically correct buzzwords ready to justify their troublemaking, even trolling, reasons.

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How is establishing monopoly rules by the state prevents a monopoly?

> politically correct buzzwords
Yeah they already said that it will correct "oversupply"

Uber is anti white. I dont give a fuck about this company.

>efforts to keep the unemployed unemployed

sure, why not

>Its for the customers to decide which service they prefer, don't you think?
If we hadn't been conditioned into a mindset of mindless selfish consumption perhaps but inevitably people are going to choose the lowest common denominator and cheapest option. Why should I support my local community by going to the car wash run by my neighbour when I can go to the one that employs illegal Albanians for half the price if I can't even be bothered to care about my neighbour or wonder if the Albanian's wages will be wired straight to Albania?

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this is the same kind of retard who would beg to lick clean the boot of a monarch
>mindless selfish consumption
that's just you

>Our supreme court in the UK
the UK does not have supreme court. it's got a tony blair pro EU court supreme, which is nothing but a bunch of biased fucking faggots, pining for the EU

Opting for the lower cost option is hardly the result of muh capitalist brain washing bro. It's just what people do. The real problem in your scenario is the State encouraging those albanians to be there in the first place, because they sure as hell didn't happen organically.

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.


> I want to get from a to b fast and cheap
the logic of right wing leftists

Btw that court decision literally has nothing to do with illegals or immigrants and one of the two guys who filed it seems to be a shitskin so you just push red-herrings

Better than licking clean the boots of a Warlord.

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the hierarchy should remain one of competence in ancapistan
though I am a minarchist
tfw no flag

>the minimum wage should be abolished as it's just a stupid cap
You are wrong
>We need a minimum living wage
On the other hand we need a salary cap, which indicates the maximum that a person can earn.
Thats why we have niggers making million per month playing sports or dickheads like Bezos making billions while scratching their egg sack

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Long life to small businesses
Death to big corps


those niggers should be allowed to make millions a month
I smell a spiteful, greedy incel who wants to get their commie hands on the EARNED goods of people
I'm sure running Amazon is just ball scratching yep

Your arguments remind me of when people want to blame walmart for shutting down le 'mom and pops". Walmart in reality did nothing other than give people the choice to buy lower priced goods of an acceptable quality. It also revealed the fact that most people care more about saving money than they do about preserving whatever it is that the 'mom and pops' added to the community.

Wanting the State to remove those cheaper options is just another way of saying that you want people to care about the mom and pops. That's a valid thing to believe, and you are free to make your case to them for why they should care. But, is it right to use coercion in order to force those people to behave in a way which amounts to nothing more than pretending to care about the things you care about? I don't think it is.

>be sainsbury's
>gain some success
>now evil

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*McNukes your toll road* heh, nothin personell kid

If they are workers, why are they using company cars off the clock?

You are geeting it wrong, mate
Explain to me what does capitalism have to do with guys loke Gates, Jewckerberg and Bezos ?
We are not talking about bashing on capitalism, we are talking about a regulated market.
This, to let small businesses flourish and to stop that 50% of worlds wealth is in the hands of fucking 10 dudes.
Get real, faggot

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Did the company pay for those cars? No? Then it’s not a company car you stupid jew influenced mutt retard
The world would be so much better if you were wiped out

>not bashing on capitalism
>regulated market
If you want to see 'small businesses' flourish then you will need to tackle corporatism and tell encourage a movement because it turns out people like buying cheap stuff.

There is centralisation and it is a problem but this court decision has nothing to do with it

'ancom' doesn't get the joke
They AREN'T company cars, they AREN'T workers

But thats what we do now, we are slaves to the state which enforces its arbitrary decision with force and ancap is a vision where people are free to make their own decision

>those niggers should be allowed to make millions a month
Sure buddy, I'm sure they deserve mor money than a firefighter or a scientist.
People like you are the reason this world is collapsing
We are rewarding the most popular and not the one who deserves it and that add sth of value to humanity.
>We have to aim for a meritocracy
Grow up, mate

Regulated maeket is communism

>I'm sure running Amazon is just ball scratching yep
If you think Bezos succes is no other than 90% luck and connections and 10% brains, you are delusional.
I'm sure you believe the out of the garage story, right ?
Kys you pathetic "how to improve myself book reader" faggot

> Fucking ridiculous nobody 'works for' Uber, they're freelancers.#
Do you even understand the legal reasoning for the finding? How much of the judgement did you read?

If the government just made the minimum wage £5000/h we could all be millionaires but they won't because they are mean

That'd be a good question if the SC found them to be employees, but workers =/= employees.

