Who knew you could find young based women in Spain? I thought most were sluts
What’s wrong with you America? Your women worship the BBC
Who knew you could find young based women in Spain? I thought most were sluts
What’s wrong with you America? Your women worship the BBC
>OP doesn’t have a southern cutie catholic girl who hates jews and thinks the south will rise again
sucks to be you, bro.
Why is she so perfect?
>aaah noo she is a jeww
Why censor the commenter's name but not hers?
Europeans look like miserable fucks, the lot of them
Mmmm yes.. give me more of that American woman
She’s doing more than Americans mutts will ever do to protest their government
I know right?
mestiza mutt but she is cute and her fascism redeems her
It would be easier to take her seriously if she took off the clown make up. Why complain about jews while wearing ((make up))?
Did you even read the comment below?
damn europe looks like this?? might as well visit the arabic town near me
Give me the quick drop on this person that I've seen for the past 24 hours. Who is she?
Why does she makes kikes seethe so much? It's hilarious how livid they are
Who is the cuck with the Strat? Real men play Gibson
''new'' Europeans
God damn you're reaching there you dirty kaffir.
>18 years old, entire political knowledge is probably from twitter posts
>Literally a retarded blonde bimbo looking for attention
>"nazi" protests funded by the literal left inn spain
>coincidentally appears at the same time as the hasel fucktard is finally arrested
>prefers communist "socially progressive" party over the only non-jew party
Yeah jews suck, but the amerimongrels in this thread are like puppets to them, poltardism strikes again
>shes against our controlled opposition ultra zionist party, shut her down!
Seethe more kike, your tears are so delicious
Damn, I'm Peralta too. Didn't know it was a jew surname. Well I guess I better get on with it, ahem... you guys want to see an amazing interracial porn?
>only non-jew
Vox es lo más kosher que hay en la política española.
>the arabic town near me
what, all of them?
The term that God uses for woman in Genesis, help meet, is actually a mistranslation of the term used in Hebrew. The term used in Hebrew is Ezer Kenegdo. Ezer has originally two meanings in Hebrew, depending on the pronunciation: to rescue/to save and to be strong. In the Bible each use of the word Ezer consistently is in relation to military.
Kenegdo itself means "to be opposite to him" or "corresponding to him". Essentially, what God was actually calling women to be to men is warriors by our side. Eve failed to do this, and women continue to fail to do this, and society has suffered horribly for it.
However, a woman that uses her power and voice to shit on Jews, isn't a feminist, and doesn't cuck out, is fulfilling God's role for women, which is a loyal warrior by man's side. Jews seek to destroy the patriarchy replace it with the matriarchy. Jewish society itself is very matriarchal in nature. All the awful systems Jews push are matriarchal. The Patriarchy is what God called for in Genesis due to Eve failing her role as a woman.
>16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. Genesis 3
Jews and Feminists are directly rebelling against God in this manner. Here's an excerpt from the NT that backs up the OT.
>11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
>12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
>13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
>14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 1 Timothy
This woman is obeying God by calling out Jews while also not being a Feminist herself, who are the greatest ally to Jews. She's a Valkyrie that guides men into battle and aides the Patriarchy. Such women deserve to be listened to and respected; they know their place.
I'm sure she's great and everything.
You guys are still just simps.
>vox GOOD
this is your brain on kike propaganda with an IQ of 80
a spanish user in the other thread said she has been denounced by various Falangist parties.
is that true? what gives?