Trump Hotel Employees Reveal Food for President

>As soon as Trump was seated, the server had to “discreetly present” a mini bottle of Purell hand sanitizer. (This applied long before Covid, mind you.) Next, cue dialogue: “Good (time of day) Mr. President. Would you like your Diet Coke with or without ice?” the server was instructed to recite.

>A polished tray with chilled bottles and highball glasses was already prepared for either response. Directions for pouring the soda were detailed in a process no fewer than seven steps long—and illustrated with four photo exhibits. The beverage had to be opened in front of the germophobe commander in chief, “never beforehand.”

>Trump always had the same thing: shrimp cocktail, well-done steak, and fries (plus sometimes apple pie or chocolate cake for dessert). Popovers—make it a double for the President—had to be served within two minutes and the crustaceans “immediately.” The manual instructed the server to open mini glass bottles of Heinz ketchup in front of Trump, taking care to ensure he could hear the seal make the “pop” sound.

>Trump himself never returned a plate, but if he was disappointed, you can bet the complaint would travel down the ranks. Like the time the President questioned why his dining companion had a bigger steak. The restaurant already special-ordered super-sized shrimp just for him and no one else. Next time, they’d better beef up the beef.

>One more thing. Don’t forget the snacks. A tray of junk food needed to be available for every Trump visit: Lay’s potato chips (specifically, sour cream and onion), Milky Way, Snickers, Nature Valley Granola Bars, Tic Tacs, gummy bears, Chips Ahoy, Oreos, Nutter Butters, Tootsie Rolls, chocolate-covered raisins, and Pop-Secret.

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more jewish storytelling
don't care
kikes have a shit imagination

Nice. Sounds cool.

I thought he only ate McDonalds lol.

>Be the most hated man in the world
>Try to not get poisoned
I fail to see the problem here.

So? Unless he's ordering $40k hotdogs flown in from Chicago I don't give a fuck.

lmao and rednecks thought that some pampered jew puppet would be "their guy"


>an anonymous source close to the inside of the person familiar with the knowledge of someone who knows the thinking of

Open the Diet Coke wagie

Obama fucks kids, what's the point

>the spoiled obese faggot is a spoiled obese faggot
wow who knew?

This, at least hes actually ordering food.

Jews actually took time to report on this, real journalism is long dead

Without the employee telling me what time it was, this sounds like how most people would like a meal to go for them. Clean food presented to them with a mind for their preferences.

When people come to visit Bill Gates he has them searched like an airport visitor beforehand at a offsite locale. I don't fault him, that's just the kind of stuff you have to do when you are rich.

Attack and poison is a very real risk when you are ultra wealthy.

I was wondering how anyone could actually believe this, but then I remember that journalists were stupid enough to fall for the pissgate larp. Journalists just write for themselves now, I just wish they wouldn't subject everyone else to their fantasies.

>(specifically, sour cream and onion),
Truly a man of the people

No matzah how anti Semitic.


K keep me posted nigel

lol eats like a child as expected

>taking care to ensure he could hear the seal make the “pop” sound.
I have no problem with this at all, and would do the same. Does anybody here really think that, with all the insane fuckery from the left the last 5 years, poisoning wasn't on the to do list?

The other stuff may or may not be true, but if it is, then it's a bit much. But, it's his money, so fuck it, he can get what he wants. It's not immoral as such, just silly .

>rich man hires waitstaff and expects them to follow instructions
Why would this surprise anyone? Also, why are they trying to make sanitization pre-COVID sound like it's something only a mad man would be concerned of?

Hard hitting journalism. With unbiased reporting like this, it's surprising anyone voted for him at all. Unless everyone knows this is bullshit and these idiots have been yelling this insane shit to a shrinking audience year after year.

>The beverage had to be opened in front of the germophobe commander in chief, “never beforehand.”
>The manual instructed the server to open mini glass bottles of Heinz ketchup in front of Trump, taking care to ensure he could hear the seal make the “pop” sound.
Yes, because he's a "germophobe" and not because he's one of the most powerful people in the country surrounded by people who really, really want him gone.

