So true

So true..

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>his flag is a kike

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why do they want overpopulation

Uh why is this map highlighting areas with a high % of PoC and violent crime in RED while saying this country is FULL? This is all kinds of problematic

Just see the map. There is plenty of room for new immigrants

Hey Google, define infrastructure

What part of "were fucking full" don't you understand!

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>Be leftist
>claim to support the environment
>also want to let in endless waves of immigrants until every pieace of land is covered in steel and concrete
>see no contradiction here
Why is the left like this?

It was a nu-lolbertarian type, literally open borders is a good thing, low wages equal good.


Explain how

Sorry racists. We’re taking all that farm land to build low cost housing for immigrants.

Unironically true

Looks full to me. Go away. We don't want you here.

but not enough jobs

wow india too

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It looks like that because elites dump 10 million people into shoeboxes. Cities shouldnt be over 300k people

>every inch of a country has to be apartment buildings
fucking neck yourself.

>population concentrated in the major cities and less in rural locations

So farmland, factory blocks and forests just don't exist then?

The double nosed flag.

But they are monkeys that don't work.

Leftists are funny. They scream about pollution and climate change, and the only realistic solution is less people. But no, they want more.
Let alone not understanding geography. Or he is ok with settling shitskins in desert and mountains?

yeah we're full, imagine how much room for activities there will be when all the niggers are happily in africa, the illegals are back wherever they came from and the jews are burning in hell!

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You can always stump these retarded open-borders lolberts by asking where people are going to live until we build up the housing and infrastructure for all these migrants they want to let into the country. Friendly reminder that lolberts either have to acknowledge that the election was stolen, or accept guilt for giving the Dems the 2nd Amendment on a silver platter.

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As someone who cares about the environment, this pissed me off the most about the left. They have completely sold out and outsourced their more agreeable issues, like protecting the environment, to corporate "green energy" meme issues rather than a true attempt at conservative. All the while they support the constant ballooning of the population trough immigration in order to suppress the lower classes and maintain a taxbase that supports our broken boomer entitlement programs.

They literally want us living in pods eating the bugs.

More population means more services needed means more jobs.

No. There isn't. The world is on the cusp of full collapse. The ecosystem cannot support more shitskins.


You can just pave over suburbs.

Israel too. Just look at all that space they can share.

Attached: Israel-Population-Density-Map.jpg (749x1357, 114.27K)

Looks full to me. I know another place just like it.

You need more than land to survive. The reason population centers exist is primarily due to water proximity. Those northwestern states don’t have any reliable water.

low effort false flag, kys.

The green areas are owned by the government and were open to homesteading for decades. You know why no one settled them? They aren't particularly hospitable. It's like pointing to the Australian outback or the Sahara and saying "Why don't many people live there?"

there no third world countries that arent fileld w third world pp . remember than shithead


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You would think huh?

You're a moron

anyone who argues for more traffic is a jew.more traffic and crime and people so pissed off that whenever they see a jew on the street they will shoot them in the face.

Yes. Some of those migrants even manage to become business owners.

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Nice adhom.

Or criminals. Why can't they be business owners in their homeland?

>complain about high home prices
>want open borders and say his "empty" the country is despite will never ever consider moving to a rural area
Being leftist 101

Did you?

>food grows in the grocery shop
Fucking city slickers

>knock down more forests and destroy more rural land for immigrants

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Looks like too many people. We should do a purge of the red areas.

>"We should just dump all these inmigrants into bumfucknowhereland, Flyover

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You didn't make a point. You just blurted out stupid shit. Not an ad hominem, sorry.

And yet we see in countries like Australia, America and Britain that hospitals, public transport, public schools. and the energy sector are all overwhelmed and unable to meet the demand of the increase in population

right, and service jobs are garbage, it's more garbage jobs

>Nepalese are going to move to rural Iowa.

No, they're going to cram into ghettos like all the other browns that come here. Brown people are scared of nature.

I dunno, maybe because neoliberalism promotes crypto-colonialism.
So you are against suburbs, right?

thats why we're building more hospitals. also solves the problem of our med students having nowhere to go.

>we should fill up all our empty space with genetic trash that will, of course, migrate to cities and lower the overall IQ and increase crime and, of course, debt

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How about an answer you didn't get off r*ddit?

