Muh heckin based epicerino signed letter!!

You guys realise that all modern degeneracy, leftism, Jewish subversion comes from France right? It can al be traced back to the French Revolution.

If anything, these generals want to restore that. They want to restore “liberal democracy” where “you can whatever you want as long as you don’t hurt anyone”.

If anything, we should side with Islam. It’s conservative, , masculine, anti degenerate.
Hitler praised it

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>Jews were born in France in 1779

If it means Muslims dying I'm all for it. If you like Islam go live in the middle east.

Hitler privately admitted he wishes Europe was Islamic rather then the weak effeminate Christianity.

That's fine, but they are still mudskins. Get them out first. I'm not arguing christcucks are better.

Yea christcucks suck. But most muslims in Europe are low IQ mudskins. Get them out anyway possible first.


>Islam is masculine
>they circumcise
No. Islam is highly sexist against men. I’m happy to see France fail in principle, and I think we will live to see horrors in practice like people getting cut in half lengthwise which obv I’m not happy about , but yeah no I will never side with people who force people to get circumcised. Not sure what will happen one the street fights really kick off, maybe Turkey will take care of it.

ah yes, the famous enti-degenerate child molesters, we definitely should learn from them

We are in the same boat brother

>its the jooooooooo
>its the frooooooog
rent free

Islam is a disease. I'll side with leftists before I do with shitskin muslims.


All is flase, but okay china man


thats it hong kong

you lost freedom privilege

yeah sure rabbi

>reddit spacing
>CCP hong-kongese

Letter from France Police, a police union, to Macron.

Attached: union_police.png (723x989, 58.49K)

send this cunt to the muslim camps

you know its not difficult to use a VPN if i wanted too right?... or maybe thats what i want you to think? maybe im playing reverse psychology or you or maybe im just a fag

>maybe im just a fag
obvious answer, what are you sliding tho?

sliding what? by stating that returning to "normalcy" means returning to the system that gave birth to the degeneracy, open borders, mass migration to begin with?

I have always respected the french military more then any other european army but lets be honest with ourselves, even Front national is a civic liberal conservative party and doesn't even come close to providing the solution.

It's frustrating that Dab Forums doesn't get what is REALLY going on. French people are arming up, the state is losing legitimacy and there is a very heavy anger in the air. One little spark and France will be in a full blown natsoc revolt. The system is begging for permission to essentially prevent this from happening. These military leaders are not /ourguys/. Military Junta's are shit. Time and time again, the ZOG system claims it needs power to stop 'muh terrorists' and 'muh Islaimism', but then it's ALWAYS used against us. It's used agianst White Men who make podcasts talking about our genocide. It's used against non-violent ethno and civic nationalist activist groups. The systme is asking to shoot people in the black for revolting against the system. Muslims aren't going to riot and take over. It's the Yellow Vests doing that, so who do you all think this is for? It's not to overthrow ZOG, it's not to stop immigration, restore homogeneity or remove people. It's to stop protests and riots against the system using 'islamism' as the excuse. THEY'RE FUCKING LYING. They can tell that French Nationalists and Nat Socs are growing, and they can feel the anger growing, the will of the people, the illegitimacy of the system. This 'state of emergency' is for us, not our enemies.

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>I'm not sliding
ok, have a nice day schlomo

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