I'm 4th gen Arab diaspora in America

Ask me anything, won't respond to trolls and racists th0

Attached: odaenathusandzenobiaromanarabemperors.jpg (800x613, 772.02K)

What do you think about Islam?

Do you speak Arabic fluently and if so what dialect?

I respect it as part of my people's history, but it is completely outdated and doesn't fit with modern society, same aplies to Christianity, Socialist governments in the Arab World tried to secularize but Western powers kept funding Salafists and I don't understand why

are you a hot sandnigger girl

No, neither me nor my parents can speak Arabic, I'll probably be the last "pure" Arab/MENA gen in my family since I don't care about blood and stuff like that, if I fall in love with a Black, White or whatever woman so be it

I'm a 23 years old male

My family didn't want to teach us Arabic because they wanted us to completely fit in

Can you send me some secret family recipe?

Have you ever eaten tabbouleh?

That's a shame. It's a really valuable skill.

Do you feel solidarity with Caucasians?

My parents are polish immigrants and they didn’t teach my brothers or I polish either. My dad got here I’m the early 80s and wanted to raise his sons as Americans.
Kind of wished they had though.

Caucasians as of White people or actual people from the Caucasus (Georgians, Avars, Chechens, etc...) ?

arabs are boring subhumans. The literal cockroaches of the middle east.

Yes I wish I could speak Arabic, it's probably lost on me, the language is one of the hardest in the world

Prove it, almost every thread is a bait on Dab Forums. Post pics

Prove it how?

Idk , post your photos, or just any info which can prove you're an Arab

Does this count?

Attached: Screenshot_2021-05-10-11-05-04-1-1.png (662x806, 693.37K)

Do you support BLM ?

Partially yes