Reddit's accidental redpills thread

Post them

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Other urls found in this thread:

>free market
>most consumers non-white
>free market dictates whites die out
awesome dude

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Pick one

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>quickly deletes instagram post after her brother comments "you aren't a girl b!tch"



ope, sorry m8


As with most shit about trans people that surfaces, I feel pity more than anything towards these poor bastards. They are led to believe they should be women because they can't fit in regular male society, but girls ostracize each other on a whole different level. Any expectations of how they should behave are going to be wrong, because anything they know about being a woman is second-hand.

A trans woman will never truly be accepted and she will be horribly mistreated by her supposed peers. No male bullying can ever top the sheer exclusion and social attacks that women do on a regular basis.

Just image that huge gynephilic muscular man clobbering the petite virtue signalling dingbat straight in the face without holding back

Bullshit. You people destroying other countries has nothing to do with the success of social democracy. In fact you destroying places like Iraq fucks us pretty hard.

This is why we lose. Why the fuck would you pity evil? This is the same fucking retarded attitude that people show towards leftists in general that is fucking destroying us. They are evil. They are the enemy. They are not your neighbor. They want you dead. Don't pity them you stupid fuck.

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It was hilarious to read but we should see these demonic shores opened by celebrating a break up with a party. Dancing on a grave like its another Friday night. How far has it fallen, how feminised and easily they commit cruelties.

Indian man should talk to some leftists and then realise white people aren't that morally superior, but sure love to act like it.


*demonic whores

How do we turn more zoomers into religious zealots who go after their shitlib parents?

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holy based

This has to be fake, its too on the nose
Still funny though

>Missed the point entirely
You standards of living were only possible due to American policies. Now you're just seeing that its not just beneficial for you.

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And you wonder why the entire world seems rallied against us. Honey is sweeter than shit, or however the saying goes. Hearts and minds user.

>you arent a girl bitch

I don't pity leftists in general, I pity these retarded social outcasts that have a severe degree of autism or other social disorders that are brainwashed by the establishment into this 21st century trans hippie movement.

It's our fault too for letting things get to this point. I don't wanna kill trannies, that solves zero problems. I wanna kill the fucking assholes responsible for the pushing of these ideas on the vulnerable populace ((in minecraft)).

it's a breakup, not a wake. nobody in that story is likely to be dead outside of tilly.

Empathy is for the weak.

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Quiet kike. Relationships are supposed to be sacred, not thrown out at a whim to empower women that are too stupid to ise tiny a man in a dress and celebrated by the hags that likely helped undermine it.


This. I'm so sick of retarded "conservatives" being like "let's all get along!". No. Leftists are evil and should be treated as such.

Epitome of weak men create strong men

>the jews ruined the free market
>let’s try communism instead
you need to be dragged out back and have your head smashed in with the butt of a gun because it would be a waste of bullets trying to shoot you in the brain.

>I'm sorry but if you're unconfortable now wait untill we lez out and you have to suck instead of lick
Absolute madlad

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There is no such thing as an unplanned economy. You would think the $GME episode would finally drill it into some of your retarded heads, but apparently not.

Only notable communist economist is Krugman who follows Keynesian economics and everything we've tried that he suggested has made the economy worse.


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based french screenshotter

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None of these are real.

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based brother

All economies are centrally planned whether it's done by a handful of party officials in the government or by a handful of Jewish billionaires that own everything, the only difference is that the Jewish billionaires are given a wider berth to fuck you over and undermine your life, cultural and morals through a structure of perverse incentives they define.

user, there is more than either full libertarian or full communism. Chill the fuck out

Experience > Propaganda

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I used to feel pity, but now very powerful people are demanding we reorder our society to suit their delusions so they need to be got rid of.

Fake af but hilarious

>i wanted to fuck guys and knew my bf wouldnt fuck anyone
>i cant fuck anyone and my bf is fucking a girl
lmao immature women are hilarious

Your pic is false btw, we can't afford the welfare systems even with outsourced national defense.

Clearly you've never encountered many male-to-"female" trannies.

Every one I have encountered personally has been a train wreck on a 1,000/1 ratio.

For each genuinely affected gender disphoric example, there are dozens of bandwagon hopping incel male failures using it as validation for their myriad mental disorders that aren't rooted in body identity.

Trans is not normal.. nor is it this frequent. It's a trend of the moment.

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A GNHAHAHAHAHA what a stupid bitch

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This is a prime example of INT vs WIS

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Lol socialists aren't socialists because they are about planned economies. They dont even understand how the economy works let alone care about the planning.
Socialists are losers and are only socialists because they believe it will get them free stuff

kek I'm laughing uncontrollably. This is incredible. 16 year old redpilled himself and gave his gay dad PTSD.

Something something slippery slope.. I find shit like this in the mainstream media occasionally cropping up is a major normie redpill.

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The forced politeness this tranny will experience from these girls avoiding him will kill him more than any past bullying

Did you know that the U.S. military only accounts for about 16% of our annual budget, while welfare programs account for 56-64% (depending on whether you count benefits for government employees and retirees as welfare)? Not many people know that. Your conception of what we spend our money on has been jewed by the media.

