The age of the woman is soon Dab Forums.
Are you ready??
The age of the woman is soon Dab Forums
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Women use their brain 'more' yet still accomplish less than men.
Women, the Niggers of gender.
Being less efficient in using brain power is not a virtue, Shlomo.
>they use their brains more only to amount to half of a mans worth
more proof women are inefficient and waste resources
>they use their brains more
Who knew gossiping and bitching required so much brain power
>>women are smarter than men
>>men are the reason why women can't achieve anything
Maybe they should put those superior 'brains' to use a little more, instead of relying on men to do everything for them.
That might be true, I think. I just don't think they often use it the right way. They often don't see simple solutions to problems and try to overcomplicate the solution.
With our immigration numbers, the age of women in the west is gone.
>god give me brainpower!
>so you can learn to raise children better and create a better world?
>develops anxiety and tries to Jew everyone to death like a boss.
Here's what's going on guys.
When women say their "smarter" than men, what it means is they have a vast quantity of midwits.
Genius is the realm of men.
This is what we have been waiting for. Pol just imagine what the future holds for you all. Gulags for 80 % of the men The undesirable ones who cant breed. Those who are genetically superior get to be slaves to women. Holy based
overuse of your brain worrying about what shoes to wear != efficiency != intelligence
They are admitting that they are more wasteful.
probably true, my woman is really good at figuring out what my baby needs but she also needs to take naps with my baby all day
This was created to annoy men and make women grin, because men looking at it makes cash.
It's just about cash.
Except what will actually happen is what happens now, and has happened for millennia: The vast swarms of beta males will be tolerated by exasperated women while being put to work and ruled by the Alpha Males. The women will worship at the cocks of the Alpha Males.
It's the way things are supposed to be. Sorry you're a beta.
So men earn more money on average while using their brains less.
lemme sniff
>Gulags for 80 % of the men The undesirable ones who cant breed. Those who are genetically superior get to be slaves to women.
I'm fine with the 1st half right now. We will never have a Gynocracy though, no matter how hard ((they)) try.
>Men need less sleep, because they use their bodies more.
t. Woman
Hahaha holy shit that image. Please be real.
I'm sure they use their brains more..for stupid shit like do these jeans make my ass look big, what type of makeup should I use, what magazines should I buy to give me better dating advice. Just bullshit.
This was created to incite domestic abuse
>Honey, see, the news says it is ok for me to lay around and sleep all day, see!
I actually believe this. My wife is always thinking about something or stressing. I can actually put in a good days work and just relax. Her brain is always racing.
Thats why i sleep 12 hours+ im male btw
Stay mad insomnia brainlets
People who have to tell you they are smart are usually pretty dumb
Only because they have to think twice as hard to get the same results as men.
that's because women perpetually run a schizokino in their head where they replay every conversation they had and twist it to either be much more positive or negative than it actually was, depending on what kind of personality disorder they are suffering from.
that's not really a productive use of their brainpower though.
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
Bait thread, do not response
Weird that I've never met a woman that can think about anything but themselves. Maybe that is more taxing than having to worry about gainful employment, paying taxes, the kids future,the kids starving ,having a place to live that accommodates the whole family and the goddamn dogs, near constant household maintenance or insurance.
They use their brains more to be over emotional
>he doesn’t realize all Dab Forums is, is bait threads
>The age of the woman is soon Dab Forums.
So the Age of Ruin?
A women's brain is laughable. I'm married, 2 daughters, coach female sports......women are absolutely fucked up! Even if they use their brains more it's not being used for anything beneficial to anyone.
That just shows they are inefficient.
1950 cars need more fuel than 2000s cars because they use their engines more.
i hope this gets banned..yall know this sets a dangerous precedent right...?
If only they could be more productive with all that brain using...
yes, scheming how to get the chad cock without their husband or kids finding out
yeah constant lying takes serious amount of energy
yeah to think about BBC 24/7
They have to use their brains more to compete hth
Use their brain more, so their brains are less efficient..
