Do you think the EU should become a federal state

Kind of like the USA, but with more European values. I think a lot of cultural and monetary value is lost due to all the separated governments.

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Other urls found in this thread: Peter 1:1-10&version=NKJV

I think that g*rmany shouldn't exist as a country

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It’s time for it to happen.

yes that is basically the idea, One Europe instead of Germany, France, Italy,...


>I think a lot of cultural and monetary value is lost due to all the separated governments.
How will homogenizing the continent under one government increase cultural value?

The EU was a mistake that tried to mimic modern America as if it was going to bring them into the superpower realm only to turn Europe into a nigger welfare farm.

Hopefully nothing like the US and everything like Switzerland.

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Why the fuck would you ever want to be anything like the US? Individual states can't do shit anymore. If you'd rather allow your home country become subservient to a collective beyond your control (which is what Red States experience due to the current system) and have 0 control over your own future, then sure, go ahead and make a federal EU.
>European Values
What the actual fuck are those? Italians value different things from the French, who have different values from Germans, who have different values from Swedes. Unlike the US, you don't have a "unifying" mythos. You're too different. And that's a GOOD thing. Don't sacrifice your nations and traditions on the altar of globalism. Don't make America's mistakes.

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no fuck off kraut

I mean you are from the united states which has a one of the most cultural diversity in a single country. Additionally, structurally weak regions e.g. in east Europe could get more money for cultural purposes

No, the idea has that we destroy Germany, and split it up between Poland/Austria/France/Benelux/Switzerland/Denmark and never have to deal with your megalomaniac bullshit ever again.

The idea is that you go back to Poland, and Poland goes back to Russia and Germany.

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>Do you think the EU should become a federal state
>Kind of like the USA
is that why EU import africans and pretend they have been slaves? to be a parody of america?
>European values
European values is newspeak for EU integration.

>One Europe instead of Germany, France, Italy,...
i'm honestly so demotivated that i'm going to let it slide, if you absolutly have to destroy those countries then that's on you.

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Imagine ruining your country for globohomo. Oh, I don't need to actually. Kys, germ.

Current governments have multiple parties that already don't please most of the population. Why would you want a single government for several countries which have largely varying cultures, economies, populations, etc.? It would please even fewer people. Smaller, localised governance is better. Create systems so that countries can work together more easily (e.g. trade agreements) but don't go full globo homo like the EU. It's already full of mindless bureaucracy.

>European values
pic related

Attached: what is european values.jpg (981x183, 86.2K)

This so much. Therefore I propose Scotland leaving the UK so England can finally be the best version of itself.

Truly abhorrent, I was promised by pol sharia law would be implemented in 2 years or less!

But it's not too late. The courageous nations of Poland and Hungary can still leave. Any time. And if you ask me, yesterday.

I think the main problem lays in your "red or blue" voting system. On EU level there will be different parties from former states that have to find compromises on the issues.
Sure values might differ a bit, but I could make the same argument that someone from Minnesota has different values from someone born in SoCal

yeah. scotland, catalonia, quebec, texas, the more provinces that assume full nationhood the better off everyone will be.

They're functionally a federation as they use a single currency, all governments sacrificed their capacity for fiscal sovereignty to use the euro but this had dire consequences after the GFC when italy, spain and greece all suffered massive economic contractions. They could've avoid the fallout had they kept their indepedent currency. They went from currency issuers to currency users which was the major contention for a slow and pathetic recovery and forced austerity.


>2 years
You're a fucking dumbfuck niggercunt, the demographics are destiny, they just take more than a few years, slow boil and all that.

>as they use a single currency


Unironically yes. Scotland is nothing but a tax drain for England, and the English get nothing in return for enduring the immense faggotry that is the Scottish and the "woke" retards in the SNP. They want to break off from the UK in order to rejoin the EU anyway, so might as well let them become provincial serfs to an even more overbearing bureaucracy.

