Anyone here a former liberal/leftist who got redpilled because they were a bit too curious and saw something they werent supposed to see?
Pic very much related.
Anyone here a former liberal/leftist who got redpilled because they were a bit too curious and saw something they...
is this the right can't meme subreddit?
No it's parlerwatch, another subreddit.
Though it doesnt matter, theyre all interchangeable.
well thats the beauty of redpills, they take no sides. why? well because redpills are truth and the truth shall set you free. no one is immune from truth.
not libs
no one
This is why free speech must be destroyed in the west... or the entire show will fall apart
lol this is a maelstrom of retardation!
huh, thats actually a positive development
I'm a former rightoid who now wants the US trannie empire to become replaced by the trad-com Chinese Empire. No Ching Chong ever fawned over trannies like Cuckservatives do with "Caitlyn" Jenner.
if you praise modern China then youre really still a rightoid, as they are practically fascist in everything but their name. The only people who deny this are tankies in denial who will take whatever win they can get.
Not to say that modern China isn't admirable, as they are, but they are very much still right wing.
Not that it matters as they are demographically doomed.
truth. and if they cant destroy free speech then they will fuck up language so much with newspeak that communication will become all but impossible. it is just a matter of which comes first.
from my perspective, destroying free speech and language are fairly neck and neck. we all know the pozzed nature of social media but flying under the radar is the dismantling of english.
>white supremacy
>contact tracing
>social distancing
just to name a few words that have fucked up english
i was scared of the chink empire, but now seeing that the ruling class in this country is literally teaching anti-white hatred and a racial caste system with whites at the bottom, it wont be long before violence against whites is a regular occurance - and likely suppressed or encouraged by the media.
ask yourself - as a white person - will you be treated better in or by china or by the anti-white US government ?
China is still keeping the facade of communism, but it's clear that they are basically NatSoc/Fascist
>get treated badly by jews and blacks
>I know let's try chinks!
Then what? Arabs? Pajeets? Latinos? How about white rule in white countries you shill garbage.
ive been to china and interacted with chinese - they hold whites in esteem. they actually equate america=white.
>if you praise modern China then youre really still a rightoid, as they are practically fascist in everything but their name.
Which makes them anathema to American conservatives who are only interested in conserving liberalism, Israel, and globohomo capitalism. Even now, as they bitch about Big Tech silencing them, they do nothing of substance where the Chongs would straight up ban Twitter altogether. The LARP that there's some sort of red-line in the sand they won't allow globohomo shitlibs to cross is tiring at this point, they're useless.
Some of you people really just can't live without a boot on your neck, can you?
>Anyone here a former liberal/leftist who got redpilled
That never happens sweetie.
Your stupid nazi memes don't represent reality.
You're just mad it's not yours. By the way here's what a real woman looks like.
>former liberal/leftist
No such thing, if you are a left you will always be one. Best thing to do is stay with your group and change it from within. NEVER infect another group because all you will do is destroy it.
I used to defend freedom until I see my own press use itself to justify the prison of journalists and politicians for "fake news" in my country, I see the press defending armed drug traffickers from the police, I see them defending the corruption of minors to faggotry, I see them trying to criminalize opinions that go against the globohomo agenda, be it a fucking medicine like ivermectin, or defending freedom of speech.
Now I see how much of a cuck I have always been to defend the freedom of people who do nothing but spread subversion, and that would never defend that same freedom for their enemies.
Now I see why a fascist authoritarian state is needed, and why the Chinese don't fall for this "freedom of the press" bullshit.
Chinks were right all along, Chang, I kneel.