Dab Forums Dab Forums Weaklings

Hello, you Nazi fucks. My name is Jesse Dollemore and I am a former marine who used to be a white supremacist republican Christian nationalist just like you. I believe in reparations for African Americans, and that diversity is our strength. I run a channel on YouTube where I have over 300,000 subscribers, but throughout my entire tenure on this platform, never once have I seen such a wretched ghoul-infested den of white supremacist hatred than I do here at Dab Forums. I am known for constantly challenging my own biases and ideas which is why I went from a conservative to a libertarian, to finally; the beautiful land of the blue. The Democrats are the party for the American people, and you racists know it!

Why are you so hateful?

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I hate the United States Marine Corps, and I hate you personally.

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Fuck Niggers and niggerlovers.


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>I am a former marine who used to be a white supremacist republican Christian nationalist just like you.

[X] doubt.

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This blog sucks

>I used to be just like you
>I have returned from the mountain to set you straight
You have no fucking clue why this board exists, who inhabits this space, and to what end they seek information, interaction, or the simple ability to call you a tranny. Kys.

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Give me an elevator pitch on how you went from one position to the other. I'm very interested in how social media is brainwashing boomers to be even more toxic and genocidal than they already were.
You claim you were a white nationalist? Does that mean you fully understand the process of white replacement by bringing in millions and millions of nonwhites every year? Does that mean you fully understand the aggressive advertisement of interracial marriages (always by white women to black men) in media and entertainment?
I have to say, I don't think you're telling the truth about your past beliefs, but I would still like to hear your answer to this.

Is face fat supposed to be strong?

Have you considered suicide?

Those are all staged by Cult45, dummy.

My reply is please click this link to check out this thread. This is what happens when liberals are unopposed.

I used to be angry all the time at the world because white people were losing their percentage, but then I learned about Israel's changing demographics and I realized that it wasn't all that bad. Americans are Americans regardless of color or religion, and we should all respect one another no matter what.

>black people, please don't kill me

What's it like sucking nigger dick? I dont actually care I'm only pretending to take an interest in your hobbies for the sake of civility. But in all actuality, your service was in vain and you will face the wall regardless.

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Why are you so hateful to the African American community?

So it doesn't matter if white people go extinct?
I'll ask your question right back at you then:
Why are you so hateful and genocidal towards whites?
In any case, I don't want to be genocide or go extinct, so your ideology doesn't appeal to me (obviously). I think your views are very toxic, hateful, and insane to be quite honest.

There's no "hate" or "supremacy". We just want invaders and traitors off our land.

I am not anti-white, I am anti-white-supremacy.

Kys faggot

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Because it isn't about who lives here that makes America beautiful, it is the American dream where everyone can come in and participate and contribute while they are pursuing happiness.