Are woman secretly attracted to fascists?
How we fix this?
Are woman secretly attracted to fascists?
How we fix this?
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Does anyone have the link to Shoe's nudes?
communist "men" are genetic dead ends
They are attracted with anyone with power or something they can't have(because most have never been told no in their life). The majority of shit you see in reddit are faggot trannies and basement dwellers LARPING tho
Someone post the picture of those black girls on twatter crying about how much they secretly love white men and they only pretend to hate them because they will never notice them in real life
Embrace it. Breed and ensure a future for white children.
say that to my face fucker
women are secretly attracted to all attractive men
also OP is a faggot
>putting your penis into an amalgam of actual demons
No thanks
imagine thinking republicans are fascists. sh0e is basically center-left so of course she wouldn't care
women are attracted to anyone and anything strong
Say it to your face fucker?
Well then I need to know who your face fucker is.
Who fucks your face, user?
Then donate sperm, I don't blame you for not wanting to put your peepee in a woman, that sounds gross, but don't let the white man die; donate sperm or sing the Evangelion theme to yourself till it's over. This is your duty.
Unironically had a commie woman approach me for sex even though she knew I was a loud racist and, if not a fascist, then pretty far right.
She sucked dick like a pro and I kinda miss her.
Sure, which achmed fucks your face? I'll tell him
Just found them on another site, but thx.
heh. nice try
I didn't write "you're"
To be fair, the only black women I ever see are on the internet whining about white people
You are a genetic dead end. No one will ever love you. You will have no legacy and your name will be forgotten before you even pass.
>twitter retard thread
fuck who cares what any of these losers have to say about anything
I have a picture of me photoshopped into mein kampf, ironically it's the leftist women who want my dick.
are you sure about that
because you're mom loves me
my what
Daddy M-Mussolini, hnnnnnnnnnnng
You have a homosexual view of the world. Women's triggers for what is attractive includes stuff that isn't looks. If a guy plausibly is a doctor, celebrity or serial killer he will be perceived as more attractive than a plumber, checkout clerk or programmer.
Obviously merely bring a nazi or Republican isn't attractive. But *succesful* defiance agaisnt social norms is attractive because it's a primal indicator of high status.
No woman worth a damn would want a pasty limptard POS. What future could a dickless fuck who hates himself and his country possible offer a woman who wants a decent life, kids and a stable home.
Don't hehehe
You're a genetic dead end failure who can't lift, you probably never taken the /fit/ pill in your life and will most likely get nae naed by some manlet who benches fuck 1pl8.
>communist "men" are genetic dead ends
Spread this..
that's rich coming from a tripfagot
lift my nuts to your chin nigger
i dated a girl for a while who considered herself an ardent feminist. that chick loved being dominated during sex... on her knees, sucking my cock, begged me to blow my load on her face. anything that degraded her made her wet and hot. it's just something in their genes.
Actually this, in less than 5 years these people always become literal nobodies after they give birth to a few kids and they retire to collect welfare.
Need 10 hours of sleep
on tinder I only match women who claim to be feminists and hate the police
Why would we want to fix this?
I'm stealing your fucking TV you fat fuck
A guy posted the original to troll people then two openly conservative thirst traps for incels did their job. Ashley fucks and had kids with Peter Coffin so thats who they want to fuck. What you call Basedboys are the dudes Ashley actually gets fucked by.
obviously a working class hero
ur probably one of these nerdy skinny black guys who other black people don't like
lol of course Dab Forums is the only censored Dab Forums board. Conservatives are such little faggots.
You're never going to get a girlfriend no matter how much you spam Dab Forums with twitter whores. Fuck off.
What a beautiful retard
We dont you commie fuck
Get the rope, its cheap
Everyone loves me bong :]
Fuck I'd love to obliterate that pussy
A truly enormous faggot.
ash has very big and nice boobers
Still less of a fag than OP m8
sounds more like a faggot who wrote that, than a woman, but who knows, i'm not experienced in american women and american culture.
No, she only wanted to be able to blame you for degrading her probably.
>How we fix this?
Fix? It's not broken, women are just retarded.
Ash has a bunch of nudes online. Just saying.
communist "men" are genetic dead ends
reject cooming, faggot
They're also dating them.
Where can I find them?
Search AshBCoffin nude leaked on google. They're old and she looks like shit in them, not at all like the communist honeytrap she is now.
you can't
Wow she looks different
>Sonichu medallion
Lmfao, well done user
If feminism is a shit test then screaming about fascists all day is projecting desires. Of course there’s a bunch of cucks on the right who hate fascism and just look like massive losers to them
women are attracted to dominant males? holy shit, didn't know
This is why I recently purchased the shirt with Dab Forums and the squid pepe printed on it. I want women to see how confident and redpilled I am, so they initiate courtship as I am too shy. That's right bitches, this niggas a fascist.
this is pretty fucking insightful, thanks user.
Leftists are afraid to cast judgment on anyone. They accept everyone with literally no standards because it's easy and they think it makes them good people. Women can sense that kind of weakness. Meanwhile men on the right aren't afraid to be discriminatory. They will slut shame, call girls fat or ugly. Their approval is worth more than a leftist's approval.
communist "men" are genetic dead ends
No worries
I'm keeping this comment for future use, thanks king
This is basically true. Men will defend virtuous women to their dying breath. But degenerate trollops are worthless. The fetish of boundary pushing has exhausted itself. Nothing titilates anymore. It's all so tiresome and disgusting. Draws no interest save a touch of pity.
