I recently started learning about the real man behind the uniform. The more I learn about Uncle Adolf, the more I respect him. I dont believe that he was actually evil or that he wanted (((exterminate a race)))
He was oddly wholesome and I wish I could have met him. Fuck those nazi uniforms are sharp as hell and incredibly classy! Strange how you never see pictures of him smiling eh?
Wholesome Hitler Thread
hold on got a few
He wasn’t so different to any of us and look at what he achieved
I miss the Fuhrer...
It kind of makes me feel sick that when I was a kid I really believed this man was evil. Like playing those missions in Sniper Elite over and over, Jewish brainwashing is something else
so adorable
He was better than any of us bro. Hitler was a special guy.
This reminds me so much of myself. No matter how high of a ranking official I become, I will play and talk to every dog/animal that crosses my path
He was special because he understood that while we may all not be the same, we all deserve a place to call home and build our own culture. Honestly, he was special not because of what he was, but rather who we was.
Id give anything to meet him
This is so cute
Thats sharp looking young man. If I was the leader of a successful country, I would be extremely humbled and proud to have earned the admiration of a young man.
Its crazy seeing just how well liked he was by his people
God speed to breakaway Germans
>tfw ywn meet the fuhrer
Just like this guy, right? Its crazy how dictators are always loved by the people.
Its extremely hard for me to believe that an entire country would support a leader of who encourages the (((extermination))) of a race. Theres absolutely no fking way that many people are (((evil)))
I am having a hard time thinking if this guy even is as bad as the media portrays him to be. North Korea is literally a void so I don't know what's fake news and what isn't.
True, I have no idea what actually goes on in there
90% wrong is still 10% right.
Except this is totally staged like his proven fake grocery stores. Such things never existed in pre ww2 Germany. NK would last about 5 seconds in an actual war with basically anyone. Germany fought the entire and almost won. Fuck off with your strawman arguments.
Right? Its almost as if (((someone))) is lying
>posting second best korea
I will give people this. IF the holocaust was real, and it is extremely convincing that it is.. then its bad. Exterminating a race is bad (unless its a totally evil race who doesn't want the well being of everyone and wants to genocide a race) then they should be contained in a remote place. But not exterminated. Its possible they can be re educated.
>when its not convenient for my world-view, its fake and staged
>when its convenient its very true
Love debating Hitlerists. You guys have the mentality of a 8th-grader
Well I definitely won't say (((who))) is lying. But the real evidence definitely doesn't add up IMHO. And I'm someone who always tries to remain neutral.
Correct, pic related. For context, the only surviving German zeppelins after the Hindenburg disaster were the Graf Zeppelin I and Graf Zeppelin II (Sister ship to Hindenburg) both were scrapped for their Duralumin (aircraft metal at the time, kind of shitty now) for the war effort. The Jew's bald face lies can only take them so far.
Run up to Joe Biden with your child to give him some flowers and see what happens.
The border guard that defected in 2019 was reported to have intestinal parasites that went untreated due to the medicine being restricted for higher level party members. The lack of media coverage is a bit suspect because it is a supposed dead zone for journalism, but three Canadians shooting a travel show get in. Unfortunately you can't trust anything anymore.
By what measure is the THird reich comparable to North Korea? The Third Reich fully bounced back from the Weimar years and was able to increase both domestic production, limit importation of goods, while increasing German Exports. Has North Korea committed any such miracles?
>Run up to Joe Biden with your child
No thanks
Looks like a nice place to share this
>Would you like some juice Fuhrer ?
>Only if it was from an oven
Nazis? From 1930s Germany? Get real, there aren't any. They all ended up as Soviet cannon fodder or got new identities and jobs for nasa and you were brainwashed into worshipping them as "American" heroes. I know weevlos on IRC and he says all the "nazis" are middle schoolers who think hitler memes are funny, and some faggots who beat off or fuck each other in SS gear. It's a louche faggot kink by night while they cry about "nazis" in their rallies by day and they're the only ones who are secretly into it. The rest are feds who investigate all of this and are too embarrassed to admit this is what's really behind the so called "nazi" movement. Queers and thirteen year olds. Weev says that one real popular "alt right" dude. Spencer, is a fed, and takes the salami up his shit hole too. I believe weev. You're literally retarded for being an unironic nazi, get off this board
I never said they were comparable in terms of economy or military potential. All I am saying is - an old photo of a dictator with people smiling around him is a shit proof of him being admired and loved by all. All dictators pull this propaganda stuff with very few exceptions.
