Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution
>"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence
The Federal Government is siding with Invading hordes over her native citizens.
In what way is this not a declaration of war against the Republic
Article I section 8 gives congress the power to establish uniform rule of naturalization.
For fuck's sake, Chang, learn how our system of government works before you kill another thread with shit like this.
americans are the biggest cucks on earth
Visigoths 2.0
I like you, leaf
Because no one is going to fight back. Ever. They can do whatever the fuck they want to do without consequences. They have the power to do that. They have the resources to do that. They have the motive to do that. And they are evil enough to do it.
They are not our Posterity. Their presence here is illegal. 1965 immigration act is unconstitutional. All non whites should be sent to their genetic homelands. We should carve out a comfy home in African for our slave descended population, and give them a good start.
Also, the presence of non-whites here is contrary to the General Welfare of the Posterity which the Costution was instituted to secure.
fuck off we're full
war was declared long ago by zog on whites i nthe west. its now time to make them famous.
Even if it is a declaration of war what are the boomers going to do? Nothing.
If they tolerated an election being stolen right out from under them they won't do anything about anything else.
Why wouldnt they rape us into the dirt when they know that no one is going to do anything about it?
No one in this """"country"""" is ever going to fight back. ever. in 2030 the 20% whites left will just seethe and cope online as kikes and niggers rape their 10 year old daughters "legally"
lol arent we in the middle of an alleged "pandemic"?
isnt that why all the restaurants and small, non jew corporations are dead and never coming back?
because this flu is literally resident evil incarnate ?
it just makes sense to let in the hordes of illiterate shitskin retards
They are currently surrounded by an occupying military force.
Joe Manchin is the unsolveable problem for the hard left.
They will not get a thing they want because of him but they can't attack him because he can hand the gavel back to Mitch in 5 minutes.
Joe is their Mitt.
The only good thing about it is, spics and niggers hate the jews. When there will be no whites to defend them, nobody will care about "muh antisemitism" and they will be lynched in the street on daily basis, with everybody laughing at them.
>this may be a problem but what is grandpa going to do about it??
Blah blah blah cope more it was always a lie. We're not Englishmen
Of maybe 10000. There are 350,000,000 of us. Also, the media isnt surrounded by anything.
Go kys we are a nation of immigrants so this is based af
We already did that for blacks with Liberia and it was destroyed by other blacks. And Lincoln was assisinated by a Jew backed killer before he could send them all back.
Yeah we're a nation of all sorts of things, I'm sure. Take off your memeflag.
No one should pay taxes. Why pay taxes to a union that gives you no benefit? People can simply show up and instantly collect welfare that you are denied for having White skin.
This is modern slavery.
Says the brown alien.
What's the goal here? I just don't get it. Any logical thought process would look at the US, find the most productive economic profiles, and subsidize them. They're deliberately profiling the least productive and most damaging economic units and massively empowering them. Who does that help?
thanks for paying my Section 8 whitey
>Elect a C*tholic to be the President
>He immediately destroys the country
When will you realize who the true enemy is? The Ir*sh C*tholic is the most disgusting and backstabbing piece of shit on this planet, only second the the eternal Juden.
we wuz romanz
Good bye America. Cant wait till you collapse niggers.
americans are officially the biggest fucking faggots on the planet
do you have to ask?
They want whites dead by any means necessary.
>Calling my country a republic.
STFU Canuck Cuck!
I'm becoming more sympathetic to anti-immigration (which is a big deal for me given I'm pozd on everything but guns) but I fucking hate this "new law lets illegal aliens enter country" shit, it's an oxymoron. Illegal means not permitted by law, if a law permits it, they cease to be illegal. It's fucking retarded, try posting "undocumented migrant" or just and phrase with "immigrant" in it on one of the boomer-con brainwash sites like Brietbart and watch how they ape out like trannies when you use the wrong pronoun. It's fucking group think. Just call them shitskin barbarians something, it's embarrassing. REEEEEEE
>Who does that help?
You know the answer to that already. Retards makes great work mules once you break them in
How about I call them invaders, you fucking nigger
Hahahahaha! You can't attack something that doesn't exist!
the only people putting 2 and 2 together are the demoralized incels like us on this website. And we wont do anything
I'm aware of the implications. The goal is to boil it down and do your best to remove racial or ethnic context, and focus on something that nobody can dispute: we weaken our country for no benefit. More people to house, clothe, feed, employ, provide medicine to, more people degrading our infrastructure, more people browsing stores and producing trash, more people driving down wages and driving up prices. But not more people contributing to the tax base. Get the leftist on their back foot and make them tacitly admit that they want what's worst for the country. Of course they cop out to the billionaire conspiracy theories, ironically that there's a shadowy cabal of hyper rich ne'er do wells supplying endless amounts of woe to anyone outside this group. Weird how we all get so close to the same answer.
They are tax negative and only benefit planation owners.
>Who does that help?
Listen to them when I tell you. See pic related.
In their own words. Listen at 17:45.
Where do you think all these immigrants will go once our shit hole collapses?! You're right above us leaf!
>and only benefit planation owners
(((exactly))). Wageslaving is modern day plantation work
>This is modern slavery.
Holy fuck. Someone finally got it. Been saying it for years. Congratulations.
Imagine thinking you can debate or reason your way out of this.
Im so tired of you castrated faggots trying to score a "logical checkmate" on evil kikes that dont give a fuck.
>Remove the race component
You boomer faggots not only destroyed this country, you spit on the rest of us for noticing. Day of the pillow can't come soon enough.
>and only benefit planation owners
Plantation owners with small hats run your country. You keep saying they don't benefit "America". America as a white anglo homeland no longer exists. America is a multiracial talmudic strip mall from coast to coast, in that sense of course it benefits America.
