This will be Cruz's hurricane katrina

This will be Cruz's hurricane katrina

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What the fuck is Biden doing? I don't see him in texas helping.

Who cares about ted cruz

Ted is presidential because he leaves his basement and is physically capable of taking flights more than once a month.

lmao imagine giving a fuck about this

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He could be killed on the floor of the house and if the trial happened in the house no one would be convicted... thats a quote from a republican I believe.

No one likes this guy.

Why is it Ted Cruz’s problem? It’s not his fucking problem. This is the alt left media trying to steer the narrative to avoid talking about corrupt narcissistic murderer Cuomo and inept retarded impotent Biden.

he's a senator not a governor. learn how govt works

hes a state senator not the governor or even a mayor

lmao if a democrat did this you'd be making threads about it 24/7

Funny how it's only the right wing outlets reporting on Cuomo being caught red handed fucking with the covid numbers, intimidating staff into going along with this. All because they didn't want to make the party look bad against Trump. Biggest political scandal of the year.
Eat shit

I don't give a shit about either party, just irritated about all these low IQ Ted takes when the man is literally useless
What is he supposed to do? Shovel your sidewalk? Spin the windmill propellers with his bare hands? Everything doesnt have to be a fucking meme

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This. Cruz can't control the weather but the media is bitching like he's a wizard or something.

Meanwhile Cuomo is facing a potential recall and/or civil lawsuits because he fucked up the NY covid response and tried to cover it up.

you can imagine the screeching if this was during trump's administration.

How? Hes a senator who is supposed to work in DC, not a state governor.
What is Biden doing to help Texas?

He also wants to be President so maybe make even the slightest effort to give a shit about the people who voted for you in their time of need. In politics, an empty gesture is better than none at all.

>all these low IQ Ted takes
>parrots the same bullshit conservatives have been spewing
When your constituents are freezing cold with nowhere to go, you don't just fucking go to cancun.
>What is he supposed to do? Shovel your sidewalk?
no fuckwit, he should be trying to figure out what the fuck happened and how to help local governments deal with this shit in the future, and that sure as hell isn't gonna be happening while he's sipping mai tais on the beach.

Why is he so fat?

>someone drew this
>it took them hours
>they were so pleased with it, they shared it with the internet

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This , they are trying to spin it again.

Cleaning up Trump's swamp (COVID-19, damage foreign relations, diet coke button removal)

biden? who?

>When your constituents are freezing cold with nowhere to go, you don't just fucking go to cancun.
I'm a constituent and literally don't care about this since congressmen work in DC anyway. I didn't care when adler went to Mexico either, but it was fucking retarded and hypocritical of him to tell his citizens they had to stay home. I care more about all of congress taking a vacation rather than working than I do about any one of them using the time to go somewhere other than the state they represent

Ted Cruz doesn't care about cold people

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lurk moar twitterfag

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Fragile much, Trumpanzee?

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only this time you dont have hundreds of thousands of feral niggers rampaging through the city because snow is white supremacy or something

When a democrat is president it's not his fault

>wojack cringe


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