It must suck dying and literally no one giving a fuck.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, like when you hang yourself after you realise you will never be a real woman.
got 'em
yeah everyone talking about him nonstop for days means nobody gives a fuck. god do you dumb cunts even stop and think before hitting the post button.
Transphobia aside, I'm being genuine. He apparently died 2 days ago and I didn't know about it till today.
I highly doubt you would even know who he was if it wasn't for your twitter faggot friends sperging out about his death. DO you even know who he was? Or was just another literal hitler?
I mean it actually seems like people give many fucks
I think it’s hilarious how he adamantly said that secondhand smoking isn’t harmful, bitched all the time about contrived “smoker’s rights” and said that cigars are smoked for taste and enjoyment, and that most of the nicotine and harmful additives and such are removed during the process of making them, and then he died of lung cancer.
>He apparently died 2 days ago and I didn't know about it till today
Have you been on a ketamine bender? It was literally everywhere if you even glanced at a TV screen or a news website
Can we stop this fucking trend of wooing over ever fucking dead "celebrity?" Shit's fake and you know it.
These people do not have admirable traits. They are all compromised. Stop idolizing these fucking failures of human beings.
Watching the RBG and Floyd shit was bad enough, but come the fuck on.
Rush was one of the worst humans ever to live.
>Can't comprehend people have lives outside of a screen
I give a fuck. I'm glad he's dead and wish he died sooner. All cuckservative boomers should go to hell asap
Good fucking riddance.
Rush & Family court are responsible for poisoning so many uneducated boomers into lifelong dumb republicans
Ya like gay black Black Panter guy dieing of anal cancer, hilarious.
Not only will you never be a woman, you will never be one tenth the man he was. You absolute loser faggot
Without Rush those boomers would just be liberals.
Based Rushbo, even in death making trannies sperg post
It must be so great being a trolling troll and trolling people and not giving a trolling fuck.
>Or was just another literal hitler?
Don't compare israel-first cuckservatives to Hitler. Rush wasn't fit to lick Hitler's shoes.
Why do the femanazis hate him so much?
I mean barely any news coverage and I watch the local news for a few minutes every day. You would expect a man of his alleged significance to be plastered everywhere. I knew when Larry King died. But seems like Rush is getting memory holed. I bet no one will even remember him in 5 years.
That's unironically better than being a cuckservative. And least they'd be honest with themselves.
So you go days without looking at a TV or the internet and it not because your doped out of your mind getting you loose anus further violated?
>no one giving a fuck.
I have been eating raw potatoes for the past 24 hours. Eagerly awaiting the burial, to unleash my bowels on his tombstone.
Rush was wrong about things, but he never backed down from his political opinions, and he raised money for charity. Contrary to leftist thought, having a difference in political opinion doesn't mean you need to be eradicated off the planet.
Maybe you just have your head up your ass.
>don't really watch tv
>especially MSM
>haven't even been on here much in last week
My coworkers (who know I'm white nationalist) informed me of his death the morning after it happened.
you gave enough of a fuck to make a thread and find a picture of him
I live in fucking niggerland and even I know A: Who he was and B: That he passed. OP is just another discord tranny trying to own the chuds
There is an Indian family in my neighborhood and the day he died they built a shrine in their front yard to Rush.
>knew when Larry King died
>didn't know when Rush died
Why do you feel the need to lie so brazenly?
Over 80 percent of the nation cares.
> raised money for charity
Nice PR stunt
Rush was a soulless subhuman who grifted on uneducated boomers & convinced them to vote against their own economic interests for generations
If you hate Rush then you might be a commie...(or a faggot, nigger or tranny)
Somehow he looks better with a hobo beard.
A portion of the 50 million listeners probably care.
>Imagine being two days late
That's because you get your news from reddit and Twitter
>being honest with themselves
All he did was shill for israel on the radio. Doing nothing with your life is more beneficial than what Rush did.
What is with all of these lefties in Dab Forums?
Rush was based.
The governor of Florida put their flags at half mast you moron.
I suppose those economic interests involve your NEET bucks so you can sit at home and be useless your whole life?
>faggot boomer who sucked Israels dick
No one cares that this fatfuck died.
You must have been too busy thinking about how cutting your dick off was a mistake...
I didn't know larry king died.
What the fuck ever tho.
Rush was a liberal faggot. He deliberately sabotaged the American right to allow for the total victory of the left in the culture wars.
explain faggot
pretty much this
I stopped listening to Rush about 9 years ago
Got tired of his shilling for Apple products and defending the Bush family.
