This is what Christians actually believe

That the left is the chosen people of God, and for thousands of years were the only people who could speak to God, and the one on the right is a subhuman animal that had no soul until the one on the left gave them God.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Holy strawman

>this is what subverted Christians believe and 99% of boomers

Christians follow Christ, go fuck yourself with your undermining

If they do they don’t realize that the kikes— who owned the printing press— added that little lie to make their goyim serve the

But it’s ok. Kike worship and Israel servitude and kosher conservatism dies with the boomers.

Tick tock

The jews are vulnerable! Listen to Dr Pierce:

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Do retards really believe in religion still?

left is complicit in trying to cover up deicide and as such is chosen to go straight to Hell.

Mutt faggot. I live in Israel all my life and i've never seen anything close to that thing on the left. In fact you're more likely to see a beautiful woman walking in the street in Israel than in USA. You disgusting fat basterds and your consumption of fast food.

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>and your
With your*

What happened to the Israeli nation after the Roman victories?

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Christianity has less to do with Judaism and more to do with Mesopotamian religion, which itself is a syncretic religion using heavy influences from Proto-Indo-European religion. Of the few teachings you actually get directly from Christ, many of them seem to subvert or actively go against established Judaism. The desire to claim ownership over Christianity is something the Jews developed prior to Christianity's successful spread over the vast regions of the ancient world.

Plus, Jesus was a carpenter and we all know Jews don't do labor

>implying Khazarian converts are the same as the Biblical Israelites

Attached: Canaanites, Edomites, Khazarians, and the Synagogue of Satan.png (900x3071, 688.88K)

There are ubermensch of every race to act as a levening agent.

Endless wars.

That's not what I believe.
t. Christian

Evangelicals and Jews are not Christians.

Strawman? You mean, the canon stories that are in the bible? Such as the jewish exodus of Egypt which claims that jews are the master race, and did everything incredible in mankind including building the pyramids? (which didn't actually happen)

Or how god hardened the heart of the Pharaoh just so he could smite him because he's no an all-loving-god of everyone but rather the ethno-nationalist god of the jews and because goyim who step in their way deserve death?

Not real christianity? As in, the tales written in the bible in the homes of every single christian?

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There are no beautiful Jewish women. Even the mixed ones or ones with surgery and makeup have something uncanny and “off” about them. And the left is an average Ashkenazi Jewish girl. If you’ve never seen one in Israel it’s probably because you are in a settlement on Palestinian land. Shame on you genocidal invader.

Which conquest was more unconditional and total in its consequences of victor imposing his unconditional will on the loser, the Jewish-Roman wars or the unconditional surrender of Germany during WW2?
Why don't Jews remember their conquest by the Romans?

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The only beautiful women in israel are the ones who look european.

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Protestantism is an heresy

>the ethno-nationalist god of the jews
Yeah, that's who Yahweh is. A semitic god of storms from the ancient Levant. The patron god of particular semitic tribes. Hence "No other gods before Me"
>including building the pyramids
Which we know is factually incorrect
>the tales written in the bible
The Old Testament really has very little to do with the New Testament. In fact, I would separate the OT, the Gospels, and then the rest of the NT into different categories. Jesus used the OT to justify his fulfillment of prophecy but Christians don't really care too much about him fulfilling obscure jewish predictions. Like I said, the hitching of the jewish wagon to the success of Christianity is something the jews have been doing and continue to do until this very day. It is also partly a result of Paul being the one who created "The Church" despite Christ preaching that you don't need a church or special building or rules for worshiping the creator of all things

Catholicism is more of a Mesopotamian mystery religion and there is lots of evidence for this if you just read a little bit. Jews have very little to do with Christianity and if you really believed that Christ fulfilled the jewish prophecies then the denial of this fulfillment would be blasphemy. You can't believe Jesus fulfilled prophecy AND accept the people who deny it.

>Fish lips
>Peanut butter skin
>Crooked nose
>Asymmetrical face
>Eye bags of an elderly man

Every. Single. Time.

Jew can run, but Jew can’t hide

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Ouch. Try this one.

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Catholicism is for fags.

Did any of these guys get desperate enough to be a fake woman?

She looks like she smells like heroin.

Zoom in on the nose

Needs to fire her surgeon. Look at the bridge and the nostrils lol.. Not even the 50% Russian DNA can make her look normal.

Human souls are just thoughtforms created by demons. That's why no one gives a shit about us and no one is coming to shut down the loosh farm. Unless there's a way to make thoughtforms into immortal souls the best you can do is to get out of the matrix and dissolve your soul so the energies don't get recycled.

