AOC raises money for Texas

What’s her game?

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Turn Texas blue. Not that complicated

dios mio, la creatura!

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i pray every single night her bf beats the fuck out of her. do it, listen to the voices. america is literally counting on you to act.

making texas look retarded and she's doing a good job of it.

goes to show democrats are more compassionate and carring and more competent leaders
i dont see republicans raising money for all the elderly who died from covid in new york

I love how the mighty Texas can't cope with that fact a big tiddie Democrat is saving their shit hole of state and make up excuses like yours

IT's a slush fund for her party, she's being a good little antiwhite neoliberal like she's supposed to be

Imagine dying to inch of snow KEK the only good Texan is a dead Texan

>not raising money for the people that died
That's why the dead vote Democrat

Proving that she, a relatively fresh Congresswoman from NYC, can do more for the constituency of Cancun Cruz than he can. It might be a massive virtue signal on her part, but at least she's doing something while Republicans do nothing.

Help her fellow Mexicans

>make up excuses
How is that an excuse? She's reaching outside of her own state to help a red one, and actually accomplishing something.
Great tactic for turning votes blue with actual results in the face of Republicans doing nothing but pointing at Democrat hypocrisy

making Ted Cruz look retarded. I doubt she's doing it out of the good of her heart, she hates them.

This pretty much cofirms only spics are adversely effected by this. Does anyone seriously think she'd lift a finger to help whites?

Puerto Ricans and Mexicans are not the same thing

You're still getting help from big tiddie Democrat though while Ted Cancun is enjoying the beautiful warm of Mexican pussy

If Texas leaves the union so does their cash cow and most of the businesses in the US.
Not to mention Texas IS next in the Democrats dictatorship program (as they start to loose Cali it makes it doubly necessary).
EVEN WHEN you stop having gas powered cars there will be HEAVY Graphene usage.

Texas is not leaving it could barely handle 2 inches of snow much less an independence from the Union all the contrary Texas government will beg for Union money to restore their shit hole and increase taxes in the process

She's going to try to cover for failed D governance

bro, isn't english supposed to be your native tongue? how can you be so shit at understanding what the burger told you?

It is but we also speak French Abdullah

She wants to get to her latin roots in H-town

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She’s a bonehead

So, where'd the money go then?

Helping people.

she is a con artist through and through. this whole campaign is a vanity scam. she is a vile human being.

Don’t care Peralta has done more to help Texas than AOC ever can.

She's a literal demon that is trying to enslave Texas with federal debt to ensure Texas doesn't become a federally free state.

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God her face is so ugly but I still want to titty fuck her

>What’s her game?

To help people.

It's fucking 60 degrees outside.The crisis is over

It depends where you come from, to her white boyfriend she is a massive cutie.

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I say let Texans die this is the free market that freedom loving Texans demanded. They don’t need a socialist bailout from the fed

Big whoop, literally billions of dollars worth of damage has been incurred, a mill is a drop in the bucket. AOC is like the twitch streamer of politics...if she’s such a great politician, why don’t her and her democratic colleagues pass some legislation to move federal money over to help people in Texas. Horribly inefficient, stupid click bait bull shit. Fuck my fucking ass balls shit out my dick ferment my dick balls in my ass.

>tfw you can't clone AOC and make her clone be your sex slave
Why live????????

Isnt the cold weather already over now?
I guarantee shes gonna pocket all the money.

Texas dandy Ted Cruz is fully routed and here AOC is, traveling to the heart of the beast.

She’s swallowed the cumtrails hook line and sinker

I have a fantasy about getting elected into congress and being in a scandalous relationship with her, passionate love/hate fucking in airport bathrooms, late night texts from her using a fake name in my contacts n the whole deal.

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She needa a new district
Pelosi is gonna eliminate hers so she cant run again

mexican helping a territory that is nearly mexican, and soon will be.

Whats the confusion user?

American politics and american politicians are fake, they are puppets, so that the jewish elites control the government without the people knowing.

>No proof she actually raised that amount beyond her word.
>If true would love to see the donations. Was it tens of thousands of donations or one big one.
This just seems like some fucking PR photo-op planned by a wealthy donor.

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She's obsessed with mogging on Ted Cruz

>to help people
Found the faggot leftist that falls for leftist lies. Leftists don’t give a shit about plebs. Commit suicide faggot

She didn't have to raise money that's the point Paco but she still did clever way to gain more blue votes in a res state Republicans are getting cucked

She wants to be president. Simpletons fall for stupid emotional manipulation like this.

She'll bring this shit up for years or decades now.

Shes better than Ted Cruz, lol. Texas is gonna be blue as fuck in 2022. I cannot wait.