Other than that, he was a stand up man
He helped people and told them not to tell anyone he helped because people like yourself are soulless monsters that would attack them for even receiving his help.
They are more honest than cuckservatives like you and Rush who have the exact same beliefs as them.
Well when you're a hate spewing piece of shit all your life, can't be surprised that people will basically celebrate your passing. Good riddance. Rest in piss, faggot.
Millions of boomers still listened to him on AM radio. I’m sure that they noticed, and are no doubt thinking that he was intentionally given cancer as part of a grand liberal conspiracy.
Cope incel
It must be hard for OP living and not having 30,000,000+ people hanging on your every word every day.
If you shill for Apple and the Bushes the you are by definition not a stand up man. This is you being dishonest with yourself because you are fundamentally a liberal because of shills like Rush.
Cuckservative boomers are not people
I miss the old days when he shilled cold medicine and boner pills.
OP lamenting his future?
on the scale of 1-10 of all rightwing talking heads that suck jew cock;
I'd give Rush = 3
He really wasn't that in the bag for Israel
Glen Beck / Hannity on the otherhand
>not even gonna mention kike media ppl like Levine, obviously they're 10s
absolute retardation
You'll never be a woman.
Your so assblasted about him, please tell me what you've done thats even comparable to Rush's accomplishments? How many homes have you built with your donations?
Are you a child? You do realize people have thoughts independent of you. Just because you didn't know until now doesn't imply the rest of the world is as ignorant as you.
I have a life with living, breathing people. We respect each other. I don't need to rely on a screen to feel happiness.
Lizard king doesn’t care
That guy is clearly retarded.
Rush was a boomer and shilled Israel a bit but he was more of a populist than anything and without him there would probably be no conservatism. He singlehandedly defined talk radio for a third of the medium's lifespan and used it to at least keep conservatism alive in the mainstream in an era before social media or anything so without him the narrative would have just been 100% shaped by jews.
take the bone out of your nose
and dilate with it
Found the boomer lol
>shill for Apple
He shilled for their products. They probably sponsored him.
>shill for the Bush family
There's no excuse for that. But they probably helped him to prominence.
>Other than that, he was a stand up man
>literally no one giving a fuck
>while being paid to shill against him
Rush fans are uneducated & vote against their own economic interests to give billionaires tax cuts
You do, apparently
Limbaugh was a fat, boomer faggot and I still cannot believe there are posters on Dab Forums that feel anything but amusement over his death.
good take
Then why were all the billionaires backing Biden?
>a few minutes every day
These are the people that think they're informed.
Half the country cared.
The same can not be said about you when you eventually kill yourself, tranny.
Rush funneled potential conservatives away from actual conservatism and herders semi aware boomers into the hands of Beck and hannity and levin. They'll problem give his show to Shapiro now.
>absolute retardation
He shilled for Trump who did nothing but drag the mainstream American right even further to the left. Trump made gun control, fag pride and nigger reparations part of cuckservative policy.
White Democrats are brainwashed & vote against their own economic interests to give all their hard earned tax money to worthless shitskins
Glenn Beck is the ultimate of ultimate shabbos goyim. In terms of sheer volume of Jew cock sucked, he’s in the top 0.001%. I’m talking elite level Israeli bootlicking here.
Probably because he’s a Mormon and sincerely believes that he’s fulfilling the Christian End Times prophecy to bring about the Rapture.
>No one giving a fuck
One of the most popular radio personalities in all of history.
Lol your parents must be so fucking disappointed in you.... I bet they call their friends to vent about what a bag of shit you turned out to be
Lol most of the country cheered at the news of his death. I hope he death rattled for days.
Rush had a huge family and even told people he personally helped to never say a word because irrational fuckwads like yourself would attack them.
answer my pic
Twitter is not most of the country, kike.
>please tell me what you've done thats even comparable to Rush's accomplishment
Easy. I did less damage to America that Rush did, making my accomplishments superior to his. He enforced jewish tyranny. His accomplishment score is therefore in there negatives. I oppose jewish tyranny. Having zero accomplishments is superior to negative accomplishment.
>implying it won't be the happiest day of their parents life because they'll finally have their son back
pick one
And that would be better. Imagine if cuckservatives didn’t exist
I wish I could shit on it. Where is it by the way?
