Emma Watson Admits She Likes Alpha Males

Feminism btfo

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> this bitch
she hit the wall at 19 lmao

Straight and fertile women do.


Beauty and the BEAST

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>She Likes Alpha Males
So she's BBC only now? Its over white bros

She will bite your pee pee anons!

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I knew she had a thing for Malfoy

This article was written by AI.

Malfoy is too white she wants a big nigger dick groid to ravage her

Women like “bad boys” because nice guys are naturally repulsive. That’s why nice guys who ditch the nice guy thing get women.

Nice guys tend to have some or multiple of the following undesirable traits:
Physically unattractive or they don’t take care of themselves enough to emphasize potential good looks.
Low self-esteem.
Autism spectrum disorder.
Not self-reliant.
Spends free time watching anime or playing video games.
Try too hard to make friends and impress girls.
White knighting.
Degenerate perversions they keep to themselves, more so than normal.
Ashkenazi DNA.
Mom buys clothes even when in their 30s.
Poor hygiene.
Little to no social experience and social anxiety.
Make a big deal about being empathetic and selfless but are just as selfish and self-obsessed as the rest of us.. possibly even more so.
Can’t cook.

The list is endless but the problem is you’re not going to find a mate. Even if your mate has some of those same traits, they don’t want somebody like them.

Bullshit. Maybe for fucking, but every boyfriend she's had has been absolute beta boys.

Emma is a whore roastie who fucks 8 dudes before thinking im ready for marriage why are there no good men

You know you still have feelings even when you deny it to yourself.

Feminism is just a big shit test that got out of hand

>Ashkenazi DNA.

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I want to line up every person who writes in this infuriatingly meandering way and shoot them in the back of the head

this bitch is 31 and still thinks she's 18 or something

bad boys are betas, she's into weaklings.

you think this needed a thread? kill yourself or get a life

Shocker. Like any woman. Never fucked a bitch who didnt want to be borderline abused/choked and all that stuff

>Can't cook
Do you need to?
Isnt that one of the reasons to keep a hole around in the first place?

why do they keep calling her he and his and him? da fuck?

Emma Watson is a dumb whore, I've had a few drinks with her. She used to party at finnegans wake (now known as black milk on Westminster street) back during my college days (I went to college in providence back in 09). I heard from other students at Brown that she used to get hazed out of class by other students. During one of her freshman class lectures at Brown (100+ students), she stormed out of a classroom because after answer a question correctly someone yelled 10 points to Gryffindor.


>HIS role as Hermione..

>the uppity "feminist" loudmouthed chick likes to be manhandled in bed like the slut she is

more news at '11

Yea just noticed that the grammar and wording is really weird in this one

What's that guy's name? Anyone know?

Oh I'd hit her walls user.