Canada is about to collapse, for real
all part of the great perestroika
Dude looks fucking homeless. Just because White hispanic Ted cruz can pull it off does not mean lil castro can.
Who cares about Canada.
86 percent of canadians voted to prevent anyone from escaping anada.
Money printer go brrrrrrrr no problem
ive been waiting for this moment... ALL MY LIFE
We're watching you, yada yada yada
Sorry Canadia.
Learn to make soup.
why isnt your camera taped? janitors can see you
They get what they heckin deserve
Based. I wait till the real estate prices lose 90% of its worth and then i buy myself a nice vacation house.
whatever you save on the house you'll spend on the instore prices. in the end you'll dream of germany
——- Groceryjew Detected ——-
Consider this thread infested with a proxyfag
Threadly reminder that these posts have been disproven many times before. This faggot, aka groceryjew, started posting these on Dab Forums as "Canada Is Collapsing" threads and has moved on to pretending to make "election" or "politics" threads, and posting this bullshit on /ck/ to avoid this copypasta, but it's the same proxyfagging nutjob.
This kike has rudimentary knowledge of proxyfagging and bumps his own threads with a variety of proxies from Canada, the US, and the UK especially. If you pay attention to the diction/posting style/CAPS you can easily see they are the same person, varying between 2-3 posting styles, and doing upwards of 50 posts each thread to keep it bumped. He often deflects his true origin by (((accidentally)) outing himself as a Pole, but he’s really an Americanized Jew.
He’s likely under the employ of the Kinsella consulting group, hired by the conservatives to divert attention from the Jewish influence in Canada.
Although Corona has put a break on his grocery posting, he’s still spreading the same lies and half-truths of the past years to push xir Jewish agenda.
In order to maintain the illusion that Canada has high food prices, he posts prices from remote communities where food has to be flown in.
If anyone is actually curious if there is an issue with food prices in Canada, go to literally any forum online with Canadians and ask them if they struggle with their food bill. It’s that simple.
This is pasta and and the poster will not be sticking around for replies. I invite fellow leafs to copypasta this to all this nutjobs threads, and don't forget to sage; the proxyfagging becomes really obvious when he has to scramble to bump his threads.
Redditspacing is intentional and done for maximum exposure and clarity
I wonder where all those people are, the ones who have been bitching about Harper 'fucking' with finances?
None of that shit matters
No one fucks with china and get away with it.
Release Meng WanZhou
Spoken like a true Mason.
—— Signs of a groceryjew proxy—-
——- He can’t deviate from this script too much ——-
Pushing the latest cuckservative talking points
Shitty photoshopping of Trudeau
Proxies laughing at his own jokes.
Rampant racism while studiously avoiding any mentions of Jews or Israel (unless cornered)
“Free healthcare”, a neocohen term for public health
Inane and illogical replies to actual anons in order to elicit responses
Shitty photoshop collages of his own stupid memes.
Mentioning that groceryjew is polish (it’s just another proxy)
Selective screencaps of articles in order to manipulate message while avoiding linking the article in question
Hijacking various threads of different topics in effort to claim « meme » status
Admiring groceryjew for his persistence (he’s well compensated in shekels)
A bizarre fetish for Pierre Poilievre
Slipping into Biden posting
Proxies claiming they love these threads
Proxies claiming troll status (groceryjew is just pretending to be retarded)
This is pasta and and the poster will not be sticking around for replies. Some jannies are clearly complicit of this /bait tier topic.
ARGUING with this funded JEW about groceries is clearly a POINTLESS endeavor serving to distract from the real Jewish problems of this country.
I invite fellow leafs to copypasta this to all this nutjobs threads, or at the very least, point leave some comments about the jews, and don't forget to sage, the proxyfagging becomes really obvious when he has to scramble to bump his thread.
the giant hole of imaginary money we owe is gonna be deeper
so what
No worries. China will bailout Canada and various U.S. states.
soon you wont be able to get a loan
one most destroy a world to be born
i hope something better will raise out of the ashes
Its all apart of the plan. Once the third wave hits canada will release an online currency and give every canadian ubi
Screen cap this
didnt they import millions of non white doctors & lawyers to bolster the economy?
How dare you! You have stolen my childhood!!