No my dad was the boomer, I was the kid in the car listening with him. Never really listened regularly myself but the time I spent listening with my dad are some of my best memories
My condolences for the self injury your dad put your through having to listen to that
>I oppose jewish tyranny
>by being a decisive assbag like a typical jew
I like how you think these are the same lmao just like all the other movies stars this same excuse falls under
>Listening to a fat boomer shill for israel is your best father son memory
That is genuinely sad. I'm sorry your dad neglected you.
Well damn son. You really hate you some Limbaugh
If you're a shill, you're pretty good
If not, I can't really argue with you other than to say, that I don't Rush (or Trump) are as bad as you see them.
I'm not saying they are saints, but not as bad as you make them out.
Unfortunately you are correct on alot of your indictments.
Either by "just trying to get along" or incompetence - Rush (and Trump) did push the overton window / pendulum to the left
Sorry you dad skipped out on you and you were raised as an effeminate male by your failure of a mother.
Rush would call you a terrorist for implying jews are bad.
A long time employee of his, his name was Kit, Died of brain cancer in 2014 and left behind 4 children and his wife. My family and this family knew each other well and so I attended the funeral in New Jersey in 2014 or 15. Rush flew up, went up to the alter at some point and he gave, what is to this day, the best eulogy I've ever heard. To this day I regret not recording it because if these dumb ass celebrities and you shills saw that It would totally change your minds on the guy.
I myself was turning into a liberal as I was in Highschool at the time and seeing him and talking to him in person truly showed me for the first time that he really was being honest about who he was.
It was that initial change of mind that got me started in listening to him and that unlocked the Pandora's box of deep thought in my mind in relation to the world around me. It woke me up to what they were teaching me in school; that I shouldn't have kids because of the environment and that I should be ashamed of my American identity and heritage etc. In a way, He red-pilled me and saved me from becoming a degenerate and for that, he has my ETERNAL gratitude.
Rest in Peace Rush. You are missed dearly!
must suck being a hate filled faggot who even hates their own dick so much that you cut it off
Me and my dad lifted weights and drank beer together like real father son bond . Cope faggot
AIDS always wins.
This piece of shit is in Hell after watching Trump lose.
Feels good man.
5.5 I guess? Is this a riddle or some shit?
>You really hate you some Limbaugh
Traitors are worse than enemies. Cuckservatives sabotaged the right. They are the enemy within.
Wtf are you talking about shit was everywhere
I'll miss Rush. I've listened to him for 20 years, the man was an institution.
>muh incel.
you can do better than that you raging tranny
The Overton Window has been shifting to the left for like 50 fucking years. I don't think Rush nor Trump are perfect but they actually helped slow that push. Their biggest failing is that they think you can be rational with the left, give them something, and work with them and earn their respect.
This has never been true and never will be true, the left wants total annihilation and if you give them anything they will use it against you. They do not respect principle, in fact they use it against you and see it as weakness. Rush and Trump both failed to understand this, they tried to have grace not understanding that to engage with the left is total war. Only Andrew Breitbart understood.
But without Rush to stem the tide of leftism in a time when nobody else had even close to that level of reach, there would be no Breitbart. There would probably not even be a Dab Forums.
>constantly shilling for Isreal
Can you point to the segments he dedicated to Isreal? If it was such a prominent feature of his show it shouldn't be difficult.
>and he raised money for charity
It's an abstract happy merchant. Not the best one because then = signs don't make for a good jew hat.
Who is Larry King wtf
>he would do a thing I can't prove
>I've listened to him for 20 years
Nice post, Sheep.
Ya right post your moobs trannie.
>I don't think Rush nor Trump are perfect but they actually helped slow that push
Holy shit no. Barely a decade ago OBAMA was openly against gay marriage. Now you can buy fag pride merch on the official website of the "conservative" presidential candidate. That is what rapid and total defeat in the culture wars looks like and it was set up by boomer cunts like Rush and Trump.
This. Rush was a soulless subhuman and those without souls are celebrated once they perish from clown world
There's a lot of people completely assblasted over someone nobody apparently cares about, weird huh?
Not a thing. Learn what a phobia actually is and stop making a mockery of people's legitimate suffering.
He actually used to hang up on people and prevent the call from being aired (broadcast is on a time delay like any other) if any caller who got too hostile about Israel. Mark (((Levin))) used the same Jewish trick.
Amazing, isn’t it? A goy actually using Jewish tricks.
