USA betrayed us. We want a divorce

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Nigger you haven't done shit for us besides take our money. Cool proxy though.

Too bad. Amercia and Israel are the same country.

That’s what we get for giving them inside knowledge. No honor - now they can sell our stuff to our more overt enemies.

is this 1 of the jew pretending jewed by jews trick ?

>you dare not help us?
>we will go usurp another country to do our deeds!
Please, leave.

>Do a hundred things for (((them)))
>Get betrayed for a single thing
Never change, ((()))

Shame on America

never trust juden.

they always backstab.

Give us our $38 Billion back and get fucked.

>thinking the jew ever announces his true intention
the low IQ niggers on here will eat that shit up and think bidet is based

Ok bye.

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Who cares? What the fuck does Israel do for us?


Yeah I no longer care about your problems. We elected a fake populist out of wishful thinking but ALL he did was help you kikes with your every need and told us to have a nice life. Time to grow up and take care of yourselves for a while.

its good news
israel will get money from china and russia than
and they will start wars in return for israel
with all the money saved usa can jack its superpower status on steroids
you could use the money to make your deserts bloom quality education for every american ... endless possibilities

>spreading kikery to other countries
why am i supposed to care again?

>kikes are two-faced lying rats
wow I'm shocked!
I hope they become China's "greatest ally", so the Jews spend all their effort undermining Chinese society instead of ours.

amerimutts don't deserve us
let's see how will they support petrodollar without our influence on Middle East

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>in the digital memedollar era

i think you are sadly mistaken if you think the chinese wont out jew you, but then again you dumb kikes shooting yourselves in the foot is what youve been doing for literally thousands of years. Remember why you got enslaved by babylon?

>ally with the babylonians against the egyptians
>think babylon is going to lose
>betray babylon
>babylonians kick egypt and your ass
>lol slavery for hundreds of years SO ANTISEMETIC

They’ve already run our country into the ground time to find a new host.

Name one positive thing Israel has done for us

USA is a dead horse. Soon to become brazil 2.0. We'll squeeze what's left from those mutts and we'll hook up with the chinks. They can use our help. 22% of cyber security in the world comes from Israel among other things.

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>ITT: coping kikes telling delusions
you wont survive this century

Checked and rare

our greatest ally is going to abandon us because the current president has not recognized the Golan Heights this month?

Shut the fuck up, kikes, you can eat shit and die you filthy animals .

Hilarious to pretend you don't have close ties with China already!

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Russia is poor and China can out jew the jews

Does anyone outside republicans take Israel seriously?

The kikes realize the US is a failed shithole and will jump to find a new host

A considerable amount of US technology actually came from Israeli engineers working in US R&D companies working in ISrael. I could provide a long list. So if you can’t steal it, buy it for cheaper in Israel. But hard to steal technology from Israel. They’re too smart for that. So they are trying to hire away ISraeli engineers from Intel, IBM and many other companies which have been in Israel for decades to work for themselves. And they have lots of cash to lure them with.

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What does Israel have to offer China or Russia. They don't have much oil or gas, Egypt has the Suez canal, their location isn't uniquely strategic, China's domestic arms industry has surpassed them. Iran, Egypt and KSA all have a lot more to offer.

once the kikes turn tail on America, we will all know its officially over.

What's the rest of the message?


wtf is that senator armstrong?


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Golan heights is culturally Assyrian though?

>digital memedollar era
mememoney for memecountry baked by memes. You're going down the shitter and fast. If even Israel doesn't want to be your ally anymore, than who does? Europe already choose China over you. Which allies do you have left? Leafs and Aussies?

Amen, brother.

Have fun with your Jews being divided over Trump.

Jews control almost every company that is worth a damn at this point through CEO or more often stock holding. They are every cabinet member/tons of senate/house members are dual citizen kikes.

They are basically throwing a bitch fit to get extra victim points and know their plants all over US politics will just make it happened for them either way. Implying they'd ever stop raping us out of our money.

Iran is are best friend now

Too bad we can't divorce from Israel


>We want a divorce.
No problem. Take your patriot missiles and get the fuck out of my house bitch.

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Huawei and Nokia have substantial R&D facilities in Israel amongst some 364 major multinationals and a plathora of smaller companies. I assume Ericsson or its subsidiaries do as well. Israel is a leading world R&D innovations hub.

We never needed you in the 1st place, kike. Get fucked.

the whole world wants you gone
i wonder how much time you have left? cant be very much

>Jews backstabbing the west despite all the support

They'll turn on the second you let your gaurd down, & no one's going to care because you are backstabbing kikes

Jews are our best freinds. Lets destroy Murica together.

Rofl if you think China and Russia are going to blow Israel the way they United States has historically done. Once the U.S is finished, you have no one else. Russia and China are not going to protect you. That's why you kikes are already looking for an escape route back to Poland becsuse you know your country is fucked. I look forward to the day nuclear hellfire rains down on Israel or massive arab rape of Israeli woman. Have fun you fucking rats

Bye, Shlomo!

No shit. Isreal stole our military intel then sold it to the chinks.

Google bolshevik genocide of native Russians

Dude! You guys stabbed Trump in the back while he sucked your cocks. What did you expect from leftists?

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>why can't I hold all these boners posting
Watch the wolves descend on Israel the minute the US stops holding them back in Syria, Iraq and around the region.
China wants your harbors and your intellectual property, not you.

Surprise surprise kike rats steal other peoples inventions then try ti pass them off a their own.

Based ivan

political theater
With allies like you, who needs enemies.
Israel's Involvement in 9/11

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Israel exists for our politicians to launder money. Try and do anything and see what happens

posting in a greatest ally thread

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Divorce granted.
Best of luck.

wtf i love biden now

Lol you just thought the nazis had a fuckin holocaust. Go ahead and "team up" with china. *Fifty crying laughing emojis*

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You guys shouldn't be so dependable on the US tbf

We don't have any money, user. And even scraps we do have we historically never gave to jews.

lmao go fuck with Russia or play tranny tv show commericals in CCP and find out what happens kike

Real americans want the petrodollar to fall.

>Till now goyim

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Dude looks like senator Armstrong

How will MIGAtards recover?

arent russia and china cozy to iran?

>amerimutts don't deserve us

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Bible says you will kneel to us in the end of times you so much pushing for. How does it feel to be defeated in prophecies that are unfolding for half a hundred years already?

>russia and china
>implying Biden isn't a Chinese plant
>jews out jewing the jews

Oh, no...

How can Jews be this based?