>The war on drugs has been a complete failure.
The war on drugs has been a complete failure
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He's correct
wasn't this old news 30 years ago?
The amount of money spent fighting endless meme wars is insane. Drugs are never going away. If people want to drugs, then they are going to do drugs.
American filth. A nation of obese junkies and degenerate homosexuals.
False the war on drugs imprisioned millions of niggers
Go brush your teeth.
Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.
There's nothing wrong with mushrooms, faggot. The "war on drugs" was just big paper and corporatocracy maintaining their slave class.
The winner of the war on drugs is drugs, individuals will always be the authority of their own body and if they want to do something stupid it should be their choice
If you're a Christian, you should believe that your body is YOUR temple
Bro. The spores of these things grow on my feet.
It's literally impossible to outlaw these mushrooms. All I would have to do is go for a walk in a forest barefoot and there would be a year's supply for a small town.
All drugs should be decriminalized
>Dude like.... like.... dude..... shrooms bro!
Ending the war on drugs would end the Mexican cartels.
America has been a complete failure.
I like options when I buy shrooms.
War on drugs sole purpose was to make cartels more profitable and the US more powerful because we pay for the cartels.
Right brotherman?! America is more like a casino than a country
> having no social ramifications for degenerate behavior
You're a fucking retard. Plz go od on H already. Thx.
On the taxpayers dime.
The War on Drugs is a sham there is already evidence that the CIA fuels the drug trade. Even whistleblowers from the DEA came forward saying the CIA killed one of their undercover agents (Enrique Camarena).
Checked and shroom pilled
Do something about your grooming gangs bro
The war on drugs is a good thing you cunt. The fentanyl and opioid crisis literally decreased America’s life expectancy.
Meh. America is still awesome though. Most Americans have good lives
> using bible to cherry pick
You're just as bad as a christcuck.
Look faggot. If you actually had a father and mother in your and a family structure, you wouldn't do drugs, but your lack of such leads you to getting those dopamine hits you've ever so craved from an actual child hood. Please stop pushing your broken home lifestyle onto others. Thanks
If you haven't done shrooms at least once, you should try. Do 1 or 2g of dried shrooms on your first trip, and be sure so to it when in a safe, comfortable place. Recommend a non high friend to stick around for at least the first time. Also some cbd drops before ingesting never hurts. May also want gravol/etc as shrooms upset some folks stomachs
Yeah ok boomer
and this is the final nail in the West's coffin.
Than fucking go live in another country.
Who cares about fentanyl causing people to od. Its like a form a natural selection
bongs are just as bad, the entire West is sick
>Keep burning billions of dollars arresting drug users.
>It's all drugs and not metal illnesses.
>The only way to fix the problem, is to pack private prisons.
Neck yourself
only amongst people stupid enough to abuse opioids.
If drugs are legal so should automatic weapons so if a mob of high retards shows up you can mow them down.
if a normal/non-drug person accidentally comes into contact with that shit, they OD too
This is caused by lack of religion and culture that the same people like you that bitch about the current state of affairs wanted.
Whats your point? That doesn't refute anything
Shouldn't you be busy confiscating screwdrivers?
normal people aren't doing street opium
Psychedelics have been a staple in human existence since we as a species gained sentience. Only recently in our collective history have they been outlawed en mass. First by the church and then by government. The practice of ingesting psychedelics dates as far back ad the greeks at elisia drinking spiked wine to commune with the gods. Stop being a faggot.
Bro just throw a guy in jail for quietly doing lsd by himself bro, yknow social ramifications for being a degenerate.
The war on drugs has made a HUGE impact, just as the Dare Program did. This is crazy. The country will be destroyed by addicts without efforts like these to curb abuse. Nothing will eliminate drug use and abuse, but efforts still make enormous positive impacts, and are worth the resources. You don't do nothing just because you can't do everything.
>Doctors handing out opioids like candy
>People get hooked and resort to H and Fentanyl
Idk user seems kinda kikey
> lack of religion
Hey moron. Religion is just indoctrination if you haven’t found that out by 2021
>be a schizo who can't afford proper therapy or meds
>be a 19 year old with poor parents
>parents house gets repod
Damn real degenerate
>you wouldn't do drugs
You're either a loser fucking teenager or twenty something who's never drank or smoked with his friends or you're a hypocrite middle aged fucker who will ignore all his shortcomings to feel superior to others. Either way you're the fucking loser who doesn't get invited to shit.
