I find it funny when lefties say things like "drumpftf supporters worship him! They'll do whatever he says!" and then get mad and say "WTF why aren't you getting the vaccine, if Trump did, you should too!"
dont pick battles you cant win. you couldnt show me the codified rules against Trump or Trump supporters even though its obvious. the /ang/ and ameri/pol/ are also obvious against Trumpism with TDS filled romney tier hacks. those are the "rules" of the environment you created on purpose.
anyway its my last post because it seems the /ang/ or ameri/pol/ TDS c*cks couldnt find the codified rules against Trump or Trump supporters. until then, you can ignore them like you ignored /ang/ or ameri/pol/. cheers
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Camden Stewart
Nice digits. >leftists projecting Thats like their main thing - they always project their faults onto their enemies. They are the ones who require unflinching devotion but they always act like right wing is muh cult.
Chase Scott
>c*cks are you seriously self-censoring "cucks" on Dab Forums