Looks like Biden supports border enforcement
When will the media/lefties call him out?

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If they're coming to be americans they have the right to be surveiled. Jeez.

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I hope these virtual walls are like in Running Man and heads explode when they are breached

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How different is this from Trump's actual plan?
Large physical walls were desperately needed where the border is close to urban areas and transportation (where illegals can blend in and escape quickly) and Trump prioritized that but I believe that things like sensors, drones, electronic surveillance were always the plan for large swaths of the border where you have large open areas and can easily apprehend most intruders.

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It's never enough for leftists

WTF I love Biden now!

>(((smart borders)))

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Nooo! Not the black immigrants!

no, increase niggers deports by 13% asap

Cool this allows the koch brothers to staff their factory farms, while it increases criminal predation on native born americans. What will the collapse of the USA look like?

>Border Security Firms
Shouldn't that be let to the Federal and State Government and not corporates? Furthermore these firms are undoubtedly sketchy, it should not be doubted they use the same surveillance techniques on us. Even than the main issue during Democrat Administrations is unrelenting legal migration which Biden has indicated with his mass approval of H1B Pajeets.

>Hologram man makes a virtual wall

I never thought that I could hear something more retarded than "it's a fence not a wall" , but of course Joe Biden has to be the one to outdo it.

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>its almost like republicans are just sweet talking whites only to stab them in the back, and whites are for some reason too fucking stupid to notice or care

im guessing you dont know most illegals are here by overstaying work visa's and not because they ran through a desert to hop the border. trump never gave a flying fuck about white people

>a wall keeping uninvited people out perpetuates abuse
sorry it's harder to peddle your drugs and children

biden was obama's slave master all along, incredibly fucking based

Especially the coyote favorite, drugs in dead children.

>im guessing you dont know most illegals are here by overstaying work visa's
Oh yeah, and according to a reputable party, they're paying taxes too!

>and not because they ran through a desert to hop the border
No, that's for terrorists, gun runners and drug dealers.

>trump never gave a flying fuck about white people
You're right. He gave a fuck about "America: the nation". And a nation has fucking borders.

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>virtual wall
To go with the virtual stimulus checks and virtual student loan forgiveness?

he IS a hologram
like a television apparition

>Looks like Biden supports border enforcement

Doubt. Why do you think they want to defund ICE and give out contracts to all their friends instead? Because they don't want to protect the border. They want to CONTROL it. ICE is law enforcement. All these donors can be bought and paid off to do their dirty work.

Except deportations don't "hurt" people. They send illegal aliens back to their homelands. It HELPS Americans, doesn't hurt them.

>who built the cages Joe?
Not Joe himself, but another member of the Biden crime family.

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Any bideniggers care to chime in? Do you have buyer's remorse yet?

Q is right, Trump is the shadow president.

obama/biden deported more spics than any president and did the kids in cages thing. Just because spics are too retarded to put it together doesn't mean our ruling class feels anything less than contempt for these brown retard peasants.

smart wall like automated machine guns? I support that. Ridin wit Biden. MG go brapppppp

Big opportunity here for our goys.

We can shove millions of outdated security hardware into the borders for astronomical prices.