He gave me my first taste of the truth. I started listening to him at work after 2016. Been balls deep in the redpill rabbit hole since. So Rush opened the door to a new fully aware conscience reality for me and I am forever grateful. I know Limbaugh is smiling down on me.
fucking Christ you guys are sounding like a bunch of 70’s communists attacking your own guys from different factions harder than the actual enemy
rush fucked up in a lot of ways but he was a charismatic voice for the right. The wrong, neocon right, but anyway. Listening to his show in the 90’s was like Dab Forums for boomers
Dank cope brah
Paragraphs, nigga. Do you use them? Don’t worry, paragraphs aren’t Plebbit spacing like some retards might lead you to believe.
He liked to smoke cigars because he could suck on them and pretend they were hard black dicks
The cunt was always israel-first. He supported their wars, their degeneracy and their corporate socialism. Fuck him.
They are purity testing a guy from another era. It's sad, really. Rush wasn't perfect, he still shilled for Israel, he shilled the Iraq War, but acting like he wasn't a revolutionary force in radio pushing back against the left for years reeks of divide and conquer psyops.
Speaking ill of the dead is bad luck.
Try to have at least some decency, troon.
He was King Chud back in the days when radio and TV were the dominant media. In the age of the internet when many more unhinged megachuds are able to freely spew their bile, he became increasingly irrelevant.
Still, one down
>Dank cope brah
Can't have goyim connecting the obvious dots between literally everything wrong with America and the international jewry.
The right is not worth fight for
>The wrong, neocon right,
Aka the left. Rush was a leftist.
Yes goy, don't defend your culture at all, just let the left have it.
Damn if nobody gives a fuck about him imagine how little anybody will care about you
Wow this is old boomer must have really chapped your ass.
>having nice things to say about Isreal means he was an Isreal frist shill
It must be extremely exhausting to be the outraged over something this irrelevant
> muh culture
> meanwhile votes to give billionaires tax cuts
Ok, boomer. And his audience was primarily boomer men, hence most of the ads being played during his show being mostly for dick enhancement pills, BUY GOLD-BACKED IRA NAO, and divorce attorneys who specialize in representing male clients.
That's because your life is consumed wondering if one day you'll pass as a woman. You won't. You're just a faggot cocksucker in a dress.
Not if you're jewish
He didn't push back against the left. He neutered the right into the cucked joke we see today. Rush made us weak and let us cope by listening to him that while letting the left actually win all the real victories. He was a pressure release valve that helped save the kike system from exploding. That makes him an enemy.
Hitler created Israel you faggot
He had 30 million listeners
The only kike shill I see is you
The kikes dictate who is allowed to even run for president. They are in no way irrelevant. Why even try that angle on Dab Forums?
i rarely whiteknight for boomercons but he was more influential than you or anyone you will ever meet
imagine making a thread about not giving a fuck about something
Rush & family court poisoned so many boomer minds to be uneducated life long republicans
shouldn't have supported the Iraq war, he died far too peaceful of a death
No he didn't. Modern Zionism predates Hitler.
Not an argument, cuckservative.
Hope Rush rests in piss
If it wasn't for Rush the fairness doctrine would still be a thing, it literally the most Jewish thing that ever existed
>he was more influential than you or anyone you will ever meet
And he used his influence to help the left by cucking the right.
Rush died because there was no more wars for Israel. He had no reason to live.
>If you hate Rush then you might be a commie...(or a faggot, nigger or tranny)
If you love Rush, you might be a complete douchebag.
>they won
>everything is controlled by them
>give up
>don't vote
>your a retard for even having hope
>its everyone fault, especially Republicans
t. not a Jewish shill
Do you even stop and listen to yourself?
He was a zionist kike. May he rest in shit.
Fuck you pal I was an actual MEME WAR veteran! Sure he had his place BUT DONT YOU DARE belittle my service to this great country
The fairness doctrine always kept the far right conservative media grift from grifting
Fairness doctrine ended in 1987. That allowed for Rush. Not the other way around.
Voting for the cuckservative GOP is the definition of giving up. It means you submit to the fake kike elections and only vote for who they allow you to vote for.
five and a half?
Good idea btw.. this is a bullshit propaganda thresd
>the fairness doctrine was a good thing
Now that is the most Jewish thing I've hear in a while
All the wars for israel that he shilled for are still going on. Iran probably isn't happening anymore because they are too tough. Maybe that disappointment finally did him in.
