Ireland to extend full lockdowns until May

Ireland to extend full lockdowns until May.
Fuck the government, fuck the Irish population and FUCK jannies

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based know your place

kill yourself kike

I am so unbelievably blackpilled. There are TWO (2) MPs I know of arguing against lockdowns

Fuck the government.
Fuck Ireland.
Fuck Jannies.

Also fuck Jews and niggers but that should be self-evident.

Know you place, scum

Germany isn't much better with lockdowns.

Why do you care Luigi?

its too bad the IRA love niggers more than there own people

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The Irish are the black people of white people.
>Bitches at Britain for reparations to this day
>Entire culture revolves around getting intoxicated and being loud and obnoxious
>STILL bitching about shit that happened hundreds of years ago
Why do "Irish-Americans" support this shit hole despite the fact that the Irish fucking hate their guts?

Ireland is gay lol

Your ancestors should have been convicts. Too bad.

Just firebomb your Jewish president. Just like worn thatcher.

I never said it was my hook-nosed friend.

We are both gay, Nigel

make like your grandad and bomb the government, spud

I'm so tired...
Nothing seems worth it anymore

the jew fears the indoor potato farming potato nigger.

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At least we are a top, you bottom bitch.

Dude just tell them to fuck off lol. I haven't worn a mask once or changed my lifestyle becuase of gay lockdowns. Admittedly I don't live in a city but whatever.

Nobody at my work is wearing masks or social distancing. But it's ok because everyone already got covid in November

Not even /r/Ireland is ggoing to bat for this shit anymore

yes and you indigenous spics are the blacks of Mexico/USA what's new.

Unfortunately my gay job requires it

my sister is half black irish. why do you have white irish called black?
im related to half of a double nigger.

>Netherlands has lockdown
>Struck down last tuesday by judge because wrong kind of law or some shit like that
>Government immediately appeals
>Government also makes new law immediately
The ride never ends

Black Irish doesn't mean a mixed race Irish person.

Black Irish refers to a darker Irish phenotype more common in Italy and Spain it has nothing to do with smelly fucking monkey niggers.

Enjoy your "Brits out, 3rd shitskins in".

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black Irish are Irish people with white skin and blue/brown eyes but with black hair. they probably have ancestors from Iberia.

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she is ultra pale, with jet black hair.


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sounds cool, my irish teacher was black irish. they feel like the most irish people here for whatever reason. most irish people will have significant anglo, norman or scandi admixture so people here will usually have light coloured hair - like brown, and ginger n blonde


>ancestors from Iberia
No, inbreeding and admixture with Early European Farmer is an equality of having darker more aggressive phenotypes. Little island with a small population. The Catholic church tried to prevent inbreeding, but now Irish people are becoming inbred again.

pic related is what the black Irish look like.

My mother's family is from stab city, people always mistake her for Italian

always been curious about it, we dont know much about her dad.
me and my brother look like stormtroopers. shes the oddball.

i always thought it was iberian traders who settled ireland that created the black irish.
link doesn't work can you ss or something.

Fuck off. I havent gotten laid in over a year now because I can't visit escorts with lockdowns in place. I fucking hate this government. So depressed. No gym, no college, fuck all entry-level work unless it's slaving for a multinational with niggers and nigger-tier Eastern euros. Oh wait, niggers get to enjoy mega doles. Where are all the loons who protested water charges now? Could use that fodder protesting on the streets.

Really sorry to hear that, bro
We are doing no better over here, I'm so sick of this covid shit
Whoever is behind this should be executed in the most gruesome way

IIRC it's Ice Age migrants from Iberia, nothing recent

so her dad was irish? is her mother white

yeah moms daughter of kraut immigrants. most of the people in the dakotas were.

this is the most based post I've seen all day.

maybe I don't mind yanks after all.

Start faking panic attacks and anxiety. So many people have legitimate mental heth problems now because of lockdowns. I am looking for work rn but there is no way i subject myself to being muzzled for 8 hours a day on below subsistence wages

At least you have potatoes

The sheer speed of the subversion of Ireland, from extreme conservative catholic, to rainbow flag suicidal woke Police State Totalitarianism, has been incredible to behold.

