The pandemic is fa-
The pandemic is fa-
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Why hasnt yearly death total increased?
Just had my 1st jab. UK vaccination program is going well.
Clearly Joe Biden's total incompetence is to blame.
>people never died before covid
kill yourself nigger
Biden's Virus
Oh god why is Covid killing so many people!
Based retards
Biden's fault.
Here in caliwali, California for the uninitiated, we call it a Fauci Ouchie or just experimental gene therapy.
You can't have it both ways... either its just the flu and a hoax or Trump killed 500,000 people.
Joe biden is responciable for his mishandeling of the virus.
Fucking Trumptard Republicans did this
OMFG how could potus let 500.000 americans die of corona??? thats so fucked up
-ke. It is obviously a fucking hoax that only the densest NPCs can’t see through.
Is OP just shilling or too retarded to realize they count every normal death as covid? Hard to tell anymore
Watch some "Karen antimasker" videos and you'll see who the retards are.
How many texans are dead in just this week? biden's first year is way worse than the last 4 years of trump. biden's america is a 3rd world country.
pretty sure we can do whatever we want and you can't do shit about it. get shitposted on, faggot
480k died with covid1984 and 20k died from covid1984
You mean, the Biden Flu, right?
Wrong. Truth no longer matters, only what sounds bad. Courtesy of jewish brain rot.
If you still believe in this jewish shit just fucking kys already.
>Fauci Ouchie
Drown yourself.
trump only killed 400K the rest from here on out are all biden. i bet he gets the high score.
Yeah so what?
If Trump were still president I bet you we would be at 6 million dead by now.
500000 is nothing, Biden has this under control
Trump isn't president. Every death since January 21 is on Biden's hands.
Every day is like 12 9/11s with this biden guy!
Fake. The pandemic is fake.
I saw numbers on a screen. Covid is real!!!!!!
Biden just gave billions in funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology several days ago.
It literally is fake though.
Keep fucking your sister hillbilly fucktard.
Biden lied, people died
Why do we need to keep people alive? What's more people doing for us?
covid is for retards, climate change is for trannies. watch this video before it gets cucked by youtube jannies
sure once im done fucking yours
seethe and dial8, etc etc.
Dig little deeper and 90% of these deaths arent from covid at all.
They literally list every 90yo grampa who had like five strokes as a covid death because he got tested positive.
Why don't you just use twitter for your comment section faggot.
Youve been ignoring facts for years, why stop now?
It's going to be neat watching the vaccine reaction deaths used to justify more vaccines.
Luckily I'm just a liberal white cuck boy, so I want to make sure every person of color and woman is vaccinated before I waste any doses on myself.
I was taught that if anything is less than the 6 gorillion then it doesn't matter
Watch "Karen antimaskers" on YouTube, these retards are not following Biden they still worship the fat toupee'd one
So 100,000 people have died in less than a month?
Watch "Karen antimasker" videos and tell me these people are hanging on ever word Biden says.
fake and gay
good start.
now only 389,482,666 to go.
half a million niggers are born here every year.
we need a stronger virus not to return to normal
I hope 50 million will die. Disgusting mutt subhumans.
Are you a kindergarten dropout?
this snaggle toothed faggot mad that his own fugly ass sister is not remotely fuckable.
Absolutely based. Death to America.
count every death as a fake virus ok
Fuck you and fuck your shitty pandemic I was promised tens of millions dead. Literally no ones died here not even our old and sickly.
I hope hamas destroy Israel
the flu season kills more every single year, where has the flu gone this year? OH YEAH they are just calling those deaths cOrOnA vIrUs!!!!!!!!
you kikes should appreciate your goyim
came here to post this
Gotta read the fine print
Biden has millions of deaths on his hands. Same goes for all of his supporters. Time to deal with them for their crimes.
>mutts give billions and billions to israel every year
>"thanks for the money suckers, china numba wan!!"
you couldn't get more subhuman if you tried
Youre a tad special, must've been all the moonshine mommy drank while pregnant.
are you under the impression that you have said anything worthy of a legitimate response? well let me clear that up for you
you're a faggot
I hope muslims will destroy londo....Oh wait, London is no longer an English city.
CDC recently juiced the numbers.
Looked yesterday and it's all different now.
What happened to ending the coronavirus in the first 100 days?
>So 400,000 people have died in less than a year? Watch "BLM Antifa" videos and tell me these people are hanging on every word Donald says
Well you keep replying. So I'm a faggot but you sir are a retard.
Drimp lied
500000 people doed
>500k dead
There were around 2.85 million deaths in the US in 2019, there have been around 3.1 million tallied for 2020. Think about the rise in suicides and deaths of despair since lock downs.
Something isn't right with the covid claim.
Biden is literally killing people
Youre clearly wrong and it just goes to show that Israel is a racist endeavour. Zyclon yourself.
Can someone post the pic of the yearly death rate before and after. Big red pilled
Why would anyone other than dirty racists listen to a white supremicist.
slow day at work, I've got all day to burn up. feel free to keep entertaining me.
False dichotomy,
The flu isn't that bad, and trump isn't responsible for not acting as an autocrat and locking shit down. Every other politician is just as much to blame, if not more so bnecause of their direct influence over their constituents. Expecting one guy to manage a pandemic for 300 million, and placing all the blame on him because he's the top guy (of only of the branches of government) is pretty brainless.