People in the market of doing heroin or other shit are oding from it. Not normal people
opium wars 2.0 here we gooooooooo
>blame the doctors for actions of junkies
Can this dumbass notion die already?
exactly faggot. Those drug people come into contact with non-drug people all the time. It only takes a couple small grains coming into contact with your skin to fuck you up.
Good, not participating in this society anymore and I got dmt vapes coming soon.
>he doesn't realize it's about choosing what kind of indocrination people get
Fucking retards, this is why america and the west must die
> it's all drugs and not mental illness
Wasn't that Regan that abolished mental health institutions fuck tard?
> keep burning through money
To sustain jobs? You know cause public defenders, police and the like do have you know bills. You really want to kill more jobs than Biden already has with Pipeline XL? The issue isn't the war on drugs tard, it's a cultural problem. Fucking idiot.
>The only way to fix the problem, is to pack private prisons.
Only way to fix the problem is to instill culture.
I bet you also think Texas needs more windmills.
Please explain the likelihood of that happening and how the fuck it would it happen
Big pharma makes billions, filthy mexican cartels make billions, and the working class foots the bill.
>Yeah today I'm going to head on down to the local crack den after mass
It’s called education faggot
Are you retarded or just uninformed about the amount of doctors who were pushing opioids as a cure all for chronic pain
Exactly, you low-IQ subhuman
Mushrooms are actually anti-addictive, if you've ever taken them you'd know. I know there are some retards that abuse them but there are also people that sniff gasoline. There is also research about therapeutic uses for treating people with addiction issues.
Go back to watching Judge Judgy Gramps
>any heroin addict wasting any heroin
>getting fucked up because you bumped into one
>heroin/fent getting absorbed through the skin
Yeah right
I can't wait for.them to be legal. I'm gonna grow my own and microdose them
Regan was a puppet, we could use less police and people tied up in the court system, and bring back nuclear power.
> low iq
I’m not a trump supporter tho
> quietly
You act as if those tabs aren't made in a lab in a third world shit hole. Than on-top of that you act as if kids aren't a thing n could die if they'd accidentally got a hold of em if it was legalized.
You do know since weed has been legalized in CA and CO the number of children being sent to the er has increased and dss stepping in to rip apart families has increased due to kid's getting gummies or something of another. You dumbasses are truly something else
Hey gois let's rip apart families so I can trip balls hur dur dur. DUDE LSD
The patients claimed to have chronic pain and opioids are the only approved drug for chronic pain management. A doctor treats patients. So yeah go throw more doctors in jail because junkies cant control themselves.
You already can dude. You can legally order all kinds of spores online. Its not illegal to order spores
>expunge criminal records
>bunch of felons in california can now buy guns
kek good luck with that
the State has been a complete failure in eradicating any issue but collecting taxes
>Religion is just indoctrination if you haven’t found that out by 2021
>he doesn't know
my wife can't be as mad as me
It wasn't though, we've been able to keep niggers and faggots out of office for 30 years with it until the gop became mega cucked
Maybe the problem should have never existed.
can't be as mad at me*
fucking phone postings
Don't you have something better to do than get high and push the lifestyle onto others?
You would rather have even more niggers running around in your streets?
Cope Christcuck
>bong complaining about drugs
You have to be b8ing. You can't possibly have this little self awareness. London is the speed-bathtub of Europe.
mushrooms can teach you things...
When I was 20 I took them for the first time and some guy said they're as hard as heroin....what a fucking retard.
Even if its the junkies fault for never ever attempting to get off them, it's just as much the doctors fault for introducing them to the most powerful, addictive chemical they can provide
> anti weed
No one wants your prude pussy , Karen
A man has as many masters as he has vices. Porn, contraception, gambling , drugs all used to be illegal but the government found it easier to control people when they put their own chains around their neck.
Ya and smoking a frog can too.
What's your point?
