YouTube STRIKES Down Pewdiepie

how that feels you absolute human cuck piece of shit traitor huh, Felix? got enough shekels to donate to ADL? now go and suck more jewish cocks in hope that they will mercy you
ps: protip - they will not.

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Other urls found in this thread:

notice, Felix, the more you cuck yourself down, the more they fuck you up. ohh noo even using a nigger and a gook kid infron of the video doesnt help you huh? ahahahahahaha suck it up you swedish faggot, and dont forget to swallow

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He should just retire at this point.

the video they banned


Yeah, I can see why they did this. It has the appearance of a video aimed at kids but the content is not age appropriate.

But be didn't donate to ADL, He said he would and then didn't, because he wanted to donate to someone else who he's done more research into

you dont get it, khan.
Pewds is a symbol of a straight white man and you cant "retire" of being one. he's not just a jewtuber, no. mark my fucking words in 2030 it will be all gone for white and the kikes wont stop, they will chase us down everywhere, and kill and humiliate as no one else

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Comrade slowdown with the truthpill you are spouting, there is jannie here.


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Unironically this. That video was fucked up and it's clear Felix is long gone. Sad!

that video was trash. Let that be a lesson to all vloggers, if you suck up to jews and apologize for naming the jew, they will just screw you over anyway.


based pewds
I remember how much Dab Forums used to hate him until he said NIGGER

>Isabel Peralta
whats the story about the bitch? Im not awared

He was criticizing a kid's show? This is where we teach children things. What a monster.

lmao you nufag nigger leafy chang. Dab Forums always loved him until he said nigger and then cucked himself down

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no fucking way you all hated him in 2013 even Dab Forums would cry about how cringe he was and why he was doing "let's plays" which were frowned upon back in the days, NEWFAG

It's over our kind is on the verge of extinction. Just give up

Funny distracks are explicitly protected under YouTube’s TOS but at the same time you can “bully” so is it bad to bully an animated baby? Or is it just not okay to bully 6ix9ine the baby rapist?

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I honestly bet they threatened his wife or family. He took a hard turn after the Christchurch shooting, but not immediately after which leads me to believe he got some serious threats from some evil people. You don’t get as big as he is and live with freedom.

Wasn't the video age-restricted?
How the fuck would it be aimed at kids then?

Why is she wearing a Jew star? Is that Photoshopped?

Russians never give up. we better push the fucking button

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I watched the music video. How was there any bullying at all? It was all a parody.

>You can diss people
>But you can't bully them
What the fuck?

Felix kjell(((berg)))

Was it bitch lasagna? Cant make fun of darkies bro. It's not nice tho

because they NEVER FORGIVE and NEVER FORGET. henlooo!

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I try to do Slavic accent

Ummm lots of water Mellon hate. Lots. You know North American ground apes love water Mellon. Video wasn’t fair to the porch apes. Lots of bullying you bigot.

it's called a double standard. Play their game and you LOSE

Can someone for the love of God create a decent YouTube alternative?

there's no slavic accent breh. do the Russian.

Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.

Scrolled too long for this.
/pol you should be ashamed of yourself.
If that faggot weren't part jew, he wouldn't be where he is rn.
kikes owned YT since the start.

>ot enough shekels to donate to ADL?

he didnt donate to them you low IQ vodka faggot

I know that, and your momma fucked niggers.
behave yourself you absolute non white human trash

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OP sounds genuenly angry at some e-celeb that has more money than all of us in this thread combined.

pewdiepie is a retarded manchild faggot

deserves to be canceled

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I liked the video. I have no idea who these you tubers are though

what a fucking nigger

Do another fundraiser for nigger lives matter Felix, maybe they'll finally forgive you!

But if this Cocomelon channel turned around and did the same thing to PewDiePie, Youtube wouldn't bat an eyelash.

>Baby bitch
Has he gone retarded?

What does sound like if you try to do America accent?

>I know that
yet >got enough shekels to donate to ADL?
doesn't seem like you know that. also you should calm yourself down cвинкa before your enlarged hemorrhoids pop. maybe you should go нa cocaч? that might help

also why are you spamming some shitty tubers that are not political on Dab Forums? are you sliding something? what is it?

he will cuck again and again and again.

>tfw gold digger gf

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Who cares. This dude is a sell out. And his wife is a literal whore that the Jews paid to keep him pacified. He had a cult following that he could have used to do some good for our people. But he cucked out and is slowly being shut down. He doesn't have half as much influence as he did a couple years ago.