All those years of fucking fighting. At war with Britain. Surviving the Potato famine, the mass migrations to escape the oppression and horror. Finally fighting Britain to a stand still and earning a truce.

Just to throw it all away, history, race, Nation, culture, language, to mass African migration and suicidal left wing politics.

Ireland has never had a colony and doesn't "owe" Africa or anyone else a fucking THING.

What's going on there is textbook demographic & cultural genocide

They were also invaded by Vikings

>nigger-tier eastern euros
At least I have a country to go home to

I am potato intolerant. Need to get by low carb, keto and fasting. Can't fucking wait for meat to get restricted with how sensitive to most carbs I am.

my gf could be mistaken for spanish, while both her sisters have blonde hair green eyes. its weird

nobody owes africa anything lol

The Irish argue that they only have a problem with Britain so why not let Africans in because Africans never discriminated against them

yeah must be dad then, although some germans are swarthy mostly down south. sounds like its the dads doing tho

My mom's also rhesus negative, it's just a super archaic Ice Age phenotype

You'll only find autosomal viking ancestry in Ireland, or, female admixture.

DNA studies have already shown that they came from Spain/Iberia, and conquered the original Non IE ginger cro-magnon mutants to create the potato niggers they are today. It is amazing to me that they even still have a folk record of it (Tuatha de Danaan or Sons of Mil (?) invading Ireland and defeating the Fir Bolg (iirc)

The only thing that stopped Caeser from invading was that they were so worthless to him that he couldn't be bothered. He was going to send over a few cohorts of Auxiliaries to do it LOL But because he didn't they luckily and miraculously were able to hold onto so much of what is a mostly lost Celtic history.

Of course only for them to just now throw it all away for Faggot Woke Tyranny and Mass Nigger migration

I met some Irish people.

They are as cucked as the Swedes, ugly as the British and prone to drinking as the Russians. Terrible people. To be fair, the cuck thing has to be a fairly recent thing, they went from ultra-conservative to whatever it's called what they are now

I'm so fucking depressed. All I do is college, work and sleep and play vidya. I can't take it.

ireland has a serious inferiority complex. we want to be seen as the goodies and we want to keep up with the western world because britain has seriously hurt our feelings throughout the years with the whole subhuman thing. i think this mindset is prevalent in smaller - less relevant countries. saw a kiwi trying to convince some blacks that "NZ isnt that white" bcus the blacks commented on how a pic of a NZ concert had only whites people in it. it was like he was begging for them to come over and make it less white and more cool.

>lockdown extended in Ireland, politicians aren't debating it
>american: did you know my sister is 1/8th Irish?

Re-reading this, it sounds as if I hate them or something. I don't, as a matter of fact one of the few girls I have ever truly liked is Irish.

They just have some issues

>The Irish argue that they only have a problem with Britain so why not let Africans in because Africans never discriminated against them

The Irish don't say that, the Marxist LGBT anti-humans and kikes that have subverted their Government say that.

There is literally one party in the Dáil (Aontú) arguing against it, and like one independent TD.

>I met some Irish people.

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>it's hard to meet Europeans

I also met Polish, Russians, Albanians, Spanish, French people.

Ever heard of Erasmus? Universities with foreign students?

>ultra conservative
irish people were like this because of the church. in Ireland, the church committed hundreds of atrocities. from kiddy fiddling, to murdering new-borns at the "Magdelene laundries." people used to send their kids off to mental institutions for lobotomies and electric shock therapy if they had the slightest impression the kid was gay i.e he didn't play sports and preferred poetry (look up paul durcan)

the population has completely distanced itself from the church after these atrocities and people often look back on the 50s-80s as miserable times.

I knew a guy here in Aus that did that. McGuinness (Irish or Scottish?)

Anyway, he got pozzed and brainwashed somewhere along the line, and the next time I saw him he said that the small QLD town he moved to was "disgustingly white"

I tore strips off him, and have never spoken to him since.

Like one of Bezmenov's 100% demoralized he was

Fucking turkoid

I was under the impression they were the desendants of sailors from the Spanish armada

That's Greenland, you fucking moron.

