Was Corbyn based?

Was Corbyn based?

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kikes will say no

I think so.
But he would of bought all sorts of faggotry along with him.


kys retard

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yes, the dude questioned Israels right to Palestine and for that he got fucked over, Israel offered 1 million to any labour party insiders who where willing to turn on him
the media was on his arse constantly despite giving boris and easy ride even though the pandemic Corbyn has been getting more shit from the media than boris

to top is all off his replacement, keith starmer is a Zionist with a jewish wife, Corbyn was truly a man of the people, the fact that the establishment hates him so much should really be all you need to know

hello kikes

>Corbyn was truly a man of the people,

Not my people, faggot.
Magic Granddad is a 3rd worldist and would have ended this country before Lunch.

or maybe you are just so dense you are confusing talking the most minute bit of shit about Israel for being based.
or maybe, you are a kike

its one or the other.

Yes and no. He was based on some issues and cucked on others. He wanted to reverse austerity and make life easier for us NEETs, he also pissed off the Jewish press and Zionist lobby to no end. However, he was also a massive cuck on immigration and basically wanted open borders, he also sympathised with the IRA and had suicidal policies like giving up our nukes. He would have been a meme prime minister for sure. His replacement (Starmer) is a Blairite neocon, which means he will probably win the next election.

He was a low iq,virtue signalling traitor
It was a doublewhammy with Cuckbin - both an old school internationalist marxist (which destroys your economy) and a postmodern woke cultural marxist (which destroys your society and people)

His only good point was being anti-zionist - but for all the wrong leftoid reasons

>truly a man of the people
Yes - if you mean the people of the middle east and Africa

No, but neither was Boris. It's really a question of do you want to act like we're stopping immigration, or do you want nonstop immigration. Both parties endgame is British people being replaced. However, the way people voted out Jeremy Corbyn by such a massive amount shows that they don't want cultural marxism. Next step is them voting for British nationalist parties.

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>Corbyn was truly a man of the people
Yeah, foreign people. FOOK OFF

Fucking retard, people like you give fuel to fucking Horseshoe Theory!

Trouble is there are too many cluster B nutcases in UK nationalist circles and too much petty infighting

No, he's just an old, confused holdover from a time when Labour had to do a better job of pretending to care about the British working class.

He had some based views and some retarded ones, but he sacrificed all his based ones on the altar of wokeism to get elected. I'm guessing certain (((advisors))) in the Labour Party convinced him it was necessary.

Even as an opponent of Israel and probably a more genuine believer in Brexit than Comrade Boris, I can't see him standing up to the relentless attacks from the media he'd have had to endure or having any more balls than Boris over the COVID thing.

No, the literal opposite of based

>but he sacrificed all his based ones on the altar of wokeism to get elected
*fail to get elected

That's why I decided to just support Patriotic Alternative. Whether people think it will fizzle out, or that there are better parties, it's much more normie friendly and follows the same formulae that got the BNP to success. Schizo parties and as some say
>Let's infiltrate the Conservatives
will always fail.

Every supporter of his i see online is a faggot commie dildo loving bitch. The one thing that left a memory for me was his "le document with so much importance" he was acting like it was some big divulge of secrets...but what was it??? The fucking trade agreement from the US and uk post brexit. Wwwwwwoah!! How epic omg!!!

Le owned the US!!! Big stronk laboutr party filled with red faggots the world over. This guy makes comrad sandors look viable. BAHAHAHAHAHA

better vote for boris and get millions of chinks instead

at the end of the day Corbyn was anti-israel, if you say he is not based you are either jdl or a fucking retard

Yes. Kike media went nuts over him beomcimg PM.

kikes will say no

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Keep crying you pathetic menshivik faggot.

>the same formulae that got the BNP to success
BNP were a total failure. If you count getting one MEP elected as a successful track record,you need to up your expectations - urgently
>Let's infiltrate the Conservatives
>will always fail.
Agreed.The only course is to pressure them from the right.Tories believe in nothing but maintaining power and can only be cajoled right wards from electoral threats from the right
>Patriotic Alternative
I personally agree with most of their positions and I also think Mark is a decent bloke - but too much baggage.
We need something completely free of wignat 1.0 characters and history