Why are (((they))) taking Meat Away and Giving us Bugs?

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Control the food, control the people.
The virus failed to do that, now they will do it by force.

Red meat is for fat asses

Look up Chinese occupation of Japan.

Start noticing things.

Thats where you are wrong

best type of meat is medium. and in a few cases is medium rare. whoever disagrees is a nigger.

because it is good for you

>They've been on land! Gross!!

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I'll eat wild pigs but I'll not touch farmed hog. I'm not a semen guzzling degenerate like you are, but after all, if you're willing to swallow yellow sludge of cum mixed with your own shit, bugs are a step up. so more power to you friend, keep improving.

pork is good, foods made from blood is good, seabugs are good

They want you fat and low test

Whatever, I live in midwest and the meat is cheap and plentiful here
Our freedoms will be taken away at some point in the near-ish future, but enjoy what you have until it's gone

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>Deuteronomy 28:31
>Thine ox shall be slain before thine eyes, and thou shalt not eat thereof: thine ass shall be violently taken away from before thy face, and shall not be restored to thee: thy sheep shall be given unto thine enemies, and thou shalt have none to rescue them.

shrimps are not bugs, at all

you eat bugs all the time luigi, deal with it

If these people want to reduce carbon emissions by changing what people eat, they should advocate eating more plant-based food instead of talking about eating bugs. Getting people to eat more plant-based protein like beans and lentils instead of meat would be FAR easier than getting people to eat a single insect.
This must be some kind of campaign to humiliate the plebs.

It's Chinese warfare ya dingus.
>Look into the Chinese occupation of fucking Japan
>And instead of reading it like a normie, ask yourself "why" these things were done, other than pedantic mean-ness.
>what is the effect psychologically and physically
>what is the effect of a low protein diet on a pregnant woman
>what happens when this goes on for many generations?

Processed Salisbury steak is for fat asses, not whole foods.

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Bugs have the best profit ratio, simple as.

tell us more. Google censors this and pretends there was never a Chinese occupation.

Because meat consumption rapidly accelerates climate change, aquifer depletion, phosphorus depletion, and soil erosion due to cow farts and the farmland required to grow livestock feed. Anyone who would tell you that you should take up entomophagy as an alternative to beef, pork, and chicken has heard this repeated to them in PowerPoints and brainstorming sessions ad nauseam. Raising livestock is unsustainable and is destroying the environment to such a degree that we won’t have any food at all in a century. Of course, they won’t tell you this part because they’re afraid you’ll panic. They’ll just tell you to eat bugs and hope that you grow fond of the idea.

its all you deserve because you sit on the internet all day wanking, shitposting and being anti-social

I'm anemic and I need red meat once in a while

It's not hard to figure out, user. It's a method of depopulation. Deprive people of real food, especially meat, and they will start to get sick more easily and die faster.

They absolutely are, I'm a marine biologist

You know, I was just at Meijer and they had lots of meat.
No bugs, except maybe shrimp.

You mom is lying to you. Go to the store with her next time and see for yourself

Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.

Try another engine and/or "Buddhist occupation of Japan". "Buddhist Japan" etc.
Chinks literally weaponized buddhism. Imagine that.

To make you weak and enforce the systemic ideal that you are lower class and they are the masters, elite.

Everyone should be eating the mongolian diet. Meats and animal products.

Red meat makes you fat?

Oh look, it's retarded.

Those "facts" you mentioned were pure steaming horseshit, just wanted to make that clear.

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eating too much food makes you fat, fatty.

>Being fat also makes you stupid, fat on the brain, fat on the liver, fat on the heart.

Because its Chinas turn to eat meat,
If we want to eat meat we have to eat our children and our pets in the name of equality.

If you don't like it you're a racist bigot and a white supremacist.

It's like feeding prisoners s-o-y burgers.It weakens and humiliates. What would you do to the people you had conquered?

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>fuckbillions of roving buffalo
>No guilty whites REEEE ing about carbon
Nope, it's almost like they want to remove the staple meat and reliable food source in your diet. Sounds familiar doesn't it?
>you probably weren't taught about the indian wars in school, because you grew up around cucks.

Red meat makes you fat?

It's a humiliation ritual, just like everything they try to pull.

maximum profitabiltiy plus the option for social engineering. Bugs in a box can be managed entirely by robots. Large livestock like cattle can not. Meat prices go up and down with the season because of the life cycle of these animals and the unpredictability of the conditions in which they are raised (storms, ect), so the sollution to this non problem is to some how get robots to raise bugs in a giant indoor factory farm. They want to do the same thing with vegetables as well. No more people, no more farmers, no more rural populations living parallelle to the city folk. Then when the system is in place and old aggriculture is outlawed, you effectively rule the country by controlling its food supply. You can make people weak or strong, smart or dumb, by simply adjusting how nutritious your indoor factory farmed food is.


