Why you don't live the NEET life?

>Wake up whenever you want
>Can workout, literally no excuse
>Go outside, get proper vitamin D from the sun directly, and for free
>All the time in the world to take care of yourself, and do /SIG/ (BTW, someone bake back that general)
>No boss to tell you that you need to put in more work/effort into their bullshit
>Incredible feeling of freedom
>Little money
>No career to impress the girls

It looks like being a NEET is superior.
Why you don't live the NEET life?
I am filing up an application now

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>Filing up an application
Literally anti-NEET behavior

>Literally anti-NEET behavior
Filing up an application FOR THE DOLE retard

Being self employed is much better than being a neet or working for a corporation. I work from my own home a few hours a day then I go to the gym and then I spend time with my girl.

>Able to do anything without having to work for it

Yeah not all of us can live the Hunter Biden lifestyle unfortunately. Plus, I’d really like to open up my own gun factory, so college and working for 5-10 years after that is the only way

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Because I have a job now that pretty much pays me to be neet.

i guess this is even better, congrats user.
I wish I could be a NEET for a few months at least, just time to figure out how I can become self employed.
kind of like a stepping stone to something better
the goal obviously is not to be NEET for life in my case

It's literally the most comfy thing to be neet and play vidya. Better go warm up your car wagecuck

that's even better kek
>so college and working for 5-10 years after that is the only way
You don't have the dole in the US? do you really need to work 5-10 years to open your own gun factory ?

Check’d never listen to the opinion of a filthy goy wagie

Yes, that's a good plan. Take advantage of the state but never rely on the state.

if you do /sig/ shit and other stuff thats actually good for you you'll quickly realize you'll want to stop being a NEET and its why you cant be a NEET if you do self improvement consistently. Also look, do it if you want, it really doesnt matter at the end of the day but you have to realize the cons are stronger than you think and stop you from doing literally anything substantial. No money to buy shit or hang out with people as much as you want, no money for hobbies, even if you get a car you have limited gas money or limited transportation money, you'll never be able to move out of your commieblock or shitty house if you get sick of your parents, since you have no money you cant make friends who dont just play video games all day and probably on exist online, you'll never have a family, you can have a gf but you cant keep one once she realizes you're kind of a loser even if you work out constantly because you have no money or promising prospects as a person, depression is going to also hit you like a truck no matter what and you'll constantly be fighting it. If you're okay with all of this regardless and dont mind doing nothing then go for it, but like I said when you start self improving you'll end up regretting NEETlife, you have to go all in or not at all trust me


yes very interesting post.
I think you are right, it is not good to be NEET long term. Also, I am used to having money (lots of it, as in more than your average wagie, much more desu) so yea I totally get your point.
But I will still do it for a few months I guess, time to figure out how to make money on my own

Where am I supposed to get the capital jackass? Work, investments, and loans are the only way, but I don’t want to be a bank’s bitch and will minimize the loans.

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Neet life is for retards. If you're into sig you will quickly realize you need to be self employed.

I do business/marketing consulting. I have an LLC and write off my internet, phone, and gas bills. I look for boomer clients because they are stupid and have money. I can't tell you how great it feels to take boomer money. Everyone should try it.

I was going to suggest just getting a loan but :
>but I don’t want to be a bank’s bitch and will minimize the loans.
Fair enough


Cons: no money at all*

Im intrigued? Do you not have the dole in the US?
here I can get 600 euros a month, doing nothing, for life.

One: I did and became depressed to the point of suicide. It's all fun and games at the start, but then you get depressed. And if you say you don't - you either haven't been a NEET long enough, or you a tiny minority of humans who can go without social interaction. I love people and talking to people so I can't do that shit.

Two: it's impossible in my country now as the government have ramped up means testing for welfare. And even if somehow you did manage to get something like PIP it's barely enough to even afford basic groceries never mind rent and bills.

Three: I found something I'm good at and enjoy and I'm now almost qualified. I will become cruise captain in about 4 years. I'm only two promotions away from it.

I just love the sea.

Where get money?

>Where get money?
the Gubberment

But I must cheat to get disability papers...