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Feeling pity for garbage, just kys

Saved. I knew this but this chart is nice. Of course the title is misleading. Most of the budget goes for gibs basically and has been for decades.

it's not real, but i wish it was

Seriously. That's chaddy as fuck.

you made me so sleepy, yawn.

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I'd pay good money to see this. Though it's fake. I wish I was a fly on the wall for a similar situation with a bottle of jack.

none of this ever happened, everything is fake news

>Your standards of living were only possible due to American policies.
What are these groundbreaking policies?

>The Jew cries out in pain as it strikes you

>I feel pity more than anything towards these poor bastards
Here, let me turn you back on the right path.

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yeah, there's also Jewish controlled democracy that some people think is a free market.

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Remove trannies. They DO NOT BELONG.

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We know

My name is Maximus Shitpostium, Commander of the Tendie Warriors of the North, General of the Keyboard Legions. Loyal servant to the true King of /pol Sam Hyde. Victim of many bans, survivor of many warnings, and I will have my vengeance in this shitpost or the next.

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You are not real. One day you will pass from this world and be completely forgotten. If by any chance there is reference to you, it would be a work of unverifiable fiction.

They are a mental plague, trying to destroy all they can.

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a BASED leaf.
strange times indeed

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Has got to be fake. Literally nothing more than a fetish gone too far at least for the straight men who transition. Wasn't there a book/method that cured gender dysphoria but was ignored?

Yes but we do spend more on military than the next 10 countries combined, tbf we are protecting all of them

Most of them aren't evil. Most of them are retarded. The "people" who facilitate their mental illness and the (((people))) who put on the "trans sheep" disguise so that they can be evil child molesters in public and be immune from scrutiny are pure evil.

I feel bad for the retards. I hate the enablers and kikes behind them with the heat of an exploding sun.

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damn fr
first 5 mins

>Why the fuck would you pity evil?
We pity the the victim who became the abuser. Not the actual abuser. We pity the circumstances and the pathetic state of our home that led this person to perform these acts and we recognize that we need to fight this menace. Nothing more.

Once they cross boundaries they should be met with harsh and extreme punishment.

fuck you retard

Definitely real, looking at her other posts. Why are trannies like this?

commie sanders ama

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Absolutely fucking based.

what name will your parents bury you with

>you destroying places like Iraq fucks us pretty hard
how, exactly?

This is awesome. Based Chad. What a winner.

I can't feel pity for them. They are the most narcissistic and morally decadent people to exist.

My real name, fuckface. Stop simping for trannies and kys

Quite right.

Fucken based

This is even better when you realize that he might not even believe he is dumber for simply having a darker complexion, he was probably trying to make it so the cuck he's speaking to wouldn't put a hole in his argument and would listen to him so his life would be saved.

If you read the responses to this thread, it'll make you rage.

I visualized that entire thing and it's hilarious.


Wife got the redpill.

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When was this?

to be fair, few countries had a choice of whether or not to accept our military presence

what's with white text on a black background? It seems to be a popular choice all over the Internet but it kills my eyes, after 30 seconds of looking at white text on a black background my eyes just hurt and I start to feel like I'm getting a headache, why is that?

Based leaf. I'll be using this phrase as if it were mine.

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it's "dark mode", which is supposed to be easier on your eyes when you're looking at a screen in a dark environment

People on Reddit, Know Your Meme, etc. tried debunking this but there was an actual Let's Play on Reiko's YT channel where he admitted his biggest turn-on was wanting to kidnap a little boy and force-feed him estrogen. Anyone that witnessed all of this happening in real-time knows it's fucking true.
The part about Shauiby killing himself over Reiko, idk if it's true. I think that was refuted.

It's actually proven that white text on a dark background is overall easier on the eyes.. All I can say is that you are defective.

I feel no pity for someone like this

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Has the absolute opposite effect for me it's painful to look at

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Pretty sure the real reason they can afford those welfare system isn't because of le USA alliance but because those countries have less than 10 million people each

Probably should have gone to thailand and do it in secret, at least he had children first so it's not all bad

And virtually no black people. All of those are contributing factors.

That video was an obvious joke, he literally ended off that tangent by saying he has a "clown fetish"

The Reiko shit was one of the biggest filters in the history of Dab Forums it's honestly pathetic how many people fell for that shit. You're literally nigger tier retard if you bought into that shit for a multitude of reasons

>Think it's possible to dox someone just with a picture of themselves
>Thinking it's possible to dox someone just because they message you on Discord
>Genuinely believing people would fucking transition because of the possible threat of having people see you in a dress

Also to top it all off, even if the Reiko shit was true it was literally eugenics and anti tranny. WAHHHHHHHHH INCELS AND TRANNIES ARE KILLING THEMSELVES

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Anyone got that video of the against hate sub tranny that that admitted they were all posting child porn to subs they hate?

very based guy

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Can you show me any of this proof?

