Indian Hate

The anti-Indian sentiment on this board is insane Let me clear up some misconceptions:

1. We are not that desperate to move to the West, especially the US. India has tons of nice cities and companies. It just happens that all the big tech companies are in Silicon Valley. It's not about the nation, but simply working with fellow achievers.

2. Our educational system(in top universities) is very ample. In Europe most developers can't even do Leetcode unless they're Slavs while the average Indian developer can still do a medium problem after minimal preparation.

3. We're not "incels", "cringe", "disgusting", or "autistic". We're talking about an over 1 billion people country that hosts a huge amount of cultures.

4. We're human beings just like you. Our feelings get hurt when you make fun of poverty that is caused by the failures of the government.

5. All Indians look ugly and unfuckable; not totally true. Today's 16-24year old Indians look less detestable and more desirable compared to the millennials. I bet the country will improve its gene pool within 2 generations.

6. However, I have little to no hopes about rural India. They seem lost with their superstitions, cow worship and street-shitting and incest marriage. The corrupt government does little to nothing to uplift them. In places where the govt tried to intervene, the villagers felt that the government were trying to eradicate their tradition. So they never stopped streetshitting.

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Poo in loo

Poo in loo

I do. I got a sophisticated functioning toilet at my place.

Loo, poo.

I like how you use leetcode as a proxy for any sort of development knowledge or skill. Typical pajeets. You folks and gooks sure do love mindlessly studying for hours and suck ass on the job once your get your indentured servant visas.

Why is poo so important to you ?

Attached: f83.gif (480x270, 3.35M)

You do, but not most indians.. anyways, pooloo bro, play to your strengths....

Blame the Indian education system which relies on cramming stuffs. No wonder majority of Indian students love leetcode.

Idk you guys shit in the streets openly and more than half your population is literally borderline retarded
I wanna root for India but until you guys literally clean up your country you’ll always be the trash that also happens to line your streets

It's just bantz, poobro. Don't get all fragile like niggers.

We actually tolerate Indians a lot. We just like making fun of you. It's nothing personal. It's just jokes bro. You guys are a good sport. Now take the poo to the loo!!!

hello, raj. I enjoy watching your Bollywood films on transatlantic flights. they are quite entertaining and I can say that not all of your people are uggos, you do have a few attractive and intelligent people there. anyways, have a nice day.

>tons of nice cities


Moshe. I actually hate you. Churches here teach that you are a chosen race and that Israel belongs to you.

Bob and vegana

poo in loo

indians are baste as paste if theyre high caste villagers

Send boobs and vegana

Pajeet just stfu please, either come up with proper bants or fuck off and make your country better. Currently Indians are obvious subhumans and that’s not going to change anytime soon

Honestly I don't have any real problems with Indians. You guys make the chinks seethe and that's good enough for me.

imagine caring what some basement dwelling losers obsessed with trannies think about you

How the hell does a birth country to two of the oldest religions turn into polluted hellhole full of con artists and people who mess around with feces?

I thought india was suppose to be spiritual place.

I don't give a shit about India, it is my people (Arabs) who live rent free on pajeets' minds, you freaks literally obsess over hating on us when we couldn't point India on a map, get a life you retards

>imagine caring what some basement dwelling losers obsessed with trannies think about you
>hides behind memeflag

Poos are the top immigrants to the US. Just stop coming

Im a hot Indian dude why are the rest of you such uglyfags, quit eating carbs and sugar and eat meat. There is no protien in the Indian diet. Inb4 dhaal has protien it does not.

I myself would like to formulate a plan and rid this hindu nonsense which has crippled us. No use of boasting how good we are while are villages are rotting with open defecation. No good can come from this rotten hindu government.

kama sutra is based.