Texans Hit With Absurd Electric Bills

Dab Forums will defend this
>As a historic winter storm raged across Texas over the weekend, Akilah Scott-Amos received an alarming message from her power company: Please switch services because “prices are about to explode.”
>“I paid $450 for one day.
>The nightmare only got worse on Monday, when she realized her bill had increased by another $2,500.
>In comparison, Scott-Amos paid $33.93 last year for the entire month of February.
>“I now owe Griddy $2,869.11. This is going to put me in debt, this is going to mess up my credit. Are they going to cut me off? In the middle of this ongoing crisis?”
>Griddy customers have blasted the wholesale power company for their outrageously high bills amid a winter disaster.
>“We know millions of people are suffering,” ERCOT President and CEO Bill Magness said in a Wednesday statement. “We have no other priority than getting them electricity. No other priority.”
>Data from ERCOT suggests the price of getting the lights back on might be too steep for some Texans.
>market prices on the power grid spiked more than 10,000 percent on Monday in the aftermath of the deep freeze. Prices skyrocketed to more than $9,000 per megawatt-hour—compared to the pre-storm prices of less than $50 per hour.

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Other urls found in this thread:

news.google.com/search?q=texas power bills

>Royce Pierce, a 38-year-old contractor, is one of those Griddy customers who received a notice from the power company to abandon his service
>his bill has skyrocketed over $7,000 in the last two days, he said.
>As of Wednesday, Pierce owes Griddy $8,162.73 for the month of February
>his two-story house was $387.70 just last month.
>Last February, Pierce said he only paid $330.
>People are desperate
>Houston hospital had already seen at least 100 patients come in over 48 hours with carbon monoxide poisoning.
>“This increase in cases of carbon monoxide poisoning is a mass casualty event and part of the larger public health disaster that Houston is currently facing,” he said.
>Some residents have attempted to use their BBQ pits, campfire grills, or stovetops inside their homes to stay warm.
>Several people have died, including a Sharpstown woman and an 8-year-old girl who suffered suspected carbon monoxide poisoning after running their car in the garage to generate heat.
>“This is a public health emergency. We have seen both adults and children in our emergency rooms for carbon monoxide poisoning as people without power do anything they can to keep their families warm during this arctic blast that has plagued the Houston area
>Scott-Amos is outraged this public health emergency has been exacerbated by the “greed” of electrical companies.
>“I think people are greedy. It doesn’t make sense,” she said. “I am dumbfounded. There is no compassion or grace for people.”

The article is from the Daily Beast. allsides.com/news-source/daily-beast-media-bias

Maybe they should take their guns and go shoot the jews for using their kike magic.

This is the free market that freedom loving Texans demanded. They don’t need a socialist bailout from the fed

Doesn't matter. There are dozens of articles covering the same story. Facts are facts regardless of source same as bullshit is bullshit regardless of source.
news.google.com/search?q=texas power bills

>Dab Forums will defend this

Yeah no retard, that’s fucked and the JEWS and other human garbage who own those power companies should have lawsuits and be personally investigated for fraud. Nobody can afford that especially with this covid shit you leftists are still pretending is real.

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enjoy your free market capitalism dumbfucks

155 Texans died of coronavirus yesterday. Why should anyone care about three that died of carbon monoxide?

Just make your own electric company.

NOTICE: This is ONLY referring to people who use a ower service called "Griddy" that allows you to pay market prices for electricity

Most people do not use this service, and will not have massive bills like this

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Right? Solar and wind are free energy after all.

They are on the variable rate plan with one, particular company.
I'm not saying thus is alright but they are partially responsible for their bills. Also for electing idiots who fucked their power systems with "renewables".


>socialist activists infiltrate government and energy, demand energy be banned, hampered, and impeded in favor of shit tier
>socialists blame the market for this
>they literally don't know
This is starting to look a lot like the Ukrainian famines. Trotskyists at their best. You really think the cold starving people are gonna blame the free market for what's going on? People are aware green is not as efficient. Even lefties I know are slowly opening their eyes

What is it leftards say whenever a conservative gets banned from Twitter? Oh yeah
>it’s a private company they can do what they want
>make your own electricity bro

How do prices work for most people then?

They did
If Texans don’t like the bills they’re getting they should switch power companies. Not complain about paying for the power that they’ve already used

>Doesn't effect me so fuck them.

imagine believing this is "free market capitalism" when all the entities involved in this are public-private partnerships

The power market in Texas is deregulated. This is the invisible hand of the free market at work.