>they deserve mor money than a firefighter or a scientist.
You are really complaining about the choices other people make with their money, keep that in mind.

You have to be over 21 to post here

they are rich because people gave them money
fix people before you start playing God
Your beliefs deface the flag of the UK

>yes i would rather have a global monopoly of all market activity than have to wait 3 days for my product to arrive, or god forbid go outside and go to a store and buy something in person

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I don't read those books. So tell me, how do you intend to create a business as big as Amazon?
Please! I assume you have 10% of a brain so where are all these connections?

>complaining about the choices other people make with their money
What ?
Learn to read

oh no jewber can't exploit their workers by claiming they're contractors anymore, this is annudah shoah

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>I have 3,000,000 subcontractors
>no employees

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based digits... but UBER is woke faggotry

“Drivers are in a position of subordination and dependency to Uber," with little ability to improve their economic position. They only way to increase their earnings is by “working longer hours while constantly meeting Uber's measures of performance," the court said
fucking this?

People can't be fixed
The avg mong is way too dumb, keep that in mind at all times.
Humans need a leader.
People can pay niggers for playing nigger ball billions, if they want to.
What I'm saying is that from those billions, niggers should only receive a small fraction, the rest should be aimed to social services, science, infrastructure and so.

>Fucking ridiculous nobody 'works for' Uber, they're freelancers.
The contract Ubers has it's drivers sign says otherwise

what about the software engineers who made the app?

lmao you are the nigger who does not understand markets
there is infinite pie

issue them on the XRPL, or BSC

>how do you intend to create a business as big as Amazon?
I don't
We don't need that
Corps that big are a disease for the world
Monopolies should be illegal

Is that the only line you read or did you also read about the multiple tests for determining worker status, including control, mutuality of obligation, and the economic reality test? Which of these tests did you disagree with the findings of?

>We are rewarding the most popular and not the one who deserves it
People freely spending their money on the things they value are deciding who deserves it, but you don't like that and want the State to force things to look more like you think they should be. That makes you a tyrant at heart, which all men are, hence the dangers of the State. It's not complicated. I think im talking to a teenage angst queen or something.

Good. I support workers.

Uber is pozzed. An easy job for illegal foreign workers.
Fuck 'em.

So i work 4 uber, lol.
I thought i was a 10-99 independant contractor, tell me more user, i must make corrections on my last 6 years IRS tax, l wonder why the IRS never asked me to correct my paperwork.
U will never b a woman.

they always talk about them but never actually call one by name

Frankly, I haven't read anything. Just heard something on the news and started the thread

Everything is, not like you are getting freedom of association anytime soon tho

At the rate they are printing money this soon will be the reality

It theoretically isn't bad to have regulations against monopolisation to preserve competition, because competition is valuable in itself, like safe and sane nation is valuable therefore we should have borders. But this ruling only makes it worse

Good fuck companies abusing 'free lance' workers.

t. former free lance marketing person who was given scripted calls, inability to manipulate social media presence, and inability to make a mail campaign

Fuck 'em.

Yeah, who gives a shit about good service, right?

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I bet you are a 18 year old kid
Otherwise you would understand
Any market that is not based on a meritocracy system will always be prone to corruption, abuse of power, it is not ethical.
You are talking like if you are some wannabe millionaire, let me wake you up fagg. You are just part of the big engine, a total tool.

They are workers. They are told exactly who to pick up, when to pick them up, and how much they will get charged.

If they were contractors the drivers would be able to set their rates and pick who they drive.

Jewber just wants to avoid paying for benefits. They can rot in hell for all I care.

i think you misunderstand
meritocracy is the only way
either i cannot write or u cannot read

>ancap showing itself to be a subhuman parasite again

oh wow the averag uber driver only earns $364 a month! poor them! oh wait. most uber drivers have full time jobs and only uber a few hours a week. some dont even do any runs for weeks. so yea, they are as available/on demand contractors, not employees.

i like uber. its cheaper than other delivery/driving, super fast, easy to track and has had good customer service support in all my experiences. i like that my drivers are all local and its mainly the same people over and over, some of which i've gotten to know a little bit. when i was in college i did food delivery for supplemental income for a guy who basically just had a bunch of radios set up so he could coordinate us around town and advertised his phone number everywhere and we just gave him a cut of the delivery fee every night and we kept all the tips. all cash, work as we were available/as he asked us. i was also not a real 'employee', but me using him as access to his customers. uber is much better system and an example of how companies need to utilize technological improvements to stay on top in every industry. the old taxi/delivery system with dispatchers, centralized hubs with shared cars, and monopolisitic caps on taxi "permits", etc is dead. the new app based system is better for everyone.

