Zoomer youth

What is highschool like for zoomer nowadays.

Attached: skater boi.jpg (1200x800, 99.6K)

Full of niggers and spics.

Lots of faggotry

Low test. Too much S O Y

Attached: Wojak Lifter.png (485x409, 47.73K)

Shut up bitch

they just play pokemon all day on their iphones

>t. Faggot

Is this true? Back in my day (mid 2000s), I was bullied for being a nerd. I was lanky and stuff and people thought I was gay so I got beaten up so much. Lol

Tiktok and YouTube

>Is this true?
I mean, look at tiktok

Are you a programmer now? What did you do?

Damn don’t wanna install that.

I’m actually an anesthesiologist now and married. Late bloomer who eventually got taller and developed a full beard and chest hair in college. High school fucking sucked. I just endured through all the pain and humiliation without telling my parents. Managed to get good grades so got into the best university afterwards.

Kids today are way more isolated, they spend their entire day starting at their cellphone screens, and they're a afraid to voice their opinions because everything is so pc they're constantly afraid of social ostracism.
When I was in highschool we used to called each other nigger and faggot all fucking day, now you could ruin a kid's life for uttering the forbidden words.

It's probably weird, everyone moving silently from room to room, staring at their little screen like mindless drones. Like a real life lemmings level.

You have school?

Speaking from personal experience nerds don’t really get actively bullied anymore just excluded from social circles.

idk but i love skateboarding.
i started last year in july.
can ollie on and off curbs and shit.
Also should have kickflip soon.
Want to skate more vert and ramps (fuck the name tranny cause tranny faggot stole it) though.

that dude needs to tuck his knee. Stink bug looks shit.

spotted the newfag

more immigrants more left wing degenerates pretty much there is some based people in the high schools however not enough at the moment

Hung out with zoomers this weekend. To be fair I'm honorary zoomer at 23 but they were all 17-19. Felt the same expect some used dumb pronouns. They talked, they did drugs, they had sex. All that which you expect from teenagers of the last 50 years.

fake and gay