On one hand:
>wahhh people want to stay warm in their house during a severe winter storm, they are selfish goyim

On the other hand:
>americans are mostly retarded, they literally leave their computers on 24/7 because they don't know how to push a power button, they leave their lights on all day and think electricity grows on trees

Man, I dunno. But the Jews in charge of your country don't have your best interests in mind. I hope you guys can sort it out soon. All the best.

Posted from my counter-Semite phone

Did I say that, idiot? I just don't want peole with regular metered connections to mis-read OP's post and think they'll get a 1,000 dollar electric bill

Of course it's a scummy practice, and despite sending out warnings about the price spike this Griddy company is going to get sued into oblivion if they try to make people pay those bills

Griddy is a service that literally turns your energy bill into a gamble. It directly passes through wholesale rates, rather than a fixed rate with markup like usual providers charge.

These people here are morons that have fucked themselves because they are stupid, and deserve no pity. The fact that they were unable to realize that spot rates might climb beyond what they are able to afford, and that they would need to stop consuming electricity in such situations to avoid high bills is *solely* their fault.

Trying to roll out the “muh non federalize grid” angle and completely ignoring the 6 days of inaction by this admin

A little bit of snow and Americans start dying.
Too funny.

There are federal regulations for national and state emergencies. Also price gouging is illegal.

obviously part of his "dark winter" schtick. wanted to stick it to texas, too, for leading the votescam inquest.

Upper management and shareholders of Griddy should be stripped of profits and imprisoned. This is no different then price gouging food and water sales for a hurricane.

Holy fuck why is that even an option? How dumb do you need to be to do that.

You choose a power provider from powertochoose.com/ and get a fixed-rate contract. My price is locked in for 3 years. This is probably what 99.9% of Texans do.

Or they could shoot at the falling snow before it lands.

Until a reliable source reports its not reliable.

explain exactly how it's "deregulated" you fuckin chink kike pig

Griddy is privately owned

>spot rates
>wholesale rates
>fixed rate
This money-oriented national infrastructure sounds awfully Israeli.

>Holy fuck why is that even an option? How dumb do you need to be to do that.
The woman in one of these articles said that she switched to Griddy recently to save on her bills, because usually it was cheaper and she lost her job from the Rona.

Like the user above said, Griddy basically turns your energy bill into a gamble. She gambled that something like this wouldn't happen, but it did.

Renewables didn't fuck the Texas grid. Even if all wind and solar sources had been properly winterized and fully online, it wouldn't have overcome the shortfall in generation by natural gas plants.

The bulk of offline capacity is due to lack of investment in pipeline infrastructure, lack of investment in natural gas power plant capabilities, and poor maintenance and winterization at the South Texas nuke plant.

Do Amerimutts fucking , unironically, really?!

Imagine being such an absolute Golem prices aren't forced for two years in advance when making the contract and your entire livelihood being dependent on MUH Fhree MURKUTH
Fucking hell rip brugers

>Facts are facts regardless of source.

coal is looking mighty fine right now.

It's a small price to pay for green energy



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Yeah but this is an inch of snow. Not a disaster. The problems are because the government of texas is incompetent. The solution is definitely not giving an incompetent government more money.

Look how the target is ted cruz and not even the governor. There's a democrat administration again they're exempt from criticism.


Can it really be cheaper then the usual 10-11c per kWh fixed rates? My bills are like $70 a month and even in the height of summer like $150. What a fucking moron.

It doesn't make what Giddy is doing right. Its also fucked that other companies won't let them sign on. This is economic rape simple as.

People need to realize it's beyond greed and is the result of a culture losing it's morals. This isn't a country it's an economic zone run by psychopaths and jews who think goyim have no souls it isn't immoral to do these things to them in fact it's winning.

Read the thread turkman

the renewables run the gas fields and griddy isn't responsible for the failure of production facilities, it's just a shitty pricing mechanism.

Look it up: Griddy.
This is a non-story, friends.

Ted Cruz fled to mexico during a disaster. Did the governor book a stay at the ritz Cancun?

>be texas
>mild snowfall
>turns into a literal third-world shithole
what a bunch of faggots

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Well. These red blooded Americans can just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get a second job. I know they wouldn't want a socialist big government bailout.
Get fucked,Trump tards

Actually, part of a free market is actually having people kill each other over economic price gouging. Economists, and anarchists, are quick to forget about that.

Public utilities got pozzed by green energy bullshit and now it's biting them in the ass. Should be fun watching the Texans drag the bullshitters out of their homes in handcuffs to stand trial, if they get that far.