Fuck off chang
I will not screencap this
>Release Meng WanZhou
I guess we will see very soon who really own Trudeau. Talk is cheap, will he do it or not? If the German can send Navalny to Putin with a big red bow on it's head, Trudeau can surely return the Favor to Xi by sending her back to China.
All part of the plan, "the budget will balance itself"
Since I can’t wear a mask and won’t be getting the vaccine how do I survive? No money either.
Adopt bitcoin now Canada.
If Canada adopts crypto-currency before anyone else, it will be fucking rich.
You better screen cap this
im surprised anyone even cares about canada
buy crypto and silver
I think you retarted Americans forget our minimum wage is higher up here and better accommodations for living. Fuck off burger we won’t let you in when your at the border begging to come to our luxurious Canada , while your nation rots in shit, ours will prosper with our uninhabitated land and kindness. Sure there’s a lot of browns coming into our country, but we accept with open arms, we are Canadians:) we don’t care where you come from or who you are. I’d rather have another 5000 refugees touch down in our land than take ONE SINGLE new American immigrant. Fuck you, god save Canada.
First the in-store prices, next the out-of-store prices. Game ogre boys, we had a mediocre run.
I do.
I care that our Canadian neighbors are being flooded with Mudslimes and Changs.
I care that their government is actively working to destroy them, just as ours currently is.
I care about their economic upheaval, their food prices, the fact that they are being disarmed to make them harmless to the globohomo.
We share bantz with them, sure, but all REAL Americans care deeply about the welfare of Canada, and its REAL citizens.
>If Canada adopts crypto-currency before anyone else, it will be fucking rich.
pakistan, iran, china, switzerland goverments have been mining BTC for years
Wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 Ai Wei Wei 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Umbrella protests 免费香港 Extradition Law 纸老虎 Hong Kong protests 李文良医生 Democracy won the Vote 习近平的阴茎很小。 每天晚上,在上床睡觉之前,他都会吞下几加仑的非裔美国人的阴茎汁。它充满了他的胃,使他忘记了自己难以置信的小阴茎。还有,他妈的中国,台湾第一
I'm a Canadian who grew up in the USA, and I will confirm that Canada has a grocery bill much higher than the US beyond just the conversion rate from USD to CAD
you're right that those grocery posters are full of shit and the prices are either cherry-picked or just straight photoshopped.
But Canada still has some of the most expensive groceries, taxes, and internet that I've ever seen
lol if we decide we want it, we will just walk across and take it. Wtf you gonna do, call Ricky, Julian, & Bubbles to defend against us?
since when do governments need to balance their books???
Mining bitcoin is not the same as adopting it and integrating it into society.
You think Canada doesn't mine it at a significantly high ratio per capita too? Look up Bitfarms bruv.
I can trace my ancestors back 800 years and they are all swiss, can you do the same snow mutt
>grew up in USA
>lives in Canada despite knowing USA is better all around.
Im so confused.
Ching chang bing bong
that seems unrealistic, but it's an interesting theory
Ok we get it. Let's all beware of the Grocery Jew.
Now the Adult in the room would like to have a discussion about the main subject of this tread. Thing are not going well in Canada. Hyper-inflation is not something that we should discard for the very near Future. Canada is insolvent! Anybody who understand a little bit how the Economy work can see it.
Fuck off muhammad
Did this dude mention when hotel quarantines end? I know they start on Monday.
good accelerate
Based burger. Thanks. We’re gonna make it.
leafs seething is the best
have fun in your dystopia
>grocery posters
There’s only one poster user
And groceryjew apologism is still groceryjewing.
>bragging about being a mountain jew
definitely kek my friend
Reminder that Trudeau will in power as long as he wants. People will still vote him in.
what kind of solipsism is this?
I can only go back about 300 or so, but my family has been keeping a history and genealogy for those hundreds of years, while most do not.
My genetic makeup verifies the written records, too.
well a hospital visit doesn't cost me $7000 anymore
but now I can't ever afford a house. So yeah idk if it was a good choice
I guess two or three million African migrants yearly would solve all problems
>can't ever afford a house
move to the maritimes. if you're white.
I also will not screen cap dis
Good. We are so zogged the only way out is implosion. Accelerate. Real Canadians know how to live off the land and are close to their neighbors and can form self sufficient communities if need be. All the "economic migrants" need social and urban services to survive.