Irish people in general are cucked and have potato-nigger behaviours, but still you got the point, red haired pussy is rare and Ireland got tons of it.
Also you won't find more faggot people than Swedes.

That's a myth.

Dark phenotypes in Ireland are due to Iberian genes. You guys traded with Spain millennia ago

people like him are a victim of propaganda. i dont think its in our genetics to be pozzed, we are just cucked because of our status in the world. aus is actually relevant so that faggot shouldnt have been a faggot.

Well, that sounds bad, but inviting hordes of Africans poses a bit of a larger problem in the long term imho

As in, distancing yourself from the church and getting closer to globohomo ideologies is not ideal. Couldn't you do something else?

Hey look, it's the fake aryan

>potato-nigger behaviours,
what are these behaviours? i hear this a lot and i genuinely have no clue what you people are talking about. yes we have a rowdy drinking culture but so does Britain and the US. host countries rarely bitch about Irish fans during the euros (football) they always chat shit about English fans.

based and their* pilled

That's not that rare, Italian big universities are pozzed with foreing students.
Also in summer time tons of foreing tourists visit sea locations in Italy, I basically met at least one foreing tourist from each European country since I started to visit, each summer, in places like Bibbione or Rimini (with friends) since I was 18.

We think we're the top but we're really just sandwiched in the middle of faggots.

It's quite convenient for the government that embassies are closed during the lockdowns. The exact second the embassies open I am leaving this country and never coming back.
I refuse to live in a country that has gone so insane it shuts down the economy because of a flu

in a ideal world we would act normal, but we don't live in an ideal world. and Irish people want Ireland to look like the USA. opinions will change in the coming years. blacks here aren't an issue anyways, most of them act fine and get college educated. a lot of them go to London then once they are of age. blacks here are generally sloppy seconds from England. most of them have families in london that they tried to move in with but they ended up getting kicked out and moved here instead.

Fuck britcucks. We will continue to rub their noses in it and leech as much from them as possible for as long as we live. I love seeing them suffer. When I hear about another terrorist attack in Britainistan I jump with joy.


The IRA that hasn't existed in 20 odd years live in your head rent free. Why would you even bring up a non existent organisation that has got fuck all to do with Covid or lockdown, immigration or anything else to do with Ireland in general?

>what are these behaviours?

We look down on people who drink a lot here. Alcohol makes people prone to pointless violence, degrading behaviour, etc.

Well In fairness, half the boys in the country think they are in the ira

becouse the IRA pretty much symbolize ireland

they won't stop until someone stops them

You should be extremely thankful you haven't been nuked.

Fuck niggers, when I see a nigger I fantasise about cutting their belly open with a sword, feels good.

Most Antifags in ireland think they're the like the third coming of the IRA

>Literally an island
>Cant stop the rona

>Isle of Based Man

yeah i understand that wine is the preferred drink in italy and its to be enjoyed casually. we live on a very wet and windy island at the edge of europe so beer is our thing while you lot drink your wine on your balconies with your cosy med climate. same goes for bongs and other north euros. beer is to be slammed back while wine is more of a posh person drink.

It's more a matter of quantity than anything else

Probably cause of Sinn Fein, however the main reason is because most bongs know fuck all about modern Ireland even though it's so similar and next door

stfu we colonised you foos

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>The Irish are the black people of white people.
Dumb as fuck comment
>>Bitches at Britain for reparations to this day
This has never happened and no one has asked reperations.
>>Entire culture revolves around getting intoxicated and being loud and obnoxious
Pubs and socialising are part of our culture but drunkenness and not being able to hold your drink is frowned upon and we aren't at all loud or obnoxious and that a bit rich especially coming from an American who are known to be loud and obnoxious.
>>STILL bitching about shit that happened hundreds of years ago
You only think this because you see some boomer Brits here bit ching about the Irish bit ching about them which rarely happens. Irish people have every right to their bitterness too concerning how badly we were treated by them in the past and how badly they treated our ethnic kin in NI and how devious the British government and establishment are. They colluded with Loyalists to attack Irish civilians only a few decades ago
>Why do "Irish-Americans" support this shit hole despite the fact that the Irish fucking hate their guts?
Irish people generally have a good opinion of Irish Americans but there has been an online campaign the last decade or so to drive a wedge between us by shills just like you with that there comment.