Bang up job Dab Forums, you scared our girl away
Use that for bs mostly
At least its not a niglet
>Women need more sleep than men because they use their brain more
Man doing computational fluid dynamics modeling:
>CPU: 23%, RAM: 2.3/8 Gb, Temp: 23C
Woman trying to figure out where to fucking eat tonight:
>CPU: 100%, RAM: 4/4 Gb + pagefile, Temp: 104C
>tfw 124 iq
I am a comfortable midwit among geniuses
They're way more neurotic so that makes sense.
more =/= more efficient
124 is not midwit.
You're very smart for a woman.
I'm a man and I thought "midwit" was generally thought to be anywhere between 115 and 125?
I personally quite enjoy the bait...
What would you talk about if not bait?
People can go on and on about diversity and women in the workforce and put them into high positions of power even though they're likely less qualified than the straight white male coworker. They can only do this for so long before you start to see the long term effects of this. Will be interesting to observe.
’’Go to sleep woman’’ could become a new cool catchphrase for hysterical roasties.
imagine burning like 500 calories a day just by worrying about fashion and gossip
women are truly psychotic
Women also have less brain capacity so of course they will use it more. It's like a computer with 2gb of ram vs 32gb of ram. Which one struggles to do?
I have never met a "smart" woman. Never. Not one. All the women in my entire extended family have postsecondary degrees, not one of them can hold an interesting conversation to save their lives. They're all ultra-leftist as well.
>The age of the perfect woman is soon Dab Forums.
>Are you ready?
>...because they HAVE TO use their brains more...
>use your brain more
>accomplish less
lmao women are shit
When you're dumb, you need to think harder to accomplish the same thing as a normal human (aka man).
multitasking is for assholes who depend on others to do their work for them.
>According to Jim Horne, director of the Sleep Research Centre at Loughborough University and author of “Sleepfaring: A Journey Through The Science Of Sleep,” women tend to multitask more than men, meaning they engage their brain more than men, who tend to focus on one or two matters at a time.
>supposedly smarter than men
>brain isn’t smart enough to figure out how to sleep efficiently
We win again, chads.
But most geniuses are men.
While they do technically use their brains more, it's mostly to neurotically worry about shit that will never happen or to plan their ideal celebrity wedding.
Oi! You betta hav' ya based and redpill loicense ya cheeky cunt!
Bob's your uncle!
100-130, maybe 140, everyone who says otherwise is wrong
after feminism is hotter
women have more inefficient brains so need to sleep more.
They're great at following instructions.
So basically women need to sleep more to be as clever as a man who sleeps for 2 hours.
Women are only tolerated because they can breed children. As soon as functional artificial wombs, that don't fuck up the babies they host are made, expect women's value to drop next to nothing.
>you need to burn more fuel to produce the energy to run an electric car, therefore they outperform traditional combustion engines
>Women, the Niggers of gender.
Based and John Lennon Pilled
Fun fact: the same claim made in the OP has been made about nigs, too. Evidently "incredibly inefficient because they aren't designed for thought" means "genius" in clownworld.
Runs hot, performs less, needs more time...
Women are the Pentium 4 of computing.
They use most of their time socalizing and thinking about things like "work life balance".
dumb fucking retarded kraut. stop making me reply to you faggots and just kill yourself instead next time!
Shut up you fucking virgin. I don't want a uterus. I want a mother for my children. We need to enslave them, not exterminate them
theres no way that one could prepare for the hell that shall ensue. ive seen this coming for a while, now. anyone with half a brain knows that feminism isn't vying for equality but social/political hegemony over men, in other words power, and implicitly and "tacitly" revoking male political and social hegemony. "tacitly" as in they are doing it blatantly obvious but reserve the right to plausibly deny
if they were smart they would use their brains less
solve a problem in one try vs multiple tries
We should just call studies, how I cope with how shitty I am
>brainwash children to hate their parents and obsessively pursue the attention and validation of literal pedophiles at all costs while turning their own family in to the thought police for wrongthink every chance they get
>those kids don't have healthy relationships with their parents and are mental trainwrecks ready to murder their own mothers if "I'm taking your phone away this weekend for failing half your classes" ever occurs
Truly, truly shocking.
