Has there ever been a country where the native population was overtaken by immigrants?

Has there ever been a country where the native population was overtaken by immigrants?

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uhhhhhh the USA stupid

?? How

Whites are the majority retard

>Serbian land
>Albanians flood in over 100 years
>"Kosovo is for Albanians, save us NATO!"

So whites will be a majority forever and won't become a minority as every demographic projection states? Why do you hate whites?

For another 5 years maybe.

Bongland lmao

Balkans had centries of turkish immigration as borders shifted around. Its the prediominate reason why that whole region is the way it is. Native south amerians also fall into this category. 90% or more of then were wiped out by spanish dieases and the rest became catholic. Australia as well, although Im not sure that abos are really people as they lived more or less like neanderthals, barely having fire and not having a written language.


>Serbian land
Who cares what happened hundreds of years ago.
>So whites will be a majority forever and won't become a minority as every demographic projection states? Why do you hate whites?
My question was only to name one country where immigrants overtook natives due to state supported immigration

just have sex incels, fap into a vagina & all your birthrate problems will go away

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Borders shifting around and war is the not the same as an established country importing immigrants and them overtaking the country. This has never happened.

Pretty sure the native americans knew what it felt like.

Many such cases

American education

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South Africa


birthrates arent the end all be all

not for long there women keep aborting there kids

>South Africa

we were always


there were some continents, though.


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I can't help but wonder how many of those men are related to her.

Buy the whites controlled the country.

America is less than 41%
No, you are not a based white passing castizo, you are a weird race larper that is responsible for making the US worse.
>inb4 double digit IQ spic mutts squeal about le flag XD
I am Japanese

What retards in this thread haven't mentioned yet is that the technology to allow a country to be over taken by immigrants wasn't possible post-WW2. People used to have to travel weeks in a boat to get to the New World and travel by horse around land. Travelling just in your own country back then was a fucking journey. Nowadays we have planes, faster boats and cars. Our governments can import literally millions of people, something never thought possible before. There haven't been many countries overtaken by immigrants, but we will see some in our lifetimes


lmao seeth you fucking shitskin

Bantu replaced khoi san

Whites are not a majority on Earth by a LOOOONG shot


Rhodesians were always

>There haven't been many countries overtaken by immigrants, but we will see some in our lifetimes
So just the claims made like immigrants overtaking the natives and changing the culture of the country is just larping not based in any actual reality.

wait wait wait LOL i thought OP was based but this guy, this guy is so dumb it makes the thread even better, holy shit OP how can you suck so much dick?

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>Bantu replaced khoi san

Bantu flooded from the north by the time the english arrived. perhaps whites were around 40% of the pop for a very brief point in time

SA and Rhodesia.
Egypt is not what it used to be. Turkey used to be greek. Poland is another one, used to be German.
Canada is becoming Chinese.

Manchuria. For a while, only Manchus were allowed to live there by law but large numbers of Mongol migrants started moving in anyways, so the Qing imported Han farmers to settle it making Manchus a minority in their own country. Today, Manchus are virtually extinct.

Why doesn't everyone say Israel? This board is fucking lost, gj MIGA faggots. pol is now ununsable.

Helots eventually outnumbered the Spartans and ended up subsuming the Spartans once the state started to decline. However Helots were less immigrants and more like indentured servants borne of conquest.

Kosovo fits the bill. So do Tibet and Xinjiang, although both those areas and the source of the replacement migrants were under the control of the CCP rather than separate like Albania and Yugoslavia.

Jamaica at one point was 4-1 white to slave. These imported slaves now control the country.

Assuming colonization and colonists don’t count, no. But in recent times we’re seeing it happen all over Europe, North America, and the Oceanic region.


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I live in one

Bohemia. It was majority German and turned into majority Czech after the Habsburg cuck established freedom of movement. Prague was a German city up until this point (mid 19th century)

I keep forgetting about occupied Palestine.

Imported slaves is not the same as immigration lol

It has been part of the death of many empires.

Jamaica, by us sexy bastards

Roman Empire

Why do you hate whites?

Why do you hate whites?

Why do you hate whites?

Why do you hate whites?

Human history is a string of migrations that fail and succeed.
Anglo-Saxons, Latin Spaniards, Latin French, Frankish French, Prussians, South Slavs, Hungarians, Arab speaking North Africans, Varangian Russians, etc. are all products of successful migrations.

White Americans stopped having kids, and have created a culture in which preserving their material wealth is more important than preserving their culture. The Hispanic cares less about material wealth, but instead more about preserving their culture and having kids. In the end, the corrupted Masonic culture will end and be supplanted by a mutt race of Anglo+Hispanic+Native hybrids.
The idea of preserving a solely European genetic population is dying as we speak. Why? Because white Americans sold their cultural power for material wealth. And so their culture will end.

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Ukraine used to be a muslim majority Khanate before Russians conquered it and invited German immigrants to christen it.

Ok nigger

Yeah exactly retard.

didn't the greeks do it to italy way back in the day


>Ok nigger

half breed mutt.

It wasn't a country before whites.
Natives aren't capable of building civilization.