>European values

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Thank god we have the united power of the EU to stop sharia law from gaining any ground as it opposes EU values, right?

but every smaller piece of government creates more overhead. Do you want all your money to the goverment of you micro-state? And you have no power against the USA or China .. kinda like the uk now

here is the translation.
it means more immigration of people who do not integrate (balkanization).
non-discrimiation means you cannot criticize immigration politics.
solidarity means you have to pay for other countries which is really just funneling money into the hands of corporaitons (corruption and nepotism).
equality means you will be plauged by gender bs because Eu does not recognize mentally insane people as being mentally insane.

I wish. European Federation is the only way to stay relevant in the future.

nah man, that's just you spinning words.

you got a source on this pic, kek. that's funny shit.

if you remove germany from having any role what so ever other than to provide money then yes
cause otherwise it will never work

£2000 more is spent per person per year in Scotland (when it comes to public spending) compared with England. English Tax payers literally pay for Scotland to get free University tuition, prescriptions and social care to name a few - all things we English have to pay for.


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Look who's talking, not a country of its own for 850 years, right? happy 126th birthday, concept of Norway

if they had a referendum and let people in england vote they would be gone in a day

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We are going nowhere to make sure germans won't fuck up europe this time too. EU is about freedom of trade and not freedom from deciding for yourself.
Oh and suck my polish dick

>On EU level there will be different parties
None of which will actually matter, because the vast majority of institutional power is held by unelected bureaucrats. Brussels.
>Sure values might differ a bit, but I could make the same argument that someone from Minnesota has different values from someone born in SoCal
Yes, they do have different values. So different in fact, that they are incompatible. To the point where SoCal values are actively detrimental to the citizens of Minnesota, and have more power simply by means of population size. What you're basically saying is, Germany's values should supercede that of, say, Denmark's - and German values should dictate policies that effect not just them, but Denmark as well.

You don't want this, Hans. Best case scenario, German politicians will control most of Europe, but the German people themselves will suffer for the gain of their political and economic elites.

>European values
fuck off

Why do you think this. I think germany is taking an important role in european politics and they are not for self-benefit

more like globohomo values

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i'm confused
so you are fine with germany getting swallowed up by politically correct EU?

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This isn't a new idea

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>they are not for self-benefit
Germany pays the most but also benefits the most from open market, Germany is netto beneficiary of EU.
You don't do it for charity Hans.

i think the corporations that make up the european union are getting desperate.

Daily reminder "The West" is a meme. A recent idea that is a post WW2 concept meant to give the USA control over Europe, for good or for bad (primarily to defend against communism). It has no purpose today and is an outdated term. Europe should have self determination.

Unironically yes.
Based and multi-state federation pilled.

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That reflects the sentiment of the elected officials. I don't want to break up Norway every time some party proposes retarded bullshit.


>We are going nowhere to make sure germans won't fuck up europe this time too.

lmao truly the kikes of Europe

Urban left Europeans are fucking retarded.

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Unlike in Mexico or what?

I get your point I really do. But the point is that you have something everyone can agree on. Whatever it is Freedom, the American dream, patriotism idk.
I want this for europe as well and to reduce goverments in general.
Germany has a lot of benefits, but I think it is to focused on industries. In the united States of europe a state like germany would for example not be able to subsize Cars and shut down nuclear power

> a lot of cultural and monetary value is lost
Like what? EU is already too big.

The EU was a mistake. They stole your individual cultures. You’ll never get them back. You have been conquered.

Daily reminder that Poland is a foreign agent and needs to be dismantled

>President Trump visited Poland in July 2017 and one of his goals was the U.S. participation in the Three Seas Initiative.

>In other words, Poland is the new global coverage against the Russian Federation which was previously focused on West Germany.

> In essence, the United States is selling its shale LNG to particularly friendly countries, such as Poland, to isolate the E.U. countries that, instead, buy gas and oil from the East.

>Hence, hit the EU to hit Germany, Trump’s first objective, as well as support the Trimarium network to avoid the old Atlantic relationship with old friends that are now untrustworthy and unreliable. And also hit the Russian Federation hard, defuse and weaken the NATO network in Europe without harming the U.S. interests in the region.

We had so much shit swap our way, it is in our interest that Germany can thrive/develop/exist without its neighbours getting aggressive just because. There is no territory to take away any more and we wish to be surrounded by friendly countries. Yes the Netherlands are a friendly country, just as Czechia.