You should be extremely thankful you haven't been beheaded by Ahmed.
Based muslims doing the job for us.

>potato-nigger behaviours
"Potato" in sense that except for potato crysis (that sounds as big humiliation) most of the historical weight of your country is simply "unknown and irrelevant" or not "even existed". "Potato" want to stress that your whole culture and living condition is at least perceived as mere survivability in primitive-rural conditions.
"nigger" highlight different meanings:
>ugly-inbred and smelly
because we tend to think Irish people are similar to Anglos
>tendency to "chimp out" fo irrilevant things
you basically see this in the average thread
>tendency to intromise in "European business"
your isolated geographic location makes often us wonder if you're even "European", not for mere racism but just because you appear (phenotipically and in culture) way far from other Europeans
>the tendency of "we wuz"
your Celtic culture seems all but not "Celtic", or at least not similar to the one of first historical Celts. You Germanic root sounds flebile at least at first glance.

To this you have to add an instinctive South European diffidence to North Europeans, 10 times bigger cuz I'm Italian.

Look at all that water surrounding your wee island. How the fuck could anybody starve surrounded by all those fish. Wtf is so important about potatoes. I will never understand the potato holocaust. Don't blame me because your ancestors were too lazy/stupid to pick up a fishing rod.

based deboonker

a more proper name would be something like the "the english taxed us to death-famine"

Stop it, Nigel, you are angering them

You are a faggot and no one here ever has used the American meme "black Irish" to describe another Irish person with dark hair or brown eyes.

Does this mean nobody can immigrate to Ireland? If so then why would you be complaining.

never heard this word used in ordinary conversation. define please?

Ireland is like the most celtic of all countries

I'm like 1/4 Irish, and where I live there is celtic music everywhere

>Don't blame me because your ancestors were too lazy/stupid to pick up a fishing rod

is this the average IQ of britbongs? reread that again retard. how can I blame you if my ancestors starved to death during the famine? kek

The black irish are bad news though, the fair haired irish are ethnically teutonic

That's because its an Italian word and I shit-digited.
Basically means "weak, fleeble".

nice picture you got there

there's always room for more niggers

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As an anglo/scot, I am sorry about the famine. I will never understand it


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thats the proper term for them. obviosuly i dont describe someone with black hair as black irish in normal conversation, thats autistic as fuck. but thats what they are called

You got family

my bad, i saved it wrong

There was a fair bit more going on than just a crop failure, people were being dispossesed and driven from their lands. Maybe read a book, google it

why do they wear the skirt?

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Has anyone noticed that low population areas like Ireland or non-coastal USA are affected equally by 'coronavirus' to very high population places like Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul, London, NYC ? and yeah they seem to be creeping towards permenant lockdown, extending the duration each time.

Ireland isnt considered a germanic nation but there is significant germanic influence here. all our cities were settled by the norse. my own surname is Germanic. no one freaks out when they see a blonde or ginger like how they do it shitalia.

I dont know lol

peasantry relied heavily on spuds because of how easily they grew in Irelands climate and the nutrients in them. blight wiped them all out and the Anglos took a neutral approach to it. 1 mil ended up starving and about half left the country after seeing what a shithole it was.

it's only bantz. dont let it hurt you, fren. sleep easy knowing the current state of bongland and dont dwell on our ancestors failings

Irish people are fucking horrible. The IRA was worse than Hamas. Now they're in love with abortion and they became a tax shelter to steal american corporate taxes. Irish people are the biggest assholes too I once crossed paths with a couple visiting america and they were on the brink of a nervous breakdown of a crisis because no one they had spoken to knew that Dublin was the capital of Ireland. Their such angry rude annoying cunts. If the english had done half of what the catholics have done to them they'd have genocided the english by now. They can all go get diddled by father mckinley and fucking die in a carbomb.

