How can I raise my daughter to be like her?

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Have a boy

Well, go fuck some African, it's a good start


first : stop browsing Dab Forums

Why is she so perfect?

She is the future..
Zoomers will go crazy for her.
God wills it.

She's a scarlet whore. You simps are acting out the heckin trad meme.
Change must be brought forward by men, women can't build anything they can only consume and pump out kids.

You need converso ancestry.

it’s meant to be

who is she?

Imagine listening to a brain washed beautiful fool and then idolizing her.

>Imagine simping this hard for a crazy woman

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Bang up job Dab Forums, you scared the real queen away.

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Maybe your women can't..
But stronk European bred women can lead a blood thirsty army into battle.

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dude boudicca and her daughters got raped by the romans, tried to revolt but got royally btfo by a tiny little roman legion that was outnumbered and surrounded but just went fucking berserk and killed all the britons anyway and then she killed herself in shame

>worshipping a fucking terf

the enemy of my enemy isn't always a friend


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yikes what a racist.

Boudica was a fucking joke lmao

I knew a girl like her.
We were classmates and good friends.
She had good humor and would always come up with funny shit.
Went shopping with her and she started wearing those typical Trad Wife dresses.
Didnt think anything of it.
Then a couple years later now..
I started using Dab Forums and i understood that she built 100% of her personality literally off Dab Forums.
Which explains alot because she had a very passive dad and no guidence so she did those things to get male attention.
You dont want a daughter like that.

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Women can't lead a garbage strike. The Romans absolutely raped her army and then she cucked out and Rome stayed in Britain for 350 years and then re-discovered their lost Roman shit 1200 years later

How old is she?

Still tried. More than any of us. Isabel names the jew in public and never apologizes. You do it then talk shit about our Queen. You fucking faggot.

This post applies to you too. Piece of shit

teach her to queef on slices of bread then use them for peanut butter and queef sammiches.

Raise her to be an attention seeking whore ?

Isabel wouldn't fuck you in a million years. Her asshole gets torn by chad right after her speeches

She publicly names the Jew
This is good

You are imolyonh they are capable of independent thought. Of course she'll name the jew, it's what they handlers want her to say.



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rape her and when she cums yell "heil hitler!"
if you do this every time she will associate hitler with cumming and become Nazisexual


my dick so hard

its more on your wife and less on you.
she needs to teach her that your traditions are important, that what dad says is true
what family wants and needs is most important.
if she goes to college, make it local and she lives at home, but dont be such a cock ass loser as to not let her explorer the world a bit that over bearing shit will destroy and make her flip sides.

Brown homosexual hands wrote this

That legion was made up of based Iberians.

*hits pipe*

Maybe, but my 2 adult daughters are more conservative and their mom is a lefty.
I used to read them bedtime stories, and a lot of those books were commie propaganda. The worst was a book called Rainbow Fish, where one fish had really pretty shiny scales which caused the other fish to hate her, so the solution was to give one shiny scale to each of her "friends" so that everyone had a shiny scale. They loved this book because it was so colorful, but each telling of the story came with a lecture about how such thinking leads to murder on a massive scale. I mean, you can't make the world better by destroying yourself.
It didn't seem like they were listening, but maybe they were. Or they were just born more conservative.

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seriously guys who is she?

Isabel Medina Peralta

fit fashy bird

*hits pipe*

kek it's female Franco.

This is why I get so pissed off at our women. Clearly they are capable of being assets to our society but they choose not to.

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insist on a history degree for your child

I've seen this type before

only study of the past can free us in the future

link to video?

pump her full of testosterone

What are the odds she secretly gets off to blacked porn? Pretty high I'd say.


Make her think that you wanted a boy instead of a girl.

Just force your children towards anything you want them to reject.


friendship ended with vanessa

ISABEL is my new best friend

the queen of Dab Forums

That's not what's happening here.

terf femcels are useless they hate men

less than your obsession with male penis that's for sure

She have really cute eyes aryan men are lucky!