This might sound cucked, but the british concept of Balance of Powers, i.e. the Eternal Anglo, is beneficial to German interests. We had to eat french, swedish and other aggression since the middle ages, now "there is quiet in the box."
I know that the islandmonkeys hate us, but thats only because their propaganda made them do so, (because Edward didnt like his cousin Willy because Grandma liked him better than him,) and they are primitive enough not to move on from that.

>I don't want to break up Norway
but you have no problem breaking up every state that is part of the EU when you shill for federalization?

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You mean the rape capitol of Europe? No thanks. Now show a picture of the no go zones filled with Muslim savages.

turning EU to a federation is like USA before forming asking if they should have mexico as one of the states.

I am not saying Germany is not benefiting from the EU. But Poland is profiting the most

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I'm not saying we're not benefiting and I got no idea if we'd be better off, but what I know is that once we joined EU we've lost 60% of total businesses and our GDP rises because Germany has strong industry and outsources a lot here.
All in all one state is a dumb idea

>federal state
Do you mean a mommy state in a man's dress?
>European values
Like hate speech laws and unconditional immigration-welcoming?

No, thanks. Now fuck off!

You ask the peoples of all 27 EU member states whether or not they want to federalise, it would end up in a resounding fuck off. The issue with the EU is that its got to the state it is today, a political union without the consent of member states, they've slowly eroded sovereignty from member states and every time a member state has pushed back they've been either ignored or asked to vote again - until Brexit.

The only European values I'd devote myself have respectively died during the French revolution and 1945.

Nobody wants to submit to your mercantilistic degenerate kumbaya brown Europe.
Fucking die.

If europe federalized it could help secure western hegemony and contain china, so yes. Imagine the smug look wiped off Putins face as he reckons with getting dp'ed by a US EUFED alliance. The sun would never set on such an empire.


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>There is no territory to take away any more and we wish to be surrounded by friendly countries. Yes the Netherlands are a friendly country, just as Czechia.
in other words people have no land left because the government owns everything so now you want to award the government more power because you love other countries which you want to federalize?

i have no problem with you destroying yourself but why do you have to do it with countries i actually like?
cant you just silently become a commie dictatorship like north korea and forever shut up?

want me to list all the sht they destroyed in eu defence projects including ariane space program ?

they have no vision they are incapable of understanding risk

Fuck globohomos
Fuck the jews
Fuck (you)
And more importantly
Fuck jannies

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>You mean the rape capitol of Europe? No thanks. Now show a picture of the no go zones filled with Muslim savages.

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We have our business and it will be taken care of with help of americans if they want to help. Just like you are doing your pipe without looking at the others, it's retarded to expect people won't pursue their best interest.

Typical leftist knockoff meme that loses its initial meaning. You aren't a rebel for repeating fucking state propaganda.

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maybe not a bad idea. Would certainly help against illegal immigration and since Latinos will be the majority in the southern states anyway ..

You should be able to vote for your leaders. EU is a bunch of unelected bureaucrats

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Nah, your whole existence is a burden to the EU. It's exact same scheme that world to WW2: leverage Poland's autism to harm European rivals. You should all be aborted postnatally.

so you are still believing that brexit is a good thing? How delusional can one be

I think you should kill yourself. Shill.

>but you have no problem breaking up every state that is part of the EU when you shill for federalization?

That's right.

>mixing up sweden and switzerland
That US flag sure does make ya dumb huh goi?

>germany trying to destroy europe again
It's this time of history again ?
>benefiting from eu
Entering the EU did not change a thing in your stats. Strangely it seem like leaving an oppresive globohomo union have done more about it, than entering an other one...

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Literally what the picture says
EU = 4th Reich meme can fuck right off as Brussels is opening a procedure tbpunish Bulgaria for not criminalising racism

Of course. The destruction of Amalek is worth more than 6000000 shekels and then some.

at least you're honest.

You have to go back, too.

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Hitler should have won the war. He was ahead of his time.

all those german fags who are for the EU are either left wing or they are immigrants living in germany.
half the german flags you see on here aren't even real germans.