Griddy got greedy huh.

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>Yeah but this is an inch of snow. Not a disaster.
That's not true. It's way more than "an inch" of snow and the real damage is coming from ice and frozen pipes. It's absolutely a state of disaster right now. People on boil water notices or with no water at all, without power in sub-freezing temperature for an entire week?
It's a disaster user

Texas is getting jewed.

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no, cocksucker, i want YOU to explain it. fuckin wikipedia faggot.

Customers by their electricity at fixed rates. The one's getting fucked over are the utilities providers.

She said she hadn't had a bill over $50 since she started using it

>This is economic rape simple as
Yeah but griddy’s customers were asking for it

this is the only intelligent comment in this whole thread

Sounds like someone could use 1 or 2 new Nuclear plants...

Griddy is the opposite of greedy. They're not even charging a markup on wholesale energy costs.

Texas’ governor is republican too

Of course it's not right. They did at least send out notices to all of their customers warning them the price hike was coming and instructing them to switch to a different provider

Of course, everything was closed, so nobody actually could switch to another provider even if they wanted to. But at least they gave people a heads-up.
They're gonna get sued to hell and back if they try to make people pay these though.

>buying from something called "Griddy"
Never buy from zoomer businesses, they're "entrepreneurs," which is their talk for hucksters, and they'll bone you harder than ollies and then sell the company the instant before cut-corners litigation.

> i want YOU to explain it
Cool story bro. I want to win the lottery. Your illiteracy is not my problem

So, how many coal fired power plants were forced to be decommissioned over the past decade or two?

>mild snowfall
A completely inaccurate and disingenuous assessment of the situation

show flag

Griddy customers pay a flat rate to Griddy; Griddy then gives customers the ability to use energy at wholesale rates.

>The Jew owned courts will prosecute jews guys lol don't worry you'll get your 50 dollar class action check in 2045 justice has been served!

Please dude just please

You agree to pay for fluctuations in the rates so you are a poor negotiator and I should maximize profit. That is the world son.

How is this not the same level of extortion as $5 - $7 gas prices after 911. Many gas stations get sued over that.

Wisconsin handles far worse every winter. Freezing weather is not a disaster. It happens every year.

FYI for our disgruntled Texan friends.

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Just went back and looked and she said she was paying 5c per kWh

Sadly we even see shills on this thread trying that shit.

Answering that question would imply anyone knows what the governor is doing. You know, since nobody knows what he's doing.

anyone with a brain will just put a pellet burning furnace in their house.

>wind turbines cost 10 times more than a classical powerplant (wind turbine itself + reinforced and extended grid + backup classical power plants to compensate when there is no wind etc.).
>pay 10 times more
>surprise face pikachu
People are retards

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And I agree.
Renewable did contribute to this shitstorm greatly. About 12% or so of all power in Texas comes from this type of energy.
This led to the overtaking of the system. Obviously the other powerplants also shit the bed because there is a very close relationship between the power companies and the government and both love to make the money without investing in the infrastructure. If Texas decided to weatherize their system instead of spending the money on the bullshit "technology " this could have been avoided.

In the free market you are free to be a retard. These people who signed up for these veritable rate plans are probably the same ones who signed up for adjustable rate mortgages pre2008

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This shitshow displays the superiority of Crown Corporations when it comes to a large scale utility like Power.
Compare how HydroQuebec delt with the 1998 ice storm to how ERCOT is dealing with this shitshow right now.

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Because this happens every year in Wisconsin. Something like this is a once in a generation event for Texas.
Of course in retrospect everybody agrees we should have winterized.

A single American can provide enough protein and fire fuel for an entire village for 3 months. That is how we survive this thing!

coal is an inhumane and backwards fuel source for penny-pinching jews

the issue here is not that coal plants are being phased out; it's that natural gas plants and pipeline operators screwed the pooch on prepping for severe weather

The much larger problem is the person at the power company who decided to turn the switch off rather than pay the huge market spot price. We'll see if they go to jail or not.