Look into what Andy Cuomo, Tom Wolf or Newsom did over the past year, then try and tell me It's all trump's fault.
I don't blame Biden for the deaths while he's in office, either. It's a disease.
(actually is mostly Xi's fault)
Biden Covid Death Tracker
Found weekly. Searching for yearly death total (without even a mention of covid) pulls of fact checkers that say why it doesnt mean anythinf because reasons
you should pay us too
You work? I wouldn't employ a Trump voter.
the Covid 19 death toll has surpassed 500,000 under biden's administration. this is disgusting.
>Biden is killing 100k+ a month
Trump absolutely btfo he could never match those numbers.
Wow joe biden killed every single one of those people.
>Ugggghhhh Blummmpppfpffffgh
>you should pay us
No, you should pay us.
>Trump voter
good god are all bongs this fucking retarded?
Fair point.
I do blame Trump for his antimask stance and dismissing covid as nothing worse than the flu. Its not a serious disease for most people but is a deadly disease.
Biden appears to be doing something different.
niggers and jews are gay
These repeating numbers clearly indicate kikes and niggers are nigger jew faggots promoting nigger bullshit. Lynch'm twice
>appears to be doing something different
Yeah killing people at rates Trblumpf couldn't dream of reaching.
How could biden do this to us. He must be im beach.
cant believe Biden killed half a million americans
he needs to be impeached
Those numbers sound as legitimate as the number of people who voted for Biden.
But even if it was true, I still wouldn't take Shlomo's mystery juice.
Idk what a bong is, other than something to smoke weed with.
To be honest I would employ a Trump voter if they had the right skillset but 100% not a Qtard, even if they did.
>Took over a year to get to 500k deaths
A drop in the bucket m8
>Biden is killing half a million people per day
Youre entitled to your opinion, shame its been beamed into your head my newsmax or similar.
Biden killed almost as many as Trump! HOLY SHIT, A DEATH COUNT JUST FLEW OVER MY HOUSE!
im sure you recall when he tried to take steps to prevent the spread of covid when it was initially came about very early last year and everyone was doing everything they could to call him recist against the chinese
The models said 1 billion by June 2020 faggot, they had to ascribe every respiratory death to covid for a year to get that number for the fake and gay virus
Other than calling it China virus i don't recall him doing anything. Happy to be proved wrong if you have more info.
>fauci ouchie
Here in caliwali we call it the lungzy wungzy
Correct. If you're blaming Trump for coronavirus and not the local politicians that actually fucked things up, you fell for the propaganda.
Biden's America
fpbp, /thread
I thought this fucking retard had a plan .
What is it kill everybody ?
Thanks Biden
If you use the same morbidity standards that are applied to flu deaths, the number drops significantly. We need laws it enforce them if they exist to punish medical professionals for falsifying cause of death.
>500k dead from china virus
>thousands of dead because of snow
bidens america
Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers Niggers
>Banning flights from china is racist!
The holocaust didn't happen bong.
wasn't it like 92 million per day or some shit
or was that gun violence. I can't keep the hand-wringing straight anymore
>a racist endeavour.
You lefty Muslims suck
>Bidens lack of pandemic response kills 500,000
Thanks Biden. Ya big murderer.
In other news the common flu has been eradicated from the planet......
the duality of the bong
How could Biden let this happen...!
If Leftists can be unprincipled lying cunts then so can we.
>idk what a bong is
stop posting and lurk moar, newfag
6 gorillion* fixed it for you
Meanwhile China, a country with what.. 1.4 billion people (the majority of which still live in abstract poverty), still has under 5k deaths.
God damn 5000 a day dying of covid he has no plan
Texans freezing to death he has no fucking idea what to do
Yet there is he valentines with some faggoty hearts on the White House line like some cartoon character fucking retardo
So more died under Biden than under Trump? Trump was sitting on a hefty 240k when they kicked him out if I remember correctly.
>Meanwhile China, a country with what.. 1.4 billion people (the majority of which still live in abstract poverty), still has under 5k deaths.
Where did this obviously false information come from? The Chinese government?
I bet you also believed the Chinese government when they said that the chinese virus cant pass from human to human?
Why hasn’t Joe Biden stopped this?
ke. Still not taking the gene therapy. Deal with it.
we eradicated influenza
i think we are doing fine
+250k since Biden took office then?
The fagstream networks were all saying 250k dead of mysheronaruhrona, and Biden had a plan.
>missing the point
Low IQ.
I hope hapas destroy Israel.
It shall be known as the Teenycock War.
what is 6% of that number? that is the real number of covid deaths in america.
Emptying hospitals and sending sick people home kills people. The virus is just the common cold.
I can read two things from this graph, that the plandemic is ending. Viruses are usually far more active and potent in cold.
Or that the whole plandemic was just a scheme how to make president re-elect Trump out of the office.
It has. By about 350k
.2020 death total is the highest in 60 years. Its on the cdc website user. You dont need anyone to post a cherry picked or altered image to confirm the numbers.
>1 post by this ID
OP is a shill and you're all idiots for falling for the bait.