Don't mind me just leaving my constituents to freeze while I go on vacation
Don't mind me just leaving my constituents to freeze while I go on vacation
Absolute state of the Right currently.
you have to go back
kek republifags
Basically, yes
What was going through his mind while he was on his way to catch his flight?
based. you're going to get a lot of hate because this whole board is almost all republicans but based. this is your leader? LOL
Definitely not you
sorry, nothing wrong with this. pretending there isnt a societal financial gap between those who can flee the coutnry during chaos, and those who cant. its gross, expecting him to stoop to the level of the scum burning the towns down, because why? they want him to suffer along with them? HE HASNT SUFFERED A DAY IN HIS LIFE why would he start now.
the ONLY sane thing to do, is to leave the failed state, and start the hard work of making sure it doesnt happen again, all of which can be done from the beach.
fuck commies, fuck the media, and fuck anyone who claims they wouldnt be on the first plane out of town.
the only mistake he made was not doing it under the cover of darkness.
he should have driven to a small airport out of state, and chartered a private jet.
fucking dummy.
Texans are pussies if they are dying from 30 degree weather
Taking your family out of a disaster area is NORMAL. why stay using up resources?
You want him to virtue signal and do photo ops?
He will never be praised by the media nor the left so I suggest he does go on vacation. My prime minister made the mistake of virtue signalling after cancelling his vacation and he was only harassed in public and shit on more.
It would be better if he was cold too..
Based Cruz lowering electric demands and helping out
>cold out
Grow up
Honestly this is so incredibly based. It's such an obviously stupid thing to do, and he just fucking did it. Imagine him telling his staff he's leaving for vacation in Cancun. First based thing he's ever done.
Austin - frozen solid and entire city run by liberals. did they ask Cruz for help? NOPE. So what is Cruz gonna do? Fire the Liberals Mayor of Austin and take over? WTF you want Cruz to do that Mayor of Austin isn't doing?
Austin can;'t even plow the roads or trim downed trees now. What the fuck is a FEDERAL level gonna do that the CITY level isn't even doing?
>American narcissist culture
No surprise
Taking after the Left, i see.
what a bonehead move, youd think a masterful politician would be smarter than that.
>sorry, nothing wrong with this.
>Leader leaves his people in times of crisis.
>sorry, nothing wrong with this.
>sorry, nothing wrong with this.
>sorry, nothing wrong with this.
>sorry, nothing wrong with this.
>sorry, nothing wrong with this.
Do Republicucks really? No wonder you all are so comfortable with black men fucking your wives in front of you.
There’s only one party, you fucking shill loser.
Get out. you don’t belong.
Nice. I hope he has a good time!
He's a SENATOR. He represents the people of his state in congress when new laws are debated.
Since the governor, which has much more local power, and FEMA were already doing things, I don't really think it's a big deal.
seethe harder poor.
Democrats Wanted Open Borders
It’s called optics, looks bad when AOC raises cash and Beto organizes check up on the elderly o make sure they’re alive while you go on vacation. There’s a ton of shit he could do
>minority part of senate
kek nigger try harder
>Oh shit you caught me
>Yes I'd like to purchase a ticket for the next flight to Texass pls
>not a leader
I can't even believe the shit you faggots try to spin these days just to be apologetic toward members of your party
I just don't understand why anyone would be mad about this, other than the fact that the left would jump on any reason to make Cruz look bad. He is a member of the United States Senate, the FEDERAL government. He has no power to do anything to help with local issues in Texas! What exactly do people think he should be doing to help? If they could leave the state for Cancun, they would too!
why didnt he just put a hat and sunglasses on to hide himself?
If people really want him to help then he should go to DC and draft some sort of bill to help. That's his job.
>He has no power to do anything to help with local issues in Texas!
Imagine unironically thinking this
Not only does he have political power to help, but he could be helping and doing everything he could as a fellow Texan, a leader, and a man.
>OP: “Hello fellow Chans, look at this person I think you care about who represents a state I think you like to a federal government you probably in a senate that is currently closed. He is bad even though he is a nobody and can’t do anything.”
Fuck your optics
maybe because it's his job
Wait till the fucking leftists find out what Senator is actually from.
The word senator has been used in English since around 1200, from the Latin word, senex, or "old man."
Amen and Awoman.
Just a matter of time. Only question now is what will they start calling Senators.
So What? You could have worked and saved for a vacation
>Amen and Awoman.
I love how irony and sarcasm get yall ree'ing. I get a chub every time one of you idiots quote this ngl.
Because Biden had a bad week of gaffes, including saying the poor kids can't use the internet because internet is racist
But it isn't. It's the governor's job.
seethe more faggts, still a free country