>How we fix this?
you dont, women are followers by nature
I have a photoshopped facebook pic of me standing besides Mengele amongst a pile of dead jewish women at Dachau. Jewesses approach me for sex all the time.
>how to fix this
You're missing an opportunity. What women say and think about politics is irrelevant
Women are openly attracted byy strong men. This is why they ask men to be weak, so it will be easier to find the strong ones.
They would just take other's men sperm.
>Someone post the picture of those black girls on twatter crying about how much they secretly love white men and they only pretend to hate them because they will never notice them in real life
That sounds like the description of a typical sandnigger chick, though pure niggers get approached even less.
>Are woman secretly attracted to fascists?
Women are attracted to whoever is the strongest.
I think one of the most major misinterpretations in history is that "Genghis Khan and Alexander and Caesar and the Moors and the Nazis and the Crusaders, et al., formed functional societies with codified legal systems, marched their armies across the globe, conquered cities for mostly economic reasons, yet raped all of the women in the cities."
Think like a woman. At your strongest, you're weaker than the weakest man (bar literal physical retards). Your currency is basically your reproductive capability. Some huge bearded guy kicks down your door and pins your husband to the foyer wall by impaling him with a Claymore or a pike or something, for no reason other than you happened to live right in the path of this deluge of conquest. Sure, you'll be sad, but holy shit was that a display of conquest - that man is a conqueror, and I want his children.
In the entire animal kingdom, 90% of sexual selection happens based on "who is the strongest," or at the very least, a proxy of strength such as mating display, health, combat with other males, size, or conquest of the female. Yet, somehow leftists have been duped into believing that women will be thrilled because:
>"he's really nice and he's very kind to the poor spics and africans and cares about them very much and also hates nazis and wants free shit for everybody, even if he's fat and has a basedbeard and doesn't have a job"
Women want you to see another man, realize he's not like you, and kill him unceremoniously through bare violent force just because he's not like you and he *might possibly* be a threat to what you've built, then fuck the shit out of them.
If you want to be sexy, yell the N-word in a crowded mall, then fight every single person you see.
I'll leave you with this:
If you want to be redpilled on women, google how many serial killers get mountains of love letters, nudes, erotic phone calls in prison.
they are attracted to dominant men , ideology or politics don't really matter , so long as you project strength.
the poster is probably a dude.
did marx have kids or was he a literal incel?
>toothpic neck
>no forearm
seriously tho, why does he have no forearm?
genetics? only does certain types of workouts?
bunch of scarred tissue & no protein in his diet?
I like how this person is breastfeeding their child with loads of testosterone pumping through their bloodstream.
what a woman says and thinks about anything is irrelevant
Beta cucks and eunuchs need to be euthanized because they enable whores and promiscuity.
Yes, they love to choke on dick and be dominated
He had kids and let some of them die instead of getting a job to feed them.
oh fuck i forgot about that. have to read the whole book.
Stop drinking onions
lmao, youre a faggot paki
lmao, based nigger
I have a group of girls that just follow me around and talk to me all day while I'm trying to work. All between 18 and 22, all your typical liberal airheads. They all know that I am pretty far right, and I've said stuff like
>I'd fucking murder a son of mine if he turned out to be a tranny
>anti racist is just anti white
>14 words
>covid is a fucking scam for retards
But they fucking follow me and wave at me from across the building. When I go in, if any of them are there, they will walk with me to go get clocked in. They're fucking obsessed with me.
And then the other day, I was showing one of them a covid picture, about how they want you to wear stockings over your head, and I said
>HOW can people not see through this? Fuck. Me.
And she said
>Well sadly you're married so that'll probably never happen :/
Which is true. As long as I am married I would never do anything to hurt my wife. But holy shit. She essentially just openly said she wanted to fuck me.
Is it my accent, my far right ideology, or both?
Mostly genetics and could be that he doesnt work out but just does manual labor so he doesn't get mass in certain areas
Jewess here. There is nothing like a Nazi! When my Jewish husband is off working long hours at the bank, I'm getting big white Nazi cock. This means I can get good sex and vastly improve the Jewish genetic pool. Jewish men are good for money but not much else.
Wew, me lad. Good fucking redpills.
Damn Scott Adams has been working out
great post by the guy you screenshotted
>conservatives repost ONE post on plebbit or years as proof that all liberals secretly want to fuck them
fix what? with more fascists
Suspended by her comrades for lusting after the BRC
>big racist cock
Incredibly based
Lefists crave BRWC
marx was based, contrary to what leftists will tell you
Marx whored his wife and rather see couple of his kids die before earning a wage as a teacher at his friends school couple streets down his block
What's the R stand for?
Yes goy if you identify as a republican you are
More muscular
Earn more money
Have more sex
Have more kids
Now that the studies have proved it, lay down, relax and shitpost like you always do
Based and politically-non-binary pilled
Lol nice
> says the Jew who lives in a society dominated by women because of tradition
Must suck when women are in control? When do you guys display any form of strength?