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I can just hear the nasally voice and vomitous Hebrew accent whining out of that nose..

Long live Palestine

This. Talmudic Judaism has nothing to do with the Old Testament and is simply a bastardization of the Christian religion which preceded it.

The Christian religion established the natural order. Judaism subverts that order, which is why all populations that follow Judaic norms of degeneracy are dying out. Pic related is one example. Their obsession with female leadership despite the fact that women find male leaders sexually attractive. This leads to fewer marriages and more divorces.

The natural order was established in Europe by Christianity. Jews pervert this order.

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No, the one on the left is the Synagogue of Satan.
Fucking read Galatians.
It's literally in The Bible.

>Why don't Jews remember their conquest by the Romans?
Why do you assume they don’t?

Actually Christians believe gentiles are equal to Jews

>50% of my religion doesn't matter anyway
>God changed his mind and shit
>Jesus death unleashed powerful magic energy that forgave every non-jew of their sinful existence
The christcucks go-to rationalization when you point out to him that his cult literally branched
from an ethno-nationalist religion of jews.

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*but the only way to heaven is through Christ, not Judaism

they dont celebrate their defeats in the roman wars

pol is full of teenagers who haven't gotten out of the "am I ugly?" phase and so unironically think good looks equates to good person

The left one is unironically cuter and probably makes a far better housewife and mother.
I'd rather marry her than the narcissistic instagram bitch who likes to travel and do her hair.

The christcuck is on par with a schizophrenic. I'm sure these same guys are making posts about aliens.

>Christianity doesn't come from Judaism even though it is plainly stated in the bible that the semites are God's chosen people
>Jews "subverted" Christianity, before Christianity even existed, by creation their books, which are the basis of Christianity and are part of the bible

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I dont believe that shit.

Virtue Signaling. Thats it, they think SJWism is our Moral duty. How does it compare to what Hitler made? is America more Christian than what NAZI Germany was? Absolutely not, because Fascists understand immaterial values are more important. In a State where we are forced into Critical Theory Marxism, lefts should dare use the name God, it comes from a lack of understanding of real world problems, History, and a true Positive Christianity, these people are Judeo-Christians, know the difference.


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169% true. Christcuckers worship and adore jews. Fucking nose fetishists, they say that tits and ass are pagan.

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Judaism is based of Egyptian religion also. Verses in the bible are found in older records by Black Egyptians.


Have you ever held a girls hand holy fuck

Based and Jewpilled.

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>Mutt faggot. I live in Israel all my life and i've never seen anything close to that thing on the left.

The woman to the left served her conscription time in the IDF as a submarine schnorkel.

>meme flag
>forgot to switch VPN
wow it's like a stereotype

>Christcuck is on par with a schizophrenic
Yo broh do you even know (((where))) your meme flag came from? reetz

creation myth found in the bible is older than Abraham. Found in China 4,500 years old to present date. Christianity is the correction to the bible. Dont get it twisted losers

>muh dick

Keep swallowing the kike lie O.P.

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Time to derail the argument like the little cuck you are. Degenerate jew-worshipping faggot.

>Plus, Jesus was a carpenter and we all know Jews don't do labor

Jesus was a barefoot rabbi. Him being a carpenter is a christian confabulation to distance themselves from the jews. The christian religion started as criminal scheme invented by the jew Saul who invented Jesus making a pastich of several religious myths putting a jew stamp on them, then later generations of christcuckers confabulated even more to hide their jewish origins. Your entire religion is a LARP while you accuse others of being larpers.

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Explains why they killed fags in the Inquisition.

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>easily offended
>shotgun style insults
wow it really is a stereotype

>"For you (jews of Judea) are a holy people to YHWH your God, and God has chosen you to be his treasured people from all the nations that are on the face of the earth." Deuteronomy 14:2
If you don't worship jews you aren't a real christian.

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The Greeks, Egyptians, Indians from India, the Magi from the Middle East all teach the same thing just explained differently. They all share roots you all are just too stupid to realize that. Its all the same religious ideas taken from Babel first world government, this is why this current one is called the new world government. You cant have a new one with out an old one.

>is America more Christian than what NAZI Germany was? Absolutely not,

America is the most christian country in the world by a very wide margin.

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Not many uniques charactors left if you get what im sayin.

All Christians are evangelicals

Good goy, ensure the dominance of Yahweh over pagan Gods.