Trump living rent free in liberals minds

Meanwhile in present:

Cuomo is responsible for killing thousands in retirement communities and New York is on the verge of bankruptcy. Impeachment talks are in the works.

biden administration is pushing for amnesty of an estimated 20 million illegal aliens living within the United States while at a 7% unemployment rate and is responsible for killing 10s of thousands of jobs. Unemployment rises unabated according to numbers released yesterday.

Lets not forget that gas is highest it's been in years and the end is not in sight with new taxes being floated for miles driven.

Yellen, bidens finance chief is making the news circuit pushing for higher taxes on the middle class to finance "green jobs" and infrastructure repairs. While sending Billions of dollars to foreign countries while US citizens suffer unprecedented loss of life and decline of standard of living.

Billionaire Orange man bad, Orange man lived like a Billionaire.

More news at 11

reads like holohoax survivors bear and eagle story

I particularly enjoyed the part where they make him sound elite but he eats potato chips and drinks diet Coke. What a wacky guy with his germs, this was before Covid, when we made fun of stuff like that, remember goy

>When people come to visit Bill Gates he has them searched like an airport visitor beforehand at a offsite locale.
Pies could be anywhere dude.

>Billionaire Orange man bad, Orange man lived like a Billionaire.
This is literally how a normal guy eats. If I were truly rich i would eat ortolan , goose liver and sturgeon with every meal, not because i like the taste, just to fuck with the plebs.

>Anonymous source
It's been 5 years of this shills. Please shut the fuck up.

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Yep. I think that incident showed just how vulnerable he actually was and freaked him and other rich people out.

Better than eating actual children like Hillary, Obama, et al

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I love how that dude was just chilling around with his pie until gates shows up


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Why the fuck are they so obsessed with someone they hate?

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I know eh? So many people condemning his death. "haha trump doesnt check if his ketchup is sealed, what an idiot!"

I don't see anything really weird here.. guy had a bigger steak? its just a comment. people talk, ya kno?

jew story tellin is what it is. make a big deal out of nothing.

>ywn never have a diet coke button in the white house
why even life?

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>>A polished tray with chilled bottles and highball glasses was already prepared for either response. Directions for pouring the soda were detailed in a process no fewer than seven steps long—and illustrated with four photo exhibits. The beverage had to be opened in front of the germophobe commander in chief, “never beforehand.”
This is how you avoid being poisoned. Fucking king shit.

Here the gif

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>well-done steak

What the fuck?

Well it is his hotel so imagine you should be able to get whatever the fuck you want however the fuck you want it

Exactly. It's no surprise he wants his cooks and waiters vetted and his drinks and condiments opened fresh in front of him. The cabal wants this man dead by any means, and poisoning is a tried and true method for eliminating their enemies. He's known for a long while.

Try looking at what anti-Trump celebrities demand from the green rooms before shows.

Yes let's make him look bad by saying he eats shrimp cocktails steak and fries and god forbid chocolate cake

If there's one thing you should respect about Trump, it's that he eats whatever the fuck he wants. He doesn't give a damn about pretending he has refined taste.

every time i read shit like this it makes me hungry/want diet coke
it's so crisp and refreshing. i'm gonna get some next time i'm at the store.
okay cya guys

>diet coke
>chips and candy
Sounds pretty based. I wonder what other people of his stature demand as their meals.

Fucking based. If I was rich I would love to just clap and recieve a protein shake or a fresh drink when I am thirsty.
A president has ordered hotdogs for $40k from Chicago before? They better have been 6 feet long then.

Tldr but I will say terrorizing the help is a long standing tradition. I for one think servers and service staff should all be made to wear knee pads.

>Yes, because he's a "germophobe" and not because he's one of the most powerful people in the country surrounded by people who really, really want him gone.
Dude, trump is a genuine germaphobe, this isnt new. I dont think most people would deride him for it.

Proved to be a shill, the diet coke shit was made up,just like the diet coke button.

Honestly both my dad and my father in law and a ton of red blooded white guys you really wouldn’t expect it of eat only well done beef. It’s probably the most working class and relatable thing about trump.