>more people driving down wages and driving up prices
If you were an amoral rootless cosmopolitan billionaire why wouldn't you want that? Why wouldn't you want a collapse of the middle class and a permanent low IQ underclass that works for next to thing with no rights?
This isn't uniform though, they're just giving the illegals in the last four years immediate free citizenship, and basically telling all the ones who are going through the regular process to go fuck themselves.
aee caraio bora invadi brzada kkkkkkkkk
The goal isn't persuading kikes to cut us any slack, the goal has always been to get leftist retards out of their feedback loops.
Leftists are all under 40 at this point, and the main thing we have to contend with if we want progress. The minute you mention any kind of race component they lock up and you can no longer make any real progress. Leave the race pill until they're ready. It's really just the same tactic that made them this way, but in reverse.
Don't by cynical user, if we just formulate the right argument or point out their hypocrisy in just the right way they pack up and all go home and we win.
I want every boomer to be tortured to death by the most inhumanly cruel, blackest Somali that Africa has to offer.
>doesn't know what "carve out" means
True nigger confirmed
Then there is no peaceful solution, and you just told me you understand, so you are either a leftists, a coward, or a idiot.
The Holocaust did happen and eastern Jews suck off the Americans hard
Western Jews are riding off their coat tails to demand better treatment without suffering any losses
Less Holocaust didn’t happen but they regionally different Jews
African Niggers and Chicago Niggers are nothing alike
Yes, that isn't inherently self contradictory. Like I said, I don't care if you fucking hate them, it just annoys me how braindead you are when it comes to the law. Same thing with "I speak for all True Americans when I say..." It's Orwellian.
not after we bring you peace
>The Holocaust did happen
I'm gonna stop you there chief
how is this even legal?
They really are just a worse version of the Roman empire.
Jewish billionaires
>It's really just the same tactic that made them this way, but in reverse.
Great. Do you have control of the education system? Do you have a multibillion dollar media industry? Do you control news, music and movies? Then how do you plan to deliver you sly trick to the brainwashed?
>advocate for whites by never mentioning whites
Learn what a spiteful mutant is. Learn what Bio-Leninism is.
You can't trick people that vehemently and unambiguously want you and your people's complete destruction into not being your enemy anymore. That's not how this works.
You're not going to fool people into not being your enemies.
>can't spot a joke
Spiritual nigger confirmed.
we are under occupation of domestic terrorists
prepare for war faggot
You already did.
Pax Babylonia
Pax Grecum
Pax Romana
Pax Mongolia
Pax Brittania
Pax Americana
Is your country on there?
>Won't do anything
You kikes become increasingly visible and hated by normies on a daily basis.
If something goes directly against the very first words written into the constitution, the document which outlines all laws and standards of the land, can that not be perceived as not being legal? If you flippantly make something legal that your founding document is expressly against, why would it be strange to view that as a violation of your nations laws?
I'm aware of the ethnic banking cabal and their influence. You or I can't deal with them. The only way to deal with them is to expose them and make the game clear to see for all involved. They only way that will happen is if our peers are receptive to that. Currently, the average person does not even have the frame of reference to simply digest the statement: "Jews as a people band together to abuse the majority through nepotism and usury." Let alone telling them how to solve it, or pointing out direct evidence and tactics out this enemy.
There may not be a peaceful solution. I do understand that. In the interim between clown world and clown war I feel it is in everyone's best interest to impress ethnic solidarity among their peers. Make them aware of tribalism, make them aware of how the tribes have interacted the past hundred years, and make them aware of how to act in their own tribe's best interest. Fighting without understand is just losing, but slower.
No, you're right. I don't have any of those things. Again I reiterate that we're not at the point of waging a counter insurgency, we don't have the tools. What I'm describing is better thought of as mental triage. Get your ideas out there, encourage critical thinking, and strive to have a base built that can weather what's coming. Will they be completely undone by a series of YouTube videos and books and lectures? No. Will they be undone by a generation of ethically aware whites? Yes. How to do that would be up to each group, I suppose. How would you handle it?
>Boer Butchery 2: Electric Boogaloo brought to you once again by your peaceful and oppressed friends of zion in America
>we don't have to tools
That's where you are wrong kiddo, we don't have the balls, we have all the tools we need. Even potato niggers could do this.
I want them to pass a law where they bring foreigners here by force against their will. That would be funny.
What was the result of the OKC bombing? I would never say to spare your enemies. But there's a time to sow, and a time to reap. You can't have one without the other.
You are unbelievably retarded. The idea that you still see things as R vs D is the very reason they all can get away with murder.
Violence works
Look i thought we have been though this leaf... The rules only apply to the people who are not in the ruling class.
Now sit down and wait for your leaders next cosplay
There is never going to be a great normie awakening. Normies have never led a revolution or founded a nation. You are never going to compete with globohomo, you are never going to compete with 24/7 HD porn, abundant fast food, drugs, SRRI's and benzos being handed out like candy by doctors. You're not going to convince someone fat, sexually liberated, testosterone deficient from all the masturbation and xeno-estrogen pollutants into given up all their dopamine flooding bread and circuses to go do what's right because it's the moral thing to do.
I'm going to be honest with you, i'm incredibly blackpilled, westerners are too fat, too comfortable and too overcoomed to resist in any meaningful manner. The only viable option I see is to start taking a secession movement seriously, we won't wake the normies but there are enough of us that if we just get offline and do something besides make youtube vids and form our own communities, we might be able to offer an alternative. That's the only possible way we can oppose globohomo seriously.