Its not culturally Germanic but all the anthropologists in 19th and early 20th century described the east coast of Ireland as being partially Nordic Germanic. I really like the Nordic Irish, but have had bad experiences with Black Irish like for example we have a politician Erin OToole here in Canada and Joe Biden is another Black Irish but JFK was Teutonic it really varies. Lots of swarthy Anglos too

When the Spanish Armada ended up at the bottom of the sea some of the survivors landed here and intermarried, you can usually tell they are descendants from those survivors by the fact that they may be pale but when there is sun they tan pretty well compared to the average potato nigger who burns up.

Where you from tho memeflaggot. cant just shit on another country withput showing flag

>Joe Biden is another Black Irish
>JFK wasn't

Thats a myth, the celts came from iberia originally
This will give you the gist of why Ireland has become such a cucked neoliberal hellhole lads.

You dont like JFK or something, he was a great man

University education being made available to anyone and everyone is a massive mistake.

i see it myself. dont know how biden is black irish though. just looks like your average American to me. bitta English, Irish and a sprinkle of German.

do we still have to pay our rent?

Its alright lad, a lot of administrators here were members of the (((tribe))) so I don't really hold any anger towards you, except Cromwell, fuck that guy.

my course is openly pushing marxist teachings kek.

May? lol
The lockdowns arent ending dude

The east got the brunt of the Normans, Vikings and Anglos, there are a lot of people in my area of of Hiberno-Norman stock.

Sounds like the Scots actually

No I'm saying how is Joe Biden Black Irish but JFK isn't?

Capitalism has assimilated marxism, those fuckers are so stupid they don't see that they are helping the financial capitalists fulfil their agenda.

He just looks a bit off you know. Looks like a typical Ameri mutt. Probably half nigger for all I know. But yeah JFK was very Aryan, Germanic stock from Vikings. Theres much more viking blood in Ireland than people believe


All the major settlements were founded by Vikings.

There is no father in my life.

>literally a hohol

Yes, my grandmother was from Dublin and looked like a German or a Dane. Pic rel Allison Doody from The Last Crusade. Always thought she was an actual German til I looked it up

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Six counties to you.

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What area is that just curious

This is why (((they))) are now shilling student loan forgiveness so hard. They want to subsidize their most effective indoctrination tools. Public education isn’t enough to brainwash everybody.

Sure the Anglo-Irish aristocracy were very similar to Prussia's Junkers, like the Duke of Wellington is probably the most famous one.

Joe Biden looks goofy. JFK has ski slope nose, fair hair etc

Areas of county Longford, its all farmland, there are still a few Anglo-Irish protestants around.

>ireland has a serious inferiority complex. we want to be seen as the goodies

I hate that trait and its utterly pathetic and illogical. The country is in debr and we give away a billion or more in foreign aid every year just to look like goodies but the people don't have a say over it and it's politicians who do and I'd say many of their friends running various charities and NGOs get their palms well greased with that aid money before it even goes abroad. Any one or entity that cares about being seeing as the goodies are utterly pathetic.
None of them settled here and were either killed or helped to escape to Scotland.
Trade is trade it doesn't mean the men on either side of the trade route would have been begging the others to fuck their wives and daughters as they came ashore. People would have traded and that would have been it and way back in the day women would have been guarded like a commodity to their people and not handed over to be fucked by traders that came to trade and leave. There's fuck all Iberian blood in Irish people.
Not true no one gives a flying fuck about them.
Well thats pretty stupid.
SF aren't in power and never have been in the South and are nothing but a political party.
They try to use spastic Republican groups like Saoradh as their attack dogs too. They just brand anyone they don't like as being in cahoots with British Nationalists and that's enough for Saoradh to spaz out. All them left wing and Republican groups are a bunch of retards of the highest order.
When have you ever heard any one in Ireland use that "proper term"? No one Ireland has ever used that term or even known about it until retarded Americans started it up.
No such thing as black Irish or Teutonic Irish. You haven't a clue what you're on about categorising people based on hair colour.

Neither of you are worse than Americans. We drink like we can hold it no matter how many times we’re proven wrong.