> You know, since nobody knows what he's doing.
You must be retarded. He held a live press conference in Austin yesterday

Not in Texas user. And this is the thing: Texas could've prepared for it. It was just unlikely that such storm would come sooner or later. But rhe same people who believe in glibal warming are in charge of Texas' grid and invested into the "green" energy scheme to make themselves more money instead of preparing for unlike but not unheard of situation

Griddy is still culpable in this for being the middle man. What companies are responsible for the prices going up? Any idea?

lololol that's what's you get for not being part of the Feds electric grid. Dumb Texans

The name lf this company is seriously very telling. Sounds just like greedy

Read the thread retard

This ALL sounds like gas lighting BULLSHIT. Outside of this retarded set of narratives, NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT FOUR THOUSAND DOLLAR ELECTRICITY, you fucking retards xD

>As a historic winter storm raged across Texas over the weekend, Akilah Scott-Amos received an alarming message from her power company: Please switch services because “prices are about to explode.”
>>“I paid $450 for one day.
>>The nightmare only got worse on Monday, when she realized her bill had increased by another $2,500.
>>In comparison, Scott-Amos paid $33.93 last year for the entire month of February.
>>“I now owe Griddy $2,869.11. This is going to put me in debt, this is going to mess up my credit. Are they going to cut me off? In the middle of this ongoing crisis?”
>>Griddy customers have blasted the wholesale power company for their outrageously high bills amid a winter disaster.
>>“We know millions of people are suffering,” ERCOT President and CEO Bill Magness said in a Wednesday statement. “We have no other priority than getting them electricity. No other priority.”
>>Data from ERCOT suggests the price of getting the lights back on might be too steep for some Texans.
>>market prices on the power grid spiked more than 10,000 percent on Monday in the aftermath of the deep freeze. Prices skyrocketed to more than $9,000 per megawatt-hour—compared to the pre-storm prices of less than $50 per hour.
>Buys a variable rate electricity plan
>expects no risk

Damn, it sure would be a shame if they used those guns to parody the ERCOT guys into a pit of lava in minecraft

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this is a fucking retarded take

energy providers don't have a moral imperative to protect customers from wholesale price spikes; they simply honor terms of a contract

being too stupid to understand the potential consequences of a contract is not Griddy's fault

>once in a generation
Try 5-10 years. Something that happens every five years is not a disaster

155 died by a coof spawned a shithole in the east. These 3 died during a fucking winter storm because the company decided they wanted to price gauge and have a bumper next quarterly. O SAY CAN YOU SEE

She didn’t move into the fixed plan on time. ONUS on her

>we should have prepared for a snowstorm in the desert
Yes, I'll make sure to pass that message along to Mexico who also failed to winterize. We should warn the Saudis next.

>The media will do anything but throw dear leader biden a few softballs

We have what is in effect state media with a slant just slightly less severe than north korea and a control on normie reality nearly on par if they don't report on something it doesn't exist.

I've lived here my entire life. This does not happen every 5-10 years. You're a fucking moron.


griddy doesn't make any profits off the wholesale rates they expose customers to

Not happy with price swings buy into a fixed contract dumbfucks

No shit, pol fucking disappoints me so much lately.

Well, look at what happened
Was it worth it?

So hypothetically your fixed rate is coming to an end in the next month. What do?

>every 5 years
There is snow on the ground right now. Been there for days. We maybe get snow once every 5-10 years that melts as it touches the ground. Snow that sticks, it's been about 40 years since the last time that happened. My grandma used to keep a snowball in the freezer from when it happened in the 80s.

Also Texas isn't a fucking desert

>We should warn the Saudis next

no one tell user about the freak snowstorm in Saudi Arabia last month

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I'd praise you, but the public wasn't notified that they'd be charged these rates or I'd had seen this shit 2 weeks ago blown up everywhere. This is some full on kike shit pulled here.

They probably don't make much profit off the customers that are fucking dead, either.

Weird that this “disaster”ends at the texas state line huh? Why aren’t Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and New Mexico im a disaster?

It is not uncommon. Texas is just incompetent

So what i see here is.
>Its fucking cold
>demand for energy rises
>muh shekels, lets ram up the prices for gas and coal and shit
>free market
>everyone mad


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Join a church and pray. Pray that the snow clears before your renewal date, brother.

Telling me she didn't read the fine print? Then forget what I said about the companies not telling you in advance.

So the saudis had snow too ?
Did they have any power outages in their cities? (my guess is no, they have a lot of petrol to burn 24/7)

I thought price gouging during a crisis was illegal


griddy makes it *abundantly* clear that the rates are constantly variable, and anybody that has used them frequently sees absurd spikes in pricing

the difference is that on a normal day, that price spike generally lasts a few minutes while the grid and generators compensate to increase supply

>the public wasn’t notified.
The Public didn’t need to be notified. These people signed a contract exposing themselves to wholesale price fluctuations. It was basically driving without insurance and now they’re asking the fed to fix their car

Free market also means open trade. ERCOT isn’t connected to other power grids of states.