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normal humans can't eat enough food to get fat. not everyone can keep shoving it in in perpetuity

High protein high fat leafy vegetables for minerals starchy vegetables for carbs is the Chad diet

Because they fucking hate you and want you debased or dead if possible

>muh climate change

The truth of the matter is the world is completely capable of supporting europeans and americans having european and american lifestyles. But our ruling class is transfering our wealth and resources to their chinese masters. A consequence of this is that CHINA is now going to be having an american/european living standard and the world can not support BOTH of us having that, so WE are being forced to lower our living standards so CHINA can raise THEIRS. Anyone who still believes climate change memes at this point needs to unironically kill themselves in minecraft because you are too stupid to waste resources on.

your premise is flawed
meat is widely available. i can't think of any bug products i've ever seen at the grocery store, although i may have overlooked a couple.

*processed meat

china already bought 1/3 of american pork production, biden and friends are working hard to sell them the rest. If things continue, we won't have any meat because it simply wont be for sale to us. Oh sure, it will still exist, but in a freezer container being shipped to china.

The lefties blame deforestation in South America on hamburgers. The world’s left claim ownership over the land. Their lefty feelings are more important than actual a title to the physical land. The left solution is to destroy beef. Very similar to all the manufacturing which was destroyed in America. Brass smelting is a perfect example. Wood furniture is another. Etc etc etc

Yeah I've been bitching about what they just did in Texas, identical to what was done in Crimea actually.



Chances are we're already eating meat and food infested/mixed with insects or insect parts. They don't follow FDA guidelines to save money, and they want to normalize eating bug meat so they don't have to hide it anymore.

I youre eating sausages youre NGMI bro.

plenty of meat to eat in the wild

well that explains why they taste so shit you have to drown them in butter

I never buy store-bought meat though. It's cheaper and higher quality to buy half of a cow every year. There's a ranch about 30 miles from where I live and every year I watch them butcher, carve, and package all of my meat. A store bought steak is probably 18 dollars, mine are about half that, and better quality too. Take the butcherpill

Believe me I know. I raise my own chickens.
>grain is fucking animal feed
>most people have been eating cow food bringing a whole new level to the term Goyim

It is just (((their))) first step. Then cannibalism.

>we won't have any food at all in a century.
where do i upvote this thoughtful and SCIENCE™
related post?

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They want even lower testosterone levels in men than they already are. Taking away any chance of revolt.

Because they can. They've already been doing it. Hell, just look at the McRib that all the npcs gobble up. It is made to look like ribs but isn't. It's process meat parts. Shit is worse than a hotdog. But, fat ass plebs gobble that shit up if it has bbq sauce on it. With the bug meat, lab meat, fake meat shit...they are just slinging marketing out there to see what sticks. They just need it to get trendy and all the cattle will eat it up and brag to their friends about it.

pic related is one of the main reasons.

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I used to hate shrimp but the older I get the more I enjoy peeling those lil fuckers and gobbling them down with some cocktail sauce. A cockroach≠shrimp

There were massive advancements in technology that allowed us to avoid these things. GMO food fed billions preventing widespread famine, along with better/more efficient growing and harvesting techniques. Oil discovery and extraction methods are far more advanced, along with federal fuel regulations requiring cars to become more efficient. Couple this with synthetic oil and additive advances along with ethanol added at 10% minimum and its allowed us to stretch oil supplies.
>civilization will end in 15-30 years
Absolute brainlet tier, no one should be claiming shit like that.


What do you mean why? They hate you. They hate people. They want to be gods. They have no humanity, humility, empathy, they're soulless husks, completely empty and devoid of a conscience. What kind profound reason or meaning do you think there needs to be? There is none! There never is any with these psychos. They're completely insane and that's everything that you need to know. Power corrupts. They've had power, unopposed for decades or even centuries. Some family lines maybe date back even millennia. Fuck do they care about anything or anyone but themselves.

QRD... why is 3D printed meat considered "bugs"? Is this hyperbole, or what?

Americans don't know how to eat, they leave shit on their ass when they wipe, they are wearing 4 masks going hypercarbic and wrecking their cars, shooting mask enforcement karens (this is fine but both parties are loud and annoying), begging for foreign uranium dependence because they voted for a most overt shill because muh nigger babies or something I don't even know.