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>content makers unite
sppreeadd tthiisss shiiiitttt

Interesting, will check that out

Whats a lockdown?

mothers side has a lot of gingers. 5 to be exact while my dads side is more Germanic with 4 of us being blondes. Ireland is similar to England in the distribution of Germanics and Celts - England has a lot more Germanics seen as they're a stones throw away form Germanic Europe.

Dab Forums is redirecting whenever i try to post this thread

The lockdowns will cause mass famine everywhere, but specifically in europe this will be used to get the muslims to start a war with the whites (niggers will flip their shit without something to eat and blame whites, don't hope they will go just after the politicians)

What you must do right now is prepare for a war where you will not have the government at your side, no grocery stores and no electricty

Share the links above with as many people as possible (even muslims if you're in europe), make it clear it wasn't the pandemic or a virus that shut down the economy but the State, learn to plant and raise the food you want to eat in the next decade, stock weapons and ammunition if you can , gather allies

If you plan to leave the cities be prepared to fight invaders

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fuck churchill too

one of you just got pulled off bitchute. c.kyle.

Interesting. Do you all get along or what

Im from Newfoundland, our culture here is very Irish most famously the band Great Big Sea

Black Irish don't all look "goofy" you fucking monkey. Joe Biden looks like the average White American. JFK had a darker skin tone, and dark brown hair-- he was a poster child of Black Irish

a lot of the east coast has people like pic rel. know a girl from dublin who looks like shes from Scandinavia, she has an irish surname tho

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Winter, for you.

We are mostly blondes, Im 1 quarter Irish though the rest being scot and english and have a twinge of red in my hair lol

Youre right though theres lots of redheads in England and Scotland too


That girl is very pretty

>Interesting will check it out
The leaders of the 1798 rebellion were all part of this class, also yes the culchies in Longford are generally grand if you ever visit the county avoid Longford town it is full of Niggers and Pikeys absolute scum of the earth.

Lol yeah her name is kind of funny

well not sorry i turned this into a black irish thread. shit was interesting. fuck bong.

Norse settlements here had a Norse elite and mainly Irish population and there probably would have been slaves from Britain present too. There was never any settlement here comprised entirely of Norse. Trying to link yourself to Germanics and Nords because Pol thinks they're cool is sad too.
This is completely untrue. You know nothing about Irish history just like most Irish anons and pol and just keep spreading whatever bullshit you heard somewhere.
A lot of Irish adopted Norman surnames and a lot of the Norman settlers in towns were they mostly lived were wiped out by the black death and the Irish reconquistad a lot of land thereafter.

Its sad to think the UK could have had Mosley as PM, we could have fixed our relations with such a man in power instead they got a Zionist puppet who threw another generation of British lads away to make sure the Gerries wouldn't tell the Kikes to fuck off.

OK noted, but theres niggers everywhere these days hard to avoid lol

How bad is the pikey problem

Irish deserve to go extinct at this point. You didn’t teach your daughters about the coal and now the entire population will pay the toll. Anyone have that pic of that red head with the black eye?

Where did the Spanish Armada myth come from?

saoirse ronan is her name. you have probs seen her in a movie before

Ireland would probably be united if Mosley had come to power, he had no issue with the Irish.

Fairly bad especially in the midlands and the West, they rob old defenseless farmers, as I said before they are absolute scum pray you never cross paths with one of them, also a tip if you batter one of them in a fight the whole tribe will be after you.

Imagine the smell.

"The east coast"
Lad. You make it sound like you can't walk across this country in a day or two.

Mosley ran UK and a O'Duffy ran Ireland would have been comfy.

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Sound like Jews to me

I have seen her before yes

Jews without the institutional power, the government constantly cucks to them and every ethnic group here except for us natives.

You haven't done shit, ever really. I don't even know why fellow irishmen in the states even care about you anymore. The government is so fucking slow to react to anything, you've become essentially fucking cowards at this point. Glad my ancestors migrated from that shitty fucking country. Your pubs are great though, makes visiting gram worth it to be honest, wish she'd just move in with mum. Fuck Irish pride, I'd rather be a fucking englishman.

