Christkikes exposed in 1 simple video:

Christkikes exposed in 1 simple video:

Christian Pastor says to a bunch of kids:
>Every good thing we know, all the good things about the Bible, were given to us from the Jewish Nation of Israel. Their people, the Jews, are better than all of us. They're better than all of us, and you need to accept that. A lot of people hate Israel, such as the Arab countries, and they want to drive them to the stake, but you know God will not cast away his people. When Jesus said salvation is from The Jews, he was right. The Church owes it's support to Israel. Put all your spare coins in this tray, and we will cash it out and donate it to the fellowship of Christians & Jews
(which really goes only to Jews btw)

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Other urls found in this thread:

the "Fellowship of Christians & Jews" only goes one way: Christians giving to Jews. PROOF:
IFCJ's Mission:
>The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is the leading non-profit building bridges between Christians and Jews, blessing Israel and the Jewish people around the world with humanitarian care and life-saving aid.
TLDR: give to "poor" Jews
TLDR: It's all kikes in the leadership positions.

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You're intentionally being retarded so that you can shitpost about Christians without having to use one iota of thought about the difference between someone in your video and someone who actually believes in Christ.
But, this is a shill thread so anyone that replies without sage is a retard.

Nobody donates more to Israel than Christians. Whatever you say a "real Christian" is, isn't the majority. All Christians would probably be burned at the stake as heretics by Christians of 300+ years ago.

"real christianity has never been tried"

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Pagans are the dumbest motherfuckers in the world.

Nearly all European Nationalists worldwide are Christian, the entirity of Europe's heights were when we were fervently Christian and only did we start to decline along with rapid secularization of our societies.

Read a book you Amerimutt.

>The Catholic Church—the largest branch of Christians in the world—does not endorse the theological premises underlying millennialist Protestant Resotrationism and has generally inveighed against the prospect of Jewish governance over Holy Places in Palestine which it deems of importance to Christianity.[82][83] Theodore Herzl, the secular Jewish founder of modern political Zionism had an audience in the Vatican with Pope Pius X in 1904, arranged by the Austrian Count Berthold Dominik Lippay, seeking out the position of the Catholic Church on Herzl's prospective project for a Jewish state in Palestine. Pope Pius X stated "We cannot prevent the Jews from going to Jerusalem—but we could never sanction it. The soil of Jerusalem, if it was not always sacred, has been sanctified by the life of Jesus Christ. As the head of the Church I cannot tell you anything different. The Jews have not recognized our Lord, therefore we cannot recognize the Jewish people."

Evangelicals are an insignificant minority of Christians worldwide and yet only half of them support Israel. There are anti-Jewish and anti-Israel Evangelical dissidents.

Christianity was the sole cause of The Fall of Rome. Israel would not exist today without Christians.

when the patient dies, the cancer dies

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I don't give a fuck you fucking idiot, this isn't a holy religious war, but a fight for our right to exist. If your religion, or anti-religious views get in the way of that then you're not needed.

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It's obvious these shill threads aren't organic, but where do they come from?

>real Christians aren't the based ones who name the jew and burn faggots and heretics
>Christians 300 years ago would have burned all modern Christians as heretics
so in other words, real Christians are based and modern "Christianity" is a mockery of itself because jews love to make trophies out of things they've subverted

They're organic. There's a lot of videos floating around this year turning people (rightfully) against (((Christianity))) and they're speaking out about it. I used to tolerate Christianity, not anymore, they've revealed their pro-jew anti-white agenda.

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tell us more rabbi

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Dead Jew on a Stick Worshippers are the absolute worst. Believing in their Invisible Sky Daddy is comparable to adult men believing in Father Christmas. I love how these insane freaks threaten normal sane people with whichever version of Hell they happen to believe in (it varies from Christian to Christian as they can agree on almost nothing despite the Bible containing God's crystal clear will) even though there is absolutely no evidence for any of it. It's most entertaining to witness these mentally ill lunatics turn on each other and argue viciously over what they think they need to do to go to "Heaven" (still waiting on evidence for that as well) and other meaningless Bible doctrine. What a disgrace it is that society still treats this delusional belief with any shred of respect since the Bible has been proven beyond any rational dispute to be filled with error and historical inaccuracies. Of course this means nothing to the pea-brained Dead Jew on a Stick Worshipper as evidence is not something they understand or even care about. I cringe when I perchance upon their nonsensical posts on this board, often congratulating each other for their psuedo-pious sentiments and other ludicrously embarrassing follies such as mocking those who don't believe in their retarded, outdated and backward belief - for which there is no evidence. I have personally talked at length with such vehement believers in this imbecilic stupidity simply just to try and instill a hint of critical thinking in them but with no success. The Dead Jew on a Stick Worshipper is simply incapable of any type of self awareness pertaining to their belief. After asking for a demonstration of evidence from them as to why I should also believe in their religion and be saved from the Hell that they are so desperate to warn me of, they can only offer the predictable and embarrassing motto engrained into their impressionable minds by their deranged cult. "I'll pray for you".

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People are only christian because they're stupid anyway. Telling them the truth never worked before, why would it work now? Just let their untenable beliefs die out, should be just about gone within the next generation. P.S. judaism is gay too.

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>paid shill
report him & of course, sage


kys faggot

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Only non-boomer christians nowadays are mentally ill sadists that browse Dab Forums. Truly despicable people, but so few in numbers now that it almost feels mean to pick on them. Almost.

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it's strange because when I read the bible I start becoming extremely enraged at jews.

One of you should stab that grifter.
The Jewish press never reports a nice stabbing from America.

remember to curse aryans and praise semites.

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reformed Christians are Judaized Christians

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Europe apart from the peripheries, is barely even considered Christian; Orthodox countries still have a tradition, the rest of Christianity represents Universalism / Globohomo.

I don't think de-Christianising Europe is smart, the last times the Europeans were pagan

1. the Romans destroyed 1,000,000 Jews in 70AD including their temple.

2. the Germans volk faith, killed 300,000 Jews.

I especially any nordic people in this thread to watch some of this.
I've been trying to explain to them how Christianity is in America, and they haven't quite gotten it. But I think this paints a very good picture.

First off, yes it has you dumb nigger fuck. Second, how fucking new are you? Can you really not greentext? Third, fucking lurk more you unbearable piece of shit faggot

I can not begin to image this level of historical illiteracy. It makes me want to hurt you

>Mark 16: 26 - 30

Generation means "genea", i.e "race"
The race (of people) will not pass away until all all these....

>Matt 16 : 27-8

This is accurate, the resurrected Jesus appeared to his apostles, then they later went proselyting the Gospel of Jesus Christ and were put to death.

>one modern heretical church leader represents all 2000 years of Christianity
by this logic, all whites are evil, because this video has only whites in it