You know im still waiting for an anti-christ moron tell me why Jews are responsible for murdering Christians ever since sin itself;

>Judaism teams up with Islam to genocide Armenian Christians specifically because of their faith.

>Bolshevik Revolution, 10% of Bolsheviks were Jewish, Leaders were all Jewish. Murdered Christians and burned down churches.

>Rabbi's literally saying the throne of their God, Baphomot/Baal/Satan, is not complete until Amalak/Esau is destroyed Esau/Amalak= Western Europe and U.S.

>Jews kill Jesus Christ

>Christian persecution throughout all of history

must all have been a prank, I should have known

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buddy, I said NAZI Germany, lmao do you think Germany today is full of NAZI's? Germany is the most Jew cucked state.

god created one man and woman comes from his rib. Eve was a clone a perfect copy of Adam but in female form. They have offspring in which the child inherits 50% the father and 50% the mother yet that is still 100% Adam in the child. The father is the son and the son is the father. Father Mother and Child is a trinity. They are all the same person but in their own persons. We win!

the ancestors of these christian epic crusaders would have slaughtered jesus and his apostles if these alien middle easterners took a step in their celtic or germanic homeland.

you got a source for that claim broh?

And they would be correct, goy

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Take the 5/10 pill, brothers. Mediocre wife, happy life. Plus you get to marry into a Jewish family, people who will actually stick by you.

>(jews of Judea
Not jes of moab
Or jews of samaria


>God did not reject his people, whom he foreknew. Don't you know what Scripture says in the passage about Elijah--how he appealed to God against Israel? Romans 11:2

>The Greeks, Egyptians, Indians from India, the Magi from the Middle East all teach the same thing just explained differently.

From hinduism - gods Brahman and Saraswati becomes stinky jews Abraham and Sara. Vishnu incarnation Krishna becomes Christ. The sanskrit word Satanya, meaning truth, becomes the root for Satan, the source of evil and lies.
From Babylonians - half creation myth. Originally the gods created the dark humans, adamu, and the fair humans, sarku. Jews looked at that and said, fuck these sarku, they make us adamus look like niggers, lets delete them.

Jews take other peoples myths, invert them, then pass the product off as the original. There is no "ancient wisdom" in the bible. Its just filled with jew shit that is contrarian to the rest of the fucking world. You christians debate like jews, you make up lies and pass them off as truths, then when they are defeated you just make new. The solution is the same as with the jews, go on the offensive and press the christcucker by exposing him.

Wouldnt make them Christians than would it?

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Yes an women replicant always come from seed of man.

A mirror.

GODs proof. Random data can never manifest instructions no matter how long you give it. You would need cognitive agency in order to program random data. Lets say random data does create some form of instructions how then do they communicate if they have a randomly generated programing language. You would never get a system because they would have to generate a common programing language. All material in the known universe is data. Its actually EMR which is data also. any way ...

Even the Old Testament said gentiles deserve God. Read the Book of Jonah and Isaiah.


Kys leaf

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Christians germans killed a third of the christian german population in the 30 years war because of sectarian infighting. between different interpretations of christianity. Communism is a respin of the new testament so it is just a further developement of christiantiy without god.

So, the communists killing christian clergy were just another iteration of christian sectarian infighting. If you are a christian, you are already 90% of a communist. Communists killing christians in the 20's did not stop the Christian Democrats of Weimar Germany to have a common election platform with the German communist party in the very same decade. That is how big the difference between christianity and communism is - there is none.

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>worship jews
>only jews allowed to lend money with interests
>jews de facto established as the financers of all white races for centuries all thanks to Christianity
>your own fucking religion treats calls your race by the "soulless beast" slur

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>buddy, I said NAZI Germany, lmao do you think Germany today is full of NAZI's? Germany is the most Jew cucked state.

Lol you obviously did not read the pic I posted.

Adn ensure the teaching of Torah, Jewish law, and submitting to all of the Jewish prophets and God.
UVG based anti-semitic fighting warrior by prostrating before all of Jewish history.

Wrong on every point.
>American leftist Jewry is not Jewry -- Likud is basically Trumpism, and controls the government of Israel
>The world was once entirely full of egregious sinners
>God took one group of Canaanite Phoenician semites -- the Hebrews -- and commanded their obedience to prepare the world for His literal physical manifestation both mentally and physically
>Thus, the Jews were chosen not for their exclusive salvation, but for the preparation of all our salvation
>All people at all times have souls. The soul is not and never has been exclusive to the Jew.