Legal? You are a slave. The only rights you have exist so long as they don't interfere in the business of your masters. Rights given to the goyim that only apply in disputes between the goyim.
Your small business is now closed forever because of the so-called pandemic and they're bringing in foreigners to work the last few remaining jobs left leaving you to the same fate as the Kulaks. Welcome to the world of Jews, they are ruthless beyond your imagination. Now get back to training your replacements.
>Boog meme
>general civnat faggoty
>we should vote
>we should argue and reason with the leftist
>no guys, violence bad
>aktushuly violence doesn't even work
>What was the result of the OKC bombing?
A fed got the growing militia movement that was taking secession seriously for the first time in nigh on a century shut down
This, related pic
The reason that violence is so effective is because these groups wield institutional power. Get into their crosshairs and they send the agitators. Say you bushwhack one of their agitators. Now, the violence escalates and you face the wrath of however many state actors is deemed necessary to remove you. Lawyers, cops, military, propaganda departments. Maybe you're hyper Rambo and kill the next two SWAT stacks they send, but that's not the point. The point is they they DO send those stacks. That institutional violence is the logical conclusion, as it must be for any group who wants institutional power. We don't have that, you can barely get any user to agree on something simple like 3D guns without cracking and half the group crying about feds. Let alone blindly support each other the way state actors do. I mean yeah having said that if anyone is planning to bomb the state, I support it. Would be better off waiting until there's a group behind you, but I'm all for it.
whites dont deserve to survive at this point
to add, I don't think it's going to happen. Even racially aware whites are too comfortable to do anything but shitpost online.
>One failed bad target selection is proof that all violence is ineffective
>only iceland is left
the funny thing is there are more whites than every before alive. the shitskins have just bred out of control, because we keep giving them gibs and food aid. just let nature take its course and let us return to the imperial age, where if we want something, we march in and take it. whites are being outbred by niggers as a violation of nature. if we untied our hands we could exterminate everything browner than an italian off the face of the planet by 2022.
This is hard to even believe. They’re not even trying to hide the fact that they want to dissolve the USA.
Even the most cucked countries in Europe would never even think of doing something like this
I agree with you. Maybe I wasn't clear enough, but I'm not advocating normie awakening. The point is to be clear, be fit, be concise, and be unashamed. It's pretty much as you say: a small group can demonstrate the best way to live. We just don't have that group. The best way is to lead by example. Going back to my original post in the thread, if someone spergs out with memes and racism they will never gain traction with their peers.
You either didn't read pic related to previous or can't comprehend the conversation we are having.
Either way... you can't seriously argue that violence doesn't work. It's the only thing that continues to work.
The government uses violence on every single issue. It is just violence with a set of threats called laws. The left uses violence. BUT THE RIGHT NEEDS TO NOT CONSIDER VIOLENCE EVER.
>people still beliving anything will get done for the next 4 years
Why are you fag this dumb?
You didn't read anything I wrote. When you do, let me know.
Waiting for the 2021 census but UK will break at
Jewish billionaires
Open season on beaners
St. Tarrant the Accelerator, pray for us
>Do nothing but prepare forever
>100 years of failure isn't enough
>optics optics optics goy!
We must expell retards like this from our movements. There will be no victory with cowards.
We need to make guys like that think they are welcome, then beat the fuck out them and leave them alone 5 miles in the woods in their underwear
What is the accurate dichotomy in US politics right now?
Are you fucking kidding??
Ok? I'm not going to tell you not to go and shoot up a police department, federal office, or even bomb a kindergarten. I encourage you to take action should you feel the need. That's not what I'll be doing, but you don't seem to have any other answer besides guerilla killings without context.
Whats even the point of having a border if they're just gonna let anyone in
They are trying to make Texas pay..
>: a small group can demonstrate the best way to live.
That is not going to happen within this system. You are not going to provide an alternative to ZOG while living within in it surrounded by shabbos goy. It's just not going to happen.
Kikes, Corporate Kikes, Useful Idiots
>who does that help
Der ewige juden
There is no context or optics without the media. The mexican girl you like is never going to accept your pro white stance. There is no optics, get over it.
What are your alternatives? You need an army or ethnic group that currently doesn't exist. Something must be done to rectify that, or all the violence in the world will do nothing because it will be for nothing. Yes, whites exist and are the group we want to fight for. Currently, they are extremely atomized she demoralized as a group. That's the first step. Once that nut is cracked is when the fight will have positive, long term results.
So make your own media
They think the same thing.
>So make your own media
Ok now I know youre just a faggot kike looking to waste everyones time
>violence doesn't work
Violence has always worked.
>make your own media
You must be 12 years old
The IRA fired less than 100 rounds a year for assassinations.
No one checking my obvious blessed truths.
The elite ruling class vs the people. Everything else is theater.
>Once that nut is cracked
>once we just undo over a century of hardcore indoctrination
>once we just unite a race that is taught from birth to hate itself and not take it's own side
You're saying it flippantly like it's easy or even possible to do. We don't have the means to reach out to our own people like that, we don't have the media, the education system or anything else. We literally have nothing that would allow us to achieve that goal.
You ask me what my alternatives are? I've already stated, those already racially aware and tuned in need to take secession movements. That's it, that in my judgement is the only course open to us at this point. The only we will offer an alternative.
But I don't think it's going to happen, all western whites are too weak and comfortable, even the racially aware right wing. I'm talking about my people too.
You have to realise that my country is much further down the line of racial destruction than you are. We are your future. And i've seen nothing but decades of whites doing nothing but talk big online and do nothing but toe the line IRL. That have watched their own people raped and murdered with no reaction whatsoever. That have become completely pacified and docile. If the only difference between a racially aware white and a leftist NPC are the edgy things they say online, then what difference is there?