Im a neutral person and I look at facts only. If you can convince me im wrong then I will gladly admit it. However, you have said nothing to dispute my claims in my prior response, you have simply changed the subject in an attempt to make me look bad. This reminds me heavily of the style of arguing created by a certain race so that it makes your side almost impossible to lose. Please prove my claims wrong or don't respond.
See Propaganda photos from an authoritarian state is shit evidence for proving the dictator was beloved by all.
>This reminds me heavily of the style of arguing created by a certain race
then what evidence would sway you?
I wish I had some SS gear. My ex gf's dad was literally a billionaire German and his father was a high ranking nazi. He had some absolutely beautiful/incredible nazi memorabilia. I tried to get pics but didn't get a chance. We're broken up now.
These aren't propaganda photos though? These are candid shots from random bystanders. Don't get me wrong, some are propaganda but just look at some of these. Hard to convince objectively that these are ALL staged photographs.
>itt: Dab Forumstards discover what propaganda is
This shithole is the gift that keeps on giving lmao
>authoritarian state
Find one that isn't.
People fucking hated George Bush, one dude threw a shoe.
What the fuck do economic/military capabilities have to do with propaganda shots you litteral retards? jesus nigger christ
Color these pic faggot
Maybe people will realize that the only propaganda machine that shut down at the end of WWII was the German one.
>random people all owed a camera and could get close enough to the fuhrer to take standstill pics
>people fighting past guards to have their kids need Hitler
>kids being brought to Kim for photoshoot
Go back to Libya faggot.
The success and admiration of an entire country who nearly won a world War is pretty tough evidence to beat. Anything else would be easy to fake. Look at trump. Half the country supported him but half hated him and he really didn't make much happen. let alone conquer the world with literally the strongest military created. Its pathetic that trump is compared to hitler. Hitler had actual values and wasn't simply an opportunist
>Maybe people will realize that the only propaganda machine that shut down at the end of WWII was the German one.
This is actually and sadly true, I guess this board isn't fully braindead
But here's the thing people are complaining about the popularity of Hitler. But I want to know what would make them concede their points? Polls? If i brought up polls they would then say "lol those are fake". You literally cannot win a argument against such people.
I wish I was a Lybian, they still enslave niggers like beasts, as it should be
To fight Nazis, you must lick my butthole.
Yes, because Germany and germans weren't in a complete desolate state like the rest of Europe and the prior Weimar government had been.
(((Some evidence is easy to fake)))
>i can't believe people really think that evidence is fake, even though there's a high chance of it being faked!
I dont believe polls now and I wouldn't back then either. The success and admiration OF AN ENTIRE COUNTRY who almost won a war AGAINST THE ENTIRE WORLD is the evidence I will look at. That is something that can't be faked.
The results. He took a broken and defeated country and turned it into a war machine the likes of which took three world powers to stop. You don't get that kind of production by threatening to camp people, you get it with absolute adoration. You get absolute adoration by showing results. Think about how shit the average German person's life was in 1923.
So not only everyone of them owned a camera, but they all could get close to uncle Addie and snap a standstill photo of him (often, in either a plastic or convenient pose)! Miracolous!
I legitimately miss someone I have never met.
If Adolf Nigler listened to his generals all of us would be living in great place
Can you prove that Hitler was unpopular?
Crazy how this kind of simple logic is totally just scattered to the winds.
>who almost won a war
Germany could not even defeat the USSR or siege Britain, let alone America. They had an exceptional, well-performing army, but where never close to winning since at least late Barbarossa/Moscow
This is a strawman argument. Whether or not everyone in Germany owned a camera (most did or there wouldn't be fucking pictures) is a very very weak argument.
I am not saying he was unpopular, he was likely as popular as any leader which promised a glorious future and dragged a nation out of a desperate position can be, my point is you'd have to be a retard not to understand 95%+ of these photos are made AD HOC for purely purpose of PUBLIC IMAGE (which litterally EVERYONE did in that era, it was standard practice and nothing bad about it)
Pretty common back in those days for leaders to walk with their people, and Hitler specifically was known to do this even before being appointed. He was part of the group that was fired upon during a march, right on the front row. Not to mention there is literally video and photographic evidence to corroborate my point where you have nothing but cheap words.
For me it is the amount of attention paid to this one historic atrocity. It just seems like a giant guilt machine designed to milk shekels. There are few movies about the Rwandan massacres, fewer about the Khmer Rouge, almost none about Japan in China. Also using torture to gain confessions is a pretty shit way to try people.