The president is only responsible when he's republican.

> Be a Boomer.
>Sign-up to the equivalent of an ARM loan on your electric bill.
>Brag about how your saving $10 a month.
>All the other Boomers follow.
>Proceed to get fucked by the kikes trading electric.

you send their estate to collections, no big deal

Texans don't even want to be a part of the united stated anymore, why the fuck should they get federal funding? Better to strip the powers that be, and help the citizens instead, texas government needs to be sent to the gulags.

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Nothing happened. Power was off in some places for 3 days. 100 or so retards out of a 30,000,000 population thought it was a good idea to run a gas generator in their homes. Theyll probably go ahead and start winterizing amid pressure from the federal government. Only for it to fail when the lines and pipes cant expand properly when it hits 115 degrees this summer.

Texas could certainly have used some additional non-gas, non-wind spare capacity this past week, don’t you think? Last resort use but available if needed?

nobody has died from “coronavirus”

Texans are retarded. I’ve camped outside, multiple times in freezing temperatures. It’s not that hard to stay fucking warm especially when you have a roof over your head. I hope this pushes people to be more prepared and learn skills to be able to survive on their own. This is pathetic

It's like getting an adjustable rate mortgage it's a stupid idea

>ERCOT isn’t connected to other power grids of states
That was Texas’s choice. Most other states buy wholesale power from eachother every day.

its okay he answered 1 phone call about it. What else should he do? a little morale? a little unity? maybe tomorrow. I think he called a lid today

idle coal plants aren't worth the upkeep costs. you can't just 'fire them up' on demand anyway. plant turnups take days when there isn't apocalyptic weather. there's no fucking way coal would be useful here.

Being a part of the contract means being notified, see I spoke too soon.

>tfw the estate sues your company for directly killing their relatives with your shitty pricing and you have to pay out

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90% of texas' power supply comes from fossil fuels

False equivalent really. This is like playing penny slots for a few bucks and the house comes up and hands you a bill for $10,000 because you are standing in front of their slot machine.

No. Not in Texas anyway. Utilities are private and are in constant threat of being whatever the state equivalent of nationalized is. Or in some cases theres only one power company essentially running a monopoly for a large area, and constantly scrutinized by the state to make sure they arent being dicks about it. If they try something, could be looking at breaking up utility companies. Some people in Texas wanted to save a buck by using Griddy to get wholesale energy prices rather than a slightly higher fixed rate price, in the same manner a bunch of people were maxing out variable rate mortgages prior to 2008.

>he doesnt get it
Yes that the point. Are you blaming them for not winterizing their cities?

>Free market
>Government intervention

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It certainly isnt a tundra either. Yet you act as if we are supposed to have infrastructure identical to Russia

Nah. You're retarded.
Still waiting on the answer to which power companies are sending the bills to Griddly to manage.
Thinking about it Griddly is nothing more than front company here as its laid out. The companies using Griddly need to be flushed out and punished for the price gouging.

I know caliwali is ultra cucked but here you can't do shit like charging over a certain percentage of your usual rate on most anything (especially hotels) during disasters. are laws like that communism in Texas or something?

no, it's like playing a slot machine where the cost per spin changes to somewhere between 2 and 15 cents 95% of the time, and the other 5% of the time hits something absurd (in proportion to previous costs) by skyrocketing to 5 dollars

If you can't afford the $5 spin, you shouldn't play that game. You should go play another slot machine with a fixed rate that you can afford.

These people are stupid. Stop defending them.

>Nothing happened.
Whatever faggot

>Big business
Always cuts everything down to the very last penny, budget surpluses are saved and never used, everything bought for the cheapest price humanly possible always
>Regular people do the same
What the fuck why are these idiots buying everything so cheap, it's going to fuck them in the long run.

>sign up for wholesale power plan because on good days it’s cheaper than standard plans
>don’t do due diligence to understand what the other side of a wholesale plan could mean
>wow how could they do this to me!!!

Idiots who don’t read into what they’re buying deserve what they get.

2 reasons. 1 Texas has it's own grid. 2, even though power was out in the surrounding states, the left media has decided to hone in on Texas and their isolated infrastructure. Care to imagine why that might be?

>obviously part of his "dark winter" schtick.

This. I think he even referenced it more than once. Faggot isn't through with punishing us yet

All correct
Texas is just becoming a third world shithole just like the rest of the country.
You can't have a minority White state without it becoming a corrupt crumbling violent dump.