Le German mud face that is certainly a new one. I don't think that anyone is stupid enough to think that a 4th Reich is way to go. I am no fan of racism and socialism

FUCK NO. This gives complete control to the oligarchs and banks. They pray to their talmud every night that you will make corruption this easy for them. America is lost it seems but Europe still has a fighting chance, get rid of that stupid EU and fight for your independent nations Lebensraum. If your leaders and local governments make you country obviously superior to live in then citizens of nations that do not lift up their folk but rather destroy them will gladly sacrifice their national identity to join yours and expand your territory.

A united Europe must come from a thriving competition between countries of who can offer their populace the greatest quality of life as well as one that steers it's populace towards God's divine nature. Whatever nations best succeed at this will be rewarded greatly in power and once this occurs, we will truly have a force against the powers in this world that wish to make us into dead, slaving beasts, who live and act on this earth worse than animals.


Holy digits have spoken

You need a war to really make this happen. Anything less and it just prove Europe is filled with pussies who think they are civilized

So you think brexit is a good idea? Frexit coming soon?

3rd times the charm

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No, fuck off Hans.

Your grandpappy had the right idea, subjugate us or fuck right off with your soft power bullshit.

Poland is the only country in Europe worth respecting right now

FUCK OFF. The EU should be disbanded and everyone involved tried in the hague and potentially executed.

holy based, a true patrician

"Real Germans" wow. What does define a real german in your world view?

Trust me when we warn you do not want this. Read the anti-federalist papers since you have such a hard on for America, then look at what America has become. It is a prophetic document.

Still older than you as a stable independant country.

don't worry nobody is exiting anymore after corona.

Think about how many migrants your leaders would let in. You're a retard to think this is a good idea. The EU shouldn't exist.

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Good thing your parents left it though, right? Or do you go on vacation here once in a while to beat up some f*ggots like based Poles do?

I think EU should go to hell and be destroyed and every country that is in it should leave, NATO also
Fags, lesbians, terrorists, jews come direct from eU.

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kek'd at Canada. The British should never have turned their backs on Germany. Winston Churchill sold out your country to the banks and gave Palestine to Zionist (Rothschilds Balfour Declaration) just so he could turn Dresden into ashes and usher in a new decade of human slavery through technology and corporations exploitations of our addiction to supernatural stimuli (i.e. porn, processed junk food full of sugar, video games)

If Neville Chamberlin held office I do not think British involvement in WW2 would have panned out in quite the same manner.

And therefore the European union must be destroyed.

>If Neville Chamberlin held office I do not think British involvement in WW2 would have panned out in quite the same manner.
and if hitler didn't force the war Mosley might have had a chance at becoming a relevant political force.

I like how non-discrimination is considered a bad thing.


>Kind of like the USA, but with more European values. I think a lot of cultural and monetary value is lost due to all the separated governments.

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Yes it is the 4th reich.
If it only benefit germany, germany do what ever they want, it's just the 4th reich with more globohomo values
Not soon enough.
But we voted 2 times against the eu but globohomo don't care about democracy and just want to push their agenda on people and ignore those 2 referendums. A 3rd will probably have the same results, french people vote against eu, globohomo authoritarians ignore democracy.
How can you have confidence in a system who ignore democracy on daily basis and defend this authoritarian system ?
Also ask the dutch about it, they have been ignored too.

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what is the definition of "real european" for you?

You're a moron. We're in the EU and we don't get any fags or jews or whatever from it.

Those come from your own cucked country and elites, not from the EU. Removing the EU will not make Sweden less cucked, because it wasn't the EU which made them that way. They did it to themselves.

>We're in the EU and we don't get any fags or jews or whatever from it.
we've got plenty of romanians from it though.

I don't think that would work and it would be risky. Precisely because of difference in cultures and values.

Imagine a political elite leading the EU which wants rapefugees or trannies and a few Eastern Euro countries that reject this. We would end up with a schism fast. Still having individual countries is a safety valve, allowing countries to still have a local control of their politics and what they can accept.