>importing people from another culture and place will not change the culture of the country

Look at Texas. Californian faggots are constantly fleeing their democrat-ran shithole taxridden homeless shithole (literally) of a state and fleeing to Texas and VOTING DEMOCRAT AGAIN. This is just a political viewpoint, now consider taking in someone from around the world. If that is not enough for you just look at Toronto, Canada. That place was completely different just ten years ago, but now it has a "minority majority" and the place is quickly becoming a different city with people talking about "toronto wastemans culture" and all kinds of shit. Thats just one city, now expand that to the whole country. Just because "it hasn't happened yet" doesn't mean you cant use your fucking brain to think about this.

Why can't you name a country where whites are overtaken by state supported immigrants?

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It is analogous to modern immigration. Groups of people moved from one place to another who's interests differ significantly from the people they are replaing and who will wind up in control once a critical mass is achieved.

nigger, can you not read a history book? do you really want me to list all the nations that got gangbanged and genocided throughout history? what about prehistory? for you to them slink away without addressing it? fuck you faggot, go back to re ddit or come back with an actual argument that isn't pants on head retarded

pretty much every white country we've created forever

oh so now the goalposts have moved, very good


Haiti, indigenous were replaced by slaves

>what are trends
>what is thinking ahead and seeing the future


You will never be a woman.

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Yes every country that exists now is the result of thousands of years of tribal warfare, invasion and colonisation. There is not a single place in the world that is still inhabited by its original inhabitants.

The people didn't choose to come here on their own will. You brought them by force. It's not even close to the same thing. Obviously they are going to be against your interests.

This is so dumb as if the whole fucking world back then including natives were not pillaging and raping each other... all hands of every ancestry are covered in blood

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Name one country where state supported immigration lead to the overtaking of the native population. Not colonization, not war, not changing of borders, not imported slaves. Legal immigration.


The strong will survive, if you are not capable or determined enough to hold onto your country or culture, then you should be flushed out.

Obviously the changing of borders due to a war is not the same thing as legal immigration in an established country retard

Stop ignoring all the posts pointing out your fucking retardation and respond to them

>how to destroy a booger eating mexican tradcath permavirgin opticscel in under 60sec
time to wake up and smell that coffee

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If only things that has already happened can happen then we wouldnt exist you absolute disgrace of a being

Krauts and wops overtook the WASPs and Scots.

You can't make the claim that natives being overtaken immigrants will negatively effect the culture if you have no actual evidence to prove that it will. What you have is speculation and nothing more.

South Africa
Most of the ancient middle eastern nations whose names I forget
Large portions of the (very) ancient Indian subcontinent

Post one?

Birthrates are not the problem when confronted to replacement migrations.
I love my kids and all but I'm not going to have 14 more kids to compete with some Senegalese guy. They have to go back, end of the story.

okay, rome

Ask that to the muslims in ukraine, oh wait, you can't.

I gave two examples right here

>inb4 thats not a country
If you were to use just a smidgen of your braincells you could think about how that would look if you were to expand it from one city/state to the rest of the country

Not a country.

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

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does europeans moving to america count as legal immigration to you?

We include MENA and Hispanics as White. It’s over

No, thats different for an arbitrary reason despite the fact that leftist faggots will claim we "stole their land"

probably because they don't overtake the contry, but new countries form and the old one doesn't exist anymore.

millions of examples of immigration destroying nations and empires

Yes you can, just look at france for fuck sake, once one of the most advanced country on earth, now having debates about burkas and why cutting little girls clits is bad.

By moving do you mean genociding the native americans because I don't consider that state supported legal immigration

>Eastern states say to move out West
>White people move out West, displacing the natives that were there

durr kill yourself faggot

>because I don't consider that state supported legal immigration

so you don't consider facts a fact? colour me surprised

also california, now look at it

>Yes you can, just look at france for fuck sake, once one of the most advanced country on earth, now having debates about burkas and why cutting little girls clits is bad.
Yet France is 88% white

What we did the Native Americans was state supported legal immigration? Are you retarded?

Lol you wish.

stop ignoring posts, disingenuous nigger

>state supported
By the british and then the americans

>legal immigration

>Are you retarded?
Are you? are you not going to accept anything i say because hurr durr le ebil rasists?

Actually, it’s 85%

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No just all of world history you fucking retard.


OP you massive retard. Do I even need to spell it out?

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Hi, injun here

Birth rates reflect the populations birth rate, not an individuals. If the entire country is influenced by pop culture and government to have 2 kids or less it won’t matter how many kids you have. That’s what happened in China and Singapore. In fact China also had a birth rate of 5/6 per couple at one point due to government influence.

Are you trolling or do you genuinely believe what you are saying in this thread?

You guys are dense. You don't understand the point I'm making that a 5 year old could understand. The Native Americans were not importing Europeans to their state believe it or not.

lebanon not many in history where it didn't happen by invasion

Woah so close to being extinct what's gonna happen when they go from 85% to 84.7%. It's gonna collapse the entire country

You consider tribals a state?

whites are a global minority, retard.

You are baiting. It's not possible someone can be this low iq to not understand what is happening

Literally the entirety of Europe. Germanics and Slavs migrated everywhere.


I think you have an ego problem, lol, anyway, you are aware that tribals are considered pre-state since you want to argue semantics, asshat

Not read anything about ancient rome or the native americans?

South Africa and New Zealand and Australia are some also America

your country.

read OPs replies in the thread kek, he's out to lunch

What is known as China today. They used to be all ruled by Mongolians but then peasants came in and slowly outbred them.

Greece, Italy, Spain.

Also Sweden