He's an unapologetic white man that's at least somewhat aware of the agenda/war going on. They hate him for that.

but cuties on Netflix is ok. pls die America.

what do you want, a fucking medal? shit pal, thats a lot of replies in that one post, son.

Didn't she date him when he was a nobody with only a few k subscribers?

Or...he just got in shape and in doing so, his face lost fat. Fucking faggot.

she's a horrible cunt, made him be vegan. dont watch him anymore but he went from looking normal to some drawn in crack fiend looking cuck. bless his cotton socks though.

That thing is fucking disgusting

We still have this masterpiece

it's the same faggot swede ready to bend over and take demands from leftists so he can try to stay relevant on their platform

>Dab Forums

there was an user here on Dab Forums who claimed (with legit proofs) that he fucked her in Britain. and Felix knows that she fucks on side, but he doesnt care too much. Ive spoke to the dude and I wish he'd be here to prove his point again

It’s how they used the TOS to selectively enforce rules.

Stop replying to everyone like a fucking gorilla nigger

JAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH holy shit what a bunch of fucking faggots

fuck him, he's always been a stupid bitch with his simp-kids following him and making him rich
He didn't go through with the donation you absolute mong. For better or worse, this whole thing probably redpilled a few zoomers on the ADL.

Can anyone tell me why zomies like this guy so much? I always found him a bit irratating but now I just feel disgust he doesn't deserve the fame he's getting.

He aged retard

You peaked my interest, more details?

ok jewish nigger

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>We can enforce rules differently depending on the target
I don't get why people keep being surprised that rules have no meaning anymore, political polarization is too high and people have given up on playing fair.

>notice, Felix, the more you cuck yourself down, the more they fuck you up. ohh noo even using a nigger and a gook kid infron of the video doesnt help you huh? ahahahahahaha suck it up you swedish faggot, and dont forget to swallow
Look I know you're retarded Ivan and you're probably not going to understand what I'm about to say but if he's a public figure he's getting money why would he not take back what he said you fucking idiot

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you'd think a frenchie would know the word is piqued, just fucking with you pierre

lmao, you will protect The Cuck no matter what.
how old are you, khan?

now post her face without 10 pounds of makeup

Hahahahaha, this is some next level epic shit. The production value alone, off the charts. I don't really into the pewdie, but my opinion of him just improved over 9000%

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I hate all YouTube and twitch users. They're all fucking pussies who bend over to their masters policies and regulations because real work to hard for them. Was watching that fag Smoke about a month ago and he threw a bitch fit because someone said the "retard" in his premises.



berg is not a jew name for scandinaivans, why is it so hard for pol to understand

And yet the Rush Limbaugh death song stays up.

filthy jew

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in one of such threads one burger user showed up. he said he was in a buisness trip ti britain, to that town PDP lived in. he went to a club later the nigh and there was Marcia with one another girl, making fun and drinking. he hooked her up (he said he didt realise who is she IN the club). when they got out she suggested to come to her place and refuced to go to his hotel. Pewds was home, and when he opened the door the guy relised the shit is real and barely not BTFO himself. but they both were nice, and Pewds didnt really care and went to his room making videos or playing games I dont know. and the Marcia lead the guy to the bedroom when everything happened.

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A diss track is an track meant to insult a person. Since it's a childrens channel they might hear about it and that's like bullying innocent kids. I hope Pewdegenerate's channel gets deleted.

Deepfake mixed with actor.

It will just make him more money because of attention and controversy.


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who cares about her makeup u fucking faggot

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you fucking idiot 100 IQ human trash talking to a 143 guy here. now listen up. he've got enough money and publicity to live a good life down to the end. plus he's not spending too much. but when you have lots of money you need something more - power and influence, thats why ALL the rich people try to go to politics or make politics by their own.

Pewds had that chance, but he ended up losing his 100 million army, cucking himself down and turning into one pathetic faggot everyone hates on.


He does try to play both sides and he thinks he's so smart. But there u go lawl. The song was pretty meh anyways so this should actually serve his ego well as he won't be able to blame the the shittiness

You just know she EXCLUSIVELY fucks white guys.

Sweden yes


(((pewdiepie)))'s jewish daddy

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Why would a 10 fuck a nigger?