Suburbs are retarded use of land for how much of them there is. Even 5 story high buildings would be much more useful for economy.

Yeah building them now when we've needed them for decades I mean I am on a four year wait list to see an ear nose and throat specialist, that's just the wait to see one then it will be one to two more years for the surgery I already know I need

They desire to live like hens in a battery cage. Degenerate subhuman filth. They are cattle and proud of it.

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Well if land can’t vote
It can’t get a job either
It can’t support a family
It can’t depreciate infrastructure

So you think the US should look this?

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they cause pollution and use up resources

the eco-friendly thing to do is adopt policies that would drastically lower the global population within a few hundred years. literally tax children.

our government has failed to invest in critical infrastructure expansion for almost 30 years. only thing they seem to want to build is highways.


Reddit users also recommend breathing.

jeffrey tucker is a stupid nigger along w OP who will die of ass aids this year

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most of this free space is Negev desert. I'm fine with transferring there all blacks and mudslimes we already have, so we can take more light skinned jews

I work with a few of your kind in grad school. You are the slimiest, nepotistic, bunch of cheats out there. You make up data, and lie through your teeth about your research. You bring your caste system nonsense here, and spend the whole day watching cricket.
Then marry your shitskin brides through arranged marriages, bring them here on dependent visas, which then turn into green cards...and your spouses then sponsor you.
Shitskins should not allowed in this country under any circumstances

you god damn retard, how many jerbs were lost due to immigration? Im talking basic jobs that were happily done by boomers. Now we compete with uneducated morons who get first in line opportunities granted by the state. What about menial jerbs high school kids did topay for college? Now these are infested with low iq shitskins who think they desrve $20 / hour for flipping a burger. FOAD

This idiot wants commie blocks, fuck off with that stupid bullshit. And I disagree, they would not be better for the economy

We're just gonna build houses on farm lands?

The Sierra club dropped their anti immigration stance in the 2000s when a kike gave them a massive cash donation.

will be a good idea to send migrants to live in the outback.

Dont even know where to begin with such a retarded fucking assumptions.
>everywhere in america is habitable.
>theres enough infrastructure in place to accomodate large influxes of people,
>Theres enough natural resources and food to sustain a large influx of people to these areas.
>Arbitrary scale at the side of what is considered low or high population density
>Every square inch of America should be packed full.
>Importing illegals in anyway helps resolve the issue of why they're illegally fleeing in the first place.
that guys unironically retarded.

With your mouth only though

Not just Australia it's a universal issue amongst the west as we've taken in more and more foreigners it really makes you wonder where does the money go and what did they think would happened with an increasing population but no new infrastructure to meet the demand in services

Bullshit, the minute they arrive you demonic sacks of shit would cry about it

>Im talking basic jobs that were happily done by boomers.
You're not talking about shit because I wasn't talking to you lol

So according to this map the longest distance to travel is "around" the shore of antarctica. Seems like an easy thing to verify...

My family has been here since 1643, so, uh, yeah?

There is a strange disconnect between liberals and rednecks on this. Liberals love the environment but do want to convert it to cities for more brown people and they hate the outdoors. But to be fair rednecks love to be outside fishing and hunting but they also are the same retards that burn coal and drive loud trucks in nature and not enjoying it or keeping it clean and they use it the most.

Soviet architecture to this day is praised for being thought out. I'm sure that americans can just not cheapen out on materials.

Same people who also are all about the environment, what do they think will happen to the environment in an America with 1 billion people? Just look at India or Indonesia for a glimpse into the future

It is actually severely over popuplated



fucks sake, some states no longer have any rural areas.
id shoot them if i fucking could. urbanite scum. i wish the cities would rot and fall i to the earth.

I disagree. Make blocs for the blacks. Put stores in the bottom for them to rob. It would give us more space. And smaller no-go zones

>i only know hyperbole

yeah, not how it works. that's generational, not immediate.

Is he suggesting we allow immigrants to homestead in the wilderness?