>>Trump always had the same thing: shrimp cocktail, well-done steak, and fries (plus sometimes apple pie or chocolate cake for dessert).
Fucking based. Simple American food, what a Chad. Shame about the well done steak but to each his own

>One more thing. Don’t forget the snacks. A tray of junk food needed to be available for every Trump visit: Lay’s potato chips (specifically, sour cream and onion), Milky Way, Snickers, Nature Valley Granola Bars, Tic Tacs, gummy bears, Chips Ahoy, Oreos, Nutter Butters, Tootsie Rolls, chocolate-covered raisins, and Pop-Secret.

holy fucking based imagine voting for pedo joe

let me guess, the staff had to go through masturbation machines as a form of hazing?
did the ones fired leave the building via roller coasters ending in an hoven underground?

So he eats like Joe Q America at a mid level steak house and wants to avoid being poisoned. I’d be willing to bet the ketchup thing is the same for every president.

this. never order rare steak from a random mexican kitchen

Checked. He was the biggest threat to globohomo agenda. The useful idiot NPC's that were programmed by media to hate him have no other identity. So they continue this until they get reprogrammed for the next globohomo project.

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Honestly wanting to make sure things are fresh and un-tampered and having hand sanitizer is pretty smart.

Kek can you imagine the seething employees refilling the presidents candy stash

>can you believe this blumpf has unorthodox eating habits

I literally don't fucking care holy shit why does this matter to anyone?

No. It's the most nigger-ish thing about Trump. Any fucking ape that gets their steak well done deserve to be shot.

Isn’t it ironic how it’s the left who can’t stop seething that Trump eats like a typical working man

It’s all true


Sounds like a fun job. And those servers were probably very well compensated.

>Lay’s potato chips (specifically, sour cream and onion), Milky Way, Snickers, Nature Valley Granola Bars, Tic Tacs, gummy bears, Chips Ahoy, Oreos, Nutter Butters, Tootsie Rolls, chocolate-covered raisins, and Pop-Secret.

Honest to god Amerian right there. The stuff of suburban essence in that list. Truly based.

And to thw Jew who wrote this article and the other Jews who think they can spend the next 10 years dancing on his grave: Nobody forgot that you stole this election, and they're not going to forget for as long as your career lasts, I can guarantee you that.

I don't understand this as he is a big city yankee boy, but down south every white trash eats every form of meat with at least some form of charred burnt piece coming off of it. It's something thats lasted from american pioneering, don't eat potentially "bad" meat, burn it and kill all potential bacteria. It's stupid and disgusting honestly.

This. Just like Gorilla Channel.


So they are finally admitting the piss story was bullshit?

Wass Gorilla Channel actually true?

just when you think he couldn't get more perfect...


>This applied long before Covid, mind you.
Wow what a fucking shock: A man wants clean hands before he eats. Holy fucking shit guys look out, he's clearly an insane sociopath for having sanitary procedure WITHOUT there being a gigantic fucking disease epidemic!

I see absolutely nothing wrong with this. Only thing I’d change is subbing fried butterfly shrimp for the shrimp cocktail.

Who fucking cares?


This article is nothing but high-tier service industry wage slaves bitching because they get paid ten times as much to wage slave for rich people.

Are you trying to humanise him or elevate him above that? either way it's working too well and you should stop.

>Nobody forgot

Yea most haven't forgotten 9/11 was an inside job either but you faggots still won't do SHIT. What use is "not forgetting" when nobody will do a thing about it lol. Americans are all talk.

> Hurr I loves my president cause he eats peanut butter cups like me! We will avenge him by posting cute frog pics online!


Because the party of bourgeois woke pseudo-intellectuals actually despise working class people. And filled with anger because they don’t accept the Democrats bribe money in exchange for their jobs and livelihoods.

>Milky Way
can't believe I voted for this buffoon, absolute shit taste

You eat raw meat because it reminds you of the dicks you suck.

>Be super wealthy
>Uphold servers to high standards and protocols
Wow, literally orange Hitler.

Hasn't royalty been all about this same shit since powerful men had servants? Every monarchy in Europe goes by this sort of stuff and I'm willing to bet there's some other "American royalty" doing the same. I know I would if I was worth billions.

Not buying the last part though about the junk food. I believe the rest but that sounds like it was added in. I know he eats junk food, but a spread of all that stuff? Doubt.