Yes. The Texas situation was resolved in no time. It just indicates that this "donation" business is just PR and nothing useful.

She wants to fuck ted Cruz so bad but teddy ain’t havin’ it

ted sure loves mexican pussy

Trudeau gives me free money every month and I still don't vote for him.

Wasn't Texas Mexican before? Don't much about burger history but it's kinda ironic

If and when AOC turns president, the US will be no different than Brazil.

Mark my words.

i feel like society has given this trash whore too much attention.

i feel guilty for even contributing to this thread. when does the madness stop? I'm sick of this bitch mom!

Yeah, the people who believe might makes right seethe and cry when you do the same thing to them.

A whole million.

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Lel. Northeast coast fag, watching the south abandon their vehicles on highways after a little dusting makes me happy as a clam. These retards need to take themselves out of the gene pool in higher numbers. Fuck the south.

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Also it’s only a million bucks. It will probably all go to three kikes who have to replace their floors for “burst pipes” in their mansions.
>oy vey, what do you mean walnut? It’s clearly mahogany with severe water damage.
>fix it, Goyette

She's raising money for Act Blue. It's going to her fucking party and to win Texas elections for Democrats. Not a pneng will go to Texas storm relief.

>Wasn't Texas Mexican before?

white country music culture also came from mexican cowboys known as vaqueros who (did learn from the Spanish) on how to tame wild horses, etc.

Can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with you fellow burger I woke up to a shit ton of snow just to open the news and see Texans are dying off 2 inches of snow KEK

Fuck off, our niggers, illegals, and commie refugees don't need more lefty bribery gibs.
>canadian chinks
>knowing english

so it took a natural disaster for her to give a shit about redneck red state hicks

wow her heart is sooooo pure.............

Mexico was a bunch of slaves for Spain

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america IS the whore; just par for the course

Thanks I always wondered why country music was so shit.

She probably posts here.

like, lets be reasonable here. Its not really rational to plan for cold weather, if you live in texas. I honestly dont hold it against them, that they dont build houses for cold weather.

The bigger culprit is the blackouts and the cause of that. That needs an investigation and criminal penalties.

she really is, evil? guauahahuauhahuahuahuahu

She's doing it wrong though, you're supposed to do charity BEFORE the election, not 4 months after.
People will just forget about it until the next one.

Yea, im sure Texas didnt have one million dollars.

It was a Mexican frontier territory with barely any actual Mexicans in it. They invited Americans to settle and develop the region, and they later declared independence.

this is all media hype bullshit i literally know exactly 0 people that were seriously affected by this, we all got days off from work and most people i know were going out on walks or catching up on school work etc. some people didnt even stop going to work, i.e. fast food people were making insane money since only a handful of places were open they got all the business. keep sucking msm's dick northerners, only west coast transplants, spics, and niggers are freaking out and that is because the temperatures almost got as low as their IQs.
>t. actual texan

Okay Abdul

So in short Mexicans got cucked and now Burgers are getting cucked back? Need to read more about this shit got me wheezing

Everyone I know loves this weather.
People are only pissed because NGO kikes in other states hijacked our utilities and shut them down for no reason,

>Flies to Cancun

>1 million
what the fuck is that supposed to do?

>What’s her game?
It seems like she... cares... about people?!

anything gets you wheezing, you fat piece of shit


>Communist climate hoaxter represent herself as a hero while the idiotic polices she hypes kill people.
Every attack of the communists is represented as a virtue. They never say, we're going to impoverish you, destroy our manufacturing capacity, and freeze you to death. They say, we need this because it's hot outside and you're going to die if you don't give it to me, so give me power so I can help you. Then when their policy fails that say you didn't give them enough power. That's the game.

Full report on the climate hoax:

Obama's multi million dollar home that he recently purchased is projected to be under water, per his own climate grifters, yet he still bought it. It's almost like, he knows it's all bullshit or something.

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>attack texas grid because they fought for Trump
>use shills to lie about how this happened
>send politicians that dont even serve that area there to pretend to help
>this will then provide a cover for the election fraud thats going to happen in texas

all of you retards are the same. 5% nigger genes vs 10% doesn't matter

any one who supports abortion doesn't actually give a fuck about anybody.

not enough aoc pics in this aoc thread

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Maybe they can burn it for heat

Why wouldn't you want to abort some inbred rape babby


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Make some money and get good pr while doing it

Yes but why are you still alive you qualify for a late term abortion

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Imagine being as dumb as you to think that was an excuse

Imagine dying of a heat stroke... The only good leaf is a dead one.
Imagine Canada having texas summer weather for a couple weeks you moron.