Homicide Rates

Dab Forums you guys told me that homicide rates are down in places with high gun ownership and high in places with high gun regulation. But I looked it up at the UN Office of Drugs and Crime and America actually has a fairly high homicide rate, compared to Europe with zero citizen owned guns. Why is this?

Attached: 1612599110494.jpg (640x690, 53.37K)

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> homicide rates are down in places with high gun ownership and high in places with high gun regulation.
No, we said there was no correlation.
>compared to Europe
Why are you only comparing to one region when your map compares to all regions?
>zero citizen owned guns

Isn't the point of citizen owned guns to deter criminals? Shouldn't there be a correlation if that was true?

>No homicides in the ME or India

lol what?

b-but why isnt sweden red? omg my Dab Forums meme reality is crumbling! the stats were probably made by JEWS!

Attached: BELLA.jpg (1066x1600, 127.08K)

>Isn't the point of citizen owned guns to deter criminals?
No. The point of citizen owned guns is a check against tyranny. This is a complete nonsense strawman argument where you are trying to shift the burden of stopping crime on gun owners. That being said, if you look into the types of crimes being committed, there are still interesting correlations. The UK has far more "hot burglaries" (home invasions when someone is home) per capita than the US, and it is hypothesized that gun ownership is a major factor here, people don't want to chance getting their head blown off.
>Shouldn't there be a correlation if that was true?
Even *IF* that were true (which it isn't) not necessarily, because you're only analyzing a single variable. You've completely ignored the obvious answer here (the US has more murders because we have more diversity than Europe).

During the same period when Australia (a similar country in history, development and culture) had a massive gun buy-back and the USA expanded gun ownership laws, the US homicide rate dropped at a faster rate than Australia's did. How do you account for that?

Attached: GUNS-IN-OTHER-COUNTRIES-Australia-and-U.S.-homicides-rates-before-and-after-Australia-gun-ban.png (1200x974, 176.77K)

>no homicides
You can't be this retarded.
>b-but why isnt sweden red?
because murder is not the same thing as rape? I'm not sure why you're celebrating so hard Sven, being less murder-ridden than a country that is about 50/50 nonwhite is not some major accomplishment.

the map is very old. Also, who even makes the unit of measure 0-5 in homicides per 100,000? obviously an American

Attached: sdsd.png (700x27, 3.32K)

So make a new one? You'd have to get pretty creative to push the opposite conclusion even if you made different brackets and colors.

The USA is #1 in gun ownership, we are approximately #94 in homicide rate according to the most readily available data (obviously this depends on your source and 2018 data is not too old to be usable especially since the US hasn't seen any notable jump in the last 2 years.

There's no way the DPRK has that high a number of homicides.

It's obviously an estimate since we have no access to, nor can we trust, their data

What you're basically saying here is "It's the Niggers" which is a fair point because niggers will be niggers. But doesn't Europe have a decent amount of Muslims and Niggers now? Shouldn't there crime rates be on the rise due to their increasing diversity?

>It's obviously an estimate since we have no access to, nor can we trust, their data
Well then you can't trust any of it

My guess would be that terror related deaths are counted differently, but I'm not sure.


How come eastern Europe still has no guns?

England’s homocide rate has been rising. Their blacks are also disproportionately contributing to their crime statistics despite them being immigrants.

Crime rates in Europe have been going up for 20 years now, and it's only gonna get worse.

You're looking at broad scale not specific homicide rates.

If you filter American statistics by race, American whites comit homicide similar to the rates in Norway. The city black and mexicant rates drag us way up.

Then filter by permissive firearms laws and the crime rate in those areas goes down.

>What you're basically saying here is "It's the Niggers"
Well technically I misspoke, and I'd like to correct that now. I called niggers the "obvious answer" when I should have called them a major contributor instead. Again, I don't want to fall into the trap of single-variable analysis. Niggers are a huge part of the problem, and there is definitely more of a correlation between nigs-homicide than there is between guns-homicide.

> But doesn't Europe have a decent amount of Muslims and Niggers now?
Define a "decent amount"? They have far less than we do, nearly all European countries are still 80%+ White.

>Shouldn't there crime rates be on the rise due to their increasing diversity?
(1) You didn't post anything about "Crime rates" you posted "homicide rates".
(2) Not necessarily because of (a) multiple other variables (b) as stated above, their diversity is still negligible

>Well then you can't trust any of it
Yes, you can trust a decent chunk of it since most 1st world countries have decently accurate statistics. Obviously it's not flawless, but it is still useful enough. Saying that because North Korea has dodgy numbers that the entire map must be thrown out is absurd.
I've seen this map posted dozens of times on the pro-gun side (since that's the conclusion is suggests) and it is never attacked. Now that OP's anti-gun bait thread posts it, suddenly all these people come out and try to poke holes in it. I postulate that you people are just reading OP's post and attacking everything associated with him without thinking. If I'm right, it's a very interesting tactic by OP.

>zero citizen owned guns

Attached: number-of-guns-per-capita1 (1).jpg (840x840, 306.74K)

Huh I guess I was just misinformed

The data in the OP is from 2007

>eastern Europe still has no guns
Old habit of imperialism and the socialism. The state holds the monopoly on violence and decides who they will and will not use it against. It's a hard privilege for them to give up.

> You didn't post anything about "Crime rates" you posted "homicide rates".
I misspoke too, should've specified homicides you're right.

> Nearly all European countries are still 80%+ White.
Also true, according to Wikipedia, Muslims only make up 2% of the population in Europe. However the birth rates are way better compared to non muslims and soon their population will grow like a cancer

Attached: muslims.png (482x188, 13.03K)

Someone posted it on here like a week ago

>being less murder-ridden than a country that is about 50/50 nonwhite
at least you admit this juan

Whites with millions of guns in The US murder at the same rate as European populations.

user hate to break this to you but you're literally the fifth highest in the world for rape


Attached: Sweden.png (697x326, 19.85K)

It says that 2007 on the image

>fifth highest in the world for rape
But if you factor out Julian Assange, how bad is itr?

Guns don't kill people.
No fear of ruining your own life kills people.

Attached: 1610315193125.jpg (784x767, 69.9K)

>user hate to break this to you
>>let me tell you about your country
i fucking hate when mutts do this. ive seen this link spammed 1000 times, i have almost every sweden yes meme saved on my computer. having a nuanced view on anything doesn t exist in a mutt mind.

were i to commit to a discussion about this id dominate you very hard but i am too tired from busting my ass studying math all day so ill let you pass

> i'd totally dominate you but i'm just too tired
seethe and good luck with your studying