Women and beta males literally think if they write something out it with a lot of words it means its smart or insightful. They have such a rudimentary and childlike understanding of intelligence.

Its literally either 'i did what im told perfectly! therefore im smart!' or ''smart people' do this and i did it so now im smart.
They totally lack the ability to reason linearly

Trump is a decedent crypto jew if you couldn't fuck tell at this point you fucking dunce. Why do you pathologically defend some fat orange nigger lover while he is not even in any position of power anymore, obviously has no plans to pursue anymore, and on top of that when he was in power did everything in his power to piss on your stupid face without you noticing it was him?

Seek fucking help user. Stop. Just find an actual ideology and set of values that you call your own and not some personality who vaguely might not want to exterminate you but in reality wants you exterminated.

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Fake news, it's a secret service call button and it's still there.

it is generally believed the average size was no greater than 3'.

rent free

He's fucking gone already, why do they feel the need to keep trying to smear and ruin him? They got what they wanted, can't they just leave the man alone?

>ywn have a diet coke button

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As someone who works at VIP aviation, I can tell you anyone who thinks they’re anyone has similar antics. Before the latest Rihanna visit, even I had to memorize her requirement list even though I don’t work anywhere near catering.

rent free forever

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>live in corona world
>wipe down everything you touch with sanwipes
>wear the mask
>live in fear of a nonvirus
>make fun of famous man for being a germaphobe
>question why he would want to see factory sealed food items given to him as President

>The beverage had to be opened in front of the germophobe commander in chief, “never beforehand.”
that's just common sense for any drink for any person so you know nothing was put in it without you seeing it


This faggot invariably goes on about homophobia.

>The upper echelon of hotel management portrayed themselves as true Trump believers, but the majority of those who fed and cleaned up after the right-wing clientele were ambivalent at best. They clocked in because the place paid well. Really well. Michel Rivera, a former bartender at the lobby bar, says he pulled in more than $100,000 a year with tips (at least $30K more than he made at the Hay-Adams). He says it’s the best-paying job he’s had in his 25-year career, with generous health benefits to boot—a comment echoed by many other ex-employees.

>“People would literally come up to me and give me $100 bills and be like, ‘You must be the best bartender in the world if you work here!’ ” Rivera says. “A group of three or four guys would come up, have a round of drinks—I could easily sell them over $1,000. You don’t see that at too many bars.” One restaurant manager says she’s never worked anyplace else where guests would so often try to grease her palm “like the old Mafia days,” angling for proximity to power. “I’d have people try to palm me to get closer to someone’s table, if a politician was in, or try to sit at Trump’s table, which is a big no-no,” she says. “I declined, obviously. I would get fired if we moved someone to Trump’s table.”


> Story by (((Jessica Sidman)))

Every, fucking, time.

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No way that Trump is a sour cream and onion type guy.

Salt and vinegar or barbecue are his flavors I bet.

>Popovers—make it a double for the President

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A "rider" full of absurdly specific demands is pretty common place among high-profile people. Some of us older people may remember the legendary Van Halen M&Ms rider.

pic related. We saw it stolen in front of our eyes and nobody is forgetting it.

There's nothing we CAN do, but fracturing the population and trust will have effects lasting long after this

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You can tell this is all bullshit bc no one would ever put nature valley granola bars on any list.

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>he's actually triggered over how people like their steak
lol, what a faggot.

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Oh, I think they were a lot shorter than that.

Wasn't the MM thing to see if the venue read the papers and would do safety checks?

pampered little orange baby


that sounds pretty cool

even if all of that were true, where's the problem? as far as personality disorders among politicians goes, that all sounds very harmless.


Wait wait wait...
So you are saying that a SERVER, whose job it is to SERVE, was told how to do their job appropriately and accurately, and they are mad about it?

I worked at a hospital and we did most of that shit for patients. It is called food service. I don't see any problem here.

Kikes mad that Trump was acquitted

Its not about trump retard, its about the fact that jews are lying about trump to make white people look bad.

Try to keep up

>They better have been 6 feet long then.
They were closer to 4 feet tall and about aged about 6 to 10 years.

