/Pagan Politics General/

Let's discuss politics from a pagan perspective.

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I am not sure where to start on this topic. Do you mean like witchcraft?

Joining for goth pagan gf.

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>had anything to do with paganism
you're a 16 year old, aren't you?

>begs you for violent rape sex
>kills you immediately afterwards

Nietzsche was a Odinist(whom he mistook for Dionysius since he was a Greekweeb).
>I shall and will know thee, Unknown One,
>Who searchest out the depths of my soul,
>And blowest through my life like a storm,
>Ungraspable, and yet my kinsman!
>I shall and will know thee, and serve thee. - Nietzsche

>Mistral wind, chaser of clouds,
>Killer of gloom, sweeper of the skies,
>Raging storm-wind, how I love thee!
>And we are not both the first-fruits
>Of the same womb, forever predestined
>To the same fate? - Nietzsche

>Stretched out, shuddering,
>Like a half-dead thing whose feet are warmed,
>Shaken by unknown fevers,
>Shivering with piercing icy frost arrows,
>Hunted by thee, O thought,
>Unutterable! Veiled! horrible one!
>Thou huntsman behind the cloud.
>Struck down by thy lightning bolt,
>Thou mocking eye that stares at me from the dark!
>Thus I lie.
>Writhing, twisting, tormented
>With all eternal tortures,
>By thee, cruel huntsman,
>Thou unknown — God! - Nietzsche

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I like this thread.

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I like to put stuff in my butt like the pagans do.
Wasn’t always politics, but it is now.
Thanks, pagans!

First off, those poems make no reference to what he is trying to reach out to.
Secondly, in the last one he is referring to a capital G God in singular form, implying a monotheistic world view.
Third, if you take poems as a proof of someone's faith, then Goethe and Schiller were both greek pagans.

>Let's discuss politics from a pagan perspective.
>meme flag
How about we don't?

Come on man, NEETsche is all these pagans have.

Retard, he is talking about Dionysius. Go read the full poem, "Ariadne's Lament". Keep up the copes though.

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That’s why you fuck her so well and be extremely dominate the entire time who she’s afraid you’ll kill her not the other way around.

worth it


>pagan perspective.
So from inside your boyfriends butt?

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Why cuckchristians so centered on homosexual anal sex and Jews?

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>Why cuckchristians so centered on homosexual anal sex and Jews?
They're not. Also idk why you posted a picture of a pagan heathen with this question

The fighting needs to stop.

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Who are the people in this picture? Something like Aries, Aristotle, and Nietzsche?

why do they have faggot buns

A pagan drew it.

Figures. Losing that retarded shit would make it 9000% less cringey

Oh well. I tried to be friendly.




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Serve your sovereign. That's it, simple as.

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based and Jungpilled
he makes a really compelling argument

Based. The only reason people care about whether or not someone redpilled is Christian or pagan is because they're a faggot. Original sin is a pretty faggy ideology and total depravity is lol-tier idiocy, though.

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fuck off christcucks. christianity has wasted 2000 years of our precious culture. it is the worst thing to ever happen to mankind

Pagan or christian

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Paganism and Tribalism go hand in hand. There is no Paganism inside the cities. Find a bunch of like-minded people, do it yourself. Buy a land together and build houses. Then just breed endlessly, this is the only way.

If you were trying you wouldn’t be using a memeflag, kike.

>Calling me a christkike

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Hitler should've listened to Ludendorff in his early career. Perhaps victory could've been secured.
Too bad!

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Probably, but you work with what you have. At least Hitler pulled the trigger rather than surrender. Not exactly the Christian thing to do.

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I'm helping you be friendly

>a pagan drew it
>even though the thor's hammer is clearly an edit whereas the christcuck cross is not
mhhhm love me some tasty copes

I think that "pagan" as a term should really be divorced from LARP attempts to revive dead systems of worship. Either that or we need a new word.
In rejecting Christianity we should look forward into the spiritual regimes of today and the future, not backward.

that's true, I think Wagner's influence on him was largely responsible for his christian leanings in his early political career.

>is Jewish
Wrong. The 'Jews' are the serpent seed masquerading as Israel.
>is international
Wrong. Jesus came to save the lost sheep of the house of Israel ONLY.
>preaches peace on Earth
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

The hammer is clearly poorly edited onto the guy, while the cross is clearly part of the original drawing.
It's a lot more likely it was drawn by a Christian, but it's not guaranteed I guess.

begone christcuck!

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What the difference between a pagan prospective and a non-cucked atheist prospective?


Yeah I’m sure a Christian was thinking
>I’ll be the even less stylish and more retarded shaggy doo manlet and draw myself gay married

>christcuck trying to argue that a christian did not draw it because he made the one with a cross "less stylish"
I think you just refuted yourself. You are gay.

That pic reads like something off r/atheism. Embarrassing.

Atheism is a kind of paganism. Atheism is its own kind of non-Christian spiritual practice, and definitely isn't a unified front.
For the sake of discussion, how do you define Atheism?

there is nothing more embarrassing than being a christcuck buddy.

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>For the sake of discussion, how do you define Atheism?
Not believing in a god or gods

funny because those giants didn't exist and the germanics had their asses handed to them by the Romans

I never thought Dab Forums could be this cringe