Why did it take multiple international superpowers to put an end to it then? America and Russia doesn't get along to this day... its almost as if they are being influenced by (((someone)))
Being a victim pays EXTREMELY well! Not many things can be milked for a fucking century but being a victim can.
>these pics are 100% genuine
>no, they are clearly standstill shots for propaganda purpose
>hurr durr no they were taken by random ppl
>so everyone owed a camera and could get close enough to him to take a standstill pic in a plastic/convienient pose, regulrly?
>hurr durr strawmanz
You are a cretin.
So why do you constantly shift the goal post from "it was propaganda done by the state" to "not everyone had cameras"? If you want to argue that all photos were done by the state and not individuals that fine but when you constantly shift your position it fucks up your position.
Russia because he overplayed his hand in a rather retarded manner to defeat communism and grab more land, USA entirely because of their longnosed masters
kino AF
I really enjoy the part where you refuse to use any form of logical reasoning to attempt to refute our claims. Please continue.
Holy fuck. Theres no talking to you my friend. I might be more inclined to listen if you didn't try to belittle me with every sentence. Its really not that hard to believe that if a million people have a camera, at least one of them is able to get close to a world leader occasionally. Follow the logic...
>and it is extremely convincing that it is
it can be debunked using simple math
Walk among people =/= everyone can get close to you to snap a pic in a plastic/emotional pose
You are either dense or in denial, there is nothing bad in admitting uncle Addie did propaganda, as everyone else did and does
Here is another one the same day.
My fucking face when literal nazis are against communism. Holy fuck dude. You can't make this up LMFAO
England cucked and gave their empire and destroyed their younger generation for the jew. England was defeated during the war. The USSR had nothing but numbers and they could’ve been defeated, not so sure about america because they pussied out until they absolutely had to get involved (their jewish masters ordered them to)
Exactly. Im autistic and strictly follow logic. So far I've seen none from this person.
Honestly I think i could make a better argument for what he is saying than him at this point.
>So why do you constantly shift the goal post
I don't, show where you think I did
> from "it was propaganda done by the state"
Because it was
>to "not everyone had cameras"?
Because I am debunking the imbecilic excuses some retards are putting forward
> but when you constantly shift your position it fucks up your position.
I am not, you may have troubles following conversations mate
I know. But who is thinking about the math? I never did.... until I did. But by then I already 18 years of holocaust education under my belt.
>dër axe effect
Fuck it I'll play devils avocate on Italy's behalf since I can do a better job at arguing. Do you guys think the majority of these pictures were taken by individuals within Hitler's circle who were involved in his private life? (this is excluding the public events wherein it could either b government officials or individuals with recording equipment like cameras).
>logical reasoning t
My logical reasoning is that propaganda was standard practice back then and everyone employed it, and thes epics clearly are plastic/emotional (rather than genuine) standstills for the most part
Your "logical reasoning is"
>hurr durr they had camberaz and all took these photos, not the state
To which i respond
>So not only everyone of them owned a camera, but they all could get close to uncle Addie and snap a standstill photo of him (often, in either a plastic or convenient pose)! Miracolous!
To which you sperg out and call "strawman"
so then why are saying bizarre shit like civilian's not owning cameras? fuck it in my post here i have done a better arguement for your views than you have done in 13.
By the way guys, thanks for the wholesome hitler pics. I wanted to make a folder and didn't have any. Grateful to everyone who contributed and hope the best for you and your country
No problem
thanks for this thread OP, really does make me calm
Belittling cretins is good practice, it teaches them to follow logic
>at least one of them is able to get a pic
Yes, one of them maybe. Not most of these which are clearly plastic poses taken purely for the sake of public image lol
>Walk among people =/= everyone can get close to you to snap a pic in a plastic/emotional pose
These aren't selfie. These are photos from at closest, several feet away, and at furthermost 100s of feet. Not a single photograph referenced is anywhere close enough to be considered a security threat. As for the pose, there are plenty of Uncle Adolf looking less than friendly, this is specifically a wholesome Hitler thread you dunce. You will not win this argument, but please keep trying your best.
This is a pathetic semantic slap fight.
>England was defeated during the war.