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>That girl is very pretty
Everyone says this, she looks completely average to me. I see that face 100 times a day.

my surname is Germanic, it isn't a feeble attempt to be liked. the Italian said Irelands Germanic influence was weak so I gave him my 2 cents on the topic. I didn't say that the towns were comprised of Norse but that they were founded by them. you sound insecure.

its gotten pretty bad over here.

The biggest secret is Tommy, Jock & Taff are as stupid as Paddy, but they think they're smarter.
We will never see brits wise up, never.

Tyson Fury is pretty cool though, at least he beats up niggers for a living

Interesting, you know I have an Irish grandparent so I may be eligible for citizenship lol ;)

is "full lockdown" as bad as it sounds? like will irish people not be able to visit pubs or events at all until May? that shit is fucked

Lad if anyone on this website makes fun of your women we are just coping us and the Brits, the women on the isles have gotten really fat, they can't put the fucking fork down.

Or Collins

He is the exception, don't base your views of them off of him.

english normans are anglo master race that conquered the world, their brothers that settled in ireland are an inferior race of dirty potato niggers

Padraig Pearse was the dream, he was basically a Fascist.

The pubs have only been open for a few weeks in the last year.

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i flew over you guys a couple times. never got to stop. it looked pretty from the air. im an island fag too.

yes its fucking shite. Even most stores are closed so i cant even buy new shit. Shops equivalent to Walmart that sell clothes and food cant even sell me underpants because that would be a breach of the restrictions

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no pubs no events no school no nothing.

Imagine a timeline where the leaders of '16 weren't executed.

Blonde hair does not necessarily mean germanic. Pure celt would be blond, so would pure greek or slav etc. Even pure kurds (very very rare now) are blond

You would enjoy mainland Europe much more, people here especially in the cities all try to act and speak live fucking Califags.

So Ireland is an all black prison now?

We need a timemachine.

Would have been interesting considering that it was their execution that swayed the general publics opinion of the crown

its stupid shit like the gardening section of the supermarket is closed off and you cant buy clothes, forget pubs.Last time I was in town I went to macdonalds because it was one of the few places still open but they stopped accepting cash, you have to use the kiosk and pay by card, which i didnt have on me.

No but it means Aryan, which is the same thing really

That's just them blatantly controlling your life

Its funny how clothes are non-essential, I may go strecking there.

went to the balkans, drank a lot. highly recommend stolichno, rakia is ok, stronger than it looks. very rural trips.

Were all Indo-Europeans so we were all one at one time I believe, although you may correct me if I am wrong as I don't know too much about that topic.

I just want to see my friends again. Moved away from Dublin and since this lockdown started I literally haven't spoken to anybody apart from my family

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Hey Yankee bro I have got to ask, how many people in your country even if they are not from NYC or California are starting to act like those fags, there are lots of kids here losing the accents as they watch a lot of American tv and youtubers absolutely pisses me off.

We're going to make it bro.

Attached: FeelsSolidarity.png (833x768, 37.21K)

>Has to pay women to fuck him.
>No father figure.

Theres different haplogroups and sub-haplogroups but yes blonde hair means pure indo european. Germanic groups have higher haplogroup I which is the most superior of all haplogroups but yes blond hair is always a good thing

not overwhelming but definitely present in the rural areas.
lots of areas are nearly immune to it, tradesmen etc.

Oh well no going back now, the future is bright.

Attached: meanwhile in the other timeline.jpg (1998x1618, 1.13M)

Unfortunately at the rate the world is going it will be gone by the end of the century.

Maybe, but remember the night is darkest before the dawn

Good, they are two tumors on the US that need to be removed.

Mythological stories here describe men men who had blond hair and there's blond hair men painted in the book of Kells so why would you describe your dad's side as being Germanic when many European ethnicities have some blond haired men. There's an extremely low amount of Germanic blood in Southern Ireland because there's an extremely small amount of anyone who could be considered Germanic like Anglo Irish.
From Cucks trying to conjure up an exotic ancestry for themselves. I have an obscure surname in my family tree and seen people on a forum try to claim it was Spanish but its most likely a rare Irish surname that cucks have tried to come up with an exotic heritage for.
What's your surname? Wouldn't be surprised if it was Anglicisation of an Irish one like how McGowan became Smith and you'd easily see some tard on Pol claiming he was Germanic because he was a Smith which is an English surname in England but an Anglicisation of an Irish surname here because both mean Smith/Blacksmith.
They were French and England was just a part of the Anjevin empire. Norman identity quickly died out and they became mixed more so than they were and no one can claim to be a Norman today.