>New immigration bill introduced by House and Senate (((Democrats)))
How? The goal is to break away. You want your group to be ethically aware, and isolated. They will need their own media, their own schools, government, everything separate. The prevailing logic is to just kill off the invaders from the current infrastructure, and if that's viable, do it. What are your options?
But what does the violence do exactly? What is the goal, and what did you do to move towards it? You could go to the SPLC office today and destroy it with tanks of acetylene and a single acid timed pipe bomb. Next week, what will the world look like? It would be cathartic, but pointless in the long term goal: getting the majority of whites to agree to the 14 words.
So you're saying they used violence as a tool, with a plan, rather than wantonly. Amazing that you brought yourself to my conclusion, by yourself.
you are full of shit. they pay me to keep it closed asshat. the imports are the kulaks and will be in the mine. you know nothing. kys.
>In what way is this not a declaration of war against the Republic
Well you see Jimmy, interpreting the Constitution is the task of the Judicial branch of government and if they say that mass immigration and election fraud aren't acts of war, then they aren't okay? GET OVER IT BIGOT IT'S 2021!
They have the Phoenix Program.
You have a few edgybois online that do nothing broadcast their supposed intentions to everyone in earshot on a board known to be watched by feds.
If violence is effective it's clear what side of this fight is going to win.
Oy vey!
This is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read. Shit like this makes me want to move away and let it all burn.
>How? The goal is to break away. You want your group to be ethically aware, and isolated. They will need their own media, their own schools, government, everything separate. The prevailing logic is to just kill off the invaders from the current infrastructure, and if that's viable, do it. What are your options?
Violence until they start asking us what we want. Then more violence.
> (You)
>But what does the violence do exactly? Everything
>getting the majority of whites to agree to the 14 words.
Not a reasonable expectation, you are 12 or retarded (or a kike)
> (You)
>So you're saying they used violence as a tool, with a plan, rather than wantonly.
No, the important step is the normalization of violence
I know there's no infrastructure in place to achieve that goal. It's ok to start with nothing, if the will is there. As you can see ITT, you can't even get two white men to agree on a single plan, let alone the problem. Big problems are going to start with small solutions. We generally agree on the plan, we generally agree on how difficult it would be. People want to live out action movies and I get that, but before that happens there needs to be consensus, and a movement. You're correct that there's a hundred years of propaganda to sift through and reverse. Difficult isn't impossible, but you may also be right that it's futile.
>We can't get white people to agree that white people would continue to exist, we can only commit crimes until everyone does what we want
Either fed, child, or troll. I can explain to you, bud, but I can't understand to you.
>muh tanks and drones
You are either 12 or no understanding of asymmetric warfare.
There is ONLY political solutions to a people who choose violence.
You think institutions like police and army will matter in insurgency operations?
The insurgents pick the targets. As long as people have a cause you either give in or have losses. Enough losses and the state gives in.
So you're saying you need an insurgency, comprised of individuals who have all agreed on a problem, a solution, tactics, a message, and group action. Gee, what a novel fucking idea.
Quick, change the enemy to be a group of powerless people that you dont belong to instead of focusing on the actual enemy, the ruling class.
It isn't your neighbor, it's your ruler and the media that protects them.
Holy fuck are you a dumb faggot, I deliberately mentioned the Phoenix Program because it's not tanks and drones, it's them rounding up the women in your family and gangraping them in a police station just for shits and giggles, it's midnight raids into small towns assassinating anyone they suspect of aiding you, it's being tortured in exotic ways by mercs they've hired from every point on the globe just for that task.
If you want to understand what System would do if it really felt threatened, look at what it's done before, that's why I referenced the Phoenix program and not muh drones. That's why I referenced a counter insurgency operation you infantile, tryhard faggot.
And what do you have to oppose that? Fuck, what do you have to oppose the million steps before it gets to that and you're just being gay oped by cops every time you try to do anything and before any resistance or movement can be formed, what is it you do? Go online announcing you're a hardcore insurgent putting yourself on everyone's radar rendering yourself utterly ineffective at anything but looking like a fucking joke. Great plan. Fucking solid thinking their mate.
The problem is you can't understand that we have been talking optics for 100 years.
100 years.
I get that you just got here and you are pumped to save the white race.
The only successful movements are violent. Fuck this low IQ peaceful solution shit.
Ever seen a cop shoot a nigger? The whole country can be shut down and Billions are spent to calm them down.
This will not be like one of your videogames.
We will never convince all white people to come together over an autis list of fair, civnat demands. Do you see the niggers debating anything when a cops shoots one? The message is unimportant. We need the will to act.
The more violence, the more the left will react. Once it is bad, then we will be able to explain to our boomer neighbors why they should help defend the future. But right now, there is power, water, food, and cable tv.
So explain how this is uniform and fits that criteria please.
Yet youre here rent-free another day, turkroach
>The goal isn't persuading kikes to cut us any slack, the goal has always been to get leftist retards out of their feedback loops.
You cant leftists dont care about right or wrong only more power read Kaczynski
>this specific example of counterinsurgency works because I think it does.
>what if they like really mean and shit
No. It doesn't.
The system is made of people.
If people can't go home, if they can't put their kids in schools, if everyone is worried about being shot in the back by a random person.. it breaks the system, no exceptions.
But now I see why you cowards hide behind walls in south Africa. Hope they kill you before they rape your family.
Wait why the fuck is there still national guard on deployment? So clearly a coup
This wouldn't be the first time democrats declared war on the US. Though last time they took some states with them first.
>declaration of war
The war started after a long time ago. You lost in 1965.
>The democrats are the real racist.