>Still waiting on the answer to which power companies are sending the bills to Griddly to manage.

literally any generator in (and even a few outside of) Texas; all energy gets pooled together on the ERCOT grid

>Thinking about it Griddly is nothing more than front company here as its laid out. The companies using Griddly need to be flushed out and punished for the price gouging.

griddy does the same thing that every other power provider in Texas does: monitor your usage, bill you accordingly, and pass along delivery fees charged by the companies that own the power lines without markup

you're clearly an idiot that doesn't have any idea how any of this works, stop posting

>the left media has decided to hone in on Texas and their isolated infrastructure. Care to imagine why that might be?
I saw that smug faggot Don Lemon and he was overjoyed to be able to smirk at the camera and say
>Well, Texas doesn't think they need the federal government, I guess that was a bad decision wasn't it eh Texans?
the message is clearly don't go your own way or there will be consequences

The price of something is proportional to its scarcity and its usefulness.

As electricity has become highly scarce, the new price reflects that. If you really want electricity, you can pay. The alternative is rolling blackouts.

Imagine how expensive porn would be if there was only enough of it for 10% of the population. This isn’t greed, this is just basic economics.

>Texas has its own grid
Texas made a dumb choice and is facing the consequences. But as a state that values personal responsibility, I’m sure that they’ll face those consequences stoically instead of begging for gibs from rich states like New York and california

>Texas gov needs to be sent to the gulags
Communists should admire Texas politicians. Most of them do it for 4 figure annual salaries. Texas constitution was based on the idea that politician should not be a full time job, and that it should be a service you provide your fellow citizens while you maintain your actual livelihood. As opposed to most other states and the fed where politicians go in with a net worth of 100k and come out the other side with a hundred million

How can the energy company justify such an absurd increase, what is their answer to this? Anybody asked them? This truly is the stuff of revolutions.

I pay 7.43$ per month for electricity.
Imagine being in shithole like me with tyranic goverment.

Honestly if anything is riot worthy its this sort of shit and Texans should go fucked smash the shit out of Griddy HQ in minecraft of course.

Actions have consequences libs want feds in Texas. It’s a nonissue made by lbs

For most people they are. Some people choose to gamble with this and when they lose they get mad.

Justification for him to resign and have mrs. Nigger step in

the 'Texas has its own grid' thing is a stupid meme that's being hyped to make Texas look bad

ERCOT has multiple interconnects to neighboring grids; it's just that there wasn't spare generation capacity available on the neighboring grids because - shocker - the entire region was affected by the weather and had unusually high demand for power

>Being a part of the contract means being notified
The contract wasn’t changed. So there was no obligation to notify. The entire premise of the contract was that power prices were allowed to fluctuate wildly. This wasn’t fine print. This was boldly printed.

You are retarded. Not everything that goes wrong is the fault of whatever boogieman you're afraid of. Privatization of everything, shit management and politicians who preach that people would better die than accept handouts from their own tax money can do that to a country.

>muh free market
>privatize public utilities
>oh no how could this happen
Good thing everyone understood that their previously lower than average bills came with the risk of market volatility and they put away the difference for a rainy day like this, right?
We're all rational market actors, yes?

>Actually using good faith when jews are involved in any fashion

Even if their was an infinite supply if jews see the demand grow at all they will pull any sneaky shit. Stop pretending like this shit is logical and not greedy when there is more proof to support otherwise.

>Dab Forums will defend this
Dab Forums may be full of retards but you need to lurk moar, tranny faggot

Powers been back on at my place since wednesday after 2 days of rolling blackouts. I've been through hurricanes that were worse. The worst part right now is that amazon isnt delivering so I have to wait a week for my packages. Everyone here has been pretty excited to get snow. Kids in my neighborhood were having a blast.

That is what I said, yes.

Don’t like the prices go off grid. expecting the fallout of regulation. Utilities aren’t the only source of electricity.

The power company here, Griddy, didn't raise any price. It just exposes consumers that want to take a chance on the casino that is ERCOT's wholesale market to risk for a flat fee. Griddy doesn't even mark up the wholesale rates they pass on.

This is a case of people choosing to play with fire, then getting burned.

Fine. Except this isn't pennies to $5 fluctuation. Its a sociopathically larger fluctuation all things considered. Its beyond what is reasonably acceptable.
The whole things reeks of a pyramid scam that was designed to do just what its doing, ripping off society.
The corporations are hoping for emergency money from the government more then likely. Any losses they can write off as the profit will come out higher. Griddly may get destroyed in court but it won't matter. It's a front company.

