I can't keep this up boys

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Keep trying your best user you can do it

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why do i laugh at images like this? i always jump into the wagecuck threads and laugh my ass off. is it because it cuts so close to the truth I can't help it? laughter is the only release?

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So much in the feels

this is now a wojack thread!

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the only reason i haven't NEETed until anhero is i have people relying on me.
the rewards for working are reducing year after year. money is worth less, country is going down the shitter, can't afford anything more than a cuckbox apartment and food. occassionally i can get some cheap plastic toy or vidya that makes me feel better for a very short duration.
plus employers are asking for more every year. with an unlimited work pool why wouldn't they? fuck half my team aren't even citizens.
its over

i feel you i also hate being a wagecuck

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Get into construction user

Can you take pictures of putting foreign objects in people's food today for lulz

How much do you make?
Have you tried moving jobs? You should go for manager or assistant manager. Add that to resume. Manager experience goes a long way, give the interviewer the classic bullshit about being able to lead and organize. Apply to other jobs. Look everywhere from retail to schools to manufacturing to shipping companies.

I could have been a good degenerate pedo elite fuckboy but i threw it all away to schizoshitpost with you guys. So you vill accept my spelling arrors

Oh I'm fine......

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despite what the wojack in OP implies, i am not in fast food. I run a team in a factory with a side gig in the industry of not trying to blow my brains out.

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For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.


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Wagie jobs any longer than a year means because you dont believe in yourself. Take a look around - everyone is a retarded self absorbed NPC no matter where you look. Spend a few hours a day doing youtube tutorials about whatever industry you want to be in and conquer it. Theres no excuses anymore. No job for you? Make your job. LITERALLY pull yourself up by the bootstraps, its worth it.

I wish to work at mcdonalds or kfc or something just to feel that wind of a thousand souls but the lockdown wont end anyway so

Wagecuckery isn't meant to be a long term career, just a way for teenagers to get started in the job market. Blame dusty old boomers who refuse to retire and only hire their friends/family for why you're stuck cucking for scraps at McFuckle's as a grown ass man.

the only one to blame for being in jobs like that is yourself

i know i'm making excuses but its hard to put myself (and my family) on the line financially for something that there's a good chance won't pay off.
you know what will pay off? going to the factory tomorrow for the weekly forced overtime.

Fucking true.

entry level = 5 years experience

I actually feel kinda bad for that guy. His Jew mom psychologically abused him from a young age into acting feminine and escalated the abuse into adulthood grooming him into getting surgery from a quack tranny.

>No user my son, manual jobs are beneath you, study IT!

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There is nothing in this world worth building your hope on.

There is a better Way, though.
Join me and my family with TTB.org for a daily, verse by verse, Bible study.

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dont put yourself on the line - stop playing xbox or watching jewflix and commit to learning a trade. What makes a lot of money and isnt too hard? Or whats a rare skill? There are a lot of answers and "CODING" isn't it. Thats a retard take. Learn how to design websites, how to make phone apps, how to do IT service, how to be a white hat hacker, how to be a "PROJECT MANAGER" all this shit is super easy if you focus on it for as long as you focus on call of duty. After you're comfy with knowledge do a couple thousand dollar (((certificate))) to prove yourself to employers. Bro if spics niggers and retards can make you so can you.

This. Last job was at a gourmet grocery store cutting cheese for rich fuckers, before that Carl’s Jr...
Now I’m 22 and got my foot in the door with a Fortune 500 company, and am wel on my way to getting my real estate license with an outstanding portfolio and network to draw from..

And I’m only 22.. but honestly? It gets tiring. So tiring. But it will be worth it soon ...

>work in kitchen
>one of the line cooks has slept for 4 hours a night for as long as he remembers
>regularly would go to the walk in and just come back out forgetting what he was doing
>would fall asleep standing sometimes
>constantly covered anyone's shifts if they needed time off
>came in on every holiday no matter what
>rarely fucked up orders and didn't bitch when things were sent back even if made exactly as requested special
>one day the owner asks him if he can help the waitstaff
>says "fuck that I'd rather kill myself than wait tables"
I don't know how people deal with customers in restaurants, it's a special kind of hell

i agree with what youre saying. a lot of people are so tired they have no motivation, myself included.
However, do not assume ALL of us poors are just sitting on our asses playing cod or watching jewflix. i've got a pregnant wife working full time opposite shift, and a baby i've got to watch during the day before i go to work, plus all this goddamn overtime. school and hours of tutorials aren't really on the table for me.
You're right about time management though. I've finally just started on writing the book bouncing around my head for years. Its a small first step towards something productive but it is a step.
made a vow never to work in a restaurant. don't care what job.