Some things could be federalised, like a common army, but many others can't realistically work in a bigger structure. What do you think would be optimised in a federalised EU? Sure, decisions would be made faster, but this would alienate people from the EU, which would be seen as a distant Vatican, like during medieval ages, when their rulers needed to be recognised by the Catholic church. This would embitter people and you'd get a second Reformation. We already saw how bad things turned out due to the first one.

So, imo, federalisation can only be partial, here and there. But individual sovereign states will have to stay that way, or we risk bigger problems in the future. In fact, the only reason the EU hasn't blown up until now is exactly this, because political elites in each country still have most power over their countries, so they have no reason to split with the EU, the costs of keeping it are small, with few drawbacks and the advantages are significant.

That might actually help you reject the globohomo agenda, because Romanians hate it.

>I don't think that would work and it would be risky. Precisely because of difference in cultures and values.

Switzerland. Give me one reason why Switzerland's framework couldn't work for the EU (of course without Poland and Hungary)

Most of the "Romanians" we get here are not exactly Romanians. And those disgusting fuckers sure do LOVE open border policies.

EU needs to get the fuck out

switzerlands framework would be even more extreme than the current EU. the cantons in switzerland all have similar levels of wealth. and those who do not saw a depopulation movement towards the more wealthy ones. it is basically the no different from the EU except that it is even more centralized.

Because Switzerland is a very small country with its own specific federal traditions. It always enjoyed its neutrality status. It's protected by mountains so it never was worth conquering.

So, what I'm getting at is that their political culture reflects their specific chill and sheltered history. They could afford keeping such a small territory fragmented and federalised, since it was easier to control, distances were small and people didn't feel alienated.

The EU by comparison is huge, both in geographical extent and population size, spanning a few major cultural fault lines, between Slavs, Germanics, Latins. It's hard to manage these differences and keep the union even in this current shape. It takes a lot of compromise and constant effort to maintain it.

If you force greater union, there is a risk things could fall apart.

It's like if you keep some people in the same building, they all get together well as long as they only meet each other a few times per day and chat about trivia. But if you force them all to live in the same house, closer together, this familiarity could make them grow tired of each other, they could start disliking each other, because they feel like they have less personal space.

actually a lot of european immigrant groups vote more left in their host countries than the population in their coutnries of origin does. because they are migrants who also profited from more open borders. they are also often not really able to be against diversity because they themselves are contributors to more diversity.

I guess someone who is living in europe and has the goal to contribute to the benefit of him/herself while also wanting to give other europeans the chance to achieve the same

only if it becomes a based fascist confederation of sovereign ethnostates

what are the chances of it though Hans?

it has not ties to ancestry for you? i mean that is completely fine. but that means the definition of real euroean is entirely cultural. in that case i see no problem with current EU.

I wasn't really talking about immigrants. But as a memefag it's not so strange you'd miss that. So what are you? Paki? Poo? Chink?

it's a shame what the allies did to Hamburg

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Scots are responsible for 80% of britbong achievement, muttoid
even if we take their cash they will never be able to pay off our immense contributions

ok (((French))) Jew

its too late, they own all the legacy media in all current EU countries
see yall in covidulags

In theory its great, in practice theres niggers and sandniggers

Eu is already a pan European imperium ruled over by the Germans. Its already the 4th Reich. A knock off of the better original.

Hitler begged for peace moron

>I think a lot of cultural and monetary value is lost due to all the separated governments.

were you born before 2000 faggot? we barely have any culture left since the EU thing happened

Don't give up Polish user. Find power in the process of deification that can be found in your bible.

2 Peter 1:1-10 NKJV Peter 1:1-10&version=NKJV

"Non discrimination" has only ever meant an endlessly increasing amount of preferential treatment for non whites and totalitarian crackdowns on any white who displays even the slighest amount of in group solidarity.

Let me guess, you think "diversity" has ever meant anything other than endless importation of niggers in white countries don't you?

Also your country fought with the Axis so stop being a sandbagger to those who sacrificed with their lives for the betterment of the land you stand on.

>current eu
>filled with corrupt failed leaders
>endless cronyism
>refuse to agree with anything just out of historical spite

im sure a federal system would work out fine though laugh out loud

>it is basically the no different from the EU except that it is even more centralized.

Yeah, that's the point I guess. Switzerland is very diverse and comfy as fuck.

