If you support it, then you’re a traitor to this country and everybody to it. I can’t respect you

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start acting like "this country" and they won't need to betray you

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Man that was interesting war I can't believe those fucking hicks almost won and even invaded Pennsylvania

>Implying your respect is worth having

SC reporting in. Based State is based

tomorrow’s confederate day so you can stay home from work
ok that’s fine, see you at work then


A traitor to president biden/Harris?
Oh no.
So sad you feel that way.

Anyway off to the rest of my day.

I heard you are turning into North Carolina with the Yankee problem

Based but i still want my unemployment back you stupid fucking kikes

Death to Tyrants. That's what it was about. Nothing else. Educate yourselves.

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The FBI is the worlds largest terror organization.
They and all their supporters are REAL traitors.
We can't respect you.

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Sure am, seeing how im a New England damn yankee that fled to SC for saftey. But i bought guns, make ammo, own land, and married a white woman. I dont vote for the shit that killed my home.

kys nigger
government bootlicking nigger is the worst nigger

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Charleston has basically into california faggots are everywhere and blm protests are a normal thing here

Are they actually bigger than the CIA? Fuck it, let's just split the difference and say that the federal government is the world's largest terrorist organization.

Based Greek poster

You moved from a decently white area to a nigger area. You should have just went to Maine or Vermont

i think you have it backwards dude. the confederacy is the legitimate america, the union is the terroristic traitors

I neither need nor want the respect of a simpering yankee faggot.

Can someone with artistic ability combine this meme with pic related meme? It really highlights how bad things have become.

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Who cares about your "respect", yankee fuck.

yes i am a traitor to this faggot democracy that no one asked for.

You've never lived in New England i can tell.

The Fed is evil. Give states their rights back.

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NEw england is very white compared to south blacked carolina

You dont know the kinds of whites there. They are just as bad as nigs. At least here you csn defend yourself

Where are the blm protests I never seen one? I know they were doing some shit on king st but the police shut it down

If you cant understand its place in American history, then youre a snot nosed little millennial that cant handle history because it hurts your feelings.

Fuck off and let people celebrate what they want to celebrate. Nobody fucks with you when you pray to the east or dress like a woman, so let it go.

Go move their with the Brazilians, Cape Verds, chinks, gooks, and wiggers. Ill see you in SC with ARs in 5 years.


There is nothing more black than South Carolina except Mississippi.

Treason against cunts is loyalty to humanity.

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I can handle blacks. You gotta watch out for niggers

How can one state be so based??
Fuck Texas, fucking larping fags.

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Come to SC, just keep Natty lite and Mellow Yellow in your fridge, and buy at least 3 guns. Then the southerns tolerate you.

I bought a rebel flag at a flea market last weekend and I'm flying it just to piss off faggots like you. I don't live in the south and my ancestors fought for the north, but fuck you anyway.

>Charleston has basically into california faggots are everywhere
God damn it, I wanted to move there. Should've known since Myrtle Beach started really going to shit 20 years ago.