I am not a NEET yet.
Thanks I hate people and I dont need to talk them, so I guess I am fine with that.
I also dont pay rent, since the first objective while being a wagie was to acquire a roof over my head that belongs to me, so I guess there is that too
But youre right I probably wont be able to do it for long because I will miss not being able to have some purchasing power

why disability papers? Just get on the dole and that's it

You will learn to like talking to people.

I was like you before I became a NEET. At a certain point you realize just how fast life goes and all the missed opportunities and people you could have bonded with.

Then I close my eyes and just imagine myself dying at an old age and realize how much regret I would feel if I just remained shy and introverted my whole life.

It's super, SUPER low in my country. I could only afford the most basic food with it. And also government will propose you the jobs from time to time (shitty jobs for wage similar to dole payment, somewhere on the level of burgerflipping) and if you keep refusing them over and over again, then no dole for you.

Here's your Belgian NEET wife user, ENJOY!

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yeah like I said I honestly dont hate on it, one of my best friends is a portugese guy whos a total NEET and I fucking love him and helping him get shit together. If I was european I honestly would probably be a NEET for a little bit as well and consider it long term because you guys (thankfully) arent like america. What you're doing is smart and if you come up with a good plan on what to do its better to learn it by NEETing than by mindlessly going to college. Im probably going to reenter college to go for medical school and I realized that after staying at home and thinking through shit, I might second guess myself and consider something else like being freelance but point is is I understand my options and Im moving again and not just fucking around on Dab Forums. Believe me, I fucking hate wagie shit and pretty soon Im quitting my wagie job but NEETdom long term just fucks you for years its like living in an abyss

>/SIG/ (BTW, someone bake back that general)
We try, but the tranny jannies keep deleting it. Sometimes threads hit the bump limit and other times they get removed. Dab Forums is largely controlled by interests which aim to degrade the mental health of its users. /sig/, no matter how explicitly political the OP, has been under attack since the early Iron Pill threads in 2014/2015. Dab Forums has shown itself capable of being a real-world political force and they don't want to see that happen again.

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fucked up

>Dab Forums is largely controlled by interests which aim to degrade the mental health of its users
This. Metaphysics and self-improvement gets shoah'd (try to make a nofap thread and see how long it will hold), but when there's yet another religion DnC thread, every single tranny janny vanishes from existence. They also don't touch discord tranny threads unless you spam jannies/mods with complaints.

Not really. We have disability payment, unemployment insurance (your paycheck is taxed and if you worked enough days before losing your job you can get a temporary paycheck from the government), and some food stamp and housing assistance for qualified poor people (women and minorities get priority), but we don't have an endless gibs program for healthy men with no kids who don't want to work.

I open my browser straight to in order to contribute to those threads when I can. I otherwise don't spend much time on Dab Forums anymore, maybe once a week or so I'll take the time to find something interesting in the catalog but that's about it unless I'm looking for information on a specific current event.

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Relying too much on the system would be an issue for me. I'd rather live in a van, work 5 month/year and save money on the process while being free the remaining 7 months. In case shit hit the fan I would have enough savings and I won't be stuck somewhere.

I'm still lurking here every now and then, especially when I catch the wind of spiritual discussions, but you're right - this place is mostly doomed. For me Dab Forums was a good starting point years ago, but now it's time to move onward.

>I'd rather live in a van
>save money
I used to do this while working in the trades and kept pretty comfy without wasting fuel on heat or air conditioning while I slept in temperatures ranging from roughly -40F to +100F. My only expenses were food, weekly laundry, the cost of owning and driving my van, and the membership to the 24-hour gym chain at which I trained daily and showered.

I do but the freedom doesn't always feel like it's worth the loneliness.

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I have a job because I'd be bored shitless otherwise. I'm a shipping clerk but never busy so I mostly just rearrange shit on the sshelf.then sometimes I have to grab something and put tape on a box. Real hard labor.

I feel a small sense of obligation to help keep newfags from spiraling into insanity and there's the occasional entertaining or informative thread, but there's little here for me at this point beyond a sort of sad nostalgia.

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The possibilities are endless and this is why I am seriously considering it. Why have you stopped ?

That's precisely my sentiments about this place. But abandoning Dab Forums is actually an important step, if you look at it philosophically: Dab Forums is created by being of a material plane of existence. It's "lower" than the material world. Thus, we must spend our time here and learn, so that later we would emerge into the material world to implement the knowledge, just like the material world is meant for us to gather knowledge and then move onwards, higher and higher, transcending earthly life and material attractions.