Just treat them like persons, not that hard? But Isabel has an above average IQ so there are some genetic factors as well.

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lol this is kind of true

Retards, theres no way she just appears while we have the hasel drama, just so leftists can justify their free speech protests and destruction. Have you actually seen her speak? She's a literal furcia, either craving for attention or falseflagging
Shes fucking 18, shes probably a sjw being paid by the left, a shitty falseflag attempt to spread hate on the right wing, which is decreasing drastically here

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ay papi

Isabel will have the same fate as Boudicca. All mannish women have the same fate

The term that God uses for woman in Genesis, help meet, is actually a mistranslation of the term used in Hebrew. The term used in Hebrew is Ezer Kenegdo. Ezer has originally two meanings in Hebrew, depending on the pronunciation: to rescue/to save and to be strong. In the Bible each use of the word Ezer consistently is in relation to military.

Kenegdo itself means "to be opposite to him" or "corresponding to him". Essentially, what God was actually calling women to be to men is warriors by our side. Eve failed to do this, and women continue to fail to do this, and society has suffered horribly for it.

However, a woman that uses her power and voice to shit on Jews, isn't a feminist, and doesn't cuck out, is fulfilling God's role for women, which is a loyal warrior by man's side. Jews seek to destroy the patriarchy replace it with the matriarchy. Jewish society itself is very matriarchal in nature. All the awful systems Jews push are matriarchal. The Patriarchy is what God called for in Genesis due to Eve failing her role as a woman.

>16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. Genesis 3

Jews and Feminists are directly rebelling against God in this manner. Here's an excerpt from the NT that backs up the OT.

>11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

>12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

>13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

>14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 1 Timothy

This woman is obeying God by calling out Jews while also not being a Feminist herself, who are the greatest ally to Jews. She's a Valkyrie that guides men into battle and aides the Patriarchy. Such women deserve to be listened to and respected; they know their place.

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Oh Schlomo is it not way past your bedtime?

The Psyop

>This woman is obeying God by calling out Jews
Just like Hitler did!

Fuck you women are not men


Let your child know that the world is full of good and evil, and evil likes to hide in plain sight. Then let her know that their are people who worship evil and seek to become so evil that they will force God's hand....and those evil folk are mostly Jews or those working as Jewish agents.

This is how jesus haters sound unironically

Sure Schlomo keep seething you fucking faggot.

Also, she specifically said she's not right wing.

Wisest words today.

post your tits, whore

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Lets see if fascist faggots will still simp for her without her make up and hair dye

seethe harder jew lover. You're the bolshevik masquerading as the sound of reason here.

There have, on rare occasions, been influential women women in history. Margaret Thatcher and Ayn Rand come to mind. Who are you to say it can't happen again?

Have fascist literature lying around and hope she likes reading

This bitch doesn't have the leadership skills to give a speech

sell her pussy on pol

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I think I've unintentionally overredpilled everyone I've the last year
I feel bad a little


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hay tantas cosas mal aquí.

For 3 days you fags have been posting stills with no link to the video. I don't know or care what this is about. Post a link or stop posting it, fucking redditards.

yeah but you're german so you're irrelevant

I bet her daughters had really tight little barbarian twats

Good lord she's based. With a little more maturity and an image adjustment she could be an excellent advocate for National Socialism.

Says the race traitor, fuck you nigel fucking scum


She really brings out all the shills. They really fear this one.

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what is her onlyfans?


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that she is dating baked alaska is a huge red flag.


She'll get smeared in some way that makes zoomers cringe away in zoomer disgust and that will be that.

then what is she???

They've scrubbed every trace of the video, there's no power in what cannot be seen. Your webms will just be thought of as fake overlays of text on some girl likely actually ranting about feminism.

a woman, you fucking faggot

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How do you know what anyone else here does for a living faggot

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