Lol we are fucked aren't we...
>Normies have never led a revolution
Hey, we got a Captain What-Should-Be-Obvious-But-Is-Continually-Ignored here.
>only viable option I see is to start taking a secession movement seriously
That is because you yourself are a normie. You cannot conceive of the possibility of revolution to overthrow and replace the illegitimate Zionist-occupied U.S. government. You have never fought for or held power in your inconsequential little life, so your response to what appears to be the almighty invincible ZOGUSA is to turn tail and flee. You don’t know or see the chinks (pun possibly intended) in ZOG’s armor. You are not a leader. So follow, or stay the fuck out of the way.
But know this: you have a clearly marked DUTY to overthrow ZOG. And any man shirking that duty will be marked as a traitor or deserter.
Tell you what, let's do it. Say, what happens when your insurgents get old?
why even bother saying things are unconstitutional when it's beyond obvious that document and the rule of law is not relevant (unless leftists can use it for power) anymore. If you think you can turn things around in the courts your so far from reality it's not funny.
Well, I have kids, rhe idea is tp bot have them have to fight but that's how it continues.
All the lefties are a genetic dead end.
Hey you talked about the 14 words, how many kids you got? I have a suspicious feeling you have none based on your "let's do nothing" shit.
>it breaks the system,
Really? And which movement have you got to do this? No one, nothing. You're larping about what one day might happen if the stars align just right on a blue moon and your people actually react. You're not talking about anything specific or substantial, you're playing pretend like a fucking infant.
>I see why you cowards hide behind walls in south Africa
Spare me faggot.
Every 6.5 years more whites are killed by blacks in America than deaths at Pearl Harbour
Every 7.5 years more whites are killed by blacks in America than deaths on 9/11
Every 8.5 years more whites are killed by blacks in America than all lynchings over 80 years.
Every decade more than 300 000 white women are raped by blacks alone in America.
These are stats you'd see in a warzone, you're the interracial murder and rape capital of the world.
You have more rape survivors from blacks alone than the fucking Congo. And what have any of you done besides act tough online? Yeah, I thought so, nothing. You gave up the cities and ran, you gave up your capital, you gave up multiple states, you hide online and act tough when you've done nothing to warrant it.
The only thing you've achieved is painting a target on your own back and everyone around you because you have no idea how to keep your fucking mouth shut. You're a liability to everyone around you.
>more pointless chest thumping and fake bravado
When did Americans become such a broken people?
So just generations and generations of insurgents on the fringe of ZOG nudging them this way and that, until the end of time? And you have the nerve to call anyone else a 12 year old?
That's good, make empty violent threats online that are completely unnecessary, get either you or your kids taken into the system leaving them vulnerable and without guidance in your fucked up society. I'm glad to hear you've got everything figured out.
>Violence never works, that's why armies don't exist
I mean recent Afghanistan beat the US and before that they beat the soviets. Vietnam beat the US. The US beat the English to start the US. The Irish made a peace deal, so you don't even have to win really.
You will forever be an example of what happens if you let the frog boil South Africa. You waited too long and now all you can do is rage on the internet.
>There can never be victory in any movement because I say so.
No, but feel free to kys.
So neither of you have white kids so what the fuck are you here for? Go play video you stupid faggots.
What victory? What movement? What plan? The only thing you've said is to shoot until you're too tired, then let your kids do it. And somehow, as a result of the shooting, white people will stop race mixing and Jews will stop usury. Awesome. Thanks.
You're still rank 1 don't worry.
Yes, that's how it works. Violence is the ultimate tool. That's why governments control who is allowed to be violent (police, armies) and why governments use it. All power is violence.
>optics, do nothing
Well at least now I know you are the kike I suspected you to be.
Traditional, agrarian people. You're not that. You're obese, drugged up, whored out, dopamine addicted people.
As a group you can't resist fast food let alone ZOG.
>You will forever be an example of what happens if you let the frog boil South Africa
We fought a race war for 4 centuries. We were the last western country to continue segregation and we did it into the 90's. We fought a race war into the 90's.
Until your country collapsed us.
Now tell me, what have white Americans done with their guns in the last 60 that has improved their situation in any capacity?
What have you done as a group besides act tough online? Do tell.
>make empty threats online till I get my country back
Well at least I know you are the completely ineffectual faggot I suspected you to be.
I’m not a MIGAQtard, fren. I don’t vote, and I don’t show up for ZOG’s COINTELPRO cosplay street theater.
The First Amendment and Brandenburg v. Ohio permit U.S. citizens to openly plan the overthrow and replacement of their illegitimate Zionist-occupied government, just as openly and brazenly as they please.
Honestly everyone, when do we start putting lead in the Minecraft mob?
I'm starting to get super tired of niggers, spics and chinks in minecraft fucking up my system.
You dropped this King
Jewish billionaires want white people dead and infinite democrat voters
It's over. Lol.
Don't bother arguing with the shill. If it wasn't obvious before, it certainly became unquestionably true when he said that he hopes "they kill you before they rape your family". Probably just some fucking Jew.
You're right, by the way. We gave up on our cities. It drives me fucking mad at times. They gave up Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, Washington DC, Chicago, Los Angeles, St Louis, etc. and now they actively shun cities and city life so they can go larp as Rambo in the woods. Rather than plant their flag somewhere they will keep running deeper and deeper into no man's land, all divided and apart from each other, until there is no where left to go but up against a wall.
> (You)
>Traditional, agrarian people. You're not that
You don't need to be a farmer to pull trigger. No one I deployed with was a farmer.
>We fought a race war for 4 centuries.
No you didn't, You're obese, drugged up, whored out, dopamine addicted people who did nothing. As a group you can't resist fast food let alone ZOG.