I would kill for some areas here to lose there accents

The Normans were mostly two thirds French anyway

Which accents, native ones, if so why?

>Which accents, native ones, if so why?

>He's never heard a scouse accent

Depends on where your at.

I have, heard it once personally, wasn't a pleasurable experience in the slightest.

You know your place, hohol. Ukraine is Russian clay.

You don't get it. When you've been dirt poor for all of history and then you're suddenly one of the richest countries in the world you tend to not care about the consequences. This is how our boomers think, they are all caricatures of "socially liberal, fiscally conservative"

>I have, heard it once personally, wasn't a pleasurable experience in the slightest.

ay awudnt sai dat ya bleedin scouser ya hour bleedin agcent is boodifull so it is ya

Please stop.

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Why is it wherever you go Boomers are always faggots?

if we removed like 6 cities. we've be the most crime free fucking place on earth, and half the faggots and kikes would be gone forever.
maybe kim will nuke them one day and set us free.

man that fucking sucks. its not that great over here either. its depressing how almost anything fun is just closed

Revolution is your only answer. The real question is when are you going to realize it.

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'Tis terrible hard times for Erin Go Bragh.

I would add the State of Texas, full of fucking Spics.

you lot are the ones with the guns

LBJ funneled in israeli spies through there like a dickhole too. most people dont know that.

mutts really are the worst

Hart-Celler Act 1965, destroyed US demographics.

Psych doc here, the country is fucked.

William Wallace lost and got dismembered though. Absolute lad but not who I want to end up like.

Attached: wallace.jpg (465x720, 60.88K)

What are you going to do about it?

Shut up nigger they mean well. I'd stand by a 1/6th Irish burger over an (((Irish))) liberal retard.

i fucking hate that nigger.

He probably organised Kennedy's assassination.

>Psych doc here, the country is fucked.

I won't lie, I'm weak. I was raised no different from most onions cucks around today. The difference is I've always been a bit of a sperg and redpilled myself. Still weak and self destructive though, maybe even neurotic. how can I fix myself? Naturally I'm doing my best already and /sig/pilled but professional advice would be good.

I see a psych every few months but I never actually talk to him about anything serious so off record advice is very welcome.

Wasn't Kennedy bluepilled on immigration and race? I get he was trying to stop a communist inspired race war with the black panthers but still.

Came here to post this

He stopped the spooks from faking terrorist attacks to justify a invasion of Cuba.

What to fix?


Why do you want countless people to die ?

MI5 made sure to do away with the nationalists during the troubles. If you think (((Adams))) and McGuiness (despite him being dead now) weren't and still aren't in Adams' case British intelligence pawns you haven't been paying attention.

was certainly in on it. glowniggers too, pretty sure they pulled bushes name from the files.
i remember those declass files a couple years ago
>or new backers are very wealthy, they are jewish
or something to that effect.

Neuroticism. Lack of self discipline. Fucked focus and almost chronic lethargy when I try to change any of this or do anything important like college work.

Wasn't Kennedy pissed that the Israelis stole nuclear information, also the Bushes are definitely crypto they had a ancestor in the 1840s preaching about God's Chosen people and all that shite.

>He stopped the spooks from faking terrorist attacks to justify a invasion of Cuba.

I know he was based but he was bluepilled in some ways too. Everyone back then was though.

some kikes did yeah, i forget who was in then. my whole goddamn history glows. you guys are lucky.

You're going to die either way. William Wallace had a honorable death and is still revered.

Stand up for your freedom or shut the fuck up and bend the knee.

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unless the people decide to say FUCK YOU, like you should have with mass immigration and the last lockdown

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And you outnumber them 5-1.

1913 US history ended, it stopped being American history it was now all Jewish history.

i concur, jekyll island killed it. just been twitching around since.