>There's nothing we CAN do, but fracturing the population and trust will have effects lasting long after this

You can do the same amount as any other nation of people can do or did in the history of any nation. You guys are just too scared to water the tree of liberty with blood.
And people move on a forget pretty quickly. Nobody is going to go bombing or shooting up anything in 2 years time over 2020 election fraud. Even now seems to be becoming a cold case.

I'm disappointed in you Americans. Armed to the teeth in guns, influenced by games like call of duty and grand theft auto, big previous badass italian mafia scene, and not one faggot has the balls to put a bullet in pelosi or some wall street kike. Just yap yap yap endless talk for decades on end, online. Any minor ioda of a hint of action is met with accusations of "glowie glowie!" .

Hey if a Jew said it and concurred, it must be true. Just like the dead soldiers are suckers comment they said he made backed up by (((anonymous sources))).

> gets a man ive never met sucking a cock on my leg

sure showed him! lmao

All of those sound fine except

>Like the time the President questioned why his dining companion had a bigger steak

Why don't you just get two? It's not like bigger steaks are better tasting.

These people are desperate. They killed their golden goose and won't be able to milk the hate clicks for much longer now.

The same type of fags that think it's quirky and funny to sperg out about people who like pineapple on their pizza. They're the same people who do agaling soi face when gordan ramz makes a video about making a burger.

Yes, if they fulfilled it then they was a good chance that the stage and rigging were assembled properly.

>not afraid of COVID
Something doesn’t add up

Just imagine trump saying that with a smug smile. Like when he said, you better not attack me to cruz. Total nothingburger even if true

Nothing about any of this sounds unreasonable.

Have any of you read the riders that most musicians and other famous people have? Trumps 'demands' are pretty run of the mill lame.

how dumb can you be nigger?
>puerto rico
ah never mind you're half nigger
my point is about how KIKES LIE, and dumb mutts like you eat that shit up because they want to hate the person being lied about

Ok, and hen he grew up and became adult, what was the menu?

Yeah it’s called BET

>r i g h t w i n g e l i t e

>Trump doesn't take COVID seriously and thinks vaccines cause autism
>Trump is a germaphobe

So which is it?

It was probably a joke

Maybe he should stick to the whitehouse cooks and staff like every other president? No he had to grift and waste my tax dollars (realistically democrats tax dollars, republicans are a net drain on taxes) and his tacky hotels

hes afraid of germs

>smoking crack while fucking hookers of questionable age
>eating burnt steak with catsup and big shrimp

> Would you like your Diet Coke with or without ice?”
> Trump always had the same thing: shrimp cocktail, well-done steak, and fries (plus sometimes apple pie or chocolate cake for dessert).
> One more thing. Don’t forget the snacks. A tray of junk food needed to be available for every Trump visit: Lay’s potato chips (specifically, sour cream and onion), Milky Way, Snickers, Nature Valley Granola Bars, Tic Tacs, gummy bears, Chips Ahoy, Oreos, Nutter Butters, Tootsie Rolls, chocolate-covered raisins, and Pop-Secret.
How he even managed to live up to his age?

>(realistically democrats tax dollars, republicans are a net drain on taxes)
Half of Trump voters lived in households that net over $100,000 a year...

>lmao and rednecks thought that some pampered jew puppet would be "their guy"
You're kidding right? His tastes are totally proletarian there. Tootsie rolls and not Belgian chocolates? Well done steak and not sea urchin ceviche?

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I love my steaks well done. Sue me. Oh yea, and with HB sauce.
I dont understand why people like it rare, i find it is easier to chew when it is well done.

its hilarious, imagine still tweeting about trump when hes not even president

its literally hilarious because trump did fuck all wrong to these people and they act like they just lived through pol pot when in reality then spent 4 years believing lies.

Imagine having trump sucking dick tattooed on you then getting redpilled hahaha

>Trump himself never returned a plate

So he’s a low class dumbass with no taste? And you literally worship him? Says a lot about you faggot

>red blooded
You mean poor, uneducated and culture less? Be honest with the words you use. Honestly you and family should be slaughtered like cows for wasting and ruining that animals meat.

This is the most American thing ever

Get that stick out of your ass

hell yeah oreos and sc & o chips. a man of the people.