The only thing that women have the ability to do is reeeeeee until somebody else does the thing they want to do for them or gives them the thing they're complaining about not having. All they do is reeeee. And they've reee'd Western Civlization onto a precipice, exposing that civilization's greatest flaw as treating them as anything but property and annoyance.
My ex-wife used to say we only need 45 minutes of sleep to fully recover. This would be after I worked a 12 hour shift and 2 hour commute each way and come home to no dinner. She of course would sleep 10-14 hours a day.
For a second I thought the profile pic in the bottom left was a merchant meme
Literally handcrafted by god himself for bbc. Shame about that beak though.
Dab Forums has been predicting this stuff for ages. We are only witnessing the beginning of the plan, via dating apps such as tinder. From a historical standpoint, nothing is really new.
This is why shitslam has sooooo many allah-hu-akbar-booooomists. Their system of polygamy ensures that a sizable number of their men will NEVER marry, since rich dude just take up 6 brides. Not only that, but they tend to abort more female babies than male ones.
ok cuck, enjoy you 2 finger hand jobs on you birthday. Real chads don't hang out on Dab Forums like you do.
I think we have the same ex-wife.
You couldn't make this shit up. It really is some hamster brain bullshit that only a woman could come up with.
>women spend more time thinking useless bullshit
kys filthy tr*nshumanist
>Runs hot, performs less, needs more time...
>Women are the Pentium 4 of computing.
>women need more sleep because they use their brain more
I get 15 hours of sleep per day and I still feel stupid
sure, slavshit, you are no better than I am.
Using it more doesnt imply they use it more effectively. Ever heard of overthinking?
Well they're obviously not using it on anything worthwhile, then.
What an outdated joke!
Good one
good one fren
When did the sciences become so subverted? Is there actual important research being done or is it all just global ho o propaganda now, because thag is what gets the funding?
Checked and yikes
She learned it in psychology class. Psycotic bitches love psychology class.
I see what you did there, good job.
Aww man
I wanted eugenics cause that would mean i will get killed an hopefully humanity FINALLY conquers the stars with a race of CHADS
Not to still be alive an never feel loved
Fuck me Dab Forums
they use their mouths more and yet say nothing of value
Because their brains are measurably smaller and less capable, yet they're expected to do men's work in modern times. Poor bitches.
I will never put my seed into a synthetic uterus. I would rape a hundred women before I would pick that easy copout option
Gender doesn't exist anymore, it is a social construct. This study is sexist.
I haven't heard that in a long time. I'm really laughing right now.
That works too it's good now but it can always get better ya know
>because they use their brains more.
Talking constantly is not using your brain more.
Let this sink in even ugly women want the best men it truly is over for sub humans like yourself
>Women use their brains more
Is this measured by work done, or by time/energy used?
It doesn't work
It's hard to say anything when your mouth is full.
fpbp, user speaks truth to power.
>There are no differences between men and women
>But women use their brains more
>And one can have a female brain in a male body
At this point one can only laugh at feminists.
She was never /our/ girl you simp
what the fuck are you talking about we're already there
the past 100 years have been a testament to what happens when women receive political power
Always jumping to conclusions
>tfw I get to decide what is genetically desirable
I'm more intelligent than at least 75% of the American population.
With the rise of single mother hood and are fucked up culture I wonder how much hyper aggressive mentally sick people there will be next generation? I know I’d be pissed off if I was raised by a white single mom that probably would of indoctrinated me to be a beta cuck. Without a father figure you usually get the beta cuck or the massive whore.
it is.
> Less powerful machine needs to run longer to accomplish the same task.
They have to use it more because it's not as powerful as men's.
All fields.
use their brain more to think about nonsense
I hate them so much bros
>I am smarter than most niggers
wow! Amazing feat!