Not fully, which was a mistake. I suppose our incompetence was at fault for that, or at least for a good half of it
>USSR could have been defeated
Not likely, the industries/manpower/oil reserves gap was way too wide. As soon as Barbarossa and the Caucasus encirclement failed it was clear it would have been pure attrition staked against the Germans, and even in those two operations odds were against Germans to begin with
>hurr durr they had camberaz and all took these photos, not the state
Already told you some were propaganda. So either you are lying or just being a subversive asshole. Both are entirely plausible. You still have explained how or WHY you think all of the photos are staged State propaganda. That is why you are an irrational shill in our view.
>Adolf Hitler was an evil bastard that forced himself upon the people
>walks openly among his people, hugging and shaking hands with them, saves his nation from abject poverty and ushers in 12 years of paradise
>Joe Biden is our nation's savior who will bring peace and unity that was voted in by the most people in history
>stations over 20,000 troops in the state capitol and issues the most executive orders in less than a month than in the history of democratic government
>haven't seen him outside since the fastest, smallest inauguration on record
Because A few of them may be as I said, 95% are propaganda
>Fun Fact
Adolf Hitler was the first European leader to ban human zoos, a popular attraction in Europe where exotic peoples were paid to be on exhibit for onlookers, with recreated habitats and shows. Belgium was the last to ban them, in 1958.
I dont think belittling people and labeling them as cretins is a healthy practice. I'd rather build someone than break them down. I'd rather be your ally than enemy. I can follow logic with being called stupid. If you showed me the evidence I would change my mind.
So you think the people didn’t like Hitler? All of the diaries of private citizens praising him found after the war, all of the people doing interviews later on saying that it was a happy time for Germany were just being pressured by the ghosts of the NSDAP?
>Not a single photograph referenced is anywhere close enough to be considered a security threat.
The overwhelming majority of photos presented here clearly was taken at fairly close distance, and clearly show emotional/plastic poses, but by all means keep pretending we are all blind
That is they type of person that indicates when already making the turn.
Do you concede that In my post I have in one post made a better argument than you in 17 posts?
>Already told you some were propaganda.
Most were. A smnall few could have been genuine, that is as far as I will conceed
Most, and I can tell due to distance, pose and symbolical meaning, i.e. the basics of propaganda
Most photos were by the government for the press as there was no internet back then and so the press was a better way of speaking to the masses. Find memoirs of anybody born before 1930 and 90% of them will tell you that it was a great time for our country
See at this point you’re just saying “only the things that i believe are true and all of what you’re saying is just fake, just believe me please” you sound like such an idiot
>A small* few
Again, extraordinary claim with pic related as source. Sorry but until you come with something better, no one will believe you on this board.
Usually if an entire country doesn't support you, you are likely to be sodomized with a fucking stick (gaddafi) Crazy how hitler walked among hundreds of thousands without a single person being against him. Trump can't show up anywhere without getting bashed. Now explain that logic to me.
Umm he wrote a book talking about wanting to exterminate a race, you think it's that far fetched?
You clearly have never read the book you reference.
I still don’t get your point though
>he was loved by his people
>he was very popular
>he often walked alongside the public as was common in those days
>but all the pictures were fake because nobody could take a picture of him
why don’t you make your point instead of pussying around non-specific things, if you don’t like him yet that alright but if you’ve got no argument then just go
I believe that a perfectly standstill pic of Hitler taken at close range, with him in either a plastic/symbolic/emotional pose, in an age when propaganda was common pratice, is extremely likely propaganda.
How illogical, eh?
See above
Present me with a photo of uncle Addie taken from afar, blurred, in motion or that doesn't suggest was taken purely for public image and symbolical meaning, and I will believe it was taken by a private individual. As of now, photos ITT do not seem to respond to these standards.
Since the debate has gone knowwhere I have to say this. Would any of the pictures and film taken at the obersalzberg be considered Propaganda? As these pictures were taken by individuals and relatives of leading NS officials in private. If they were propaganda despite being taken by individuals for who would that propaganda have been for? The top party officials and their families?
odd uniform are the part of the BDM?
Wow you read the entire book? Me too. Please give me your actual cliff notes
yeah i remember finding an old copy of mein kampf in my grandfathers house and the first page just says “JEWS, JEWS! FUCKING KIKES I WILL SLAUGHTER THEM ALL” and then some drawings of women with knives in their eyes. That’s pretty much the whole book
See Most of pics ITT seem purely propagandistic
There probably are a few genuine ones taken by random individuals, but not ITT, nor many either, probably
> if you don’t like him
Not like him nor dislike him, just see him objectively, which most people here can't
okay but nobody said there were no propaganda pictures taken, stop changing what you’re saying and just accept your loss, it’s embarrassing to watch
Nobody has disagreed propaganda pictures dont exist. But you also don't see pics or videos of people against him. Even Bush has that video of that guy throwing shoes at him.