>Directions for pouring the soda were detailed in a process no fewer than seven steps long
this is obviously my kind of guy

I bet they got paid good and are still bitching about their simp job.

lmao Trump was truly based
>hand sanitizer
>drinks only coke, alcohol is for the barbarians

If it wasnt for the lizard ppl, he would of been the greatest of all times!

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If it's a good steak it should be damn near Chicago Style Blue and it should melt in your mouth.

Personally I think Sous vide 2 hours 165 F and then seared with a blowtorch is best.


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If true, it sounds more like these particulars came from an experienced person responsible for the service and dining experience and was doing an excellent job managing the service given to a VIP. One thing that is lacking these days are people in charge who fail to make sure the i's are dotted and t's are crossed.

Sounds comfy as fuck. And unhealthy too...

>Like the time the President questioned why his dining companion had a bigger steak
based alpha

And insinuating opening a bottle in front of a customer is not standard procedure for waiters in every halfway civilized country. They pretend a normal procedure (that is also required by law) to be something unheard of.

All of that is basically normal, even tame for a president. It's a miracle that secret service isn't watching the food being made like a hawk or only using white house cooks or something.

>Trump Hotel Employees Reveal Food for President
Anyone who gives a shit about this is a fucking idiot.

>The instruction manual was 1 paige. Hillary demanded to see the child scream in fear for at least 2 minutes, and the facial skin was to be manually pealed from the childs skull in no less than 5 seconds after the torture began for maximum effect.
>There was an instruction to at least fracture the childs skull before the preparation so that maximum suffering ensued. No consuming tools or apparatus was to be used. The chef was to allow Clinton to consume the childs tissue and blood directly.

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>Trump liked things a certain way.
Wow, just like every other rich celebrity.
Yet again, pultizer prize journalism from the media.

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that Obama portrait legit looks like some shit a nigger would have hanging in their living room.

>secret service button
It's standing now on a sideboard to the wall, not on the desk.

It was to shit on the tradition of the white house portraits. It's not even a real portrait, more of an art piece like you say.

>Personally I think Sous vide 2 hours 165 F and then seared with a blowtorch is best.
Sous vide is great for people who can't cook a steak. You set the temp. You can drop it in at lunch time, when you're ready to eat just sear it.

>Like the time the President questioned why his dining companion had a bigger steak
It is alpha, he also could have just been making a joke they just twist literally everything he says.

HP king. Put ot on scotts pie. Amazing.

you are mentally ill

probably afraid of being poisoned by some wetback busboy

Someone like that would never swallow the red pill. Even if they did accidentally they would fight themselves just to reject it. Because they don't want to contradict the permanent tattoo they got of trump sucking dick. I've met people like that before. You tell them a red pilled fact straight to their face, watch them process and accept it in their heads, and then after a brief pause, lash out and cry racism or something. Many such cases. Because they've built their identity off of hating trump or being an sjw and it's easier to reject inconvenient truths than to reshape your whole identity and persona.
Anyway it's not like trump is some "red pilled based" leader. He literally pardoned top Israeli jewish spies and nigger rappers on his last day in office, hiding away. He's better than anything else in American politics but you guys act like he's browsing Dab Forums and didn't actually spend his life cosying up with and solidifying his power with new York realstate jews, and selling his daughter into affluent kike family.

Another portrait by the "artist."

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It's well known he's a germaphobe, this shit is really reaching


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dont like it, don't work there. simple

Again the left can take Trump's cock out of their mouth... Jesus

This nigger shit all over the tradition of portraits

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>Lay’s potato chips (specifically, sour cream and onion)
fuck yes

oh yea? What about Biden selflessly playing as Luigi while playing Mariocart with his neice? Checkmate, bigot.

Leaders should be low class. High class people - aka rootless cosmopolitans - should be put up against a wall and shot.

Now compare this to other heads of state or royalty. Shit, I'm a fucking nobody and I've had very similar treatment at 5* restaurants.

What a fucking nothing-burger story

It's actually not. He would often get his snacks from a specific shop that isn't mentioned in the article so I actually know for a fact that this is a lie, otherwise they would have mentioned it as it is so specific and strange.

This is how the left operates. Look at the treatment of Ted Cruz these last few days.
They were never outraged when their own side did the same thing even more egregiously.