>Now tell me, what have white Americans done with their guns in the last 60 that has improved their situation in any capacity?
Talked about optics and political solutions like you two faggots for 100 years, that's the problem.
>What have you done as a group besides act tough online? Do tell.
Talking isn't action, there is no benefit to ever tell anyone what you did.
Honestly I am not surprised. 99% of you are weak who won't do anything so this will be the next 4 years.
Mr Trump Shadow President can't do anything about it either
>thinking the law applies to you
You really don't understand what you're up against do you? How's James Fields doing after getting into a car accident? Wasn't he convicted in part over a meme? Where was his freedom of association? Where were his rights of assembly? How about his freedom of speech?
You're a political dissident. This isn't a fair game, they're not going to give you a fair shake. They're trying to get you designated as a domestic terrorist. And you react to this thinking the people that want you and everyone you know to be eradicated will give you a fair trial? You're dreaming in technicolour. You don't understand the situation you're in.
>and provide them with citizenship
They'll be dead in 2 years. That's a promise.
>Talked about optics and political solutions
I haven't once done that you utter fucking shitdick. Never mentioned optics, I said appealing to normies and the public was pointless. I never once said there's a political solution to any of this. Read the posts you're responding to you fucking imbecile.
>there is no benefit to ever tell anyone what you did
And yet all you've done is talk and tell us how hardcore you are. You do nothing but talk, you will do nothing but talk. That's all any of you have done for the last 80 years. If the only difference between you and a leftist faggot is that you say edgier things online, then what difference is there? You equally ineffectual.
Except you forget, you are the one doing nothing. You will never do anything. I do what I say, I tell anyone around me, face to face, to be aware of tribalism and to separate as much as they can into an ethnic enclave. To form their own communities and disengage ZOG as much as they can. To point out the usurious and hateful class of Jews in our government and media. You pay taxes and want white families raped by niggers, you said it yourself, kike. Your grandkids will be mulatto, but I'm sure you'd enjoy that.
>Quoting documents and laws like they are relevant anymore
>Bro I can just plot against a lawless regime openly the law says I can lol libtards BTFO
You will be dead in the first wave
The USA is over and done with.
>Liberia failed
And? I'd rather try it again 100x over there than try to continue trying to fix them within our country. Hell building a brand new city in Africa would be cheaper than rebuilding any of the cities niggers destroyed.
>it certainly became unquestionably true when he said that he hopes "they kill you before they rape your family".
Don't underestimate how quickly Americans will be to lash out you on this board when you point out the situation they're in. I get death and rape by nigger wished on me regularly by supposedly pro white Americans the second their false bravado is threatened. I don't hate Americans, it's not coming from a place of hatred.
Africa has received more than a hundred Marshall Plans worth of free money collectively. We should consider it another favor to them if we were to ever get to a point where we sent them 50 million western niggers. I'm sure one or two could dig a well or something.
>Guy with no kids talking to anyone about the white race and "mullato grandkids"
Fucking lol, can you really be considered part of the white race if you don't have kids? You are just a genetic dead end who talked about optics and complained that the democrats were the real racists on a Mongolian Kiteboarding forum.
The constitution doesn't mean anything since it was written into law that the US is not a republic but instead a totalitarian democracy, I appear to be the only person who has noticed thus far
The implication being that your family being raped in front of you is worse and being killed first is mercy, but reading comprehension and text communication is meh.
Either way if you really are some confused white guy in SA, please move before you get overrun.
You're back pedaling to what I initially assumed was a lie because you feel like that's your last little "gotcha" in a thread where you've been completely embarrassed, but now I'm sure is true because you've definitely shown yourself dumb enough to release as much PII as you possibly can. Just don't let them pick some -"avious" type name.
>You're a political dissident. This isn't a fair game
Good. Let the law make a mockery of itself. It serves our cause.
>You don't understand the situation you're in.
I'd say the same thing to you. Being placed in prison is not failure. Guess where Hitler was a decade before becoming Chancellor? Or, if you need a more popular culture symbol, where did Nelson Mandella end up before he was a leader? Think about it.
Nobody wins a revolution by refusing to sacrifice.
Killing the Jews was totally legal and yet you fucks will never shut up about it. Fuck this country and fuck its constitution. The enemies use it against you and yet you refuse to stand up for it. Experiments over.
You are such a fucking cuck lmao. At least own your anti whiteness you fucking shylock.
>can you really be considered part of the white race if you don't have kids?
Well gee I don't know Tyrone, can a seven year old kid be considered a part of the white race?
Yes, while the left is openly talking about "ending whiteness" we are infighting about this exact topic, some of the "right" and "conservatives" believe that if we point out the lefts hypocrisy, stay optical, and cry about it enough then we win.
"Slowly watch the white race die to own the libs", if you will.
I am trying to honestly have a conversation, and I will clarify as needed. Don't be gay.
No, you know what? I can't just let this post get by on one rhetorical question. I really can't. Seriously. What kind of stupid fucking question did you just ask? What kind of drug addled functional fucking retarded asks a question like that? Even five fucking seconds of thought would have made you realize that question is completely fucking god damned absurd and posits that any child or teenager can not be white.
Really dude, just fucking consider suicide. Please.
I've never understood my own people's optimism. I don't want them to give into despair, but they refuse to acknowledge the situation we are in. Maybe it's all of the Hollywood movies they've consumed and built identities around.
>please move before you get overrun
Isn't that what your people have done? Tell me how running from every single fight except the ones for Israel have worked out for you?
The government doesn't need help finding me, if you think you are anonymous, please be more careful.