NatGas plants were limited by emissions try again commie the windmills here were still turning never lost power for a min. I get all.my.power from renewable

>drinks alcohol
>can’t read

>muh Katrina
A major city was completely demolished during Katrina. Texans are being asked to wear coats.

They’re really not comparable

>Works fine on my machine

i hope you don't vote, because you are literally retarded

no. no one is force into the “pyramid scheme” you can freely disconnect.

does Biden want Texas to secede?

they need to use netzero building techniques before Texas outlaws that

They literally just bill what they paid for the energy. Giddy did nothing wrong. To even get a plan like this you have to go out of your way. No one is getting hit by this that isn't a massive idiot. Giddy event sent out warning notices before this that everyone should hop onto a fixed rate plan but these idiots just ignored it. This is like if the dealer at the roulette told you that suddenly all bets were $5k each and you had no chance of winning and still said "fuck it, im all in".

that won't help them with the power outages, the power companies are owned by foreigners

>The corporations are hoping for emergency money from the government more then likely
no they want to single out and punish Trump/Biden voters


>amazon isnt delivering so I have to wait a week for my packages
Fuck man. That sounds savage. Better call in the national guard

Fuck Biden and fuck the USA

>rich states like california and New York
Texas has a higher GDP and contributes more to the federal government than New York. Unfortunately California beats us in that regard, they are the only ones.
>a state that values personal responsibility theyll face consequences stoically
Yes. That's what everyones been doing. If you think the lefty media is being honest about the conditions here, think again. It isnt a big deal. Couldve been better, but the only ones hurt are retards who thought it was a good idea to burn gasoline in a confined living space.

Go to customer service if you ave prime and say you’re dissatisfied they gave me free Amazon credits. Don’t be chucked by waiting

>disconnect grid from other states
>sell grid to chinks
>power goes out
>demand federal bailout
Is this the magic of free markets?

That's what you get when you give people's basic necessities to Jewish oligarchs. Once the weather warms up in Texas, Jewish media will do everything they can to memoryhole the whole thing and consumers will have to foot the bill.

I know you're a shill and I don't expect you to even respond, but please read my question and answer it in your mind. Answer truthfully, nobody will know what you thought:

If Trump was still the president, do you believe that the media would be treating him the same way they're treating Biden over this crisis?

that's what you get for voting to be your own grid and getting fucked

>Last spring furnace blower motor went out on Sat afternoon (early march still lotsa snow on ground)
>oh fuck cant buy one til monday
>turned on gas rangetop all burners on low
>First floor comfy 75º all weekend
>mon go to furnace store snag a blower for $100
>fuck furnace repair emergency nigger charging $1000 for weekend emergency shit.
>blower running fine all this winter

>People need to realize it's beyond greed and is the result of a culture losing it's morals.

So true. I wish people could understand this.

Power has been restored to almost every part of the state as of last night. The remainder are physical issues, not power generation issues. Texas infrastructure had 0 issues for 100 years. A freak storm happens and suddenly people like you and the feds think we should abandon our own system in favor of someone else's.

Yeah its brutal. How else am I supposed to get my gluten free, organic, free range, eggs from whole foods? Oh wait, my neighbor has chickens ;)

>If Trump was still the president, do you believe that the media would be treating him the
Why are you even watching major news networks, boomer? And who gives a fuck about trump?

What does this have to do with Texas?

sounds a lot like variable rate mortgages from the 2008 crisis
>get in with a low teaser rate
>get fucked when rates increase

You my fren are a genius. Thanks.

JFL at Texas faggots shifting blame to someone other then themselves.

>but muh green energy, pin wheel no spin in cold
>but muh low market price power rates, this is price gauging
>but muh carbon monoxide poisoning, evil government caused this not my own stupidity of not having alarms
>but muh Ted cruse runs away leaving Texans behind!!

Niggers if you were smart you could have your home outfitted with a generator or a chimney and some firewood. American spend thousands on lifted trucks but not a single thing to keep themselves alive in crisis. Faggots take a drive or a plane to a state that has no winter storm and wait it out in a hotel.

Attached: 59B1A172-BFE1-49E6-8E5C-222E77B51B89.jpg (745x1024, 49.62K)

Grids been ours since we built it. About a century. The continental grid is the one sold to China. Thank biden for that. Idk where you're getting this federal bailout since the fed isnt involved and theres nothing to bailout. Methinks you're juden. Shoe flag

Probably, but all you need is one event like this to make it not worth it.