> imagine being okay with ripping apart families to get high legally
Don't be afraid of life
You've never taken psychadelics. If you had, you would know your comment is retarded.
Taking 3.5g's of mushrooms will not produce a pleasurable reaction, but it will produce a pleasurable after affect that will overall improve your life. Better citizens make better civilizations.
most people are too retarded to be trusted with administering psychedelic drugs to themselves at their own discretion though
it has medicinal use but people taking it recreationally should at least have to be careful to not get caught since they're risking losing their ability to see the world rationally or having retarded insane ideas about things
then again it being illegal would make it more likely to cause a bad trip in the average person who uses it, which would generally cause more harm than a good trip
Is he wrong? No he’s not, that’s why you say “cope” as a buzzword reaponse instead of refute it.
HSBC proved the drug war is all political theater to hide a massive money laundering scheme.
To say it failed is to assume it was created for the alleged purpose of stopping drug use, but it wasn't.
It was a bank using the to US government collect its pound of flesh from cartels making crazy money
Woooooo I bet you teach classes at the local university. Tell me more.
>don't you have something better to do?
Yeah, talking to my friends ;)
It really us a shame how psychedelics get lumped in with everything else. I don't even do them anymore and it still annoys me. The aminita muscaria has been called "little teacher" by multiple ancient societies completely separate from each other
nobody is going to spend $400 at your druggie retreat to pay for your drug addiction faggot
Truth. Nobody ever has to suck dick to get their mushroom fix. People are stuck on the scared straight shit from the 80s.
>If you try mushroom you will jump off of a building and to fly with the pink elephant.
It just doesn't work like that.
>godless niggers and faggots are literally burning down our cities
>lmao cope
The war on drugs worked in East Asia. The west just has (((subversive elements))) that undermine attempts to eradicate drug use by making it a cool counter-culture thing to do and socially survivable. That's how you change behavior in the population at large, guaranteed social shunning. Like how you get unpersoned even if you're a popular celeb in Japan if you get caught doing a line of ccoke or how being a pedo is treated in the west and how (((they're))) trying nd largely succeeding to make racism.
> ripping families apart over MUH WEED
Dude , your family is a bunch of over insulated pussies lol weed is harmless as ibuprofen.
You sound like you listen to Steven crowder brainlet
Yeah the doctors shouldve told their patients to get fucked youre right. You and the jap that has never seen a pain managment clinic in his life know your shit
I personally believe everyone should take mushrooms, but at the same time, with seeing how fragile people are, and how demanding / draining mushrooms are, I have a hard time recommending them to others.
>judge judgy
Behold, the drug addled mind of a hungover reprobate.
This filth came from you. Never forget this.
none of those societies are running the world though
kids shouldn't do drugs. Anyone who suggest people's who's brain are still developing should use mind altering drugs should be lined up against a wall and shot.
Guys, I injected some Golden teacher spores into popcorn jars but I think my popcorn was a little dry. How long does it usually take for the mycelium to colonize a jar?
dipshit retard
How is that even possible? Holy shit stop listening to your grandma's hot take on drugs you fucking retard. Also get over yourself. Drugs are expensive. Unless you are a half naked half drunk 9/10 chick at a pub then nobody is going to waste their drugs on (you).
Can you just go back to skid row already? Keep your degenerate behavior elsewhere.
Speak for yourself. When my children are grown im doing ayahuasca in the Peruvian jungle.
Kill yourself
Teeth brush them
You’re not wrong, but your inferiority complex is showing.
>addicted to shrooms
> 2016
Lmao this cope is so dank
I'm sorry your children don't have parents
do you want to hold on to power or lose it to commie niggers? you'll shut the fuck up if you know what's good for our country
>>Wasn't that Regan that abolished mental health institutions fuck tard?
No that was started by Kennedy. Reagan de-funded the useless "community health programs that were supposed to replace the involuntary commitment asylums that were already gone by the time he was president.
Also any other mushroom taking user's see squidlike creatures on their trips?
Shrooms are pretty nice
>Lets ban a thing that people can make in their closets.
there is no war on drugs
they pocket most of that money, they get even more money supporting the drugs being sold, and even more supporting the idiots who do those drugs going to jail
it is all about giving them money retards
Large amounts of people suddenly having access to shrooms can be either a very good or very bad thing.