Oh shut the fuck up. You have not once addressed a single point i've made, you (You)'ed me first faggot, every counterpoint i've made to your arguments has been met with hand waving and cuntiness. Eat shit, you haven't addressed me in good faith a single fucking time.
Fuck the constitution
It’s been trampled to death and is essentially toilet paper at this point
Worked out the same as it has for you retard. That's the problem, that's what we are literally talking about.
Can we continue to run and hide?
I mean I moved to the PNW "butler plan style" but what does that get me, 10 more years? Eventually we will be against the wall like you. (That is a bad thing, we don't want this, this isn't an attack on your while fucked situation, it's reality)
Click his ID and read his posts. He's a shill.
>Guess where Hitler was a decade before becoming Chancellor?
Being jailed by some very sympathetic people from his own tribe where they let him correspond with the press and write a manifesto.
>where did Nelson Mandella end up before he was a leader?
A place where Israel prevented him being hung and he had the entire western jewish media propagandise on his behalf?
Now do you or any white have that in your country? Does James Fields have any of those things on his side? Does Jacob Goodwin? No, they're jailed by their racial enemies, not their own people, where the mass media demonises them for their completely uncriminal actions. That's not a win, that's not a victory, these men have had their lives destroyed for literally no gain.
>It serves our cause.
Really? How much did you achieve after Epstein the elite pedo trafficker was clearly murdered in front of the world? How about after the election was clearly stolen? What gains did you make? The system has showed it's hand over and over and over, you've only got fucked harder. Trying to turn naked humiliation and exercises of power over you into a victory is not a virtue, it's bordering on delusional.
Just go to Europe
Nice of you to notice but, have you noticed those little Mexican shops are able to stay open even though they barely get customers, even less during a pandemic, how are much larger businesses struggling but these little shops prosper? Here's a hint, Narco Fronts...
Hitler was in a country that was majority white and ethnically German. You do understand the reason they forced diversity this time was so someone like him could never rise to power again, yes? The Germans had an identity to rally around meanwhile most of the whites in this country aren't even self actualized. They've practically normalized hating whites to the general populace and half of the whites even go along with it.
Go do meth.
>jailed by some very sympathetic people from his own tribe
Apparently the Ally installed puppet government were secretly Nazis the whole time, right? lmao
>Now do you or any white have that in your country?
Yeah it turns out everybody has that now it's called Social Media.
>How much did you achieve after Epstein the elite pedo trafficker was clearly murdered in front of the world?
People talk about Pizzagate in public now, so a lot. You think this shit gets fixed in a year or a decade. It doesn't. We're trying to rip out and reorder a systemically corrupt system that has existed for CENTURIES. It doesn't happen in a single decade. It might not even happen in two. But with enough people willing to fight and die it WILL happen.
t. Some fag that doesn't know WW1 happened.
>What was the result of the OKC bombing?
you expected the enemy to NOT fight back?
are you a canadian or something?
>Worked out the same as it has for you retard.
Great, you're comparing yourself to a broken and defeated people ruled by black niggers America put in charge and finding yourself equal to them. I can see why you talk about how tough Americans are.
>but what does that get me, 10 more years?
No, i'm talking about a real secession, not larping innawoods. You are atomised, you are deracinated, you are demoralised, you have no internal institutions, you have no internal infrastructure, you're a broken people much like us. The clearest course of action is to find a please to regroup and rebuild.
You talk about how violence is the most effective tool. Well let's take stock of the situation. You have no army. You have no militia. You have next to no support among the civilian population that will actually translate into on the ground benefit.
What do they have? Muh drones, muh tanks, and the ability to create a homeland ISIS out of cartels and riffraff from whatever shitskins want to take out their aggression on whites and the infrastructure to enact a counter insurgency Phoenix Program like operation that your middle class, way too fucking comfortable people will never stand up to. You talk about those rice farmers in Vietnam, they had a million times more guts and courage than your or my or anyone else's people in the west do. Same thing with Aghanistan. We don't have that.
No matter how much you larp about the system being made of people and being able to be brought down, you don't have the men with the morale to do that. Resistances and insurgencies are made of people too.
Americans need to start a movement. This is fucking ridiculous, do it like Antifa, bring some niggers with you to counter the MSM.
>schizo memeflaggot
Must be nice to be protected from any random arbitrary and general judgements from nobodies hiding behind bullshit, huh, you impotent contrarian faggot?
This is your life, loser. All day. Every day.
You're fucking pathetic, and you know it.
Go play, you retarded nigger.
>Apparently the Ally installed puppet government were secretly Nazis the whole time, right? lmao
That wasn't my point, there were lots of sympathetic people in the system to him.
>Yeah it turns out everybody has that now it's called Social Media.
You mean the places pro whites get banned regularly and can't form any meaningful following without getting shoahed?
>It doesn't happen in a single decade
Do you understand how little time you have? If America, as you read this sentence, stopped all legal and illegal immigration from every seaport, airport and land border you have as you read this sentence, white people will still be a minority in under 20 years.
Whites under 10 are a minority. White babies are a minority. The average age of whites in America is 58. If you count how many liberal, white hating whites there are, you're already a voting minority. And they all vote for more immigration. You are on the edge of a precipice, Donald Trump was the last president white America will ever elect. You don't understand how rapidly your demographic situation is going to snowball out of control. You already have more non whites than the combined populations of Germany and Britain. You don't have two decades.
>But with enough people willing to fight
Except there aren't. There just aren't. Western whites are too comfortable, too pacified, too fat, too coomed out. Your people have failed to resist any, ANY of the things globohomo have pushed in the last 80 years. If past performance is the greatest predictor of future behaviour, things aren't looking good.