>I-it was a joke!
Yeah, fuck off.
I don't know if this happened, I think that's bullshit. What is true is that he was head of a massive server who used to spam tranny threads on Dab Forums and Dab Forums.

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You will never be a woman.


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m8, if you're genuinely taking shit on Dab Forums that seriously you're either a newfag or you need to get less screen time. Not everything is a psyop, people here day in day out post the same shit just to bait people e.g. "what did he mean by this" tier posts. r9kers go ballistic over tranny threads, so people make those threads to piss people off. It's as simple as that. There are genuine groomers out there yeah, but it makes up a very small percentage of the actual userbase

There are actually two main type of trannies, those that deserve pity, and those that deserve contempt. The former are truly suffering from a mental illness, and need help, but there is debate about what that help should consist of. Personally, I don't think "transitioning" isn't really helping. A drug called pimozide has treated feelings of gender dysphoria in the past, more as a lucky side effect than its main purpose, but I believe this shows potential for a medication that could help these people feel comfortable in the bodies they were born with. However, this drug will never see widespread usage, due to the latter group expanding the definition of "conversion therapy," to include treatments like this. The latter group are disgusting perverts, who should be viewed with nothing but contempt. These are the dangerhairs screeching on twitter about "Trans Rights," and demanding access to women's bathrooms. With the rise of "sissy hypno" porn, more and more men's brains are associating feelings of pleasure with being called a woman. The more of this vile pornography they consume, the more they crave those feelings of pleasure outside of just their jerkoff sessions. This is why they demand to be called women, and seen as women, or, more accurately, the fucked up version of women they have, based on porn. They are addicts, and not engaging in their delusion is like keeping a skag addict away from his skag, and they react violently when their delusions are broken. These people are repulsive, and make me want to commit hate crimes, in Minecraft, of course

men and women anded separately on two uninhabbited isles

what man do on their isle is planned economy

what woman do on theirs is free market

t. the only argument you need against free market


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>A drug called pimozide
Fuck off with this meme.

Socialism doesn't equal "planned economy". That's Stalinism.

Lenin was a free market guy (the NEP).

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go back, faggot

>Not everything is a psyop
>People here day in day post the same just to bait people
That's the point I was making.

women are solipsists. the only way she would have understood why her initial proposal was not acceptable was if her bf had painted exactly that scenario and then asked her how she'd feel about it.
and even after understanding it she'd probably still have tried to fuck other guys, just without permission

>tells dad to get the fuck out of the house

lol no. If you weren't tied at the hip to the US, China would have you for lunch. I say this as a person from a country in the exact same situation.

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>women chimps out because she knows she is inadequate.

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It's almost as if they're brain damaged or something.

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God have mercy.

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Is it illegal to kill people like this?

As in, if I found out my neighbour was a sick SOB like this, would it be illegal if I broke into his house at night and tortured him for a week straight before the last flicker of light in his eyes would go out? Like not even in minecraft, in actual real life?

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Black backgrounds are good for your eyes when not straining them on something. When trying to read white text though, you are straining your eyes to look at something bright.
They really just need to change the text color to something easier that stands out against the black.

Like I said, what happened with Pimozide was a lucky side effect, but it shows that a medication to treat dysphoria is possible, but the troons on twitter would bitch and moan about it, and prevent it from ever being released, saying that it falls under the "conversion therapy" umbrella, and that by offering the drug, you're preventing people from living as their "authentic selves"

Remember when fags used to be the ones like this?

It's totally legal, user, I promise you. Also checked.

>be friends with dumb whore
>but have no social skills so you don't realize she's a dumb whore
>take her whore advice and ruin your relationship
and she doesn't have the social skills to realize their relationship was over the moment she asked about opening it either. or the social skills to realize he has already replaced her because she presented herself as a whore thanks to taking her whore friend's whore advice.

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>the racism writes itself.
Its sad really, nobody wants to live in a racist world but they do.

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Theoretically? Yeah sure. History has shown us if you give communists an inch they will take 500 miles and all your food.


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This guy had pics of his asshole spread over /pol.
His reddit username is /isaacmcmillan. He is the moderator of a subreddit called /polexposed where he tries to show how evil nazis /pol is. He also called Vaush during a livestream and spouted some of the most retarded shit ever.

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this dude could be saved if he would have gotten proper medical care instead of kikes convicning its normal to "transition" people

now he destroyed his life because kikes prey on mentally ill and play into their ilness and society lets them

With modern tech when there are supercomputers to calculate everything its acctually can be superior. This is why China will rule the world.

>some redditor doesn't know theory
>all socialism BTFO
Read up on crisis of overproduction.

Charlie is the unsung hero in this story.

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thank fren, will keep in mind

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Based autist

Wait wtf. I heard about rainbow tiger kid, you're telling me he was killed by the transgenders???

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you're okay with becoming evil to destroy evil? I hate it. I wish I could overcome evil by being good. I don't want to be something i'm not.

commupigism is so disgusting