I watched it and yeah, wtf is this Vice News, teaching kids to say 'fuck' shit? You would think the jews love this since it's degenerate. I'm a pewds fan but this video is beyond retarded.

nah she belongs to asians

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big if true. I doubt pewds even fucks her anymore.
The dude is a gaming weeaboo

Meanwhile, being promoted to children by YouTube directly...

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well, he is swedish after all.
here in Russia we even have a saying "a swedish family" which means an opened family.

the shit is in their genes

Most of youtubes revenue now comes from brainwashing toddlers. The bannable offense in his video isn't bullying but undermining youtubes business model.

Yeah she did

why the diss track. who is cocomelon

I'm a fairly big youtuber and I've fucked Marzia like a year ago.

The thing is, he can't divorce her cause he'll lose so much shit, but at the same time he's allowed to fuck his fans as well so he's cool with her fucking dudes as long as he gets to plow his "19 year old" fanbase.

>How? Where?

I'm a pro gamer and they were at a convention I was playing at. At first I didn't even realize who she was but she wanted me to go back to her hotel and was giving "fuck me" eyes the entire time so I just went with it. She had the red and black striped headphones at a desk with a laptop. I figured she was just a fan. As I left and wandered the convention floor I overheard people saying pewdiepie, and a crowd gathered around the dude. He had a few cosplayer girls that were following him around and he gripped one on the waist when he thought no one was looking. Later that day Marzia was leading another man towards the elevators. Guess I didn't satisfy her enough.

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My parents are from Bosnia, but I was raised in Alaska. How do you know what spics sound like? Have you ever even seen one in Russia? Maybe in Moscow or big city lol

Jewish? Isn't this board pro-save-the-hwhite-race?

You seem autistic

i love russki, they always fucked my cs server

>My parents are from Bosnia, but I was raised in Alaska
Are you a bear?

wait i remember this line

So why is he dissing the channel?

in case you've forgotten fun isn't allowed in 2021

he's secretly based. jewtube made him do damage control in recent years by donating to blm and stuff.


You are a disgusting chink. Enjoy your 50 cents you commie insect.



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Sounds like bs but it seems possible. I watched some of his minecraft content because it's comfy and he said many times he plays 24/7. No women would tolerate that, or maybe some do, idk.
On the other hand he is really conservative even if he tries to hide it. Can't imagine a guy like him would tolerate that. Also they are too famous to keep it so secret.

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ok filthy jew

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How old are you people? How can you honestly care about this garbage? Go to college, get good jobs, find a nice wife, have children, and read good literature. Be a goddamned adult.

Any bets on how long till they take his T-Series diss track? Is the whole internet eventually to be memoryholed?

just so you know for future reference it's "piqued" not peaked.

I pretty much have all that, try to relax sometimes. Not everybody wants to be an "american dreamer" working all day all week just to afford 5 cars and a washing machine

see retarded niggers

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>Is the whole internet eventually to be memoryholed?
Already has. Google memory holed everything. Go ahead, try and find something before 2010 on Google. Old London bombing articles? Gone.
There's a lot of reading available still on the net while most search engines make it very difficult to find.

Tell that to the Titanic , icebergs are kikes!

LoL you sounds like some piece of shit immigrant with broken as fuck english

Uh alright, never seen it like this before but it makes a lot more sense. Especially since it's a french expression: "piquer ma curiosité". Thanks

Dude, I watch a ton of movies and documentaries. Btw hows the weather now in alaska you based alaskan man?

American accents are easy.

you sound absolutely nothing like an american lmao

nice try shlomon, now you can suck my giant frozen balls

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>fuck me user my husband is a jewish cuck

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Oh really?

41% yourself tranny

holy autism

he took away his dontaion i think


ill get in line

Some gay swede. He's a youtuber. Popular in USA among the zommies as a Swedish friend simulator for all the ratarded zoomies who obsess over Gayrope thinking it's some sophisticated and magical cool place. I don't know what you people are feeding with all those kids over there.

imagine believing this unironically.

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that's always true. Psychopaths only respect those whom they fear.


come on lad, make another one
and why you dont sound swedish at all? scandis have a very specific accent, I know pretty well cuz I dated with a norwegian girl back in the days

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and! shitskins, niggers and over all animals. they literally dont respect anything but a brutal force and violence

You never heard about an "open marriage" before? Not even swingers?

I remember Dab Forums defending him for this.

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