Don't worry guys, President Xi openly admits his political philosophy is National Socialism. And it's only a matter of time before China takes over the world.
This is what i am saying in because these photos were taken by those close to Hitler I would not call these pictures propaganda.
>Would any of the pictures and film taken at the obersalzberg be considered Propaganda?
Depends, many of these were probably for the most part normal pics as one usually takes with his family or friends, just for memoirs, not meant for public use, nor taken by random german passersby who wanted to snap a photo of the fuhrer because they adhored him so much they had to follow him like paparazzi, some of the most scenic ones or those which adhere to the characteristics I described above may have been meant for propaganda too though
>And it's only a matter of time before China takes over the world.
That's quite the claim. Can you name the last war that the Chinese beat Europeans? Me either.
People here tried to present obvious propaganda pics as mostly or partly taken by civilians, when i saw none that suggested so.
I am a photographer. I know exactly how cameras work and the differences between old cameras and new ones. I studied this extensively so if we're talking cameras I can tell you, old cameras had faster shutter speeds. This is because there were not color pictures and thus required less light for a proper exposure. Faster shutter speeds mean less motion blur. Yes its easy to believe there aren't many blurry hitler pics though im sure some exist but weren't popularized due to the nature of them being less valuable. The first very old cameras however had longer shutter speeds and had more blurry pics which is why you see people use old old pics as evidence for ghosts.
>some of the most scenic ones or those which adhere to the characteristics I described above may have been meant for propaganda too though
Do you think that because a setting is scenic it has to be propaganda? Why wouldn't Goering Goebbels or even Hess take a picture of their friend surrounded by beautiful scenery?
well yeah most of the ones on here are likely taken by his government but that’s only because they’re the best quality, they’re still a minority of the overall amount of pictures taken of him
As a photographer and videographer I am so so fucking grateful that eva braun was a camerafag like me. She obviously was well aware of the historical significance of the position she was in. Whether she was knowledgeable about cameras or not, nobody dared question her when she pulled out her cannon. I need to learn more about her.
Relax, they'll all be alive and well soon
>But you also don't see pics or videos of people against him.
True. I doubt they would have reached popularity even if they existed, though, not to mention most people wouldn't gone as far as openly disagreeing with the country's de facto leader in public in a very visible manner
Interesting, didn't know that, it does detract from my last point
>Do you think that because a setting is scenic it has to be propaganda?
a lot of times yes, it is perfectly normal or nothing weird, other times it may have been just a family/friendly pic by his closer group, then recycled as propaganda
Again, public image promotion was crucial back then
I would say a majority, I haven't seen many that suggest they were taken by random passersby
You just couldn't help it, could you, Shlomo? I'm open minded as far as Hitler is concerned, as well as many other anons watching this thread. Congratulations, your post made me more sympathetic towards Hitler, than all the pictures anons shared in here. Happy now?
Merkel's grandma and mother??
yeah that’s because, like i said, they aren’t as good quality so they don’t get posted as much
i think it’s pretty obvious you’re just trolling
you’re only point has been “guys, it’s possible that some pictures were actually designed just to make him look good” and when we agreed you just started rambling about some other shit
Hitler had his personal photographer Heinrich Hoffmann. It's hard to judge now what was private and public, released before or after the fall of the Reich. Some photos of him with children are the Goebbels children. There's even rumors of Hitler and Magda Goebbels having a child, they were close friends either way.
The relationship between Hitler and Eva was kept secret until after the war as far as I know.
All mainstream discussion is filtered through this ridiculous ''evil filter''. it's like nothing the nazis or Hitler did could be because of genuine kindness or consideration in any shape or form. Hitler built Berghof with big panorama window to impress foreign leaders! Hitler promised this and that to fool the people!
meme flags normally piss me off but you did good today, faggot
>Identify as holocaust survivor
>live forever
>you’re only point has been “guys, it’s possible that some pictures were actually designed just to make him look good
My point is that most of these posted ITT were taken purely for propaganda/public images issues and it is hilarious seeing XX century propaganda working so excellently here, or someone trying to pass it off as if they had been taken by civilians (some of which ofc existed) but do not seem to have been posted ITT