Does your wife or gf CONTROL your money, Dab Forums?

Does your wife or gf CONTROL your money, Dab Forums?

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No, I do.

I don't even let my wife have a joint bank account with me.

lmao imagine letting your wife control your finances

What money?

>implying any of us have wives

My folks have been together for 35 years and the first thing they told me when I got a bank account at 15 was to never get a joint account with anyone and they’d remove themselves from it the day after my 18th birthday.

I don't have either :(

No, that’s some beta shit. Women are terrible with money and investments.

No, but my mom does.

Absolutely not. Separate accounts allow you and her to feel your own financial victories.

My what?

where do you think you are?

I don't have a wife or gf
I don't have money

Checkmate, pol

Letting women control your money will lead to guaranteed disaster. I have two friends that do this, their wives hate me.

damn ukraine is a poor shithole yet you have internet

>their wives hate me.
cause they are dumb ass female bitches, of course.

why do they hate you?

>hiding money from your wife
Degenerate globalist garbage

are you a girl


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Traditional southern marriage dictates your wife is your accountant and manager. It’s based off how the European nobility ran estates.

>ran estates
just say houses or landlord retard, dumb leech

Why not? It's your wife and you married her because you love her right? You should share a bank account

dumb female detected

My mum seethes on the daily that her husband doesn't share a bank account with her. Good though cos she is terrible with money.

I agree. Especially for children's care, appointments etc. Have separate bank accounts yes, but have a joint account for the home loan and kids' expenses

No. My substance abuse problems manage or mismanage my money.

Same in my house but it really just makes my bros resent my dad for making mum pay for everything when she is on a much lowers salary. All while he spends it on lottery tickets.

>be NEET
>find NEET gf
>I pay rent + utilities because its my contract
>she goes off buying all the creams, pills, whatever stuff she needs
>fine, she´s getting more dole than me
>also pays for weed, speed and whatever we do together
lifes been a fucking blast ever since I found her before the lockdown.

lol what a crackhead

It's better to just open up a new bank account and put in an allowance and just give her the go ahead to use it for whatever. That way she won't bother you for anything and she thinks you are generous.

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the one single advantage of women in the workforce is that they have their own bank account.
so she has no excuse for asking to look at mine anymore that doesn't instantly make her look like a greedy gold digger.
she has no idea how much money I have on my account or what's in my portfolio (or that I even have one). the only thing she sees is my share of the rent and utilities that goes into the household budget

this lol
shes gonna run off and find a better druggie bf

how do you guys plan for the future if you arent open with each other then? Like house hunting and investing etc?

How many levels of "muh dick" do you have to be to organize this, but not be intelligent enough to pick a women who's semi-sensible that you can dominate?

Why? She's a stay-at-home wife and full-time mom. Doesn't even have a driver's license. She doesn't need to make purchases.


Also, I have never really been in a serious relationship, but isn't your bank account very sensible information that you shouldn't be telling anyone?

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I've never met a woman who actually invested money. They just blow most of it right away and live paycheck to paycheck.
Housing is basically out of the question with the current market anyway. If the prices ever go back to a reasonable level, we'll still have to take out a loan, no one just buys a house with cash in Germany. and she doesn't need to know how much I earn or own to estimate that I can cover half of the initial costs.

No, our incomes and bank accounts are separate

Hate to admit it but yea. Was nice having her take care of all the bills n bullshit. But at the end of the summer I should have had around $40k in the bank. Summer I work a lot of ot at over $100 an hour.
So come fall I notice a cc had a $15k bill. I was like wtf pay this thing off. Check the bank and there is only like $6k in it. I did the math and there is just no fucking way that much is gone. She did this to me a few years ago.
Bleeding fucking heart was giving thousands upon thousands to these go fund me shit.
I didn’t even ask this time where the $ went, figured it would just piss me off more. But I am sure some go fund my bad life choices or charity is smiling ear to ear and I am broke again

niggger just say a girl spent your money

My wifes family is rich as fuck, my relationship with her is a NET GAIN on my end, monetarily

>My wifes family is rich as fuck
you mean her dad is rich as fuck, simp

Simp? You know jack shit you Canadian nigger.

Her dad is rich and her mom was well off. Her dad likes me a lot by the way. His son is a retarded faggot (a lot like you) and I think hes glad his daughter found a man who isnt an idiot. Im also in the top 10% of millennial earners

She spends all my money, but she doesn’t control it. The jews control it.

I tried to convince them that men should be in charge of their own finances. Also we are all late 20s including their wives but I'm with a 20 year old girl. Hoes mad

all women are jews

Does the American hospital really kick you out if you can't pay?

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Got married young. Decided to let the wife handle the finances. Within 6 months she was already carrying a balance on the credit card. I started a business and need to get a loan. I saw all these balances on the cards. I immediately paid them off with other money I had that she didn't know about. She has never been allowed to touch the finances again. Now we have more money than we know what to do with and it isn't because I make a ton of money. It's just because I don't waste it and save and buy silver.

they will """stabilize""" you, then kick you out

You gotta be a dumbass to let wife control shit
Oh honey can I borrow 200 for my Chinese whore ? You guys are fucking retarded

>His son is a retarded faggot (a lot like you)
Dumbest shit ive read all day

Well if you don't tell her about your investments, why would she tell you about hers? So then how would you know she doesn't have investments?
I am a woman with investments. lol it's not that rare

>Buy silver

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>Does your wife or gf CONTROL your money, Dab Forums?
That's what a good wife should do for you. I'm an earning powerhouse, but my wife is better with money than I am. So I let her stay home to raise the kids and run the house including the finances.

She isn't given to frivolity or vice. Bills always get paid on time. And she always ends the year in the black. Seriously... having your wife run the minutia of your financial life is glorious.

If you can't trust her to do that, but you'll still blow a load into her unprotected, then YOU are the dumbass.

If some German faggot randomly came up to me and started asking me about my investments I'd probably assume it was some kind of scam and tell him I didn't have any too.

Im sorry youre such a disappointment, user. Sure, youre young, but the social isolation, constant obsession with obscure internet sites and your absence of income, drive and intelligence are seriously concerning your parents, especially considering theyre probably asian and will sudoku your ass if you dont become a doctor