Apologize to him.
Apologize to him.
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Better be careful kraut, you wouldn't want to be arrested for hate speech would you?
You are not dead; you are alive
You are Germany
Look at those untermenches. No wonder hitler killed himself. What an emo bitch
Sorry Mr Hitler........we should have listened.
no, i dont care what you say this is mostly bongs fault.
like canada.
Europe builds, America destroys. America is the most judified country and their terrible sick bucket of a “culture” has been seeping into Europe for years. American jews.
Die juden sind unser unglück.
Deutschland erwache
Just look at that brap hog. Her ass is probably pungent
Sorry Mr. Hitler.
Sorry, you were mostly right. But you should have been less autistic and more diplomatic.
>tfw only two other people in history killed more white people than him
Wank over this homo.
How about we blame it all on Charlie Chaplin? youtu.be
kike spotted.
This is always such a bad argument against him. If the jews didn’t have luck on their side then millions would have been saved, everything the führer did was is good spirit and he only did what was necessary so that future lives would have been saved unfortunately on that occasion it didn’t work out and now the world is drifting slowly towards its own destruction.
Have you kikes ever thought about what’s going to happen if you actually were to win and you destroyed Christianity and Europe. Imagine how you will feel when you achieve this and your messiah doesn’t come back, you’re just left on a giant rock with a bunch of niggers who will do nothing but beat and murder you
yes, "whites"
came back to this thread as i was deleting photos to try and clear space and came across this, thought it was fitting to what i had previously said
no need to
I LOVE seeing a resurgence of nationalism in Germany.
kys, Hiram.
Is this a quote from Mein Kampf?
We failed you.
Sorry mein füher
Nah, fuck that chud. Nobody in history devastated Europe as much as he did
sorry you were right about everything
>Nobody in history devastated Europe as much as he did
I think the jews are doing worse right now
>Nobody devastated europe like the nazi's
What are you talking about? The americans did the most damage to cities and villages. The blitz came so fast that they had little resistance and took over fairly easy with little resistance.
Germany was the one that declared war on the US after starting the entire WW II conflict. Had they not sperged out, none of this would have happened.
Rot in hell shitler
You're a retard if you actually beleive this
Powerful argument
sowwie hitler u.u
I am genuinely sorry. Sorry to Germans too.
I've failed you, my fuhrer
Throw that Sojabojne Jung aus die Hubschrauber
Hitler had things handled until america got involved. The Greatest Story Never Told said that 95% of americans wanted nothinb to do with WW2 but the president or the powers that be dragged us into it anyways. Now a days its unheard of that 95% of Americans would agree on anything. I am sorry Hitler.
Sieg Heil, Mein Führer!