Like Trump or any other thorn in the liberal elites side, he was dumped like trash for the next prominent conservative to vilify. His death only makes further dissent from him impossible, which they delight in. If Alex Jones were to keel over today, you wouldn't hear a thing about it either.
yeah, well, he's dead so Rush doesn't give a fuck either.
I don't much care about the guy personally but tons of people gave a fuck
i had no idea, read news every day. i dont give a fuck anyway
Never forgotten.
Care that he died. You must be an animal.
Trump and Rush were part of the liberal elite.
>they won give up
t. totally not a Jewish shill, seriously goy... err guys
You guy alway expose yourself the more you talk and seeing as you're on post 24 its glaringly apparent
lol don't copy my ocr test pics
Americans see these people as their "friends", its pathetic.
I'm advocating the opposite of giving up. Giving up is succumbing to the kosher cuckservativism of Rush and Trump. We can and should aspire to more.
Did they come up with a cure? topkek, looks like wasted dollary doos faggot.
How do you fight if all hope is lost and nothing conventionally available will work and we should all give up Mr. totallynotajew?
Rush Limbaugh wasn't like RBG or Floyd. Rush was basically directly talking to people for 2 hours a day, 5 days a week. There's an actual attachment there.
I didn't even like Rush that much but it's fucking retarded to say that people mourning Rush are the same as the NPCs who cry over St. Nigger.
I am not glad he is dead, but I am glad he is gone
You’ll never know the love of plus 30 million people listening to you on a weekly basis. Never. Ever. You voice will for ever be weak and faint.
Look into your future, see the emptiness ahead? Let it drain you dry.
You know what to do...
Hope isn't lost, idiot. Only you think it is and that you have no choice but to stick to what jews say is "conventionally available". This is because you gave up hope. And I get it. Look at how Trump betrayed the heroes who fought and died at the Capitol for him. They tried every conventionally available method to address what they saw as a stolen election and it did nothing. The instant they went unconventional cuckservatives like Trump and Rush immediately stabbed them in the back. That's not a reason to abandon hope tho. It's a reason to abandon cuckservatives like Trump and Rush.
At least he's free from this clown world without taking the mark of the beast.
It's actually sadder because rush was the friend simulator to these pathetic boomers rather than a typical celeb.
He was almost certainly circumsised.
You're not a woman. You're just a guy with a festering wound where your penis used to be. Everyone can smell it, too, and it smells like poop.
The rumor of his death from AIDS has not been exaggerated.
Piece of shit should have died earlier but it was nice for him to see Trump as a one term President.
Feels good man.
>ask how
>get a wall of text explaining how nothing works and the only methods you should employ are those that will get you fucked by the system
Ok jew
NIGGER THAT YOU ARE, you can’t seem to wrap your brain around the concept that if Rush tried to go full GLR in the 80’s and 90’s he would have been off the airwaves in a split second.
What you can achieve is impacted by the environment and technology of your time. He was the funny and clever voice of the right in a time when Bill Clinton was playing the saxophone on Arsenio Hall to a standing ovation. Do you also criticize General Custer for not bringing an Abrams tank and MLRS to Little Big Horn?
And yet
here you are making a thread about him. One of more than I can count. He even had a stickied thread. Here on Dab Forums no less.
Run along now.
Rest in peace Rush. I listened to you every day since first year all the way up to this week :(
You fight by rejecting kosher cuckservativism.
>B-but then the Dems will win all the elections!
They already win by default because kosher cuckservatives are effectively liberals. Let them openly have a one party state and force our backs to the walls. No more fake elections to serve as a pressure release. Build pressure and see their system explode
>Rush tried to go full GLR in the 80’s and 90’s he would have been off the airwaves in a split second.
So what? One less zionist shill.
>He was the funny and clever voice of the right
He helped shape the current cuckservative right. He enforced kosher cuckservativism. That makes him the enemy. It makes him a leftist.
>every day since first year
Yeah, I loved it when he called King Herod a mincing baby mangler with more sandal straps than brain cells and kept playing that papyrus cylinder recording to make fun of his Idumean lisp
Wait, so if Rush Limbaugh was Jim Morrison, that would mean that Jim Morrison never died? Or would it mean that Jim Morrison died on 2/17/21? Or if ________ was Jim Morrison AND Rush Limbaugh, does that mean that neither Jim Morrison or Rush Limbaugh ever died? Or would it mean that Jim Morrison AND Rush Limbaugh are still alive as ________?
