He’s right

He’s right.

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This is a the political board of Dab Forums. Advertising people's Twitter profiles is still advertising. This isn't a political thread.

I can't wait until Cenk dies so I can point out what a retard he was in life and that his death does not in any way change or redeem that.

>NOOOOOOO you can't appoint a new justice, what about RBG's dying wish???????

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Hr is right, that's why we all dabbed on RBG's grave

Cenk Uygur is a neoliberal who hates whites. He rails against le rich while he's funded by a billionaire kike

Based. Remember when Dab Forums was making fun of John "the brain" McCains death? But now suddenly we have a problem when a liberal does the exact same thing? Rush was a neochon blow hard, but he was OUR blow hard so rest in peace.

>attacking the powerless
Who? Anyways, I agree, that's why we dabbed on John McCain.

I never liked rush for being a moronic boomer who just spewed the same rhetoric daily, but he was an effective host and good at what he did. Cenk has gone from being somewhat likable from when his show started, to now completely insufferable and an embarrassment. Guys horrifically cringe attempt to run for office on top getting completely rekt by sam harris and getting easily baited by alex jones of all people. Cenk has no fucking platform to levy criticism, he is a literal fucking joke.

Except that by most accounts, Rush wasn’t a terrible person. You can disagree with his ideology or politics, but that doesn’t by itself make him a terrible person. You can say the same for RGB.

If we ever get out of lockdown I will travel to the US specifically so that I can break into the cemetery at night and piss on Limbaugh's grave.


>drowns in bacon grease

how powerless were the Armenians that your great grandparents slaughtered?

>attacking the powerless
like whomst?

The global elite are powerless?

Wonder if he said the same thing about McCain or Ginsburg, or had a sanctimonious "how dare you" attitude towards conservative celebration.

I agree but for different reasons. If you were shitty to someone while they were alive, you're a hypocrite if you talk nice about them while they're dead. Likewise, being "brave" enough to attack someone you don't normally talk about while they're dead and unable to defend themselves is pretty fucking scummy. Saw a lot of this shit when TotalBiscuit died, trannies and cucks ripped into him knowing he would have destroyed them if they said that shit while he was alive.

Cenk is a goat fucker

George Floyd was a drug dealing welfare sucking piece of trash that deserved to die.
>It does feel good to not lie about the dead.

don't forget woman abusing and child abandoning

TOTAL BISCUT DIED!!!!1!!!!!!???

Yep, didn't take long for his wife to jump back on the dick carousel either. She was out clubbing within like half a year despite being nearly 40 and having a child to take care of.

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He legitimately is right. I laughed when RBG died and I'm still glad she's rotting in the dirt. When Cenk dies I'm going to laugh too. If Cenk's entire family died in a car accident I'm not going to pretend like I wouldn't be happy or think it's funny and make jokes about it. No use in playing this whiny "r-respect the dead!" game.

Agree, george floyd was a piece of shit.

I choose to just say nothing if someone I don't like dies. Even though I didn't like them I will give their family and w/e that much.
The actual issue is that mentally ill trannies and communists like Chunk Yogurt use the deaths of conservatives to spew the most vile hatred and even politically piggyback off their own dying. Look up the Paul Wellstone funeral. Hell just look at McStain's funeral where HIS OWN WIFE AND DAUGHTER used his funeral as nothing but a platform to bitch about orange man. It's disgusting. They literally can't even shut the fuck up for a day.

Lol I bet he praised mccain when he died though