I should do the same, I only come to Dab Forums because Im bored and my other hobbies are mostly on pause. I also know politics are a psyop used to stress you the fuck out, so all I really come here to do is talk to other young anons like me struggling with shit like NEETdom and wageslavery. It's why /sig/ here and on /fit/ was so important

LMAO Belgian brother, I just received my acceptation into autism test, I will get the sweaty 1100E per month. I wish you luck too to evade this evil society made of sad human being.

>I will get the sweaty 1100E per month
How did you do it.
I think I am autist too, since I am here

>a negro destroyed my van with his truck
>no camera at the intersection, get fucked on insurance
>double-fucked on insurance because I apparently had the wrong insurance plan
>blackpilled on employment and use the rest of my savings to NEET and study
My gf gets sad when I travel for work, anyway, so I'm hoping to figure out something I can do locally or with work-from-home. Currently earning Mandarin and brushing back up on mathematics. The Mandarin interest is more of a hobby aligned with interests in studying history and politics, but being a white dude with good Chinese skills could be marketable. Getting into network pentesting or writing high frequency trading algorithms would be interesting.
>I am seriously considering it
If you're motivated and financially disciplined it can be a really good way save up a lot of money fast, which sets you up for whatever else you want to do going forward. I'd suggest getting as small and fuel efficient a vehicle as you can lay down in flat with room for all your clothing and work tools. A raised sleeping platform (such as a cot) keeps you warmer and gives you extra storage space. I'm over six feet tall and slept very comfortably in a minivan with a chest of tools, winter clothes, books, food, and room to spare.

Go look for "Belgian aah" but it depends where you live, if you have a wife or a child it's more

There's not much point in advancing the self in isolation. The self is the building block of the family, which is the building block of the community, which is the building block of the nation, which is the building block of humanity. /sig/ is politics; politics are /sig/. We're all in this together.

because I want money to get out of my family home

>The embarrassment of being an unemployed loser causes you to avoid people and makes you even more isolated
>You eventually loses touch with family members and old friends
Not to mention how ashamed you make your parents.

>I also know politics are a psyop used to stress you the fuck out
While I agree that political theater is a psyop used to stress you the fuck out, pure politics are an unavoidable part of the human experience. Even Uncle Ted tried to check out and get away from it all, but politics still found him. We live in a society and there's no dancing around that fact.

I've been living this since lockdowns last June

>I have a job because I'd be bored shitless otherwise.
Can you really think of nothing more interesting or worthwhile to do with your time?

>he still hasn't realized that most nations are already dead
You are nothing more than a maggot residing in the corpse that was the US. We all are.

I mean nation in the more general archaic sense rather than the specific legal concept but you're largely correct.

stop leeching off of society you worthless niggers

society has been scamming me for too long.
Im the one who wakes up every morning, work my ass off, pay the stupid taxes, ... and for what?
For niggers to come here and live on the dole?
Fuck this, I'm gonna live on the dole too. let the niggers work and pay taxes for once.

>Fuck this, I'm gonna live on the dole too. let the niggers work and pay taxes for once.
They won't, so if everyone does this the system breaks. Mormons in the United States have a policy of "bleeding the beast" and using as much government money as they can.

>They won't, so if everyone does this the system breaks. Mormons in the United States have a policy of "bleeding the beast" and using as much government money as they can.
dare I say ... BASED?

It'd certainly be interesting to see the welfare state brought down through those kinds of tactics. I'm not sure what the Mormons do to game the system exactly, but I do know they tend to have a lot of money.

dude you are in belgium they will just steal more money from greece and USA. you think niggers will ever pay for it LOL
you are just another number for them, they look for welfare demand and then use that to create more debt which they use to enslave everyone else

just fucking leave. go to switzerland, belarus, maybe norway

I come from a poor family. In high school there were days I had one meal all day. I could have gotten free lunch from the cafeteria but even when I was 14 the thought of free handouts made me feel like a nigger so I used up one of my periods to work in the cafeteria so I could get a lunch every other day. NEETs leech off of their parents like kikes and contribute nothing to society like niggers. Hitler would've sent you to the work camps

Grown men living with mommy