The Hasidic community already had it and is now immune.
the weak shall perish
>We’re gonna make it.
I know you will.
How often do you need the hospital?
almost never, it was more of a one time thing
How often do you need a house? Oh, wait
and you'll be paying for it the rest of your life
Even more confusion.........
SO you left USA, for a one time hospital need and stayed, despite knowing USA is better in all ways.
i'm confused about what part of this price he thinks is photoshopped
No idea what you mean by your statement.
is this what malnutrition does to a mind?
You are so boring.
I better get my fucking silver before this happens
by posting your instore prices i cause you feeling of pain and shame, like an abuse victim
Only way to stop the collapse is to tax foods made from animal products, tax/raise prices of utilities so people use less and pay more and then bring in 5-10 million immigrants who don't work and get everything for free and the ones that do work get career priority over a Canadian whose family has paid taxes for generations.
Just fuck my shit up bros. Trudeau is a communist plant.
I'm sure bringing in more gimmegrants will fix this!
these badboys can hold so many new taxes, like you wouldn't believe.
I'm going to eat a cheeseburger today, and I'll think of you with every bite.
Americans aren't heavy, they're my brothers
Looks like Canada is preparing for the great reset...
housing prices already went through the roof again as soon as the gov announced it will be bringing in record number of immigrants.
that's what the Canadian scam is all about. Bring immigrants in to pump housing prices no MATTER THE COST. who cares if these immigrants can't find jobs here. who cares if wages are suppressed and houses are 2 million each. They have to pay for the CRB/CERB money SOMEHOW
No one can escape the instore prices
>I'm going to eat a cheeseburger today,
user's special day
I'm going to do some science for a minute if you'll excuse me
okay confirmed by real estate listings, your cities are mad expensive. you now live in Amos Quebec
Are there any problems that can't be completely solved by importing millions of migrants?
you're mistaken. all of our real estate is sold to ccp investors. this is why the market continues to climb despite no one being able to afford a home.
A 2 pack of fresh ground burger patties is about 2.75$
Watching Canada Collapse is like watching a slow motion Train wreck . We all know how it's going to end and they are no more brake on the Train!
no they didn't. it's a poll you dummy
I wish they'd hurry up already with it. I've got all these guns and bullets and yet no fucking targets of value.
We need to get this shit on and fucking sorted out.
Thank you bro, I feel the same way about you guys.
This shit is all being done against our will, people here have been thoroughly demoralized for years though. It's really sad seeing the slow decline.
We need something big to speed shit up so we can burn down and rebuild.
Living off the land isn't the's pretty much the easy part. The real problem is surviving Government.
And there you were, free to get a job or buy your own insurance policy, and yet you didn't.
There's benefits and drawbacks to both.
You should live wherever "your" people are
Thanks. I care about you guys too.
Our governments hates 'old stock' citizens
>great perestroika
Do you know you're way to Ottawa? That's the place to start, since it has the federal government there.
>Americans aren't heavy, they're my brothers
I too, enjoy the Hollies
Move to New Brunswick.
It's the new white flight zone, housing is cheap but starting to go up because everyone white and aware is fleeing here
100% benefits to living in America compared to Canada.
Unless you're some genetic failure healthcare drain who needs free hospitals or they'd die.
Nope. Canada has a sovereign currency and is thus able to spend freely.
We are all in the same boat.
you fuck
better to find the home addresses of your MPs and take them out one by one, personally. at least then there's less chance you get taken down by security before you even reach them. trick is figuring out when they'll be home.
Chinas plan all along. Buy Canada. I can't wait until they put all the Leafs in camps for being degenerates.
Struggle over the near AND long-term
are you really trying to deny groceries here are considerably more expensive than in the US?
I know a lot of stuff posted on this board are memes but supply management is a disaster. It's only made things more expensive for Canadians. 5 dollars for a gallon of milk, 6 dollars for a tray of eggs and don't even get me started on cheese
Glasnost. Solidarity!
No one is gonna do shit regardless of how much they LARP online.
Canada is American hat. When USA has problems then Canada has problems.
It's a (((poll)))
>government poll
No they didnt
We're in this together burger fren
Wait.... You're telling me that their cities forcing the acceptance of diversity and the protection of problematic minorities at the expense of the general public didn't save the economy? That's impossible!