Random data can never manifest instructions no matter how long you give it. GOD is real the only way you can explain it. Abiogenesis is a creation myth based on theoretical models. The fact that AI will soon be created on a Chinese factory line is evidence for creationism by the way. If follows the scientific model as evidence. haha we win again !

Based and christcuckpilled

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Christians believe Jesus was the Messiah. Anyone who believes in him and accepts him in their heart is saved.

All of Israels and the Hebrew nations historical enemies are the enemies of the spiritual Jews of Christians, death to the pagan European!
for Israel!~

creationist agree with abiogenesis by the way we only disagree on the agency.

you see what you judaists do? you make a false equivalence, either between whether it be between National Socialism to a Fascist and economic theory of socialism, and then of course Christian Doctrine and Communism. There is no comparisons between them, your just Projecting mate, you obviously have not actually did any research about the way Germans acted towards their faith. You search google and click the first thing that comes up as your source, and its a fake source lmao.

Nope i explained it with machine an quantum time manipulation/.

Original israelites looked like one on the right

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Prove its even real lmao its about as real as (((table talks))) your a fucking dumbass

Another fine example of American exceptionalist solipsism.
have you considered the possibility that not every Christian in the world resembles your retarded Zionist evangelicals?

quantum time is instant user.
Which means its faster than lightspeed.
Thus time is/was broken.
An created a loop.

Hell is also explained as a prison you'll never leave.

Talmuddic rabbinical judiasm, or jewish as we know it, appeared 500 years after Jesus.
The jews of Jesus day were patriarchs who practiced animal sacrifice at the temple, they wouldbe horrified at modern "judiasm"
Keep in mind, most rabbis estimate that as many as 90% of jews either killed themselves or converted to christianity after the destruction of the second temple.
The remainder wandered around being bred to be the most intelligent sneaky monsters


Jesus is GOD the son separate from GOD the Father yet both are GOD the entity. Think of Jesus as the white blood cell of GOD enter into creation to defeat the sickness that is sin. Jesus is GOD just not necessarily the head. I do not command my cells to function and my cells do not command my limbs yet what my cells do I do and what I do my cells do, we share all glory. We are all merely the diluted replica of Adam the first and only man GOD created. We are one as our body is one. A diluted expression of the original man created in the image of GOD the father. The whole universe is a cognitive entity and we share in that.

Stop lying, you hamburger-eating surrender mongrel.
John 10:24-27
King James Version
24 Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.

25 Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me.

26 But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.

27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:


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>Talmuddic rabbinical judiasm, or jewish as we know it, appeared 500 years after Jesus.
False. It's mentioned in the Torah.

Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are one
cope harder

Hey Christians! Refute this!

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1 Corinthians 12;12-14 For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink [g]into one Spirit. For in fact the body is not one member but many.

but that's not what we believe, retard

Absolute unit could take out an entire palestinian village by herself

Man is a trinity Cell Organ and Body. Three forms of self consciousness existing as one entity out of the many. You can clone a man threefold and those clones are that man yet not that man all at the same time. You can resurrect a dead man from his cells. If man can do these things so surely GOD can do these things but better.

Better larp than judaism desu

Watch the edge there gamer. I think I saw your fedora around here somewhere

Christ was brought to earth in the body of the Jewish man Jesus, who then told the Jews their heritage, their blood, their lineage was not the way to salvation.
They jews who rejected him didn’t want to accept this.
Christianity is not some ancient conspiracy used against us, stop.

those are BOTH edomites

The Lord, the Spirit of the Lord, and the angel of the Lord is equivalent as cell organ body in man. They are one out of the many. Jesus is the soft energy of GOD while the father is the zero point energy of GOD. Take a 5 watt light bulb its not strong enough to read a book next to yet a 5 watt laser will burn a whole in your ass. Jesus is the soft energy of GOD while the Father is the zero point energy of GOD. Both are GOD yet one is the softer form of GOD. Thats the distinction. Man was created to be compatible with the Father we just cant take the full glory of GOD in this body.

They're both of the devil.

"Salvation comes from the Jews"

Satan was once GOD just not the Head. That is what it means to be one with GOD you are GOD just not the Head. Evil and Sin are not first causes. Evil and Sin is merely the disobedience to GOD. Rebellion just like the body rebels against itself in the form of cancer. You must cut out sin a you do a cancer. Sin is rebellion against oneself.