>what is aliah
why whould I cry if all our subhumans go live in a desert and instead of them we bring high quality ppl. Israel built by emigrants

>Soviet architecture to this day is praised for being thought out.
>I'm sure that americans can just not cheapen out on materials
In America, we can build our own houses lol

Leftists: “Noooo we shouldn’t be using up so much energy and commodities, we need the entire world to live like Pakistan and India!”
Also leftists:

burning clean coal creates CO2, which is a plant food. in response, the planet's plants grow more and more widely spread.

Most of those green areas are mountains and desert. You would die if you tried to live there. Well okay, churpas like you might do fine there, but real people would die without millions of dollars of survival equipment and infrastructure.

yet when you suddenly pump thousands of slave labor immigrants into a city the education, health care, housing, transportation, social program infrastructure collapses under the pressure and is unable to serve the people who actually live there are built that infrastructure.

literally just human waste every where. concrete, people living on top of each other. Much larger scale homeless people. More slums.
its awful to think about.

Can't wait for the last inbred hicks to be replaced with people of color with rich and deep culture other than "muh guns" and "MAGA".
Their empty land would be a great asset for the future of the US.

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Well I don't see that to be much worse than what Greece has to suffer through for example. When a rather small in area country like Greece, with already 10-11 mil people and in midst of an economic crisis, was forced to get cramped with an increasing number of immigrants (to the point where they now comprise 7.1% of the population and are the only ones rising in number) I don't think Americans have any right to cry about it. You have vast lands that you don't use. So you are the ideal country, if any, to take immigrants.
Your country was basically built from colonists and then immigrants.


thatd require them to get past their bleeding heart gimmick and do something. the only group they have the guts to criticize are the very people whos system brought them to wherw they are, and very people whose system it is they broke.

Yep, it's full.
>t. australian

Attached: full.jpg (320x231, 22.59K)

Hurr durr what is farmland? What are uninhabitable deserts? What are uninhabitable mountain ranges? Fucking idiot. You faggots don't want to live in the country, you want to live in cities, just like all of the other fucking cucked lefty faggots. I don't care if you come here and try to live in the middle of the mohave desert, but you don't want that. You clearly aren't smart enough to come here if you think "empty land" means "inhabitable land".

I unironically support this. Let's build a bunch of housing for immigrants and them starve them to death. Sounds like a great solution! It will also kill off all of the leftist city dwellers and create plenty of jobs for blue collar workers. They'll get to build the housing and then come back and demolish it once all of the immigrants and leftists are dead. I'm definitely down for my small farm to be extreme profitable because of food shortages. Then I'll buy up more land and become wealthy. Thanks.

Then why do the grints go straight to the already population dense areas if this is a valid point?


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If Bruce says it's full then it's fucking full. This isn't debatable.

>we can build our own houses
You fucking suck when it comes to urban planning. It's impossible to live without a car, utilities are stretched thin, huge surface area lives no room for parks. Public transportation is fucked.

I'm okay with settling them in deserts and up on top of mountains. Sounds like a great win/win solution. They get to come to America and we get to rid the world of stupid shitskins.

>no room for parks
Why do retards keep saying we don't have parks? You're the third faggot I've seen say that in 2 weeks.

Mine came out to the Louisiana purchase lands to settle back in the 1800's. We still inhabit this area today. My not-so-distant ancestors braved the lands and the savages to establish farm land and homestead. Today, I still homestead in this area.

Well, you have. But suburbs make them a moot point.

It will be open season on shitskins. They probably don't understand that there are place out here that allow the killing of trespassers on site. ProTip: If you're in Missouri and you see purple markings, do not pass that boundary. It is an all encompassing sign for "Stay the fuck out or you will be shot".

Has this guy ever heard of farms and deserts?

Makes sense to me it makes some parts of Europe look packed comparatively

nobody wants every square foot of livable space occupied by a poor person, also if anthropocentric global warming is to be believed then we should be working to reduce the world population

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The average population density of the entire European Union, including a lot of Eastern European countries most Americans couldn't find on a map, is about the same as that of France, 116.2/km2; 3.5 times as high as the US average.

City fags are a cancer which, of capitalism realism were an actual thing, would be entirely eliminated in the process of waste containment and mitigation. Wtf do we need all these people for, anyway?



>So true..
People's own countries are less full.

We don't need illegals. They don't add any value. They only take.