>2 billion chinese and Indians have entered the chat
"It's free real estate!"
I want people to pay for what they voted for. I would vote for Stalin at this point not because I’m communist but because half the country deserves to feel what it’s like to starve
People don't vote in your country retard, parties do
>We share bantz with them, sure, but all REAL Americans care deeply about the welfare of Canada, and its REAL citizens.
And likewise for us. We're brothers, and we're all in this together.
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah words. Dab Forums /pol is boring garbage on repeat daily.
West isn't independent for very long. Private banks give loans, migrants come in, foreigners give loans. Economy isn't produced for natives either, so these debt and economy numbers don't tell much. Canada could come out of debt, have perfect economy and still natives could not benefit. There is no native plan. It's a money plan. Private banks doing business creating debt slaves. Nothing out of ordinary happened in Canada.
>proud of being the most pussified jewed people in Europe
Kek, kek, fucking kek
The Great Reset will save Canada. The Great Reset will save everyone.
>I summon Obamaleaf to explain the situation
the /cic/ threads drove him to suicide
Canada isn't Switzerland or Luxembourg, since not everybody can be internet banking country with low interests and high salary. Switzerland got lots of foreigner bankers so claiming you are epicenter of heritage is kind of far fetched. Switzerland's overall average is lifted by being international bank since WW2, that's not really economy or anything. Just bank money washing privilege. People can't look at Switzerland and say that's a good economy model, but of course dumbfucks do.
Thanks my dear good burger friend
Lets go, I'm not scared of Jewdeau
This country should be nuked.
fuck you nigger, those changs are making me rich.
The bubble has to burst eventually, and it will be absolutely fucked when it happens.
American and Canadian debts are almost the same graph line, because whenever USA is doing good to get rid of debt, then Canada gets rid of debt. USA is the globohomo.
When the great Canadian starvation happens I'll eat you last burger.
it's the globohomo's primary experimentation ground. everyone should be concerned about the mine canary.
Nothing will burst. They don't want to get repaid, they want to control you.
>Canada is about to collapse, for real
That was always the plan. Canada was a test run.
Are there any welfare programs that I can abuse? I already used cerb when I stopped working for a few months. I'm a working tax paying white male. There has to be something, right?
>Would rather have asshole literally pozzed out by a horde of mostly peaceful shitskins instead of bringing in one chad white supremacist
Lmao, that's the classic leaf posting we know and have grown to love.
Groceryjew forced meme
The central bank of Canada already said they are going to keep printing until 2023. It's called "forward guidance" which is fancy talk for "Borrow more money or you are fucked, we aren't going to pop this bubble."
>imagine thinking you are individual when working for economy, working for boss, working for government money and paying tax
You were never fully owner.
look at his stupid ugly unkempt hair and beard, not the look of a leader. It inspires no confidence and i bet it demoralizes canadian people
just how powerful is the 'groceryjew' in your estimation?
is he more powerful than Q?
>I'm a working tax paying white male.
>white male
Oof, bad news maplefren...
based and glppilled
I am going to short the entire country of Canada.
There's a shit load of neets in this country. They have to be getting the money from somewhere. I'm just too lazy to look it up right now.
By design in all likelihood. That fucking bastard stoner cuck is a disgrace.
You have to flee now.
statcan says inflation is 1% just fucking lol
he is turning into a chubby 70's porn star.
>new york
fucking jewish piece of shit
That is because statcan does not factor in asset inflation. They base inflation on consumer goods.
Debt to GDP will remain below 60%.
They'll start closing tax loopholes and cracking down on tax evasion.
Perhaps implement a 4 day workweek to offset automation particularly from loss of warehouse jobs as soon as this year.
Old age security benefits and welfare will be eliminated to coordinate UBI with the provinces.
No MMT, the stated long term goal will be to keep debt to GDP under 60%.
UBI will be partially implemented through an Ethereum based token that will only work with localised small businesses. This will only be a portion of the basic income, you can cash out the rest for paper currency at select banks.
Our retarded government has allowed China to buy up property for over 30 fucking years.
This country is fucking doomed unless they make some VERY serious decisions regarding foreign land ownership.
It's possible to turn it around, but they need to start acting fast, and let's face it, they won't.
Trudeau and Canadians are absolutely cucked lmaoo
great job leafs couldn't have done it by yourself.