The dissolution of the Self that takes place during intense trips may help White people better connect with their fellow Whites
It may also drive people closer to collectivism in the other direction, which could be a problem.
Taking shrooms was a big part of my personal spiritual and racial awakening - Don't knock it till you've tried it bros.
If it weren't for America saving you from economic ruin, you snaggle toothed cunts would be living on the same level as a poor Eastern European country. Plenty of you people are fat, and what's worse, you honestly think you're more sophisticated than Americans while trying to emulate our culture and consuming our media. You live on a rock stained with gull shit and pedophiles. Get fucked.
> dismissing article due to age
Don't make fun of monkeys man, they have an IQ higher than Africans.
I completely cut all degeneracy from my life since the first ones conception. I dont even drink socially anymore. Im just talking about when im old and useless user. Grandpa going skydiving kinda shit
I dont understand your point, please explain how dude weed rips apart families
Don't act like Americans don't want guns and other weapons illegal.
>The govt arresting you for what you put in your body seems like a very free society.
The war on drugs is communist.
You are posting on one of the most degenerate boards of one the most degenerate places on the mainstream internet. The same people who larp as christian giggaChads with perfect morals are the same people that bump the "how to quit porn" threads so shut the fuck up nigger.
only the women and faggots, so 66% of america
Kid takes gummies thinking it's candy. Goes to er. Dss takes kids cause child abuse/neglect.
Legalization increases accessibility not only for adults, but for kids.
Unless you think a 6 yr old getting high is alright.
With Psychadelics, its generally found that it can only cause any problems for those with a familial risk of schizotypal disorders. They can be added stress that makes it happen sooner / faster. These typically present 14-26, if you are beyond that age you are generally considered safe.
If you are free of those, even beyond 10g there are no lasting side effects.
DYOR of course, but I also respect your choice to not want to risk the safety of your children, god speed.
Now replace "drugs" with "guns" please.
>Hey gois let's rip apart families so I can trip balls hur dur dur. DUDE LSD
Just don't do narcotics, my man.
America stops working when people stop taking personal responsibility for their short cominings.
Keep that population docile so they cannot recall you, the 'slaves' are revolting against the dictatorship.
>War on drugs
What a joke. It's not a war but a charade. If this was indeed a war then SF and intelligence could wipe out the producers and exporters in a blink. And if they treated this as a war, dealers would be executed.
Look at China. They had the world's biggest drug problem. How did they solve it? Mass executions and imprisonment.
Kill your local drug dealer.
Do you think guns should be made illegal because irresponsible parents leave loaded weapons laying around the house?
>stop taking personal responsibility for their short cominings
How can this be made possible if there are no consequences?
that's negligent parents. It was harder for me to get alcohol over weed in HS.
Make America Free Again
Wow, i sure enjoy having every park street and corner littered with drug pins! Let's go play 'find the needle' with the kids!
>Kill your local drug dealer.
Sorry user, I don't think anyone can get away with killing the police.
Only because degenerates and corruption. Full legalization will be an even bigger disaster.
this dumbest fucking argument
>1% of dude weed ownership causes problems because of retard parents
the parents are the problem, alcohol has been in homes for fucking ever and it's always been up to the parents to keep it out of babby's reach
Required by law you have to have your guns locked in a safe when you have kids. If not, you can actually have your guns taken from you and face fines/jail.
Try again.
>Be me.
>Be 16.
>Working roofing with uncle.
>Smash my hand after dropping a pallet on top of it.
>Hurts but nothing cracked.
>Uncle gave me two percocete.
>Took one before bed and gave him back the other one.
>Don't even smoke pot at all.
Self control and personal responsibility.
How can you be a parent when you're fucking high cause DADDDY government legalized it?
>announce a war on drugs
>not a single aspect of it resembles a war
>how could our war on drugs fail?
> comparing alcohol to weed
It can take a while to colonize the entire jar(depending on size), shaking once a third of the grain is colonized can help speed it up.
if it was a complete failure they wont see a grow of psychedelics use in CA right?
Who cares if drugs are legal? Just don't do any if you don't like it.