Don't you guys want to bring industry back into USA?

I did the math once, the entire world's population could fit in my county in CA, with 15 square feet per person, we are the 8th largest county in California

In the bottom

Lol tf is "capitalism realism?"

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Yes, but the way this map works is that the circumference or the edge of the "ice wall" will collapse to a single point making a sphere.

You don't need cities for industry. They're commercial centers.

This is the biggest fucking irration about C02 emissions. Like what in the fuck did no one take fucking botany?

Most of the west doesn't have enough water to support people living there, this kike knows that but he's a kike so he lies to the goyim

Even if this is 1989, imagine the smell guys, they live like fucking rat colonies.

>You don't need cities for industry
You absolutely do. Factories require large population, which requires service jobs and public infrastructure, which requires even more people. You can't work at the factory from a farm.

More kids to fuck for them

There's no free money and free housing to be had in the green areas.

Let's paved all the plains states and build favelas. We don't need land to grow food. Oops, another Holodomor. Stop noticing things, GOYIM.

The mid west looks comfy

And what is the eco agenda? Oh right depop with a forecast of 85 million by what 2025? BBB, smart dust, Darpa.

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>below 100

Redpill me on this pale bit here

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mostly farmlands up there

Same m8
Fuck off as well

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>in other news the earth is fucking massive
yes we know places are not "full" in the sense of no physical room left, but they are full in the sense there is no room left for new cultures, ideologies, or traditions. we are fucking full, so fuck off

Fairly sure leftists would start screeching if you started building low income housing on reservations and national parks which is like half of the country.

This is what a full state looks like.

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What's taking them so long to inhabit the yellow area? Why not build infrastructure and get the unknown thing called "water" flowing there so they can build homes and grow food and live.
What's the big deal?

it has to do with a different conception of space. subhumans can exist in tiny condos packed in like sardines. hence, fags like this one think only when the last tree has been felled and the last river paved over, then we are 'full'

real men like space, a property of a few acres at least, to feel truly at home and self-sufficient. can America offer this to all of its citizens?

Only the dark green is "undeveloped"

The yellow is sick areas that are overdeveloped and the Red is cancer meat grinder zones where everyone is constantly killing each other.


Kek. Based leaf.

Industry is so automated nowadays that running a factory really doesn’t require that much general fuckery from laborers. You still need skilled technicians, but that’s about it. In the mean time while that goes you could imagine more automation processes in the white collar sector as they instill AI which can handle the tasks once required by office jockeys. Doesn’t matter anyway since life is a fucking joke and ran by adult-children who have no idea what’s really possible or is going on in the grand scheme.

>the same country bitching we are full for 100 years denied us our rightful Lebensraum

when we talk about being full, we're talking about all the social programs the faggot liberals love so much.
Our public schools are overcrowded and underfunded. They're underfunded because only 50% of the country pays any taxes, and they don't want to pay any more and having every school teach all classes in Spanish is gonna double the costs.
Our emergency rooms are overcrowded, because only 50% of the country gets heath insurance, and the rest just go to the emergency rooms and don't pay their bills driving up the costs for the rest of us.
Our courts and jails are full. They're full because 13% of the country commits 50% of the murders and more than 50% of the rest of the crimes and due to overcrowding they're given lenient treatment even for serious crimes and they gather in our urban areas and drive away productive people.

Importing millions of literally penniless spics and niggers from 3rd world shitholes is going to exacerbate all our problems and drive labor wages into the fucking basement.

Those mexicans and Nigerians aren't going to go to rural Kansas and start homesteading. They're going to downtown Kansas City and signing up for welfare, while at the same time getting jobs illegally under the table for less than minimum wage without paying taxes working as janitors and maids and farmhands. Then when Paco gets into a car accident without insurance, he goes to the emergency room, doesn't pay his bills, goes to Court and doesn't pay his fines, and sends all his money back home to Guatemala to his wife and kids so they can pay the Coyote to bring them in and so his kids can go to public school here for free.

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I thought they wanted to kill us?

Stay mad.

>who's behind this post
>Flag is literally a nose and rubbing hands

well said, börger

we are but a drop in the bucket


Yeah, go live in these dark green areas which are not full. Oh, you prefer the red areas? Then the boat is full and you must stay out.