Your jewish masters have trained you well.
Keep coonsoooming, illiterate leaf

do you know what a parasite is?

Sorry dude, I’m using CAB for my coin.

>but no you're right lets use the state to just end this exploitation

>regulations against monopolisation to preserve competition
>we should have borders
I do agree. Understanding human nature is what keeps me from progressing to full ancap. Power is suspect wherever it concentrates, and needs checks and balances.


jew hate is cringe
bad bongman, bad

It's both. While there is infinite pie there is no meritocracy and some portions of the pie are bought and never developed while others are outlawed, and others still are controlled through monopolies and yet further still there are parts that are of such low social value that no one would pay for them.

>avoid paying for benefits
These are always paid for at the expense of the workers wages, I know, because we are made to receive many 'benefits' here in Canada, whether we want them or not, and it costs me a small fortune every year for services i dont want to buy

>meritocracy is the only way
It should be my friend
The more useful you're to your community the more you should be granted
Simple as

>exploiting workers for shit wages under coercion while profiting massively
Pick 2, lolsperg

I literally don't want to be an "employee" of Uber. I like the fact that I do not have to work for a week or a month or a YEAR and that's okay with them as long as my background check is maintained and my shit is up to date. I work on my terms when I want to , and I don't when I don't want to. You make us workers. And Uber has to cap the hiring and deal with scheduling. None of us want to be scheduled. We have other jobs and just do this shit for beer money.

Sure, and you'll see how well you dream big government treats you. My beliefs at least aim at reducing tyranny...yours, im not so sure. Great arguments by the way.

You are starting to show your true colours my dear.
Post flag, otherwise all your opinions are discarded

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>let's average out people who drive 9-5 5 days a week with people who give 2 rides in a month
>muh average monthly earnings
Don't breed

what is an example of a monopoly today? The rest of your reply seems to shift ancap. Are you insinuating that racial discrimination is happening with the 'low social value' part?

You will be employees and like it you stupid fucking goyim

Uber uses free assets to make money. They don’t pay for any vehicle maintenance or gas. Uber is using desperate people to make money. SHUT IT DOWN

so you want a totalitarian to decide who is most deserving rather than everyone multiple times a day? Good luck with that
I hope you do well setting prices when you think they are too high

>big government
Never mentioned that
I just said that the market should have to be regulated in order to create a healthier economy
Plus the people is the government in any ideal society
Unfortunately everything is compromised these days

humanity abandoned free markets in favor of cronyism long ago

>tired of shit work
>leave and go somewhere else
>this happens many times
>a labour market has been created
>regulations fuck this up
take the capitalism pill, commie

Stay mad just ordered some chink pyjamas on amazon. Im gonna get comfy.

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You make the rest of bongland look like shit
>le vpn le vpn!
ok cynic

>wants all social and economic issues to be solved by randos acting purely in their own economic interest (ie muh lowest price)
Imagine having an ideology that prescribes markets as the solution for every human problem lmao

But I hate communists.
>just get a new job lol
Why don’t lolspergs understand that all labor decisions are made under coercion?

Never said I wanted social issues to be fixed by markets you fucking sperg. I'm a social conservative and would gas you up in reaction to my disgust at you irl were it not for my belief in the right to life

It’s not just workers benefits. It’s the entire business model of Uber. Drivers are getting screwed long term.

Uber basically offloads car depreciation, car repair, sick leave, vacation time, car insurance, health insurance, all payroll taxes, and workers compensation all on the driver. While paying them very little desu.

This is why they are cheaper than Taxis. Not because they are more efficient, but because the Uber fare does not accurately reflect the true costs.

>social conservative
>ideology will necessarily destroy social conservative
>madspergs at those who point it out

I can't really speak to monopolies/duopolies for reasons I won't elaborate. And yes racial dissemination is happening with the 'low social value' and it is mostly against whites. A business is 'not diverse enough' or 'disparately treats minorities' or is 'racist' and artificial forces and a lynch mob form against them.

Ah yes, the 'owner class' will shoot me if I quit
By this definition of coercion, I presume no human has ever made a free decision because we are all coerced by our need for food and shit

Because of how uber works, retard

>1. Destroy all competition by undercutting wages and offering dunpibg prices
>2. Once you have your monopoly, jack up prices like crazy, with short dumps to destroy anyone who founds a new company to compete

Did I mentoin that the process leaves you, the customer, as the one who also gets totally assraped by havibg to take whatever the monopoly gives you? Your government just prevented that, be thankful you fucking kike enabler

the lynch mob is a vocal minority that is brainwashing the masses without opposition
create a counter mob and social revolution and people can we can still function without state intervention
Isn't intel/amd a duopoly?

lmao uber is not a monopoly
ever heard of bolt, ola and lyft?
Everyone loves to shout monopoly

50-60 dollars an hour after the $0.51 return per mile standard deduction.

