What are your honest thoughts on hapas, Dab Forums? Are they really the next step in the journey of the european race?

What are your honest thoughts on hapas, Dab Forums? Are they really the next step in the journey of the european race?

Personally I think adopting the intelligence and self interested tendencies of asians may be the only way for us to thrive in these coming years.

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Every leaf should be hanged

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The women are bangable.

lol whatever you say buddy

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Plus looks like a child
Kill yourself yellow fevercel

Kill yourself, nigger

They're walking mental disorders, and rarely look good as women, and almost always look like betas as men.

I used it to see what my girlfriend and I's potential kid would look like. I'm in total agreement that pedos should get the death penalty.

top tiers races will mix, bottom tier races will mix. It is natural for shared cultural interests to attract each other. If your culture values lawfulness, education, hard work - you will look for like minded cultures. If you are a nigger you just look for nigger like cultures.

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That's how I see it. I think we have a lot to gain, and a ton left to lose. Our past may have been glorious, but the west is dying and we need a change of strategy.

Asians aren’t really sought after in the west unless ur a WEEB gamer. Not really top tier to me

In Toronto I would say about 25-35% of higher educated, well adjusted young white guys dating Asian women. It's not a rare or niche thing at all.

Just lick some tight asian butthole then be done with it. Kids is too far bros.

>be French = eat horses
>be Chinese = eat dogs
this pairing is particularly deadly, rages out at anything people usually find cute and has to kill and eat it

>What are your honest thoughts on hapas, Dab Forums?
Awful, depraved and disgusting. Offspring born out of interracial couples are based on naivety.
> Are they really the next step in the journey of the european race?
A fucking canadian is seriously typing this tripe.
>Personally I think adopting the intelligence and self interested tendencies of asians may be the only way for us to thrive in these coming years.
The Asians are intelligent meme is based on lies.

>implying you wouldn't eat horse dog goulash

personally you should kill yourself

hapa girls = cute and sexy fuckmeat

hapa boys = either a wholesome bigchungus keanu or a mass killing chadcel Elliot Rodgers

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Go away Elliott.

We are not breeding with Asians no matter how much you shill.

Statistically asians have the lowest crime, the highest education and are generally upstanding members of society. Sure you get some Koreans that think they are the master race and some fobby changs who are cheap as fuck. But the Americanized asian next gens who have not been brainwashed into thinking they are a minority when they are the global majority and who are not ghetto-ized into worshipping hiphop and driving around with a fin on a honda - they have potential.

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You've been brainwashed

they have the potential to be absolutely stunning but more often than not just look like golems or chang lite

Nope, leafjew

they are made for my big cuban dick

Girls speak like this when they've been pumped and dumped too many times

Fucking hell im old, i see a child in the photo

worst type of race mix

Nig mixing with a chink is probably worse.

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Quit looking for external validation for your confused abhorrent existence. You're a hapa. Either accept it for what it is, or do both sides a favor and end yourself. But whatever you choose, quit pushing degeneracy on the rest of us.

Destroy everybody who isn't pure-blooded white!

>Girls speak like this when they've been pumped and dumped too many times
it actually sounds like it was written by ricel desu

black + asian = looks like spics or Hawaiians
hapas look like fucking wierdo's lmao

Hapas are insane

Yeah you're probably right its too specific, women are typically vague as fuck and you have to ask them questions to actually understand them

also it raises all talking points you will find on r/asianmasculinity and such. Women don't write shit like that

bro literally every story here is her own racial humiliation fantasies lmao
>He scoffed and called me a "fucking chink whore" before leaving

this part is dead giveaway it's fake

>Should you give up on saving your nations and misgenate?
Also, for every WMAF couple, remember that leaves an opening for a (atrocious) AMWF couple.