You know I bet China and Russia have a lot of free space too

Take a look at the actual size of Africa. It can fit the USA, China and I believe all of Europe in its borders and still have room, so why the fuck do we need to bring anyone else in the US, go to the homeland motherfuckers.

That's Greenland, you fucking moron.

Looks full to me.

Anyone who has a better than 62 IQ knowledge of America understands the wet side/dry side dynamic. You can clearly see the (historic) line between wet and dry America going from the MN border, down through Omaha, Wichita, OKC, Dallas, and Austin.

The density east of that line makes perfect sense. The density west of it mostly makes sense, though the large cities there are straining what few water supplies exist in the empty West.

I call it historic, t. KC area fag here, we get almost no rain anymore. The wet line has clearly shifted east and is likely starting to affect food supply.

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No Gurkha. THIS is what a full country looks like

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There's no housing or infrastructure. They also don't belong here.

They're just anti-white. They'll always support whatever harms the white collective.

Quick, btfo of nature so we can increase our population of subhumans.

Fuck off we're full you retard

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Your legit criticism of American city planning has nothing to do with the questions of immigration, wildlife conservation, infrastructure and rural development. Me being smarter than you doesn't mean I'm the mad one here

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ahh yes, let's build immigrant cities on top of the farmland

apparently full enough for the coronavirus to easily spread between people without end.

Wow. We could fit so many illegals in here.

No. Do you not see how the squares "change size"? The small and big ones are the same length.

You just fat

It takes over 8 acres to feed one person. A gigantic portion of the land isn’t arable.
Being this simple would fucking rule

Looks full to me

To say the US is overpopulated is to out yourself as an abject retard.
The US is underpopulated, which is why its infrastructure sucks so bad.

The solution is to open our borders, but the abject retards who live in dead rural towns with

umm sweetie that land is indigenous land, only for abos, they have a sole right to that empty land.

even if it’s not “full”, that doesn’t mean that people should be encouraged to flaunt our laws and sneak into the country.

if you finally make it to your new host nation, and the first thing you do upon arrival is to break our laws, that’s not making a very good first impression, right?
wouldn’t it be a bit understandable to be skeptical of those people, who have clearly demonstrated that they have no problem with breaking the laws, when it suits their purposes?

and for the record, I have no problem with regular immigration, just illegal immigration.

what? The US easily has the capacity for 1 billion. But I would never advocate for it.

Attached: us map rain.png (903x653, 103.7K)

no it doesn’t. we don’t live in a theoretical world.

Ya not like there's less jobs than people. Oh wait...walmarts hiring, and so is amazon, and also that mexican restaurant across the street. Before you know it the most basic entry level jobs you could teach a monkey how to do will require a masters and ten years experience. I go on indeed every now and then and companies are abusing the word "internship" to charge less. Fuck this "be thankful you have a job" shit. The market is shit right now

>get to decide the color of every population density on the chart
>make everything but megalopolis green
>look, everything is green, goy!

God I hate kikes. Fuck if we’re full.

Yeah, because who needs to grow food? Also living in the desert or in the mountains is great.

Do these retards realize how much farmland is needed to support even ONE city? Do they realize you need trees for air? Do they realize you can't destroy all the wildlife ecosystems?
Yes America is full. Now fuck off and die you disgusting kike.

good point. I didn’t even think about what kind of land is in those areas

Seems pretty full to me

Most of that land in the West is federal land. If the gov't wants more immigrants, they can build camps on their own land.


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fuck off

I thought these people were pro environment

Now block off the farmland required to feed the red zones. If you claim to be an environmentalist, block off the national reserves as well.

That is what an idiot looks like
see this and this

Ever heard of the term Reductio ad Absurdum?

Attached: US land usage.jpg (616x475, 44.65K)

here is what over population looks like

Attached: zbt6knzx7s101.jpg (1200x965, 99.55K)

Yes. You will

Go look at that spot where NV, OR, and ID meet on satellite view. It might as well be mars. Theres not even any roads. People post shit like this and unironically think its valid. We're full nigger.

He's right, though

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Now post all the Gov't owned land that citizens can't build on..

that's what i was saying retard.

So many niggers in Atlanta it glows from space