The war on drugs has been arresting actual communists since you were a piece of piss in your daddy's nutsack
How can you be parent while you're drunk? Why would the government legalize alcohol. What the fuck
Do you realize how retarded you sound
Okay...so what's wrong with having the same policy in place for drugs?
True. But it's not just the US. UK and mainland europe have a problem as well. It's a spiritual/cultural issue. This is what happens when white people lose their roots. You don't see this problem in Hungary and I believe I read an article about how with the rise of nationalism/spiritualism in poland and russia...drugs and alcohol have been declining.
Go see a chiropractor if you have have muscle or joint problems.
Multiple people on YouTube swear by it and talk shit about the pain pills masking the pain not getting rid of it.
Because you know? That's what a pain killer is for, to stop you from feeling pain.
Popcorn son?
if uncle bens instant rice is sold near you,
look up Broke Boi / Spiderman tek
Never heard of anything colonizing popcorn before, but I'm a greenhorn.
Sure thing gramps. We're winning the war, keep the $$$$ pouring in.
Hey retard: what constitutes a lethal dose of LSD?
How many kids die from week overdoses?
How many kids die from alcohol poisoning?
Hundreds a year.
How many kids die because of circumcision?
Dozens per year.
Natural selection.
Alcohol has a bad smell n taste to little timmy. Though those edibles and gummies. That's different.
Also today's weed isn't the same weed that your grandparents smoked. Though alcohol has stayed the same.
Again. lol.
Lol they were too poor to do drugs. Check out their alchohol consumption rates
lmao cummies hate drugs
We were until you faggots started listening to the chimping of the nigger and the lisping of the queer
most all drug users are some form of leftshit.
>"Hitler did the DMT." t. Alex Jones
This, unless you're a leftist faggot or a nigger you shouldn't be worried about the war on drugs
It was fun while it lasted huh? Sure fooled me for a post or 2
>decriminalize drugs
>sell drugs to people at inflated prices
>If it weren't for America saving you from economic ruin
Blatantly false.
Like Evola?
>How can this be made possible if there are no consequences?
Overdose isn't a consequence?
Sure thing bud.
So some dumbass kid ate a 10mg gummy? Still wouldn't have killed the child. Y'all act so fucking paranoid about a plant. Enough with the disingenuous pearl-clutching
More poopy plastic tents on the sidewalks of LA?
>How many kids die from week overdoses?
How many people die from the flu? 0
How many kids have dropped out of school cause DUDE WEED?
How many kids have turned stoner cause of DUDE WEED?
How many kids have smoked coke n weed, to only develop a coke addiction cause of DUDE WEED?
How many kids have committed suicide due to lack of high school diploma cause DUDE WEED and can't get a job?
Like you retards can't see the consequences and only see the now. It's fucking sad.
Kids steal guns and hurt themselves, this doesn't mean guns should be illegal.
Yes, we controlled the drug supply of the soviet union for decades for a reason, to make money and also make sure we pumped them full of schizo inducing drugs until it collapsed. Why would you decide to inflict that on yourself?
Not when narcan is a thing.
You know how many drug users od and still go back to doing it?
You must not know much about drug addiction.
Psychedelic mushrooms are one of the few things humanity couldn't eradicate if we tried. I've never in my life met anyone strung out on hallucinogens.
>be bong
>Be retarded
>release Jew on the world
>Hitler stands up to Jew. Tries to save humanity
>fight hitler
>convince USA to join fight against humanities would be savior
>years later Jews killing America
>is obvious to everyone that you did this
>”hur dur Americans are retarded dope fiends”
Kys nigel
This pearl clutching Maga Karen is a riot
>lock up real doctors because paid youtube testimonials told me chiropractors cure all chronic pain
You're logic is flawless
>legalize weed
>why are these niggers still burning down my city?
>why are there even more niggers?
You're leaving out the genetic modifications that have been done over the last few decades. Shit isn't just a plant anymore.
>Implying the war on drugs was ever real
CIA glow in the dark niggers literally used this pretext to drive up the price and fun all sorts of destabilizing glowing plots around the globe.
Aside from that there's big pharma who are the real evil and deserve to fucking hang.
What the fuck were their parents doing, then?