Unlike you guys, any effort to regroup and rebuild is met with tanks and fire.
ask everyone at Hayden Lake.
>we cant win
Then we die trying? I don't know what to say here. If it cant be done then we die trying.
But the first and only step is violence. There is no optics and own the libs to get thought this. There is no VOOOOOTE HARDER.
We may not have the people now.
But if we wait as long as you have for the people we lost anyways, so it will never get easier than now.
You're so fucking retarded.
You will never be a woman, faggot.
>You won't do anything!!!!
Jesus fucking christ these gaslighting shills get more desperate by the fucking day.
I'm only half way through the thread, and this shit is stacking this high already?
No, little commie faggots.
Your day is coming, and you know it.
That's why you play these retarded mind games.
It's all you fucking malnourished spineless faggots have.
All I can see is desperation and fear.
You can't stop this.
We are coming for you.
...tick tock.
The republic is already dead and we've been at war.
I just more or less explicitly referenced Charlottesville as an example of something a legitimate political revolutionary against ZOGUSA would never have attended or advised anyone to attend, and you come back at me with James Fields. Why the fuck was he there? Why the fuck was anyone with half a brain and not a ZOG agent, whether card-carrying or unwitting, there?
>You're a political dissident
No, I am a professional revolutionary. I dedicated my life, fortune, and sacred honor to the overthrow of ZOGUSA before 11 September 2001. And no one not talking revolution past that date is a blip on my radar. The shilling for electoral politics and of geriatric politicians, impotent political commentators, and grifting e-celebs barely old enough to shave here is vomitous to me. Yet sparkling here and there in this vast cesspool of soft stools, a few hardened turds occasionally surface. And it is with these turds we will build an army to bring down ZOGUSA, and create peace on Earth.
>You don't understand the situation you're in
I understand it more perfectly than any man you will ever meet. “In the beginning there was the Word”:
Provisional government and pamphleteering (basically, shitposting) come before street action or guns. Anyone advocating street action or guns prior to organization of a provisional government (vanguard of professional revolutionaries) is a ZOG COINTELPRO agent. Anyone advocating civil war instead of revolution to overthrow ZOG is a ZOG agent. Anyone advocating secession, balkanization, or emigration is a coward or a traitor.
Hey, but at least they still have their precious democracy, right?
If Biden isn’t the legit POTUS, as we know he isn’t, neither are the members of Congress that cheated to get in are legit, how can any piece of legislation they put out, vote in etc be “legally binding”
>we cant win
I never said that. I fully understand that making your own communities will most likely get you Waco'd by some ATF globohomo gook. But there is a slight chance that if you get offline, build communities IRL and have on the ground support among people of a like mind, you'll be able to withstand it. That's it. In my best judgement that's the only chance I see any of us having in the long run. And it's a one in a million shot. But I don't see anything else working. And it's going to take years and years of building social networks which is hard as fuck, building communities, practicing opsec and on and on. It wouldn't be easy and frankly I don't think whites will do it because jacking off to Onlyfans or getting drunk and watching niggerball is a million times easier
>But if we wait as long as you have
What waiting are you talking about? We fought, we fought hard, for 40 odd years we fought hordes of African communists. We won every battle, your people collapsed us. There's no waiting for anything, we're defeated, we've had our armies disbanded and been disarmed. Our people do nothing but talk tough online and talk about reviving the glory days, there's no future unless they get offline which they don't and never will do.
Faggot could you shut the fuck about this shit? Stick to the points i'm making, i've never said it's possible to work within the system or vote your way out.
>All I can see is desperation and fear.
>You can't stop this.
>We are coming for you.
>...tick tock.
Holy shit this is some serious cringe
Is this what MIGA boomers think serious people talk like?
>I am a professional homosexual larper
It says it was introduced. No way that will pass.
what we need is another Richard Vincent Bertollini
You'd get further with another WD Pelley.
Cheap labor. Minorities usually don't unionize until they've been here awhile
"but the court found that during that period Pelley had published false and libelous statements, published inaccurate reports and advertising, and supported a secret military organization"
They all go to jail for some bullshit charge and they take EVERYTHING from them.
I want to believe an public facing org could exist, but the DOJ doesn't care about law and justice.
Womp womp you racist faggots. Stay salty
Oh shut the fuck up, you impotent faggot.
Stop projecting.
The Left is shitting their pants.
Enjoy the show, you dumb nigger.
It's what you want anyway, coward.
I never said have a public facing org, when I say you need another Pelley I mean in his charisma in drawing like minded people of very different personality types under one banner, from old staunch Christian ladies to hard drinking, hard fighting, rabble rousing young men, and his ability to lead a large movement of people. It's good to have a Butler plan but you need people to actually get there.
Fuck kikes
speak for yourself nigger
>The Left is shitting their pants.
What haven't the left gotten with in the last 70 years?
What have the right successfully been able to stop the left doing?
Empty grandstanding isn't an achievement faggot.
Say goodbye to ever having a job that pays above minimum wage and homeownership.
>build communities IRL and have on the ground support among people of a like mind, you'll be able to withstand it
I thought thats what you meant, but yea I get it now. Anyone above room temp IQ is doing that already, I hope.
What do you think we have won?
The left has won everything they have ever wanted since they gave women the right to vote.
Buy and shill silver.
Didn't Rome try to do this? Lol, first it was leadership, then it was the average citizens, they they sacked the country for years until finally Rome fell, then migrated to that turkish shit city, where the same thing happened hundreds of years later. History apparently never fucking changes.
You know how?
Because americucks like you will do nothing.
You'll do absolutely nothing.
Thats how.
Before all of that, was the hundred thousand year reign of Pax Finlandia, before the honorless korean dogs ruined it all.