Americans are braindead that's why everyone takes their shit like candy from a baby, and the only ones who make it here completely opt out from it in bumfuck nowhere. That's why "rednecks" "hill billy cousin fuckers etc" are so ridiculed, they are actually the smart ones in a lot of cases, and a lot of educated people homestead as well for this reason. The cities are goyim farms and the're fed grain with MSG powder to make them fat and worthless malnurished etc. the best part of the joke is that real food is cheaper, and they will even argue with you about it because they can't cook it.
>cooking is a part of being an adult human and even considered part of digestion, they literally have to be fed like babies. Its fucking great for the stock market if you play it desu.
>My stonks are the only thing that allows me to mentally justify living in the same place as these subhumans


Youre selling out to China, we all are!
Worship your chink overlord!

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Bugs meat is cheaper to produce

1) It's easier to grow bugs inside under coltrolled conditions than it is to maintain livestock indoors, especially during and ice age type climate.
2) Bugs are less sentient than mammals, thereby slightly mitigating the karmic whiplash involved in the mass slaughter of sentient l, emotion experience beings in factory farming.
3) It makes you squirm.
As we enter the next cold period, it's going to become more and more costly to practice factory farming, and even low scale animal husbandry for a self sustaining lifestyle will be quite difficult.
It's easier to tell people "WHOAH MARVEL OF SCIENCE AND HEALTHY COOL!" than "climate change is real but not like we say it is and most people are going to freeze to death or starve over the next 20 to 50 years unless you eat bugs."

Regenerative agriculture solves most of these issues.

Climate is a HOAX

You'll eat the bugs from the land, air, and sea.
And you'll be happy.

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user (((they))) want more control, right?

Why would (((they))) be the ones trying to stop us eating meat when its the easiest to tamper with and feed / inject with whatever you want society to be full of?

Vegetables can at most have glyphosate or insecticide on them which you can wash off, and even then the livestock eat feed contaminated by that already

Whatever makes the most money will be run by (((them)))

i've never liked or eaten sea bugs, i eat ruminants, like a white man

wouldnt have this problem if you were a homesteader

They’re uncreative and just following the rule book from Platos Republic.

taking meat away is racist because i identify as a tiger and i MUST eat meat.

also someone else needs to pay for my steaks


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>its not that these so called experts had an agenda, its just because the science got better

You are what you eat goy

Steak and potatoes are literally white supremacy.

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Yawn. Its not going to happen.

This. He's right but wrong at the same time, he doesn't realize that both things are correct, because binary logic is a personality disorder and they have a lot of trouble outside of accounting work.

you absolutely can sustain the modern population of the western world on normal animal meat. you CANNOT however sustain a 20 billion world on it. And more slaves = more profits

too bad mario you always ate ze bugs ZE BUGS!!!

Bill Gates will never prevent me from fishing during the winter. I live in the northern Finland. Just a handful of cops here, they can never stop me.

A fucking leaf

>meat and milk make strong white men
>bugs and so.ymilk make redditors
who is easier to control?

All you have to do is remove africans and that whole continent is another 'merica tier breadbasket user.

I havent eaten beef in years
>not taking the venisonpill

Money for covid vac isnt going towards vac.

meat consumption is for nobles
peasants should get back to eating peasant food

It doesn’t seem to be for money cuz all that fake meat sits untouched in every supermarket here.
It’s constantly about to go past use by date on clearance and still sits untouched.

goyim will be even easier to control that way, plus then you will have to buy bill gates 3d printed bug meat, delivered by bezos, while musk uses his back door on your neura link, to mine zuckerberg's libra from your unused bandwidth

Eat the rich then. bitelabs.org/

I think you are talking about Theosophy though, which isn't really connected with a country or culture. It's a UN project that kicked off in India bc americans are too stubborn.

Eating only read meat will litterally make you loose weight

They'll reveal to people that some variety of the coof can infect the moo moos. Mark my words.

They already mentally primed them saying that tons of meat had to be thrown out because one person got covid who was packing it.
It's a god damn virus. it's not going to survive on a fucking refrigerated carbon dioxide fucking packed environment for fuck's sake.
But they know the goyim can't even unclog a toilet or get the shit off their ass.

It's been a long time coming.


>imagine lying on the internet

I only ever hear about this on Dab Forums and its always burgers

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goodmorning airborne 77th they let you post in non vaccine threads?

The fucking leaf at it again

Meat will never be take away. You believe that you're a retard

Carbs cause the most insulin to be released and insulin promotes fat storage. Eat mostly red meat and lower carbs and you will lose wait.

Because we are depleting earth's resources at an alarming rate, causing serious damage to the ecosystems and the environment. You don't need a meat diet in order to function, so a transition to a bug diet is an ethical thing to do as the world population increases. Also eating meat is a privilege and should be abolished.

finally some of you incels will get a chance to eat some pussy then