You seriously just sound like a turbofaggot who's completely out of their element at this point
That is a general and retarded statement. Plenty of right wing people do drugs. They just preach the wrongs while doing the opposite.
Let's legalise fentanyl, yay.
Cartels and dealers are usually of greater concern than individual degenerate junkies.
The degenerate that got her 6th tattoo is a riot.
Go get high to deal with your shit reality already.
the war on drugs HAS been a failure. there's probably a way to properly tackle the issues presented by drugs but proxy funding crime syndicates and gaslighting citizens is clearly not effective
Apparently many Americans have a binary brain. It's either war on drugs or comprehensive legalization.
Still won't kill a child. You want to make genetic modifications of a recreational plant sound fucking scary. Hybridization is genetic modification, dude. The more you talk, the more retarded you sound
>thinking objects price inflates after becoming less illegal
retard alert
What does my parents being non-degenerate drug addicts have to do with anything? You jelly?
crime will always exist in any form for any reason, the only response besides overwhelming force (which we've done) is to utilize it to destroy your enemies (which we tried to do until junkie faggot moderates started crying)
i want to buy mdma at 711
Saw a poster in a guys window in Humboldt county California that said "We would like to congratulate drugs for winning the war on drugs." Thought it was kinda funny. Slightly higher tier than "Get it dude, weed huhuhuhu!"
I guess the drugs won the war
You can use alcohol in moderation. You can''t smoke weed in moderation.
There have been many successes in the war on drugs.
The world is going to keep spinning once you die and no one will remember you
Get over your moral self righteous faggotery
Yeah, that's what happens when you only attack supply and not demand. Unfortunately, only the based Phillipinos kill their drug addicts.
Unfortunately, they don't have near enough manpower to deal with it properly.
Did you get hospitalized for being an idiot child? The fuck does this have to do with you?
should be working on deregulating the harmless vegetable marijuana 1st
No. It was actually a tremendous success. It created vast revenue streams for certain unions and groups. Add to that the "naughty factor" which lures the young folks to try the drugs to feel edgy or "cool". So in that regard it was a successful operation
Anarchotyranny at its finest. Do all the drugs in the world, but the government will crush you if you go to church or don't wear a mask.
>Smoking weed must be why they are burning the cities.
Double digit IQ is really working today.
Even tho weed has been linked to the development of schizophrenia caused by the lack of cbd due to the generic modification of marijuana to increase thc.
If you're gonna smoke it at least know what you're smoking. Like holy shit.
I would really love if they just sent death squads in the night to zero dark thirty every junkie, not for any reason other than it would be cool as fuck
You can very much use weed in moderation, nothing psychological addicting about it
Like your cope though
It has been, but I still don't like the degeneracy.
You don't actually believe the justice rhetoric like a retard do you?
Weed doesn't make the nigger. The problem goes much deeper than that
> imagine
Your world must fucking suck. Were you not hugged as a child?
Even Joe Rogan refuted this pea brained claim. Next faggot
>Dare Program
A fine initiative, which I hope to see people double down on. But there's no getting away from the fact that people will do drugs, and prohibition has caused generations of people who are truly incompetent on the effects of medicine, to occupy medicinal roles.
I want to try salvia but my retarded government has banned it
Mental hospitals were abolished sweety.
Sounds like your speaking from your own self injured perspective
>Watches one ToeR Rogaine stream
>Thinks he's the resident expert on all things herbiculture
Sounds like I have a better idea of what's in my product than you do. Color me surprised
29 posts by this poofter terrified of people eating mushrooms
If they believed this statement why wouldn't they just legalize all drugs?
Also this a drug that mainly white people use so it does not even help they targeted POC
Lol, wut, when? I used to order that shit in by the kilo and put it into glass vials and resell on ebay.
weed doesn't make the nigger think any clearer though
>Its "legalize"
Fentanyl would be less of a problem if the heroine came from a legal American lab and not out of a mexican mules asshole.
>dude, joe rogan, lmao
Too soon, it seems
sounds like weed has got you by the balls and you're in deep denial about it.
haha poofter
> joe rogan
Fucking joe rogan
Weed might help uneducated reactionaries shitheads enjoy a decent sex life without having ED
having consumed a great deal of both, yes
Get experience before you talk about a topic
chiropractors are literally "alternative medicine" because it's bullshit.