>Because Switzerland is a very small country with its own specific federal traditions. It always enjoyed its neutrality status. It's protected by mountains so it never was worth conquering.


>So, what I'm getting at is that their political culture reflects their specific chill and sheltered history. They could afford keeping such a small territory fragmented and federalised, since it was easier to control, distances were small and people didn't feel alienated.

Okay, but distances don't matter in today's world that much, do they? See all other big countries.

>The EU by comparison is huge, both in geographical extent and population size, spanning a few major cultural fault lines, between Slavs, Germanics, Latins. It's hard to manage these differences and keep the union even in this current shape. It takes a lot of compromise and constant effort to maintain it.

Not different from Germans, French and Italian. Again, I don't see a future with countries like Poland and Hungary either. But the rest?

>If you force greater union, there is a risk things could fall apart.

It partly fell apart regardless only 5 years ago

>t's like if you keep some people in the same building, they all get together well as long as they only meet each other a few times per day and chat about trivia. But if you force them all to live in the same house, closer together, this familiarity could make them grow tired of each other, they could start disliking each other, because they feel like they have less personal space.

yeah, that's a bad analogy. It's not like anything would change for Europeans apart from a more centralized approach to all things defense, infrastructure and foreign relations.

>laugh out loud

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>Kind of like the (((USA)))
>more (((European values)))

Diversity is cancer. Democracy is circus. These international unions are the path towards Brazil, and should be avoided at all costs.

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>Give up your national identity, let them flood you with millions of shitskins
Bbbut it's ok hans, we saved 2% on the budget!
Fucking brain dead robot peasant cunt, I can't wait to see the union fail.
Love Europeans, hate the fucking EU, simple as

Why are Germans so obsessed with uniting Europe?

3rd Reich loss butthurt.

because they hate beeing germans and want to be europeans. sad but true.


That's unfair towards the CCP. I missed the part where they are systematically targetting the Chinese people for ethnocide.

No, fuck federalism. It is nothing more than a way of leveraging inner city hordes against normal people politically.

Hold on lemme take off my memeflag

EU needs it’s own high tech industry, without mention its own military industrial complex.

kraut guilt, makes sense desu

Because we want a better future.

Of course the German would say that, they'd get to rule everybody else.

To every other EU nation: no, get the fuck out already, let the EU collapse and be your own fucking nation.

Notice how most world governments have closed pubs?


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>historical dinduism
everyone outside of Germany knew the ultimatum on their terms was never going to be accepted.
>making shit up

no one thinks that germanfag


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The EU should be refounded on national socialist principles.

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Joueur du Grenier, a french Angry Vidéo Games Nerd :

One globohomo europe populated by mixed race faggots. Beautiful

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Never ever.

are german toilets really like that, or what's the joke

Nein. Only Jews want this, and fuck them.

Current european values are garbage and we are full

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This disign is for Public space like restaurants cinemas and thing like this, so that men piss don"t go anywhere like every other country


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No. The EU needs to ideologically and physically dismantled to allow for a racial European superstate.

> gib back boland

The days of the Hohenzollerns and Habsburgs are gone, get over it

you're only saying that because it would be governed by your bankers and it is not your grandiose idea but something that has been talked about for at least 15 years openly by people who openly say that finance should govern states and not vice versa, so yeah go fuck yourself you kike-minded kraut, kill your retarded self please.


Blue commie please, not this again.
>European values
No such thing.

the same way you got affirmative action in US
treating people differently based on their race is supposedly illegal in US, but blacks still get leg-ups all the time while other races dont
first it's non-discrimination, then it's "positive discrimination" then it's simply hating whites

>American dream
Useful idiotism
>reduce goverments in general
Creating a superstate has the exact opposite effect.

As long as i dont lose my non-political monarch im up for a lot of EU unity

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The EU "constitution" has it as a goal to completely eliminate nation states. So, good luck with that.

Hitler was the last chance for white people. You fucking Nordic fucks are all pussies.

Kek Hitler was there for non nordic germanic peoples

Obviously not and neither should you Hans. It won't be Germans controlling it like you think but (((them)))



THIS! TÄÄ in Finnish