I already had to delete Uber because I'm racist (per their request) so I don't care what happens to them. I also can't use lyft after I turned down a job offer from them a couple of years ago. What taxi app is out there?

xoox, ola,bolt, kapten

ffs man look it up

>create a counter mob and social revolution
[spoiler]I did[/spoiler]

And yet people choose to be uber drivers. Can we just let them decide whats best for themselves?

yes but the american experiment is failing because the people have not continued the spirit

ffs, that's not going to happen unless new companies/individuals are not allowed to open business if/when the 'monopoly' increases prices.

Coercion by nature to eat and have shelter.
Nature be oppressive yo

None of those are in the US

This is a caricature but like, what you are essentially saying is that bad thing is happening so the state should do the bad thing itself before it happened. Maybe there should be an anti-monopoly body of law which treats platforms like utilities and same laws as for utility companies should apply, and uber is a partly a platform for driver and passenger ratings. But this ruling doesn't help this whatsoever.


>By this definition of coercion, I presume no human has ever made a free decision because we are all coerced by our need for food and shit
You’re strawmanning it, but yes, when the alternative is starvation, employment decisions are made under coercion, which is why
>just get another job if you don’t like it lol
>the free market will fix it
aren’t cogent arguments or a coherent world view

the idea is that businesses need to compete for your labour. The problem with uber is that it's unique selling point(generally) is low prices but they cannot raise them because they would kill their revenue. Apparently they aren't doing too well so the only way to raise wages is to raise prices but they can't - sucks

That definition of coercion is so extreme that it is useless to use it. They worldview would be coherent if you understood how markets work.

The root cause is Jews and the cure is genocide but that's a war crime so not sure what to do now

> made under coercion?
Coercion is not when you are put into unpleasant situation, life is unpleasant, it's when you are treated unlawfully/ irreciprpcally / nap is broken

This was a UK SC case, not US. US employment law is very different

Retard, go to the caves primitive piece of shit

We all know bongland is the most jewified country in the world mate
You just proved my point, sheckelberg

Worker =/= employee in UK law

Listen here, goldstein
Frankly, the jew hate is cringe

I turned down a job offer with lyft so they shutdown my app access.

This is sth a jew would say, fren
Gtfo and take muh big corps shit pasta with you
N9body here is buying your money oriented speech, you sperg

oh you're that guy
why did you turn them down?
And why would they do that shit

Attached: 1776.jpg (1200x900, 49.78K)

my speech is orientated by the belief in the individual
I do not like big corps because they are big corps
Why don't you go back to walking around carrying a shank and eating local nigger chicken you fucking disappointment to Britannia

I had a better job offer elsewhere and a week after I turned them down I noticed my account was restricted.

make a new one, or complain
even big tech makes mistakes


Exactly. Hence the whole reason for human civilization

OP signing out

Uber is substantially cheaper than a taxi. I did the math on this, and I don't see the drivers making very much money after deducting expenses. It's another Silicon Valley idiot trap like eBay.

The taxis here charge outrageous fares. Like $30 + tip to go 7 miles.

This thread is about the UK. However,vin the US it's the Fair Labor Standards Act that applies. In order to not be considered an employee one must retain their own autonomy. Any agreements must be implemented as arm's length contracts that both parties sign off on. Despite what these Silly Valley companies would like you to believe, "Terms of Service" and "End User License Agreements" hold no force of law and constitute an illegal contract.

I'm not too sure about that. When people had decent incomes they had no problem dealing with local businesses. The fact that wages haven't risen, adjusted for inflation, in nearly 40 years now, while cost of living has drastically increased, has forced people to seek out the cheapest options.

Amazon's retail business unit does not and has never made any money.

Attached: 1613756881408.png (1079x571, 169.99K)

More disposable income certainly does leave you with more freedom to accept paying more for certain things, just like lower taxes are generally found to lead to increases in charitable donations. My point was that we all will usually choose the cheaper options if the quality is acceptable.

Interesting perception as there is virtually no money in it. Uber is simply shifting most of their operating expenses onto the drivers and paying them less than minimum wage to do it.
In my experience, most "gig workers" don't have any actual experience running a business and do not run their operation like a business. Since they don't keep proper books, they don't realize that they are losing money.