Zero sympathy for Griddy customers or anyone dumb enough to sign up for a variable rate energy plan.

My fixed rate plan is $0.07 per kwh, how much cheaper are the people looking to get their energy?

Seriously who the fuck lives in the south and doesn't have a generator.

Why isn't Texas buying cheap energy from surrounding states, from Canada or from Mexico?

You are telling me the most "advanced" economy in the world doesn't have an interconnected powergrid like Europe and a good chunk of Asia?

Attached: 1234645566784.png (267x339, 202.97K)

lol its literally cheaper to run a generator.
I live off grid with solar but on cloudy days I run a generator. I bulk buy my propane and keep gasoline on hand for this kind of shit.
I pay 1.70 in the summer for a gallon of propane. I use two generators. A large 7000 watt unit for big stuff and a small 3500 unit for fuel efficiency. I also have a very small backup generator thats 1400 watts and it sips fuel, about a gallon every 12 hours.
A modest 6.5 HP 3500 watt generator uses about 1/3 a gallon of gas an hour and should run a furnace blower, a fridge and some small stuff like laptops and still only use 30-40 bucks a day in gasoline.

City fags love to suffer.

Griddy was pricing at $450/day for a bit

enjoy your brain damage from carbon monoxide

>Why isn't Texas buying cheap energy from surrounding states, from Canada or from Mexico?
>You are telling me the most "advanced" economy in the world doesn't have an interconnected powergrid like Europe and a good chunk of Asia?
from what I know, texas is an exception.
they have their own grid. and its not really that well connected to the other 2 neighboring US grids

Kek fuck Texas

Energy deals with volume so they dont make large profit margins. Its probably some guys trying to save a few bucks not really understanding what that means. They think they just found a cheaper service.

Do you really have to ask that question this late in the game? Our whole country is held up by a rotten foundation, an election that was rigged, and you're surprised that Biden is spitefucking Texas with media approval? This same media was pushing the angle that Trump was a pedophile rapist evil meanie while talking about Biden's favorite flavor of ice cream. It's been going on and you're still asking the same question expecting a different answer.

We just have the most advanced marketing

Lmao get a fixed rate nigger

Place has gone to shit. Average IQ here used to be easily 120+, now it’s nigger tier. Schizo boomers and every low functioning autistic invalid in the Western world flocked here after Trump got elected, and now it’s probably the most retarded platform on the internet.

not an argument

I had been meaning to get one. Never bothered since I have loads of battery packs, and a fireplace if i need warmth or to cook. I might have to wait a few months now since everyone who didnt grab one is going to be rushing out to buy one now

Like 98% of people

I'm in hurricane & flood territory so I lose power for at least a month out of the year it seems like. Not having a generator in the gulf states sounds batshit retarded. They are like 500 bux and pay for themselves after one season.

So they took cheaper option not realizing that could fuck them in long run if shit goes bad? And now they are like “what the fuck!”.

They did import some energy.

it's similar in that it's a business model that attracts a lot of idiots, but it's different in that you can actually use Griddy to come out ahead.

Pre-pandemic, myself and many of my friends used Griddy and saved tons of money on electricity. For the entire year of 2019, I spent $375 on energy for a 2000 sq ft townhouse - because a.) I didn't need to use much power for cooling during the summertime peak demand periods because I spent the hottest hours of the day at work, and b.) I have 'smart' devices I can remotely shut down/disable whenever prices spiked.

Because I'm an intelligent person, I realized this wasn't going to fly with stay-at-home orders in place forcing work-from-home and generally more time at home overall, so I swapped to a fixed-rate plan from a traditional electric provider at the beginning of the pandemic. I'm paying about $175/month now for power - way more expensive than 2019 for me - but that's the cost of staying comfy when at home all the time.

>hurricane & flood territory s
>gulf states
You do know it was basically the whole state of TX that was having issues?


I see a lot of pissed off spics, rednecks, and niggas who probably never thought they had to worry about winter storm like this and were not ready for it who likely said “we can wait on bill and be fine”.

This right here. I live in a state rich in both NG and Coal. Natural gas is not a good replacement for coal. Its cheap and plentiful but coal is easy to ship and store but most of all, POWERFUL.
NG can have pipeline issues like we have seen but most of all it can take 3-4 NG plants to replace one coal plant. Meanwhile that coal plant only has to shovel in more coal, something they have massive stores of on site.

Coal is powerful, cheap and reliable.

Its not a free market when you cant buy the good lol