Let's hope it will never end. We are in the future, video games and being inside is the new normal now. I support klaus, you own nothing and you will be happy. Picture related my room
Im a NEET and i love the corona qurantine
You are a fag and should neck yourself,btw a thread died for this.
Don't you own that stuff though?
Looks comfy
Nah its mine now
>Don't you own that stuff though?
Yes it's my stuff. What klaus means you don't need a fucking job to be happy
I'm a 35 year old NEET who's been collecting NEETbux for 15 years. When the US got locked down I applied for Unemployment since my 'self employed, independent dog sitting business' was negatively effected by Corona.
I collected $24,000 in 2020 alone. I'm still collecting it and will be until September because of the extension. Plus another $300 a week increase.
Best fucking timeline.
That green blanket on the chair smells like Taco Bell farts for sure.
I already don't own my job. I think you have a learning disability, user.
enjoy the niggers that will be invited over to your house to share your things
>my heckin based globarlino is totally telling the truth and will stop at my personal possessions
the only thing he wont want to take possession of is your dragon dildo you absolute faggot
My friend hasn't stepped foot in a grocery store or restraunt in probably a year. He's so terrified of the virus for no reason. You made me realize he is technically a NEET. That's what i'm gonna start calling him to make him feel bad.
How are you going to fit all of that inside your pod?
Fuck that, I'll keep the work from home though.
The ride never ends and its fags like you rolling over that will have ua eating ze bugs and living in pods
only the poor fags will live in the pods faggot. what you own already it's yours, but the poor people get pods and shit so they also can be happy.
Why are you broadcasting the fact you have low testosterone?
That's a weird looking dog
Where's the Gamecube? Faggot
have sex incel
Post your NEET worstations like OP. I need inspiration.