This is how I know you are retarded. Using debt to GDP as your primary indicator of fiscal wellbeing is a main component of MMT.
>it's the globohomo's primary experimentation ground. everyone should be concerned about the mine canary.
This is the truth.
Y-you really care.. Don't you burgerbro?
>New Brunswick
Based and maritime pilled.
>New Brunswick
NB prices
You and Canada are both the experimentation grounds.
No, the current MMT that was being pushed is completely ignoring that alltogether and just focusing on controling inflation. Some cabinet members wanted this but the results from the CERB numbers weren't encouraging.
Shut up, Paddy.
Shoe shoe grocery hebrew.
that's some leader you got there
Fuck off meme flag.
All of trudeau is cucked, but not all of Canadians are cucked.
Not a single one of those things addresses the problems in the article.
how about nova scotia?
average canadian by 2025
How about Israel?
All according to plan
You will never be able to compete with the chinks. For the last 20-30 years chinks have been trading manufactured goods for pieces of paper. All this paper is going to flood in at once and they will buy everything
>New York Settlers
Englishmen who settled Long Island in the 1700s
typical American gaslighting.
REAL Canadians know that the USA has always been our greatest existential threat.
Shut up mountain German, the Jews are coming for you too
pic related.
Who shops at grocery stores anyways? Be a real Chad and get everything from farmers markets lads.
>20 posts by this ID
jesus fucking christ dude no one cares
>he doesn’t know /cic/ spaz
I do know the memeflag faggot but holy shit man this thread was extra pathetic
Farmers markets are 90% scam.
China is going to "bail out" Canada, in exchange for ownership.
The solution here is cracking down on the "snowwashing" that's occuring in the real estate market and implement high no occupancy penalties to discourage speculation. I'm not exactly sure when this will come up again at the federal level.
If you're serious about getting this done, contact your provincial government to push this along quicker.
What the fuck why are a bunch of chicken thighs so expensive?
Leafs, we are so lucky to have the CCP ready to step in and save us from this economic devastation, but we're going to need each and every one of you to abandon your material posessions for this to work. Anyone who doesn't think this is a good plan is a dangerous white extremist and you should report them immediately.
its all part of the scam. thats how we suck in immigrants. niggers think they are gonna be making lotsa leaf buck. "oh the job pays 40/hour" ... what they dont know is a shitty bachelor pad costs 1800$ a month and a bucket of chicken wings is 60$.
by the time the iddiots get here, its too late, they cant get home. they are a slave.
don't care still get blacks off grindr to tongue my asshole and let me smoke their weed
Just import more niggers, you fucking stupid canadian faggots xD
lul fuck canada xD
Self explanatory
Great video Mick.
I'll take
>Ways you push a reset out to idiots for 1000
God bless you bro
Check out what a basic bitch steak costs in Canada
>$79 + tax + tip
He really does look like castro
7 chicken breasts
Canada had debt since great depression in 1930, but then recovered at same time as USA. And like USA they sold gold. Now they had more loans and more debt, just like USA. American hat.
3rd world problems
>$323 for a rack of ribs
That's almost as bad as 8 crab legs for $360, that's $45 per crab legs. Imagine having to pay $45 to use a crab leg as fishing bait.
Wait until they tell you the pension plan is gone. RSPs are gone. They start seizing precious metals. Cash is useless and approved government credits become currency.
Literally the opposite of a "perestroika" is in the works.
>Best before 2019
Fuck off nigger
Canada has the lowest value added taxes. The only people who have them lower are Americans, who don't even have this tax, only ones on planet. So prices being high has nothing to do with Canadian government. That's private market greed.
How much is in a case?
8 crab legs
sorry leaf
this is biden's america. The rona is going away and not coming back. You aren't getting ubi, but you will be paying off your governments debt
Go drive with car and grab a net.
The conditioning is complete. His spirit is broken, his mind unable to accept reality... The patient speaks of his abuser’s magnanimity even when confronted with the former’s predatory behaviour, violent attacks, and continuous subversive gaslighting...