You have no idea what it's like living as a 7/10
no woman wants you, and you have no excuse. Everyone thinks you have lots of friends and girls, but you have nothing. Women look at all the guys above you. You're tall but you have no social skills because everyone gets tired of you when they realize your personality doesn't live up to your looks. Everyone that knows you is tired of you. Everyone who doesn't know you expects too much of you
No one treats you like a human
>96% of women are honest about lying
>4% of women lie about lying
It doesn't work for ugly men.
What we are experiencing now is something that's very beautiful. Women must go for the top 10 % even the ugly ones the landwhales the autistic women and all that good stuff.
>use brain more then men
>men still out think women
What did they mean by this
Yep, but I find it real funny when they shit on short men, but then start hyperventilating when Chad rejects them.
>posts on Dab Forums
Sorry mate but its 2021 and women are allowed to be picky
it's basically the IQ bell curve meme.
Who thought this photo was a good idea?
Maron is part of the tribe so your eyes are working, buddy.
"Chad" doesn't reject them. Men cant afford to reject women. There are no female incels. Only men can be genetic abominations
True, but needs a larger smaple size, 20 ain't enough
I wonder how it smells...
They use their brains more because it takes longer for them to proccess information
women and effeminate men think a lot, but they do not think well.
You have no idea how horrible such idea is, knowing that i will never be good enough, i already spend entire days wondering why i havent turn my brains into modern art (other that i have no Gun) and the only thing that stops me is the foolish Hope that i somehow will get a Qt gf someday but i am such a retard to actually keep hoping for that
>Sub human
I know i am a mutt but
>Clear brown eyes/hair
>Clear as snow white skin
At the very least tell me i am okay on that
no shit. they overthink everything i say or do.
Women are way too picky now.
Have seen fatties get rejected by handsome men all the time. Not sure if they bang them in secret tho.
I believe in you, user
you know there's already a board for you Sven?
Women are like mobos with shitty VRM: they overheat and are inefficient.
That’s why they need to sleep more.
It is.
When panic hit last year, the vegan shit was all over the shelves at my publix.
All the meat, vegs was gone.
But the vegan sections? Full.
Did you just put the cat lower than a nigger? HOW DARE YOU
nah women are lazy
I grew up with sisters and had a girlfriend and they would just lay there because 'moving is too much effot'.
I honestly think the ideal life of a woman is to be some amoeba blob that has everything handed to it.
You can't build an economy spanning half a continent built upon cat enslavement
You shouldnt, cause i wasnt born a CHAD therefore i am nothing, not even worth noticing
quit living for pussy, brother, there's so much more out there
the second you stop living for pussy and start living for yourself, and thereafter becoming based, is the second that pussy starts to arrive
one of life's little quirks. trust, mutt bro
>t.dark brown hair and eyes but fair skin
>Bang up job Dab Forums, you scared our girl away
This is a good thing women get addicted to the attention Dab Forums gives them as well as the alt right. It goes straight to their heads, turning them into whores. No woman can resist the constant degrading they crave by so many men, it sends their brains into overdrive of wanting more and more.
It's for the best /ourTerf/ never comes here.
Cool story Pablo, but I am still waiting for that shipment. I paid 400,000,000 pesos for it.
This makes me miss my little guy
1SD smarter than average.
Nah, lookism is a cult. Being a chad has nothing to do with looks. Looks don't do anything. Men have never looked beautiful. Anybody who tells you different is a neoliberal shill. Look at men as late as 70 years ago
Isn't an SD 15 points?
Kek he knew too much so CIA had him put down.
>Thinking is harder for women
I believe it. There's a reason 99 percent of advertising is targeted at women. It's not because they are smart
What about ancient depictions of greek and roman athletes? Those dudes had chiseled features and were not ugly at all.
>“The more of your brain you use during the day, the more of it that needs to recover and, consequently, the more sleep you need,” Horne said in an interview with Daily Mail. “Women tend to multi-task – they do lots at once and are flexible – and so they use more of their actual brain than men do. Because of that, their sleep need is greater.”
This can be explained via either cultural or biological reasons, but throwing the whole premise out just because it doesn't match your ideological dogma is retard shit..