You mean like 99.9% of everybody who has ever lived? we all get forgotten eventually no matter how revered you were in life. Also ywnbaw and sage.
You seem to be under the impression that wanting society to collapse in a mad max apocalypse is a “conservative” ideal.
Mark stine is guest hosting and I’m already in tears.
Rest in piss
This degenerate society should collapse. Modern society is the victory of the left. Of course the left's victory should be destroyed, how is that even a question?
No explanation... just perched there, shitting on the NYT, beak open, waiting for the cracker.
OP is a dumb nigger faggot who gets paid (in HRT medicine) to sit on Dab Forums 18 hours a day
woah dude what if like Rush Limbaugh is the Limburg baby risen from the dead with the power of the Swartz Sonne and that’s why his name is similar and also why he had the physical proportions of a giant baby and he faked his death again and he is living in the sewers of Gotham city with Grape-kun the penguin who also faked his own death and they are currently concocting a plan to put Trump back in the White House in two weeks and also build a robot anime penguin girl for Grape-kun?
You seem to not comprehend the definition of the word “conservative”
>give them all the power they want, you will win eventually... maybe.
Ok jew
yoooo dude yeaaa yo pass that shit
your parents will use your real name on your grave
The definition definitely isn't "conserve the left's victory".
They already have the power idiot. They own both the parties. Trump and Biden both have israeli grandchildren. So don't support their bullshit system. Stop simping for jewish tyranny.
Sorry. He choked up and I lost it.
I miss Rush.
Monday’s show is supposed to be a can’t miss.
Which is what will happen when YOU die.
> Transphobia
Why would I be afraid of a mentally ill mutilated faggot?
>the jews in power won't be in power once society collapses
>they won't be in walled off cities surrounded by armed guards
>they won't hoard all resources
>they will just wither and die off
Who was the jew that convinced you this was the only way? That man is a very clever jew
Based Ben
Who should replace him?
-Chris Plante?
-Mark Steyn?
-Alex Jones?
-(((Ben Shapiro)))?
Either way the Rush Show goes one in name. Establishment want (((Ben Shapiro))), Dab Forums wants Chris Plante or Mark Steyn. Both are funny and still to this day call the virus, the China Virus, or the Whohan red death.
You're certainty that kikes will be able to keep their stolen resources in the event their system collapses around them is due to your abandonment of hope. You can't beat them at their own game playing by their rules, especially since they don't follow their own rules. You have to break their rules.
>the virus, the China Virus, or the Whohan red death.
Wow how brave. Do they talk about jewish overrepresentation in government, media, academia and finance?
Drug addict pedophiles dont go to heaven
Ben Shapiro comes off as a cold, unlikeable, twerp who is still trying to prove that he makes more money than his high school bully--he won't replace rush
The show will probably not renew after the current contracts.
neither do puerto ricans
>Ben Shapiro comes off as a cold, unlikeable, twerp who is still trying to prove that he makes more money than his high school bully
Because that's what he is
kys tranny faggot, no one will miss you
His America died when wimpy got booted out after one term
He tried really hard to revive it when wimpys son mcdoofus was elected but it was too long gone
Chris Plante did say something last year about dual citizenship. I remember it distinctly because its a Dab Forums thing.
The drug thing is true but, he overcame that. I see no evidence of pedo.
>break the rules.. ie you must get fucked by the system to beat them.
Ya you already said this.. and circular logic is a Jewish trait, btw. Also, how would they, the all powerful jew, lose their power when you're openly admiting they are already in control of everything?
So fat you've said:
>give them everything they want
>don't vote
>break the rules
>accelerate societal collapse
None of that will work and will only result is anyone that can fight back will die.
Just post your nose already.
You gave a fuck.. even created a thread you cock sucking faggot.
I always thought his name was "Limbo".
Kek. Fucking got em.
He wasn’t talking about Rush he was talking about you spastic.
Mark Steyn is the only choice.
Ben Shapiro is an unfunny twerp. Alex Jones has his own program and he's nowhere near as clever. Chris Plante is merely OK.
nigger, i bullied a faggot when i was 14 kek. faggots don't scare us you retarded kike
I have a huge family and do volunteer work regularly.
>you must get fucked by the system to beat them.
We're already getting fucked by their system. All trump did was turn everyone more leftist and implement liberal policies like gun control and fag pride.
>None of that will work and will only result is anyone that can fight back will die.
You believe that because you abandoned hope to be a kosher cuckservative.