The one on the left is a converted Turk. The one in the right is genetically an Israelite. Continue to seethe fucking turkjew.

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Jew was not even a word that existed until 600 years after the death of Christ try again kike.

Salvation comes from GOD alone. GOD was going to kill all the Hebrews for worshiping cows. The Jews are dependent on GOD not vice versa. The Jews are merely GODs choice to act because its always been GODs MO to use the wicked to do GODs will to prove his authority. That is why they were chosen that and to bring forth the messiah. Poetic Justice at its finest. GOD is Greatest.

you'll never be white like kike shill

Gen 12:13Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister: that it may be well with me for thy sake; and my soul shall live because of thee.
Gen 12:14And it came to pass, that, when Abram was come into Egypt, the Egyptians beheld the woman that she was very fair.
Gen 12:15The princes also of Pharaoh saw her, and commended her before Pharaoh: and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house.
Gen 12:16And he entreated Abram well for her sake: and he had sheep, and oxen, and he asses, and menservants, and maidservants, and she asses, and camels.
Gen 12:17And the LORD plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai Abram's wife.
OP is not smart or well read

The old testament jewish god is the devil. The jews are the chosen people of the devil. That is not the god that sent jesus.

>multiple anti Christian threads all pop up around the same time with the same 7 dedicated posters

Jesus lives, rent free in the minds of all kikes
>when kikes call Christians "kikes"

Man, such a beautiful object!

It's called translation, pseudo kike.

Some level of 'heckin cute and valid' logic here.

Did you all know that the moon regulates the incubation periods in humans, dogs, cows, and I would assume all animals on planet earth. The planets help contribute to why life exist on this planet in fact the ratios of the planets and moons imply divine creation. 108 and the new song of the 144,000 hints at how GOD created this holy solar system. Vibration from these planets give us form. We are a model of our own solar system in fact.

haahah, cope harder fagjew

Christ4lyfe and FUCK YOU KIKES

So it wouldn't have said Jew but you're attributing it to modern Jews? You fucking greasy pilpul spitting kike.

Dead Jew on a Stick Worshippers are the absolute worst. Believing in their Invisible Sky Daddy is comparable to adult men believing in Father Christmas. I love how these insane freaks threaten normal sane people with whichever version of Hell they happen to believe in (it varies from Christian to Christian as they can agree on almost nothing despite the Bible containing God's crystal clear will) even though there is absolutely no evidence for any of it. It's most entertaining to witness these mentally ill lunatics turn on each other and argue viciously over what they think they need to do to go to "Heaven" (still waiting on evidence for that as well) and other meaningless Bible doctrine. What a disgrace it is that society still treats this delusional belief with any shred of respect since the Bible has been proven beyond any rational dispute to be filled with error and historical inaccuracies. Of course this means nothing to the pea-brained Dead Jew on a Stick Worshipper as evidence is not something they understand or even care about. I cringe when I perchance upon their nonsensical posts on this board, often congratulating each other for their psuedo-pious sentiments and other ludicrously embarrassing follies such as mocking those who don't believe in their retarded, outdated and backward belief - for which there is no evidence. I have personally talked at length with such vehement believers in this imbecilic stupidity simply just to try and instill a hint of critical thinking in them but with no success. The Dead Jew on a Stick Worshipper is simply incapable of any type of self awareness pertaining to their belief. After asking for a demonstration of evidence from them as to why I should also believe in their religion and be saved from the Hell that they are so desperate to warn me of, they can only offer the predictable and embarrassing motto engrained into their impressionable minds by their deranged cult. "I'll pray for you".

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The original word is Yehudi or Yehuda and means people of Judea, this is 100% what Jew means. Nice retard level argument, 100% of the original Hebrew Bible wasn't written in English either.

holy shit is everyone here underage or retarded or am i just getting too old for this fucking shit hole?

Modern Jews aren't from Judea. Judea doesn't exist. Judea wasn't even all Hebrew. There were Romans and plenty of other religions there. But you attribute modern Jews to Hebrews from the Bible? Jew a term that doesn't even come about until the destruction of the second temple? And what's more then you say modern Jews who are Turk converts and not religiously the same as Hebrews are what the Bible is referring to?
You are a kike. You have Jew blood in you. This is what causes you to lie and deceive like this. Fucking kike. Kill yourself you turkjew mutt.

That's because they've been deceived. It's actually the other way around. As a non-white, I look at white people as the inheritors of the earth.

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Only boomers believe this, and there is nothing you can say to change their mind. It is what it is.