Says the one calling people Karens.
Okay bong. How's your women getting raped by migrants going?
allopathic medicine is bullshit
Would you rather have something cooked up by Pfizer for a legit ED condition, though?
dropped, the best part of the war on drugs is you queer commie faggots never being able to own guns once we rough you up
The void is and always has been refilled. It's a retarded endless cycle. Maybe try something new for a bit.
why can't you stay on the topic of drugs?
I know , Joe Rogan is an ape chud man and even he knows anti weed Karens are full of shit with no empirical evidence backing their hysterical anti weed claims
Imagine being an NPC who needs psychedelics to be an actual conscious being.
I can run laps around you. No point of a gun if you are unfit
the more you faggots keep going at the science the better though, glad joe is contributing his expertise to the argument so we can continue to destroy your lives and keep you commie queers from civilized society
Pretty much. Endless money grab.
probably not with those stick antifa legs faggot
Ok bro. Are you going to go back to building houses with nothing but a pair of slip-joint pliers to stay consistent?
It's a tool like any other. I've seen plenty of sawzalls fuck a guy up; doesn't mean I'm calling for them to be removed from the worksite
As we've seen with weed legalization, the problem would only get worse.
Mushrooms and LSD are based. Dudeweed legitimately makes you retarded.
man on tren whines about drugs
>a legit ED condition
no such thing.
it has a root cause
allopathic medicine won't address that because it's a scam
I'm not whining, I'm perfectly fine with how things are, so long as cops keep molesting and executing these leftist perverts
You're side-stepping the question
What is this, NPC cope?
what about rw cokeheads
what about your roid rage
i don't do drugs
just weed
Anti weed Karens are so insufferable as weed becomes more accepted...it’s like they had traumatizing experiences in HS with their peers
i've done tons of illegal and pharma drugs though in the past.
There's an immense irony to your statement, but I'm not a malicious bastard, so I'll let you continue living in ignorance
California--- the land of fruits and nuts
>harmless vegetable
>destroys individual thought and creates a population of fucking retarded hippies
Next you’ll tell me masturbation is good for you.
I don't give a shit what people put in their bodies, so long as you keep giving cops a reason to arrest and destroy you
Difficult to win a war on drugs on the left hand when CIAniggers are flooding the country with drugs on the right hand.
This is an idiotic policy that the City of London and Wall Street want.
legalize weed -> psychedelics -> full decriminalization -> total chaos
Dope Inc. 1978
Defund the police
i've done heroin and meth discontinuously ama
try it faggot, not even biden will touch that with a 10 foot pole
Why heroin? Seems like so much fucking work
fapping is healthy . Your cope is very dank
never mainlined it
Cope, degen.
what if I needed jello shots for medical reasons and someone's greedy snot-nosed kid ate a whole bowl of them and died. literally the same argument as muh weed gummies. the nastiest people on earth profit on drugs, I support cutting that off.
entactogens and psychedelics were more my thing
>Anti weed Karens are so insufferable as weed becomes more accepted...it’s like they had traumatizing experiences in HS with their peers
based Nixon, telling jews, commies, faggots, niggers, trannies to enjoy the jail cell
i live in a legal state.
but when i didn't i still grew and smoked weed
You are a boot liking faggot
and I'm sure you've helped the police remove enough niggers and faggots from the streets, thank you for your service
>The maple leaf, much like the country it represents, fails to make any substantive statement of power, unity, health, vitality, or integrity
Maybe I'd be offended if I valued anything you had to say
how can we lick the boot when we're the ones wearing it?
This might be the most boomer post I have ever read. You know nothing about drugs and, quite frankly, it appears that you don't really know much about anything, Your ego disagrees; though.
>Only way to fix the problem is to instill culture.
How? Open more museums or art galleries?
>Wasn't that Regan that abolished mental health institutions fuck tard?
What does this have to do with fucking anything and what is your point?
>I bet you also think Texas needs more windmills.
Way to wrap it all up with a pointless ad hominem.
based I will become an illegal alien in your country
>You are a boot liking faggot