Lumberjack War
The Pig War
54-40 or fight
The Trent Affair
Fenian raids
plans for the invasion of Canada post-civil war
Punitive tariffs on Canadian goods while demanding we abolish MacDonald’s National Policy
War Plan Red
The whole disgusting and sordid affair of selling the instruments to kill our people not once but twice to the Germans and their allies while bankrupting us and hollowing out our industries
MK-ULTRA torture experiments conducted by the CIA on Canadian citizens
And on and on it goes, from Pearson being physically manhandled by LBJ for opposing Vietnam to Canada being punished economically for not supporting the invasion of Iraq. Culminating in the latest abuse with the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline by President Biden and their claims that the Artic doesn’t belong to Canada.
I don’t get it. I truly do not understand people like you who believe America is a “friendly neighbour”. “Learn some history” you'll say? You’re pissing on my leg and calling it rain while they’re getting ready to divert the Great Lakes to water gardens in the Arizona desert.
I’ll take Britain, Australia and New Zealand over the Yankees any day. They actually stand by us through thick and thin even if many of us have forgotten what the Commonwealth actually is: Family.
we know. Grocery store Jew is neither clever nor based. shilling proxy fags get the rope.
VAT is not the only way the government can inflate prices. In Canada, it is illegal to be a chicken farmer unless you pay protection money to the poultry cartel. This allows the cartel to have very high prices. The cartel is not just legal, but the government does their enforcement for them, with our money.
you fucking leafs cant see this was globalist treuadu plan all along.
fuck off American's mind your own tranny nigger shit. you will collapse before we do.
Government can't inflate market prices you dumbo. Government can only prevent inflation. Free market is inflation. Government control is 0 inflation. Merchants raise prices because they are greedy or suppliers raised them already.
Not even The Avengers can save Canada at this point... Chronicles of a Death Foretold
What kind of idiot vacations in canada
We should join China in a new North Pacific Alliance. Canadian natural resources plus Chinese ingenuity and manpower is a knock-out combo.
Thanks buddy
In the Netherlands an Alaska crab leg (between 300-350 grammes) costs about 30 euros per leg, so the equivalent is 240 euros per box
1 euro is about 1.5 dollar, so this box would be 320 CAD.
I don't think that that price is very shocking to be quite honest.
people who like nature, we have the best part of the rocky mountains that completely MOG the southern part
Electricity is so expensive in Ontario regular folk don't have enough money for food, electricity.
That's the real story, any search engine request will tell you that food prices are rising fast across Canada, at times 10% price increase on some items.
I never understand these prices. I get 2kg of chicken thighs at costco for ~$20.
As a Leaf, I say burn all this shit to the ground. I'm ready to go full Mad Max up in this bitch.
You're a dumbass, those are expensive everywhere.
I've eaten the same batch of cooked burgers the last three days now. I will do my best to eat another one for you today
>if I ignore what you just said then it will stop existing
Imagine having ADHD
I don't disagree but some of the store prices posted here are not unreasonable
That's right. Because Canada doesn't have thousands of km of ocean shoreline where they can catch crabs like you.
All the cottages are bought out by poos and chinks. Even Americans know that our cottage country is gods land so a good chunk of the real estate is owned by Americans that travel up and do dumb shit in this country that they wouldn't be able to get away with in America. The chances a germshit will get anything more than breadcrumbs out of this tight real estate market is nil.
they're also not real
Wow, look at all these shit worthless words and opinions by nobodies which changes nothing.
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Every day, the same shit.
well look at Mr. Fancypants over here with a car and Costco membership card
kek, Costco membership card is like $60 a year. and you could always take the bus
You've been saying this for like 3 years.
No user, poll finds 86% support it.
That doesn't mean 86% actually support it.
anything preceded by "poll finds" is misleading at best, bullshit at worst.
You don't know about Dutch fishermen?
The point is not that crab is expensive, it's that Alaskan crab is similarly expensive here. That specific store price isn't as unreasonable as you are trying to frame it.
for me, it's walking into the exit door of costco (I don't have a membership) and getting 2 hot dogs and 2 soda's for $3
based. their soft serve is fucking great, too.
It's a remote Labrador community store.
Kikes are genetically incapable of being good faith.
Justin Castreau is castrating Canada but leafs are still more worried about American politics
the rake is too good for you, eh
The truth is the USA and Canada doesn't even have the resources to deal with all the people not paying taxes anymore as they go bankrupt.
That's why there are so many ad threads about paying your taxes on Dab Forums lately.